Seeing progress, that’s a wonderful thing. You should check out the white privilege thread, I mean the TJ Green tweet thread. I earnestly hope you can learn to empathize. Everything that has been displayed leads me to believe otherwise. Be Best!
Be best. Whose landmark policy is that by the way?
Do you think the more messages you and trump put out with black people in them, the less racist you are? Trying(don’t know why) to understand any possible angle you have?
So, you Do you think the more messages you and trump put out with black people in them, the less racist you are? Because, duh, direct correlations and all. Ok, got it. Your kind is simple.
That guy needs to be on the business end of a Blackjack. He'd be screaming bloody murderGod knows I'm more liberal than most of the folks on this board, but some people need shooting (or at least a rifle butt to the head). You know that if that trooper beat the shit out of him, he's be the first person crying like a little bitch about how his rights were violated.
you’re really special and trump still incites bigotry empowers racists and condones violence against minorities