Who wins the election??

Do you really believe he wins?how?

I just hope there are a lot of people like me that look at the over all picture and what's at stake here. I'm not going to let a few dirty remarks that I've certainly heard before keep me from voting for him. I'm looking at the direction I want this country to head. It made me sick to my stomach to see that beeatch Hillary have the unmitigated gaul to even bring up that tape in the debate. Look at what that womanizer husband of hers has done. Oral sex under his desk in White House, adultery, etc, etc. etc. That woman has a lot of nerve! All the Clintons have a lot of nerve! Crooked liars! And if people let those remarks change their vote, they are foolish! I think all of us would hate to have a camera secretly recording what we say. Lots of us would be in a hell of a mess!
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You're right, hearing a presidential candidate admit to sexual assault shouldn't change anyone's vote.

You think guys don't lie and talk a bunch of crap to other guys bragging where women are concerned? Maybe bend the truth a little? Exaggerate?
You think guys don't lie and talk a bunch of crap to other guys bragging where women are concerned? Maybe bend the truth a little? Exaggerate?
What about trump selling 10 year old girls that he wants to date them when they turn 20?
You will have to give me the cliffs. Haven't even heard that-
There's video. And I posted pretty close to what he said. How can you excuse all of his behavior? I understand how people can be opposed to Clinton as well, but trump is clearly a bad person.
There's video. And I posted pretty close to what he said. How can you excuse all of his behavior? I understand how people can be opposed to Clinton as well, but trump is clearly a bad person.

I'm not excusing it. We have a choice. 2 people. One will be President and decide the path of our nation for the next 4 years at a minimum. That person will also be appointing Supreme Court justices that will have major impact for decades to come. So am I suppose to say that because Trump is an oversexed man that loves women ( like most guys do) I'm not going to vote for him and give Hillary my vote? And in turn, take this country a totally different direction? No freaking way. I've made my choice and I'm sticking with it.
I just hope there are a lot of people like me that look at the over all picture and what's at stake here. I'm not going to let a few dirty remarks that I've certainly heard before keep me from voting for him. I'm looking at the direction I want this country to head. It made me sick to my stomach to see that beeatch Hillary have the unmitigated gaul to even bring up that tape in the debate. Look at what that womanizer husband of hers has done. Oral sex under his desk in White House, adultery, etc, etc. etc. That woman has a lot of nerve! All the Clintons have a lot of nerve! Crooked liars! And if people let those remarks change their vote, they are foolish! I think all of us would hate to have a camera secretly recording what we say. Lots of us would be in a hell of a mess!
Trump has openly advocated at one time or another for the following:

*not allowing people in the country based solely on their religion

*not defending other nations in NATO

*defaulting on the national debt, devaluing US bonds.

*killing family members of enemy combatants, a war crime

*deporting children of illegal immigrants born in the US (or what the constitution refers to as "American citizens")

*creating a nation wide stop and frisk policy, which has been ruled unconstitutional

*assigning a special prosecutor to investigate someone who would be a private citizen at the time - which was one of the central charges against Richard Nixon when he resigned.

Trump has consistently advocated positions that are unconstitutional, illegal, and are tantamount to authoritarianism. He shows little to no understanding of the constitution, basic civics, and the complexity of global politics. He has even insisted that as a senator, Hillary Clinton should have single handily been able to change tax law, showing either a complete lack of understanding of the senate and the legislative process or willful ignorance.

Is that really the direction you want the country to go in?
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Hillary will win. Even if every white man in the country turned out for Trump, he would still lose.

Hillary is going to dominate in the Hispanic, black, and female demographics. Trump's only hope is for a record low turn out among those groups.

Virtually any other Republican candidate would likely be winning this election. Hillary is a disaster of a candidate.
Trump has openly advocated at one time or another for the following:

*not allowing people in the country based solely on their religion

*not defending other nations in NATO

*defaulting on the national debt, devaluing US bonds.

*killing family members of enemy combatants, a war crime

*deporting children of illegal immigrants born in the US (or what the constitution refers to as "American citizens")

*creating a nation wide stop and frisk policy, which has been ruled unconstitutional

*assigning a special prosecutor to investigate someone who would be a private citizen at the time - which was one of the central charges against Richard Nixon when he resigned.

