It was a lie. I don't see the BLM logo on the helmets.
I did not see them either (Antifa Fist). This is my main issue. Since the players stated their words of Black Lives Matter is not the organization, I can accept those words.
It was a lie. I don't see the BLM logo on the helmets.
I can be triggered and still fight against this BS and still love my school and fight for what is right. It is my protest to this Marxist/Communist social justice movement. Accept it as any other protest as it is our right.
The NFL went too far and I cannot support them. Clemson so far is borderline and I still support the team, but I will try, with my voice, to pull them back from where they are wrong.
Interesting that you can protest the protest, but any protest by people of color is considered a threat and they have their true message hijacked by the Far Right with caucasian superiority complexes. Every fight for what is right in this country has to have some people on the wrong side. History will show you, along with your likeminded fascist brethren and sisters and the dictator wannabe you all follow, will be considered the greatest threat to this country.
**** YouHow are all the snowflakes doing this morning? Did the stickers ruin anyone's life?
You continue to make everything racial - I do not. This has nothing to do with a "protest by people of color". It has to do with violence from those who hijack an issue to create destruction and anarchy.
Who are the facists here? It is exactly those who want violence. The BLM and Antifa Organizations are facist and communist organizations. So you are deluded and uninformed to make a statement calling people who actually oppose the violence as the threat.
**** You
I'm sure Wake Forest can rest assured they have all things about race figured out since they all had that token fascist communist logo put on their helmets. Meanwhile Dabo has the championship team running on all cylinders and leads the country in race harmony and didn't put that fascist communist fist on the players helmets.
Dabo is the real hero. I will never doubt again. Those who spread the lie that the players would be sporting that communist fist can go to hell. They don't care about race.
Dabo is the real hero. I will never doubt again. Those who spread the lie that the players would be sporting that communist fist can go to hell. They don't care about race.
BLM isn't antifa.Should trigger the whole board. A terrorist organization glorified on a Clemson helmet? Supporting a group that actively promotes the destruction of America flies directly in the face of everything we stand for especially with the military history Clemson has.
That is BS. This has nothing to do with bigotry. It has to do with the Antifa and BLM movements being a Marxist/Communist presence that is antithetical to the American Way of Life, Liberty, and Family.
I'm sure Wake Forest can rest assured they have all things about race figured out since they all had that token fascist communist logo put on their helmets. Meanwhile Dabo has the championship team running on all cylinders and leads the country in race harmony and didn't put that fascist communist fist on the players helmets.
Is there any actual documentable proof of this? Genuinely asking. I keep seeing people say things like this but haven’t ever seen anyone provide evidence that they, as an organization, stand for anything remotely resembling terrorism or are seeking to destroy America or the nuclear family.
I did not see them either (Antifa Fist). This is my main issue. Since the players stated their words of Black Lives Matter is not the organization, I can accept those words.
The organization started off OK. IMHO, there's a bunch of people on this board that look for any reason to bitch when African Americans protest racism. Tucker Carlson is their leader. You'll find a bunch of people that won't even say black lives matter... they just say all lives matter (but they don't seem to have a problem saying blue lives matter for some reason).
Now that being said, there are some really bad people that have associated themselves with Black Lives Matter (BLM). All these folks with a violent ax to grind have associated themselves with BLM. They've taken what were supposed to be peaceful protests and turned them into riots with looting and arson. And there are more than a few of them. But saying all the folks or even most in BLM are bad is incorrect.
So while every criminal racist troublemaker looking to cause social unrest has gravitated to BLM, not all BLM members are criminals. Just like every white supremacist supports Donald Trump, not every Trump supporter (or even most of his supporters) are white supremacists.
From the BLM site:Is there any actual documentable proof of this? Genuinely asking. I keep seeing people say things like this but haven’t ever seen anyone provide evidence that they, as an organization, stand for anything remotely resembling terrorism or are seeking to destroy America or the nuclear family.
Isn't that the "Black Power" fist if anything?
Antifa may have stolen it, but I don't think it's their symbol.
