Who will win? - Poll

Who wins the 2020 Presidential Election?

  • Trump

  • Biden

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The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Nov 5, 2003
Who wins the 2020 Presidential Election? Try to answer with what you think will happen and not with what you want to happen.
This board probably isn’t heavy Biden
exactly ... not many people will be able to seperate the questions of "Who do you want to win?" and "Who do you think will win?"

I think Biden will win ... BUT I have no idea who I "want" to win. Trump, in this current environment worries me BUT the far left of the Dem party worries me just as much if not more. For me, its like trying to make a decision on what do I want to eat first ... my side order of fecal fries or take a bite of my shit sandwich.
exactly ... not many people will be able to seperate the questions of "Who do you want to win?" and "Who do you think will win?"

I think Biden will win ... BUT I have no idea who I "want" to win. Trump, in this current environment worries me BUT the far left of the Dem party worries me just as much if not more. For me, its like trying to make a decision on what do I want to eat first ... my side order of fecal fries or take a bite of my shit sandwich.

I hope Biden wins, but I don't have any idea really. I honestly never in a million years thought we'd elect Trump. And the 1st four years went about like I figured they would. I'd like to think we've learned our lesson... but I've already been wrong on this before. You haven't heard me make a prediction and you won't.
exactly ... not many people will be able to seperate the questions of "Who do you want to win?" and "Who do you think will win?"

I think Biden will win ... BUT I have no idea who I "want" to win. Trump, in this current environment worries me BUT the far left of the Dem party worries me just as much if not more. For me, its like trying to make a decision on what do I want to eat first ... my side order of fecal fries or take a bite of my shit sandwich.
Better to have the devil you know than the devil you don't.

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Logically, Biden is the favorite. The reason for this is that the President (really any Republican, but this one in particular) has an extremely narrow “path to victory” and small margin of error. He effectively has to win ALL of the major swing states in order to win the Presidency. He can maybe lose one of them - 2 if its smaller states - and that’s very difficult to to do. He managed to do it in 2016 by winning several states that had gone Democrat over the last several election cycles.

Certainly it could happen again. Conservatives are vastly under represented in polling and Biden’s lead isn’t as big as Democrats think it is. But Biden is also more likeable (not to many here, I know) than Hillary and there seem to be less “undecideds” than there were in 2016. The Democrats are also taking a slightly better tact than they did last time, where Biden didn’t mention The President by name a single time in his convention speech, whereas Hillary focused much of her campaign almost entirely on Trump negatives, which turned out to be a bad miscalculation.

This election will, again, very likely come down to some close races in a handful of states, and since the President has to win pretty much every single one of those, it puts the odds in Biden’s favor.
Logically, Biden is the favorite. The reason for this is that the President (really any Republican, but this one in particular) has an extremely narrow “path to victory” and small margin of error. He effectively has to win ALL of the major swing states in order to win the Presidency. He can maybe lose one of them - 2 if its smaller states - and that’s very difficult to to do. He managed to do it in 2016 by winning several states that had gone Democrat over the last several election cycles.

Certainly it could happen again. Conservatives are vastly under represented in polling and Biden’s lead isn’t as big as Democrats think it is. But Biden is also more likeable (not to many here, I know) than Hillary and there seem to be less “undecideds” than there were in 2016. The Democrats are also taking a slightly better tact than they did last time, where Biden didn’t mention The President by name a single time in his convention speech, whereas Hillary focused much of her campaign almost entirely on Trump negatives, which turned out to be a bad miscalculation.

This election will, again, very likely come down to some close races in a handful of states, and since the President has to win pretty much every single one of those, it puts the odds in Biden’s favor.
Odds are like you say. I’ve been interested to watch the voting registrations in those battle states. Republicans are registering 2-1 currently.

most democrats I’ve talked to have admitted that trump is the lesser of two evils. They don’t know if they will go vote, but they for sure won’t vote for the socialist ticket. They really wish they had a Democrat to vote for.
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Odds are like you say. I’ve been interested to watch the voting registrations in those battle states. Republicans are registering 2-1 currently.

most democrats I’ve talked to have admitted that trump is the lesser of two evils. They don’t know if they will go vote, but they for sure won’t vote for the socialist ticket. They really wish they had a Democrat to vote for.

Do most republicans feel the same way? Never felt Trump carried many of their ideals.