Trump has consistently advocated positions that are unconstitutional, illegal, and are tantamount to authoritarianism. He shows little to no understanding of the constitution, basic civics, and the complexity of global politics. He has even insisted that as a senator, Hillary Clinton should have single handily been able to change tax law, showing either a complete understanding of the senate and the legislative process or willful ignorance.

Is that really the direction you want the country to go in?

Your post is not accurate on all you stated. He is pro- life, in favor of controlling borders and illegal immigration, increasing the military budget, drug test for welfare, do away with Obama Care, against government over- regulation, and the biggie is the Supreme Court justices. I'm in favor of all of that. That's my direction for the county. And a President who will wipe out ISIS. Right now, ISIS can sit down for dinner at night with no fear of any retaliation from the US. And I would cheer for him to appoint a special prosecutor to put Hillary behind bars. Where she belongs.
And I would cheer for him to appoint a special prosecutor to put Hillary behind bars. Where she belongs.
But that's against the law, you get that right? The President cannot direct the attorney general to prosecute or investigate anyone. The President does not have that authority.

For someone who wants small government, it's amazing how much presidential overreach you'd be ok with Trump committing.
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But that's against the law, you get that right? The President cannot direct the attorney general to prosecute or investigate anyone. The President does not have that authority.

For someone who wants small government, it's amazing how much presidential overreach you'd be ok with Trump committing.

Truthfully, have no idea if it's against the law or not. But I'm sick and damn tired of the Clintons being ABOVE the law.
Truthfully, have no idea if it's against the law or not. But I'm sick and damn tired of the Clintons being ABOVE the law.
It is against the law, its not in question. The Ethics in Government Act was passed in 1978 was passed in response to President Nixon firing justice department prosecutors who refused to investigate people that Nixon directed them to.
It is against the law, its not in question. The Ethics in Government Act was passed in 1978 was passed in response to President Nixon firing justice department prosecutors who refused to investigate people that Nixon directed them to.

So surprised Donald didn't know that:)
Trump has openly advocated at one time or another for the following:

*not allowing people in the country based solely on their religion

*not defending other nations in NATO

*defaulting on the national debt, devaluing US bonds.

*killing family members of enemy combatants, a war crime

*deporting children of illegal immigrants born in the US (or what the constitution refers to as "American citizens")

*creating a nation wide stop and frisk policy, which has been ruled unconstitutional

*assigning a special prosecutor to investigate someone who would be a private citizen at the time - which was one of the central charges against Richard Nixon when he resigned.

Trump has consistently advocated positions that are unconstitutional, illegal, and are tantamount to authoritarianism. He shows little to no understanding of the constitution, basic civics, and the complexity of global politics. He has even insisted that as a senator, Hillary Clinton should have single handily been able to change tax law, showing either a complete lack of understanding of the senate and the legislative process or willful ignorance.

Is that really the direction you want the country to go in?
WTF? No! Let's keep going in the same direction Obama has us headed. A country that's weak and divided as hell. Let whoever the fvck come to the US anytime not knowing if they're terrorists or not! Makes sense. Screw the Clinton's! I'm not now or ever was a huge fan of Trump, but I'll take my chances with him over Hillary Clinton. Everyone knows she's full of svit, (Well should know) so why not give Trump a chance? Only have two choices and I'll give Trump a chance because I know EXACTLY what I get with Hillary.
When it comes to the two choices I have Trump or Clinton, I can overlook some of the moral bad decisions Trump has made, however I cannot overlook Hillary Clintons many bad decisions when it comes to the security of this country. E-mails, Benghazi, Obama Care, Open Borders,Gun Control, and just generally speaking H. Clinton and I are on the opposite side of almost all issues that this country faces. Personally, I don't think this country can financially stand four more years of the same type leadership we have had the past 8 years.

So, for me it's Trump...
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You are discussing who you'd like to see win this election... That wasn't ops question. It was who do you think will.

And on that question, unequivocally, the election is over. The rnc is turning against him on the ground. He has no field program. He is behind on fundraising. The establishment is putting their money towards house and Senate races, and he is getting demolished in almost every major poll released since the debates started.

There is literally no objective measure that gives him a chance.

