What a racist asshole

You've spent eight years tossing this maniac's salad but that's coming to an end in a few months. What will you do with your life then loser? Spend the next four years watching Tim Pool fake rage videos about imaginary fraud?

Stop wasting my time
You have spent 8 years telling lies and crying about him. I know he hurts your feel feels with mean tweets and emotional incel beta males like you cant handle him...
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You have spent 8 years telling lies and crying about him. I know he hurts your feel feels with mean tweets and emotional incel beta males like you cant handle him...
LMAO if you think I'd watch a Russell Brand video. He's just another example of the loser pool you swim in.

Please do me a favor and do not respond to my posts - my time is valuable.
I didn't give one care in the world about him before he ran for office. I also don't care who anyone from Hollyweird endorses, or the royal family from the UK.

When I voted for him the first time, I had no idea what I was going to get. I just knew that I wasn't voting for Killary under any circumstance.

The difference now, is that I have seen what he did when he was in charge of the country.

I've also seen what the cackling border czar and the governor of Minnesota have done to the country and his state respectively.

The sad, and ironically funny part is, there are two Marxist/Communist running for control of our country and YOU support them.
I absolutely do. Mostly because neither of them are Marxist/Communists. You are making stuff up. Show us where either of them have supported the communist party. Again, I ask the same thing. You were telling us all about how bad the Dems were because they changed their minds when they basically got money from someone with a different viewpoint. I pointed how how Trump was the poster child for this and was in the process of doing it right now. So again, I ask, if the Dems are so bad for doing this... and again this is YOUR post and YOUR point... How is Trump not bad for doing the same thing?
Always projecting...