Btw, independent here and have been looking for a republican I can get behind. Still looking.
Logically, Biden is the favorite. The reason for this is that the President (really any Republican, but this one in particular) has an extremely narrow “path to victory” and small margin of error. He effectively has to win ALL of the major swing states in order to win the Presidency. He can maybe lose one of them - 2 if its smaller states - and that’s very difficult to to do. He managed to do it in 2016 by winning several states that had gone Democrat over the last several election cycles.

Certainly it could happen again. Conservatives are vastly under represented in polling and Biden’s lead isn’t as big as Democrats think it is. But Biden is also more likeable (not to many here, I know) than Hillary and there seem to be less “undecideds” than there were in 2016. The Democrats are also taking a slightly better tact than they did last time, where Biden didn’t mention The President by name a single time in his convention speech, whereas Hillary focused much of her campaign almost entirely on Trump negatives, which turned out to be a bad miscalculation.

This election will, again, very likely come down to some close races in a handful of states, and since the President has to win pretty much every single one of those, it puts the odds in Biden’s favor.
Pretty much my take. Believe Biden will get PA and that might be all he needs. VA likely too.

FL probably still Trump. Other purple southern and Midwest states who knows.
Odds are like you say. I’ve been interested to watch the voting registrations in those battle states. Republicans are registering 2-1 currently.

most democrats I’ve talked to have admitted that trump is the lesser of two evils. They don’t know if they will go vote, but they for sure won’t vote for the socialist ticket. They really wish they had a Democrat to vote for.
It’s interesting to me what gets called socialism these days. Biden has moved left to try and absorb some of those Bernie supporters, but socialism? No. You’re talking about a 2.6% increase in the top income bracket for FICA.

Most of his tax policies are generally in line with mainstream, establishment Democrat policies and not with the more radical ideas pushed by Bernie and others.
Logically, Biden is the favorite. The reason for this is that the President (really any Republican, but this one in particular) has an extremely narrow “path to victory” and small margin of error. He effectively has to win ALL of the major swing states in order to win the Presidency. He can maybe lose one of them - 2 if its smaller states - and that’s very difficult to to do. He managed to do it in 2016 by winning several states that had gone Democrat over the last several election cycles.

Certainly it could happen again. Conservatives are vastly under represented in polling and Biden’s lead isn’t as big as Democrats think it is. But Biden is also more likeable (not to many here, I know) than Hillary and there seem to be less “undecideds” than there were in 2016. The Democrats are also taking a slightly better tact than they did last time, where Biden didn’t mention The President by name a single time in his convention speech, whereas Hillary focused much of her campaign almost entirely on Trump negatives, which turned out to be a bad miscalculation.

This election will, again, very likely come down to some close races in a handful of states, and since the President has to win pretty much every single one of those, it puts the odds in Biden’s favor.

gonna have to re calculate

all the americans who have a vested interest inside these american cities that are under attack from domestic terrorist as we speak

are not going to vote for the party who is condoning this behavior

the DEMOCRATS have lost their super majority inside these cities

thats done
Pretty much my take. Believe Biden will get PA and that might be all he needs. VA likely too.

FL probably still Trump. Other purple southern and Midwest states who knows.


Here are the EC maps for the last 2 cycles. The stunner for me was Trump turning PA-MI-WI which have been pretty solid blue for a while. Obviously if Biden turns those 3 back he wins. Any 2 of PA, OH, or FL wins. If he can turn back NC then he doesn’t really need MI or WI.

Some polls have suggested GA is close, but GA has polled close the last few cycles but has remained solid red and I don’t expect that to change. Dems were also excited about polling in Texas but it’s laughable to think Biden wins there.

I don’t personally believe that the President can flip any states that he lost in 2016. Biden only needs to flip 2 or 3 depending on which ones they are. I think that PA-MI-WI trio will be very difficult for the President to hold onto. But if he can hold 1 of them he can win just by skin of his teeth.

I agree that FL stays red, but Ohio...who knows.

I think the biggest issue facing the Democrats is that, as in 2016, they have less enthusiasm for their candidate than Republican voters have for Trump. I think Biden picked Harris to try to jump start some excitement among Dem voters, but people generally don’t vote for VP, they vote for President.

One thing remains true about voters - they are more motivated to vote FOR someone than they are AGAINST someone. I don’t know if enough Democrats are excited to vote for Biden or if the dislike for the President has reached a point where they can overcome that lack of enthusiasm. Anti-Trump wasn’t enough in 2016.
This election is going to be very close. But most of the polls you cannot believe. Yet, I still cannot figure out how about 50% of our nations population (old and young, black and white) could support dismantling this country for a Fascist/Marxist type of Socialism???

