Have you all not realized that politicians and the government in general sometimes do things to just see what happens. I am not saying the democrats actually allowed or planned this "hack" and shut down to see how the states and economy react to a loss of oil. I am not saying that. But they will use data or whatever from this event to leverage for more green new deal items. The question is how fast does it come back online. Long enough for people to finally tip over to EVs or quickly to get things back up and running? we shall see.
But we know, from Biden's team, that the democrats do things and then use focus groups to get reactions. They shut down the veterans bike parade in NY, then outcry, so they change and allow it. They do some things to see what happens and then use that for later decisions.
This is how many businesses work, here try this McRib sandwich for a limited time. And if it does well, then it gets on the menu. Yes, most politicians are just like the McRib. And it just so happens that the Dems are in control right now.
COVID - Govt shuts down for almost 2 months totally, then some states and businesses start opening back up, there are still blue states with heavy restrictions that impact economic restabilization
Once states start opening back up, we get a "hack" that shuts down the 1/3 of the country that is most open. Again, we will see how long this is down.
And by the way, there has been a push to protect against these ransomware attacks for decades, so this is not a preparation or being ready issue.
It is a strategy, and our government does things like this all the time, mostly to other countries though. I know cause I read Tom Clancy.