What’s Happening in US Election Matches What Happened in Venezuela, Expert Says

I know that you are really excited but this, but there is zero chance that the Supreme Court will throw out millions of votes on a technicality without any proof that the votes were not legitimate. They will never disenfranchise millions of voters.
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good one. ✈. funny

i want to honestly understand your thoughts on this. not political bullshit or stuff you read somewhere else. i want to know what a trump voter actually thinks. please don't deflect or change topics. if he were duping you. if trump knew that these lawsuits were bullshit and he was supporting a ruse so he wouldn't look like he legitimately lost how would it go? if he wanted to milk as much as he could without admitting defeat how would he do it? what would it look like?

oh, and for it to have legs it would have to hold up in a court for more than an hour.
seriously, this is why i keep following these posts. Its why i've always interacted here politically. I may lean left in some topics and lean right in others. But the full blown tribalism of Trump voters his the type of stupid group think that marches us right off a cliff. These lemmings think any thing on the internet that supports their group think is true and anything that doesn't is fake news. Its mind blowing and horrifying to watch.
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