Where is Joe Biden?

I don’t want you to be mad.

I hear all the things you said above, but I just think if I was in your shoes, I’d feel duped, because this has been the Dems plan at least for the last year. I had the choice on who I wanted the R nominee to be. I knew that my vote didn’t matter because Trump was going to get the nomination, but I still had a choice. You did not ….

I mean can you honestly (and you don’t have to answer) say that if Biden was truthful and opted not to run, and the Dems ran a legit primary, you would’ve cast your vote for Harris?
I also believe this plan to replace Biden didn’t just hatch up after the debate, this was the plan for at least the past year. They could’ve removed Biden before the primary season so their voters could’ve had a say in their nominee, but IMO they didn’t want them to have a say. I’m no big Trump fan myself. I wish he wouldn’t have even ran this election… just moved on and let others in the party take it . But at the same time I’m hopeful that enough people in this country see through the hypocrisy and the outright lies of the Left claiming to be the ‘party protecting democracy’ (which I always knew was bullshit), and then pulling what they just did, which is the complete opposite of protecting anyone’s vote or democracy. If they won’t protect the rights of the Democrat primary voters why should anyone believe they give two flips about protecting the rights of Republican voters? That dog won’t hunt.
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That's because we aren't loyal to people over ideals.
I’ve had a difficult time getting democrats to address this issue. To the point where they just completely ignore me.
@dpic73 did admit that he could see it being an issue in future elections.

However @okclem just ignores it completely.

Which leads me to believe that when you hear them screaming about saving democracy, they don’t really mean it. They want the benefits of a democracy but only if it’s run by the people they approve.

The same could be said about the extreme maga elements. They want freedoms, as long at it’s the freedoms they approve.
I also believe this plan to replace Biden didn’t just hatch up after the debate, this was the plan for at least the past year. They could’ve removed Biden before the primary season so their voters could’ve had a say in their nominee, but IMO they didn’t want them to have a say. I’m no big Trump fan myself. I wish he wouldn’t have even ran this election… just moved on and let others in the party take it . But at the same time I’m hopeful that enough people in this country see through the hypocrisy and the outright lies of the Left claiming to be the ‘party protecting democracy’ (which I always knew was bullshit), and then pulling what they just did, which is the complete opposite of protecting anyone’s vote or democracy. If they won’t protect the rights of the Democrat primary voters why should anyone believe they give two flips about protecting the rights of Republican voters? That dog won’t hunt.
Oh!!! 100% “this” was the plan. I vividly remember posting and chatting about this exact scenario when Biden announced he was running and I and others were told by some on this board that would never happen ….. I have tried to search for the thread, but I can’t find it …. way too many posts with the words “Biden” or “replacement” in them to effectively sort through.

I totally understand people not voting for Trump AND I even understand voting for Harris over Trump, but I don’t understand how those on the left can just gloss over and ignore that they were lied too, duped, and down right ROBBED of their rights. Like I said earlier, Dems just pulled off some dictator level BS and the response is “naw … I’m happy”. Buuuuut of course what else are they gonna say?

I have found that @dpic73 just matches the ridiculous that is thrown at him.

I mean … if the Democrat party is paying people to join College Sports message boards for the purpose of spreading propaganda??? I know we say that we need to get money out of politics, buuuuuuuuuuuut I just don’t believe we are at this level yet
You believe this is the only place he operates?

He recites a script non stop, has multiple handles here, etc.
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Truth, how much do you think it would pay to influence 8 conservatives on a college sports board that follows a team in SC? LOLOL

And you're very observant in that if you treat me respectfully, I will treat you the same but if you're a dick, I'll punch back harder - that's how I make the most money derp
You run like a little girl when called out.

For example.. take the bet.
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Oh!!! 100% “this” was the plan. I vividly remember posting and chatting about this exact scenario when Biden announced he was running and I and others were told by some on this board that would never happen ….. I have tried to search for the thread, but I can’t find it …. way too many posts with the words “Biden” or “replacement” in them to effectively sort through.