LoL y'all sure love speaking for everyone.
So you are a Marxist and Communist and want to move our country in that direction?
You have no clue what you are saying ...
You get the privilege of looking at the world through a lens of not seeing race (I will take your word for it). If it is not about race, please list 3 protests from anytime in history by people of color that you support or supported?
Some (and I said some) of the people that are creating violence and destruction are people that have embedded themselves into the peaceful protest to bring negativity to the movement. Mostly, Right Wing, White supremacist organizations that use the cover of BLM.
Interesting - How can one be facist and anti-facist at the same time?
I am calling the people that are covertly against equality and feel that minorities should just be happy being second class citizens with not having the same rights as the majority and not afforded the same protections under the Constitution as a threat. A daily threat to Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness.
I just signed the online petition to rename Tillman / old main to BLM Hall. I saw that dabo and most of the team has signed it also. 40k plus signatures so far.
Call me when you figure out a way to stop the street hustling gang bangers that ruin black communities and is the reason for so much crime and police arresting people. The data doesn't show that police are targeting Blacks.
BLM is a sham. BLM is a communist outfit. If you can't figure that out, then you are dumb as a rock.
why are you here? Aren’t you the guy who said you were done with Clemson on Saturday? I guess you are not a man of your word.
This isn't rocket science although for some it may seem so.
I do NOT and I repeat do NOT have to support the Marxist BLM organization who just finished burning down the entire country and supports looting to express my support for Black Lives.
Wow, so the entire country burned down? That’s interesting!
The quickest way to get on my shit list is to disrespect other people's property. Unless you had your head under a rock the past 4 months, you should have seen it on tv.
What channel were you watching that showed the entire country burning down, Fox News or OANN? It‘s amazing how you are more triggered by the “disrespect“ of property versus a person’s life.
I will be honored to be added to your list as I’m sure I will be in the company of some very decent human beings that have morals and value! Sign me up!
Minorities are second class citizens in 2020?You get the privilege of looking at the world through a lens of not seeing race (I will take your word for it). If it is not about race, please list 3 protests from anytime in history by people of color that you support or supported?
Some (and I said some) of the people that are creating violence and destruction are people that have embedded themselves into the peaceful protest to bring negativity to the movement. Mostly, Right Wing, White supremacist organizations that use the cover of BLM.
Interesting - How can one be facist and anti-facist at the same time?
I am calling the people that are covertly against equality and feel that minorities should just be happy being second class citizens with not having the same rights as the majority and not afforded the same protections under the Constitution as a threat. A daily threat to Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness.
There is nothing moral about looting, killing and burning down other people's businesses over a drug addict that was high on fentanyl and died because he resisted arrest. Many innocent people died in the riots. I don't know where you get your source for moral values, but it isn't God.
Black Lives Matter to BLM unless you are talking about black kids how they are taught to hustle in the street before they turn 13. Richard Fritz Simmons, NYC’s Cocaine Consignment King. His sister wouldn't even admit Fritz was her brother because she knew she would be kidnaped for money. Richard Porter's bother was kidnapped by his own uncle and chopped up into pieces for 500 thousand dollars. Richard was killed by Alpo Menendez. Kevin Chile's mother was killed by thieves. Azie Faison was shot twice in the head by his sister's boyfriend. Karlton Hinz made millions selling crack and was murdered before he signed up with Syracuse to play basketball. When it comes to cocaine and heroin, nobody sells it better than the Blacks and the police don't target them. No. The black community embrace the business end of selling drugs. They see this as their source of billions of dollars in income. The police just show up to clean up the mess when the greedy gets the best of those making the illegal money. Just listen to the testimony of some of the 80s and 90s drug king pins and how they tell it.
BLM blaming the police is a big lie. There is no systematic racism.
You are lost and morally bankrupt. I don’t know what god you serve but it isn’t the God of Love thy neighbor as you love thyself. The fact you listen to Charlie Kirk and Prager U explains a lot.
Wise man once spoke that you shouldn’t argue with clowns, unless you want to become a part of the circus. Good day to you sir!