Where in the actual f*** did Jamie Harrison get the money for all these ads?

I actually hope Graham loses. I actually voted for him once, because I thought he was a man of principle who reached across the aisle to work with others and got stuff done. He firmly in that category of Pelosi, Mitch Mcconald, and Chuck Shumar now as far as I can tell. Just a party hack that blindly spouts the party line.

FWIW, I actually DO think that President Trump should fill the SCOTUS vacancy. Trump pointed out (correctly IMHO) that he was elected for 4 years, not 3. That being said, Graham and company made the argument that we shouldn't put a new Justice on the bench in an election year. Now the Senate was Republican controlled and they could have absolutely voted down whatever candidate Obama put out there. That's their job to approve or not as they see fit. BUT they didn't even allow a vote on the floor. And THAT was wrong. They covered their asses by saying it was an election year... That's OK, I guess, but when the shoe is on the other foot? THEN they push it through. Graham's word means nothing...
The money that the two Democrat billionaires spent during the primary was actually front money for House and Senate Candidates. They paid 10 times the going You Tube rate. Democrats cheat.

This money came from the Tom Steyer and Bloomberg campaigns. They fronted it to You Tube and other TV stations. They overpaid to make it look like if was for their campaign but in reality if was billions for Senate and House races.

Don't expect Chris Wray to figure this out. He was confirmed by the Senate without being called a racist.

lolololol. more genius-level understanding of campaign finance laws.
I gave him some of the money. Biggest political contribution I've ever made, actually.
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I actually hope Graham loses. I actually voted for him once, because I thought he was a man of principle who reached across the aisle to work with others and got stuff done. He firmly in that category of Pelosi, Mitch Mcconald, and Chuck Shumar now as far as I can tell. Just a party hack that blindly spouts the party line.

FWIW, I actually DO think that President Trump should fill the SCOTUS vacancy. Trump pointed out (correctly IMHO) that he was elected for 4 years, not 3. That being said, Graham and company made the argument that we shouldn't put a new Justice on the bench in an election year. Now the Senate was Republican controlled and they could have absolutely voted down whatever candidate Obama put out there. That's their job to approve or not as they see fit. BUT they didn't even allow a vote on the floor. And THAT was wrong. They covered their asses by saying it was an election year... That's OK, I guess, but when the shoe is on the other foot? THEN they push it through. Graham's word means nothing...

I hear what you're saying. The only thing I'd note, though, is that the situations aren't really comparable. Scalia died much earlier in the election cycle than RBG did. It's been over a century since there has been a lame duck appointment of a Justice, which is what it looks like will happen (and lame ducks were longer back then). I think a lifetime appointment occurring during the lame duck is pretty gross but lifetime appointments are pretty gross regardless.
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Yes Soros is part of it for sure. What blows my mind is how these democrats like Harrison and Cunningham in Charleston run these adds acting like god fearing conservatives. When they are far from it and dumb ass’s fall for it. I mean hell their on party took the word God out of there convention again this year. If you dare mention God at their convention they will boo you off the stage.
Cunningham has already done it and if some how Harrison would win he will do exactly what the other left wing nuts in there party tells him to do.
Cunningham has done a good job for his district. He also mopped the floor in his debate with Mace. The guy is a hard worker , has a lot of energy, and moves fast in geographics for personal appearances , even in these covid times. The fact that Harrison has SC in play for a senate seat just shows how little respect graham has from both sides of the fence. Plus, Harrison is no dummie , being a Yale grad and Georgetown Law School grad, and is a good local story from Orangeburg.
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Yes Soros is part of it for sure. What blows my mind is how these democrats like Harrison and Cunningham in Charleston run these adds acting like god fearing conservatives. When they are far from it and dumb ass’s fall for it. I mean hell their on party took the word God out of there convention again this year. If you dare mention God at their convention they will boo you off the stage.
Cunningham has already done it and if some how Harrison would win he will do exactly what the other left wing nuts in there party tells him to do.
Funny, there is one candidate for President who attends church every Sunday. It isn’t Donald Trump, it is Joe Biden. Biden leads a life that is highly reflective of Catholic social teaching: care for the poor being key. Trump is a multi-time adulterer, a businessman who doesn’t pay his workers, a tax cheat, the list goes on and on. And you thinks the Dems removed God. LOL.
You my friend are a liar or misinformed, because I saw their last two conventions with my on eyes. You are like most Democrats you only see in your party what you want to see. If you are a Christian iceheart do your on research and stop getting talking points from the main stream media.
Sounds like republicans like you who only see in your party what you want to see ... No?
Funny, there is one candidate for President who attends church every Sunday. It isn’t Donald Trump, it is Joe Biden. Biden leads a life that is highly reflective of Catholic social teaching: care for the poor being key. Trump is a multi-time adulterer, a businessman who doesn’t pay his workers, a tax cheat, the list goes on and on. And you thinks the Dems removed God. LOL.
But he had peaceful protestors mowed down and gassed so he could hold up a bible. How can you say he isn't religious?😂
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not a big lyndsay fan

he was an antitrumper

and now a trumper

but he is not a democrat

which is the closest thing to a devil that exist

id take a backsliding gay republican man over any democrat who thinks Nancy Pelosi is smart

vote for lyndsay

but hold your nose

and watch of those dollars from OUT OF STATE be wasted
You my friend are a liar or misinformed, because I saw their last two conventions with my on eyes. You are like most Democrats you only see in your party what you want to see. If you are a Christian iceheart do your on research and stop getting talking points from the main stream media.

ice is just trolling

no way he thinks like he types

same with kg

who claims biden is more religious than trump

thats golden

just the abortion stance makes him not a christian by default

he can pretend by "going to church" like many do to cover up their evilness
and PS and going to church

over my 50 years of living on this rock

the people ive seen living a life closest to what jesus preaches

you are not going to find sitting in a church
The money that the two Democrat billionaires spent during the primary was actually front money for House and Senate Candidates. They paid 10 times the going You Tube rate. Democrats cheat.

This money came from the Tom Steyer and Bloomberg campaigns. They fronted it to You Tube and other TV stations. They overpaid to make it look like if was for their campaign but in reality if was billions for Senate and House races.

Don't expect Chris Wray to figure this out. He was confirmed by the Senate without being called a racist.
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