This election is going to be so close, and the balance of this country is teetering on close election results. But, when you have ballets going out to dogs, cats, and horses, as well as some people receiving multiple ballets per residence, by which the actual resident has no clue who these other people are. Some ballets going to people who are dead, and some who are illegal residents, are certainly a cause for concern.

I saw where ballets were recently mailed out in Virginia (not sure for which election?), and 117% of ballets were mailed out. That is 17% more ballets than registered voters in the state of Virginia!!! So, who on this board are not concerned about mailing out more that 80 million ballets, and to many states who have not ever even dealt with mail in ballets. Are there any on this board who thinks this thing cannot be perfect for fraudulent voting results?

And, all that being said, democrats are now pushing that signature verification should not be essential. And, there is little chance that a result could not be shown for days or weeks after the election, since these mail in votes will have to be hand counted. Some will even be coming in AFTER the election!!! This thing is being set up perfectly for fraud.
JMO but I think Trump wins a landslide. The dem's have seriously lost their way, whether they want to admit it or not. They tried to put on a good show last week, bringing in a reverend to pray for America, but even their own guest speakers were talking crazy ish about "true abolition, not the watered down DNC version of abolition", etc. I literally laughed out loud while watching that clip.

Joe Biden will receive less than 100,000 votes on his own accord. Any other vote he receives will be a vote for Harris.

Trump won't lose any of the states he turned in 2016, and he may even flip another one or two.

why is that hard to believe

did you listen to trumps message?

it was right in their wheelhouse
Because none of those 3 states had gone republican since 1988 and they really weren’t very close in 2012. Obama won Michigan by 10 points in 2012.


Here are the EC maps for the last 2 cycles. The stunner for me was Trump turning PA-MI-WI which have been pretty solid blue for a while. Obviously if Biden turns those 3 back he wins. Any 2 of PA, OH, or FL wins. If he can turn back NC then he doesn’t really need MI or WI.

Some polls have suggested GA is close, but GA has polled close the last few cycles but has remained solid red and I don’t expect that to change. Dems were also excited about polling in Texas but it’s laughable to think Biden wins there.

I don’t personally believe that the President can flip any states that he lost in 2016. Biden only needs to flip 2 or 3 depending on which ones they are. I think that PA-MI-WI trio will be very difficult for the President to hold onto. But if he can hold 1 of them he can win just by skin of his teeth.

I agree that FL stays red, but Ohio...who knows.

I think the biggest issue facing the Democrats is that, as in 2016, they have less enthusiasm for their candidate than Republican voters have for Trump. I think Biden picked Harris to try to jump start some excitement among Dem voters, but people generally don’t vote for VP, they vote for President.

One thing remains true about voters - they are more motivated to vote FOR someone than they are AGAINST someone. I don’t know if enough Democrats are excited to vote for Biden or if the dislike for the President has reached a point where they can overcome that lack of enthusiasm. Anti-Trump wasn’t enough in 2016.

let me put it this way if i was the running the campaign which is probably close to actually what they do:)

step 1- trump will win all states he won in 2016


the states that clinton won broken down into their pods

80 total votes

14 total votes

30 total votes

41 total votes

42 total votes

11 total votes

so 232 votes in play

out in the west pod with 80 votes, these riots have upset the independent voters and the lack of response by democratic leaders have destroyed their faith in the party. trash collects up daily on the sidewalks, riots all nite, small petty crimes all day.

i dont see anyone on the democrats side who can pull the party together in california. kamal has her base, but she needed the governor. he is trapped up in a tax scandal so his support is gone. then who- schiff or pelosi

app calls an upset california goes to trump.

the people of nevada love a good gamble. they are too smart to pick biden. they are thinking if i wanna guy sitting at my table helping me with the cards, i want trump. trump takes nevada

looking at washington and oregon. wow. the gov of washington and gov of oregon have been wrapped up in forest fires and figuring out how to pay unemployment as they tell their workers to stay home. workers need money to pay bills. something has to give. small business owners and residents of the 2 largest cities in those 2 states say they have given up on the democrats

i see both to trump or at least a split.

minnesota and illinios i will give to biden. not even going to argue. i heard omar is hot in minnesota. thats disgusting.

