I actually hope Graham loses. I actually voted for him once, because I thought he was a man of principle who reached across the aisle to work with others and got stuff done. He firmly in that category of Pelosi, Mitch Mcconald, and Chuck Shumar now as far as I can tell. Just a party hack that blindly spouts the party line.
FWIW, I actually DO think that President Trump should fill the SCOTUS vacancy. Trump pointed out (correctly IMHO) that he was elected for 4 years, not 3. That being said, Graham and company made the argument that we shouldn't put a new Justice on the bench in an election year. Now the Senate was Republican controlled and they could have absolutely voted down whatever candidate Obama put out there. That's their job to approve or not as they see fit. BUT they didn't even allow a vote on the floor. And THAT was wrong. They covered their asses by saying it was an election year... That's OK, I guess, but when the shoe is on the other foot? THEN they push it through. Graham's word means nothing...
FWIW, I actually DO think that President Trump should fill the SCOTUS vacancy. Trump pointed out (correctly IMHO) that he was elected for 4 years, not 3. That being said, Graham and company made the argument that we shouldn't put a new Justice on the bench in an election year. Now the Senate was Republican controlled and they could have absolutely voted down whatever candidate Obama put out there. That's their job to approve or not as they see fit. BUT they didn't even allow a vote on the floor. And THAT was wrong. They covered their asses by saying it was an election year... That's OK, I guess, but when the shoe is on the other foot? THEN they push it through. Graham's word means nothing...