I'm thinking that he is lacking in knowledge of policy and the law in lots of areas. After all, he is not a politician nor lawyer. That's the very thing that was so refreshing and attracted the masses to him to begin with. Mike Pence is great. Can't you trust that Trump is smart enough to surround himself with the right people if he's elected that will take this country in the direction it NEEDS to go. You giving Hillary your vote doesn't solve anything. You are willing to vote for her in order to make your statement about Trump at the expense of our nation?
In a word, no. I don't trust him to surround himself with the right people. And I don't trust Trump to take the country in a direction that it needs to go. I have no doubt that Trump will take the country in whatever direction HE thinks it needs to go at the moment. I have no doubt that he will use the office of the President to further his own ends at the expense of any and all of us. This guy is not a conservative or a liberal he's had positions for and against abortion, gun control, women's rights, you name it. Whatever serves him at the time is exactly what he will say.
The thing I don't understand is WHY anyone would think he's going to make America Great Again. He's never done anything in his entire life that wasn't taking care of #1. And he's not even that good at it. He could have simply invested the money he got from his dad in Tbills and been nearly as rich as he is with all his "deals". Trump is a con man... pure and simple. He's saying don't believe all those people... trust me. I'll take care of you. His back trail is littered with folks who've done that.