And finally, what's worse, he is getting killed in PA, FL, and now OH. Dems need 30 house seats to take control. Trump is making it possible.

It's over folks. Only question now is how much.
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Trump has openly advocated at one time or another for the following:

*not allowing people in the country based solely on their religion

*not defending other nations in NATO

*defaulting on the national debt, devaluing US bonds.

*killing family members of enemy combatants, a war crime

*deporting children of illegal immigrants born in the US (or what the constitution refers to as "American citizens")

*creating a nation wide stop and frisk policy, which has been ruled unconstitutional

*assigning a special prosecutor to investigate someone who would be a private citizen at the time - which was one of the central charges against Richard Nixon when he resigned.

Trump has consistently advocated positions that are unconstitutional, illegal, and are tantamount to authoritarianism. He shows little to no understanding of the constitution, basic civics, and the complexity of global politics. He has even insisted that as a senator, Hillary Clinton should have single handily been able to change tax law, showing either a complete lack of understanding of the senate and the legislative process or willful ignorance.

Is that really the direction you want the country to go in?

Wow! Talk about taking partial segments of statements from Trump on issues and posting them into inflammatory comments! If that was your wish then good job!
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You're right, hearing a presidential candidate admit to sexual assault shouldn't change anyone's vote.

?? Who are you referring to? Speaking of HRC talking about BC? Real people do not live in the make believe world that the 2005 video constituted sexual assault. If groping and/or attempted groping constituted assault, then 80+ percent of America would be guilty at one time or another.


You produced the video and l listened to it. You incorrectly stated that Trump told a little girl that he would date her in 12 years though. He told another adult and referenced "her" in the sentence which is not direct to the person. Its not the best behavior, but just another example of Trump and his ego and the fact that he loves women and thinks women love him no doubt. It is not an example of law breaking at all as opposed to 30 years track record with the Clinton's. He is not your best candidate to run Sunday school class, but he is the man to run this country as it needs to be run like a business at this point and he can do that. I also just agree with him on a lot of issues as opposed to HRC who I disagree with. In the end, all of us voters tend to be willing to forgive the candidate that we support and agree with. I am man enough to admit that I support Trump strongly in spite of him being what some would call a womanizer. Heck, JFK and Bill Clinton could of taught Trump many lessons on womanizing and they are both beloved by democrats.

You produced the video and l listened to it. You incorrectly stated that Trump told a little girl that he would date her in 12 years though. He told another adult and referenced "her" in the sentence which is not direct to the person. Its not the best behavior, but just another example of Trump and his ego and the fact that he loves women and thinks women love him no doubt. It is not an example of law breaking at all as opposed to 30 years track record with the Clinton's. He is not your best candidate to run Sunday school class, but he is the man to run this country as it needs to be run like a business at this point and he can do that. I also just agree with him on a lot of issues as opposed to HRC who I disagree with. In the end, all of us voters tend to be willing to forgive the candidate that we support and agree with. I am man enough to admit that I support Trump strongly in spite of him being what some would call a womanizer. Heck, JFK and Bill Clinton could of taught Trump many lessons on womanizing and they are both beloved by democrats.
So glad that there are enough people to make sure people like you can't vote someone like trump in to the Oval Office.
?? Who are you referring to? Speaking of HRC talking about BC? Real people do not live in the make believe world that the 2005 video constituted sexual assault. If groping and/or attempted groping constituted assault, then 80+ percent of America would be guilty at one time or another.

The National Center for Victims of Crime states:

“ Sexual assault takes many forms including attacks such as rape or attempted rape, as well as any unwanted sexual contact or threats. Usually a sexual assault occurs when someone touches any part of another person's body in a sexual way, even through clothes, without that person's consent.

It sounds like in your make believe world, groping isn't sexual assault.
The National Center for Victims of Crime states:

“ Sexual assault takes many forms including attacks such as rape or attempted rape, as well as any unwanted sexual contact or threats. Usually a sexual assault occurs when someone touches any part of another person's body in a sexual way, even through clothes, without that person's consent.

It sounds like in your make believe world, groping isn't sexual assault.

In case you don't know.... men also have big mouths and talk a lot of crap bragging on sexual escapes with women that may have never occurred.
Wow! Talk about taking partial segments of statements from Trump on issues and posting them into inflammatory comments! If that was your wish then good job!
It's inflammatory to list his positions? Says a lot about the candidate.
Hillary will win. Even if every white man in the country turned out for Trump, he would still lose.