and for illinois. thats my surprise pick if there is one for trump. i was impressed with the change in tone of the mayor and many of the alderman around the city. many are begging the white house for help. the mayor still has along way to go, but she knows her policies are wrong, she is in denial stage. but i could see trump winning here

ny and va

those 2 are going to trump this cycle in landslides. clintons name is now dirt. the whole fbi apparatus and fellow former obama officials have lost all credibility in their neighborhoods. the mayor of ny is an imbecile.

trump in a landslide

dc and the other little pucks

screw them. i wouldnt even advertise in that pod. only 41 votes and a cesspoll of shyt

now vermont hew hampshire and maine

i could see trump taking maine. the somalias are straining the city now and the independents have seen enough of the open checkbook policy the democrats in maine push

but i vermont staying blue

new hampshire a toss up

so that is a

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Because none of those 3 states had gone republican since 1988 and they really weren’t very close in 2012. Obama won Michigan by 10 points in 2012.

yea but when he visited those states and filled stadiums for his events

and hillary was having to pay to fill high school auditoriums

did that not tell ya anything?

people were listening to his messages

the policies that he was communicating were policies that favored the middle class

hillary just spoke in general loving tones or bytching at trump

she never was specific. they saw her support shutting down industries across america. so why would they believe her? she had no trust in the midwest

neither does biden
man if i was running the DNC

i would be on an edge right now

the first cop that is killed in this mess

his life will be straw that broke the camels back

do these BLM protesters understand that they have taken themselves to the edge of cliff standing on soft ground?
Pretty much my take. Believe Biden will get PA and that might be all he needs. VA likely too.

FL probably still Trump. Other purple southern and Midwest states who knows.

biden was part of the congressional delegation in the 90s who destroyed pittsburgh

no way he wins that state

they arent all dead yet
just looking at the 84 map showed how awesome ronald reagan was

but bush lost the momentum with his no new taxes and the press hammered him for lying

and we couldnt get the contract with america turned into law

it was successful but not enough

then the cocaine dealer came out of nowhere
exactly ... not many people will be able to seperate the questions of "Who do you want to win?" and "Who do you think will win?"

I think Biden will win ... BUT I have no idea who I "want" to win. Trump, in this current environment worries me BUT the far left of the Dem party worries me just as much if not more. For me, its like trying to make a decision on what do I want to eat first ... my side order of fecal fries or take a bite of my shit sandwich.
FTR i hope Biden wins but i just don’t see it happening
let me put it this way if i was the running the campaign which is probably close to actually what they do:)

step 1- trump will win all states he won in 2016


the states that clinton won broken down into their pods

80 total votes

14 total votes

30 total votes

41 total votes

42 total votes

11 total votes

so 232 votes in play

out in the west pod with 80 votes, these riots have upset the independent voters and the lack of response by democratic leaders have destroyed their faith in the party. trash collects up daily on the sidewalks, riots all nite, small petty crimes all day.

i dont see anyone on the democrats side who can pull the party together in california. kamal has her base, but she needed the governor. he is trapped up in a tax scandal so his support is gone. then who- schiff or pelosi

app calls an upset california goes to trump.

the people of nevada love a good gamble. they are too smart to pick biden. they are thinking if i wanna guy sitting at my table helping me with the cards, i want trump. trump takes nevada

looking at washington and oregon. wow. the gov of washington and gov of oregon have been wrapped up in forest fires and figuring out how to pay unemployment as they tell their workers to stay home. workers need money to pay bills. something has to give. small business owners and residents of the 2 largest cities in those 2 states say they have given up on the democrats

i see both to trump or at least a split.

minnesota and illinios i will give to biden. not even going to argue. i heard omar is hot in minnesota. thats disgusting.

and for illinois. thats my surprise pick if there is one for trump. i was impressed with the change in tone of the mayor and many of the alderman around the city. many are begging the white house for help. the mayor still has along way to go, but she knows her policies are wrong, she is in denial stage. but i could see trump winning here

ny and va

those 2 are going to trump this cycle in landslides. clintons name is now dirt. the whole fbi apparatus and fellow former obama officials have lost all credibility in their neighborhoods. the mayor of ny is an imbecile.

trump in a landslide

dc and the other little pucks

screw them. i wouldnt even advertise in that pod. only 41 votes and a cesspoll of shyt

now vermont hew hampshire and maine

i could see trump taking maine. the somalias are straining the city now and the independents have seen enough of the open checkbook policy the democrats in maine push

but i vermont staying blue

new hampshire a toss up

so that is a

I hope you’re right, for everyone’s sake! Even for the people voting to put us & themselves in Bondage!

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