Where's the excitement?

Do you want to go ahead with a soft exit, or are you simply going a fast MIA the day after?

I really don’t mind if you stay, but I’m telling you this.. you & your fellow libs are about to take a beating on Election Day.
Many of us were around in 2020 when you repeated this same mantra every single day. And then *poof* you were gone for a year. What happened?



Hyperbole much?

You’re just as infected with hyperbole as the others on the board, it’s just a different flavor.

I’m voting for my dog
Stop trying to normalize the bullshit that's happening with Trump and his MAGA loons. We've never seen a candidacy like his, so spare us the both sides bullshit.
Well the good thing about you being in the 4th quarter of your life is that you won't be paying back the $8 trillion he added to the deficit, including the $2 trillion he added with the unnecessary tax cuts he gave to corporations and the 1% to give you that business climate you remember so fondly. I'm glad you could enjoy that fools gold but now somebody else will have to pay for it.

Have you paid attention to Trump at all in the last year or are you choosing to be willfully blind? Because if you have, you'd know he's lost his damn mind and he's completely unfit for office, but if you had integrity, you would have held him accountable a long time before now when he tried to overturn the will of the people because of some bullshit he made up in his head. It's unfathomable to me that the American people would reward him for that shameful period. It's sickening

I can't imagine Trump in a meeting with world leaders or any leaders for that matter. He's not interested in normal relations with anyone and could care less how his decisions affect us after he's gone. He just wants revenge and to stay out of jail and that should not be the leader of the free world's agenda. Plus he's batshit crazy

Always great when the MAGA types accuse a criminal prosecutor who handled sex crimes of not being able to navigate a serious setting compared to the real estate guy who hosted a reality TV show and beauty pageants.

How many times has Trump declared bankruptcy again?

The moron bankrupted a CASINO. How is that even possible?

what a weirdo. how stupid do you have to be to even consider voting for this senile old clown?

Stop trying to normalize the bullshit that's happening with Trump and his MAGA loons. We've never seen a candidacy like his, so spare us the both sides bullshit.


STILL, nothing about Camala ITT!

@Paw Pad you should post more
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Hyperbole much?

You’re just as infected with hyperbole as the others on the board, it’s just a different flavor.

I’m voting for my dog
Poster who is well aware that a madman who told 30,000 lies, including the biggest lie in American history, which inspired the insurrection that he has no shame about and has promised to persecute the media, vermin and all his imaginary enemies if re-elected thinks I'm being hyperbolic. Can't make this up.
Take the bet.
Actually I’ll take that bet that if Trump wins @okclem, @nytigerfan , @dpic73 , @DW4_2016 all get the **** off this board and never return and if Harris wins, I’ll leave.
All are incapable of critical thinking and basically add nothing to the West Endzone because they know nothing about football.
Adios assholes 😂😂😂😂😂
Actually I’ll take that bet that if Trump wins @okclem, @nytigerfan , @dpic73 , @DW4_2016 all get the **** off this board and never return and if Harris wins, I’ll leave.
All are incapable of critical thinking and basically add nothing to the West Endzone because they know nothing about football.
Adios assholes 😂😂😂😂😂

I played football why you were giving reach arounds you your rugby club faggit friends.

I have forgotten more about football than you will ever know.
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I played football why you were giving reach arounds you your rugby club faggit friends.

I have forgotten more about football than you will ever know.
No you didn’t , you’re a nerd from SC that went to NY to avoid ridicule for being a lib.
You probably sat the bench even if you “dressed out for a game”.
You would get destroyed in a rugby game but good for you for avoiding us fat boy.

Take the bet or not? Answer the original question dumbass.
No you didn’t , you’re a nerd from SC that went to NY to avoid ridicule for being a lib.
You probably sat the bench even if you “dressed out for a game”.
You would get destroyed in a rugby game but good for you for avoiding us fat boy.

Take the bet or not? Answer the original question dumbass.

I already have a bet with four of your maga cult buddies you dumb shit. Feel free to join it.
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I already have a bet with four of your maga cult buddies you dumb shit. Feel free to join it.
You’re a FAG!!
I spelled it correctly
Maga? Show me one time that I said I was.
You obviously aren’t capable of reading but he’s a better choice than the disgusting hummer queen and pedo Tim running against them
Adios pussy, you are gonna get hammered.
Get out of your moms basement and get a life.
Quit lying about living in NY, you’re a pretender.
The fact that I actually respected you for years confirms I may a dumbass as well as you.
You’re ****ing disgrace to democracy
Well you apparently respect rapists who have 5 children by 3 wives and cheated on all 3 wives including rawdogging a pornstar while his youngest son was a newborn and then later had dinner with neo-Nazis while telling people to inject bleach while sending Covid test machines that were desperately needed here to his buddy Putin while telling the world that he would let Russia do whatever the hell it wants to do with NATO while committing 34 felonies (and counting) and painting his face a weird mix of shit orange everyday and being dumb enough to get caught on tape pressuring the GA Sec of State to find 11k votes that didn't exist and using disgraced morons like Rudy G to try to undermine our free and fair election while hatching these half-assed fake elector schemes before siccing a mob of redneck deplorables on The Capitol to disrupt our peaceful transfer of power while saying "so what" when he was told the deplorables were putting his own VP's life in danger while stealing hundreds of boxes of classified docs that he instructed his staff to lie to the DOJ about while storing them in his bathroom before installing his daughter in law who moonlights as a terrible karaoke singer as cochair of the RNC and coming up with the brilliant idea of selling God Bless the USA bibles manufactured in China to his ignorant rubes because his gold shoes, steaks, coins, and bitcoins weren't enough of a I'm not sure that your respect is really a currency I'm eager to possess.
No question that I prefer her policies over Trump - none. He wants to turn America into an authoritarian Christo-fascist state that would be unrecognizable to most of us and many of us care about that. Crazy that you don't.
Haha - the Dems are the authoritarians and it is not debatable.

Fascism, Communism, Socialism all all from the same side of the coin - government control - which is what the Communist Dems want.

But I am excited about Elon Musk coming in and cutting the fat and stupid policies of the Federal government. Government bureaucrats cannot do this like a business does it.
Wall Street Journal - Harris Is the Safer Economic Choice

Jesus - do you even know who wrote the WSJ article?

Jason Furman is the Economic Policy Director for Barack Obama's campaign. He is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution (currently on leave) and a visiting scholar at New York University’s Wagner Graduate School of Public Service.

Goldmann Sachs - corrupt Wall Street brokers who have their hands in the pocket of the US government.

More than 400 economists just endorsed Kamala Harris (you left out the subtitle)
Economists backing the Democrat's policies include former officials in the Bush, Clinton, Obama, and Biden administrations

I am sure I can find 400 economists who are against Big Government / Communist policies.

Democrat mantra "I will blindly follow and agree to any article written by radical leftists".