Hillary is going to dominate in the Hispanic, black, and female demographics. Trump's only hope is for a record low turn out among those groups.

Virtually any other Republican candidate would likely be winning this election. Hillary is a disaster of a candidate.

You are absolutely right. And as an independent (and we independents decide every election by the way), I would have voted for ANY Republican candidate over Hillary except for Cruz and Trump... Any of them and it wouldn't have been close.

But against the weakest candidate in YEARS, the Republican party went full potato and picked on of the few people who is even less qualified.

Trump is a bad man who has spent his life doing exactly whatever he wants to do. He looks out for himself... if that's good for anyone else, that's ok, if it destroys anyone that's fine too.

Hillary wins this one and it's not close. I just hope I can hold in the puke when I cast my ballot for her.
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I'm always curious when someone says they would have voted for anyone but Trump. So.. you're saying you prefer a conservative candidate and the policy positions of the GOP but since you don't like Trump, you will vote to take the country in a polar opposite direction ? Is that what you will do because you don't like Trump? You think the Clintons haven't always looked at for themselves?? @hopefultiger13
You are absolutely right. And as an independent (and we independents decide every election by the way), I would have voted for ANY Republican candidate over Hillary except for Cruz and Trump... Any of them and it wouldn't have been close.

But against the weakest candidate in YEARS, the Republican party went full potato and picked on of the few people who is even less qualified.

Trump is a bad man who has spent his life doing exactly whatever he wants to do. He looks out for himself... if that's good for anyone else, that's ok, if it destroys anyone that's fine too.

Hillary wins this one and it's not close. I just hope I can hold in the puke when I cast my ballot for her.

Your prerogative but NEVER will I understand that.....hope you will think/ pray about it for the next 3 weeks.

I'm always curious when someone says they would have voted for anyone but Trump. So.. you're saying you prefer a conservative candidate and the policy positions of the GOP but since you don't like Trump, you will vote to take the country in a polar opposite direction ? Is that what you will do because you don't like Trump? You think the Clintons haven't always looked at for themselves?? @hopefultiger13

You are absolutely spot on... I think Donald Trump is bat shit crazy. He flies off the handle whenever anyone disagrees or critiques him in ANY way. He's insulted military heroes and their families, women, minorities, bailed on his business deals, generally doing anything to anyone that he feels will make him look good. He is the very definition of a loose cannon.
He's asked repeatedly in security meetings why we don't nuke terrorist groups. He doesn't care about the rule of law (or else he just doesn't understand the constitution). I've never questioned that he's smart, so I'm thinking the former.
So in a word, yes. I'm voting for a low life that will take the country in a direction I don't want b/c I think that Trump is THAT bad.
?? Who are you referring to? Speaking of HRC talking about BC? Real people do not live in the make believe world that the 2005 video constituted sexual assault. If groping and/or attempted groping constituted assault, then 80+ percent of America would be guilty at one time or another.

holllllyyyy shit. there arent enough facepalm gifs in the whole world to cover this post.
You are absolutely spot on... I think Donald Trump is bat shit crazy. He flies off the handle whenever anyone disagrees or critiques him in ANY way. He's insulted military heroes and their families, women, minorities, bailed on his business deals, generally doing anything to anyone that he feels will make him look good. He is the very definition of a loose cannon.
He's asked repeatedly in security meetings why we don't nuke terrorist groups. He doesn't care about the rule of law (or else he just doesn't understand the constitution). I've never questioned that he's smart, so I'm thinking the former.
So in a word, yes. I'm voting for a low life that will take the country in a direction I don't want b/c I think that Trump is THAT bad.

I'm thinking that he is lacking in knowledge of policy and the law in lots of areas. After all, he is not a politician nor lawyer. That's the very thing that was so refreshing and attracted the masses to him to begin with. Mike Pence is great. Can't you trust that Trump is smart enough to surround himself with the right people if he's elected that will take this country in the direction it NEEDS to go. You giving Hillary your vote doesn't solve anything. You are willing to vote for her in order to make your statement about Trump at the expense of our nation?