What government ISNT processing yet. The general open access to information and RESPECT for the Scientific Method.
I withhold saying respect for reality because it’s apparent that whatever biased end of the litmus test some to many people reside, I don’t give a 💩 what you have to say cause you’ve already tossed objectivity
Science didn’t magically change 5 years ago. I remember learning in detail about the Scientific Method in 8th grade. It was very much a “Fvck yeah” moment. That’s how you drive to perfection and land on excellence in EVERYTHING YOU DO.
Clemson takes portal players, settles lawsuits, postpones big recruit visit to March and poof, we’re magically delicious. That’s iterative, that’s applied learning, that’s driving toward solutions.
COVID acts and behaves like Colds, Flus with a bit more potency. That’s it.
Our response to COVID was a complete fundamental violation of the Scientific Method. Maybe 4 months of evasive action made sense. Everything after was perversion and an effort to control people, direct or indirectly.
So…. They can HIDE THE TRUTH about COVID, JFK, EPSTEIN, DRONES and the conspiracies will proliferate and the respect for ALL OF THESE PEOPLE will continue to decline. Rational people will continue to ignore these mostly evil public servants.
So when they even attempt to do something “good”, BURY THEM until they come clean in the fundamentals. They don’t deserve our support.