I totally understand people not voting for Trump AND I even understand voting for Harris over Trump, but I don’t understand how those on the left can just gloss over and ignore that they were lied too, duped, and down right ROBBED of their rights. Like I said earlier, Dems just pulled off some dictator level BS and the response is “naw … I’m happy”. Buuuuut of course what else are they gonna say?
Absolutely… I heard a recent video AOC put out on this whole Biden situation. And she said that she had been in closed door meetings (long before the primaries) where players in the Dem party had proposed trying to stop Biden from running for another term, and those people were shouted down by bigger players in the party. She said these same people are now the ones that forced Biden out. Why didn’t they force him out a year ago? Interesting

Look the Dems can do what they want.. it’s their party and nothing surprises me anymore. But I just watched Schumer and Jeffries give a news conference endorsing Kamala… and one of the things Schumer said is that they still have to protect Democracy in this election. Are you serious? Are you kidding me? Lol … I guess this is what nauseates people on the right at the moment… the same party that for 3.5 years have used the J6 Capitol riot (it wasn’t an insurrection or coup) to brand themselves as the protectors of Democracy pretty much just pulled a silent coup on their Dem nominee, and as of today leaders of their party are still repeating that lie. You couldn’t make this stuff up it’s so crazy …
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So dementia has a sudden onset? All those people who observed his demented behavior before last January were just making shit up?

It’s clear you have never had a family member suffer from dementia.

There is a reason it is called “the long goodbye” and that is because there is no such thing as sudden onset dementia.

Joe has been showing signs of dementia since his first election. Sorry you let people lie to you, but it was the usual liars so you should have been aware.

Now you have to look on, at the candidate they chose for you.

Trump has to re-set? lol. We all knew this was coming and the polls have not moved since Kamala’s election.
never said there was a sudden onset of dementia. i have had a few family members die early from alzhimers, including my oldest sister. She had the early stages of dementia but the doctors say that the sudden death of her husband by heart attack aggravated and accelerated her alzheimers gene. She was never ever the same after his death and it was obvious to everyone, even without the neurologists saying anything. I think common sense would tell us all that as a father President Biden had to be affected watching his only surviving son and other family members go through an unnecessary trial and relive publicly all the shameful episodes from years ago. But this is all water under the bridge. Lets get back to real time: Vice President Harris is now up to as much as 250 million dollars in fundraising since the announcement and the polls today have shifted. Crowds are now chanting "Lock Him Up". Never heard that before. I am more of a historian than a politician. The election will prove itself out in due time. But this is the first time in our nation's history that a former courtroom prosecutor is facing a currently convicted felon in a presidential election. Democrats have to like that dichotomy. Personally, I like the democrats' chances a helluva better now than i did a few days ago. Sorry to say fatpig. you are wrong again.
What is giving the people, the electorate, your political party NO SAY in who represents you called?

I get it … you hate Trump … you and me both, BUT Biden’s diminished capacity was known YEARS ago or at least before he announced his re-election campaign. All those people who voted for Biden in the primary, you HAVE TO feel like you’ve been punched in the balls? Right? Your voice has been completely silenced and your representative has been selected for you by elites………

Again … I know you hate Trump and there is no way you’d vote for him and I know that youlll (at least on the surface) happily vote for Harris, but maaaaaaaaaaan somewhere deep in your soul, you’ve gotta be pissed off. You’ve been had and lied too by those that have you have fought so diligently for …
I'm not sure what you are saying here... We have primaries for President every four years. People run against their fellow Democrats and Republicans all the time and MILLIONS of people vote for candidates that don't win. The candidates that drop out release their delegates so that they can back the winner at the convention and the party is then united. This year alone, millions voted for Haley instead of Trump (even after she stopped campaigning). Haley threw her support to Trump after calling him unfit for office and running on that platform. Yet when she released her delegates and backed Trump, I didn't hear a peep out of you when that happened. What about them? The fact of the matter is that this happens all the time and is business as usual. The only difference here is that it was the front runner that bowed out and will presumably release his delegates to Harris.