Zelensky, Trump press conference

We aren't draining our war readiness in the least. The vast majority of supplies that we have sent to Ukraine have been stockpiles of old and expiring munitions.

I would say the major.gain for the USA has been to see how incredibly weak and poor Russia is militarily. This war has been extremely damaging to their military and their reputation.

That's also why it pisses me off that we are kissing up to Russia, they literally are at their weakest and we are treating them as if we are friends. It's absolutely ridiculous.
We absolutely are. There are projections that have us running out of certain critical weapons systems in 10 days in a hot war with a near peer. That isn’t entirely related to Ukraine, but it is fact.

Let’s put this out there before I get crucified for the next take:

I’m not a Russian apologist. I’m leery of any potential deal made there. That said, outside of India and certain countries in S. America, Russia probably represents the best opportunity to create a novel, truly pole shifting geo-political alliance. That isn’t going to happen over night. I’ll go ahead and say - I HEAR your arguments against that as things stand today. I do. I agree with many of them. BUT, there is a lot of latent potential across many fronts that bringing Russia into the fold in a measured, forward-looking way could unlock.

Does that mean I think we should treat Russia with kid gloves or reward them in the way we structure a peace deal in Ukraine? No. Not it doesn’t. But, I don’t think you try to go full Marshall plan on Russia to end this either. That’s short-sighted and likely solves nothing. But, it would create future issues.
We absolutely are. There are projections that have us running out of certain critical weapons systems in 10 days in a hot war with a near peer. That isn’t entirely related to Ukraine, but it is fact.

Let’s put this out there before I get crucified for the next take:

I’m not a Russian apologist. I’m leery of any potential deal made there. That said, outside of India and certain countries in S. America, Russia probably represents the best opportunity to create a novel, truly pole shifting geo-political alliance. That isn’t going to happen over night. I’ll go ahead and say - I HEAR your arguments against that as things stand today. I do. I agree with many of them. BUT, there is a lot of latent potential across many fronts that bringing Russia into the fold in a measured, forward-looking way could unlock.

Does that mean I think we should treat Russia with kid gloves or reward them in the way we structure a peace deal in Ukraine? No. Not it doesn’t. But, I don’t think you try to go full Marshall plan on Russia to end this either. That’s short-sighted and likely solves nothing. But, it would create future issues.
We’re not trying to “bring them into the fold” we are joining them and telling everyone but China and North Korea to F off.
We absolutely are. There are projections that have us running out of certain critical weapons systems in 10 days in a hot war with a near peer. That isn’t entirely related to Ukraine, but it is fact.

Let’s put this out there before I get crucified for the next take:

I’m not a Russian apologist. I’m leery of any potential deal made there. That said, outside of India and certain countries in S. America, Russia probably represents the best opportunity to create a novel, truly pole shifting geo-political alliance. That isn’t going to happen over night. I’ll go ahead and say - I HEAR your arguments against that as things stand today. I do. I agree with many of them. BUT, there is a lot of latent potential across many fronts that bringing Russia into the fold in a measured, forward-looking way could unlock.

Does that mean I think we should treat Russia with kid gloves or reward them in the way we structure a peace deal in Ukraine? No. Not it doesn’t. But, I don’t think you try to go full Marshall plan on Russia to end this either. That’s short-sighted and likely solves nothing. But, it would create future issues.

Never will happen with Putin in Russia. It just won't and is incredible that our President sucks that scumbag off Everytime he talks about him.
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Idiot. Ukraine joining NATO was never on the table. Putin wants to rebuild the Russian Empire. Its why he invaded Georgia, invaded Crimea, invaded Ukraine, and wants to invade the Baltic states. We aren't the only nation helping Ukraine but us spending excess military supplies (aka what the entirety of our aid has been) is good. We need to check Russian aggression to keep the world safer.

Should Ukraine just roll over and let Russia brutalize them?
What I struggle with is that of those who watched the video of this playing out, can have completely polar opposite views of whether the interchange between Zelensky, Trump and Vance was a positive or negative. This country is so divided. I wish each side could at least recognize why the other feels they way that they do and then be respectful.

I will say this, it doesn't matter which way you lean, if you don't recognize the historic shift in how we are perceived around the globe, then you have zero understanding of geopolitics and the vast shifts taking place and the implications.
You disagree? We are literally voting with China Russia,and North Korea against the rest of the World. We just did that.
On a meaningless resolution in the middle of peace talks…

Would abstaining have looked better, optically? Sure. Did the vote actually mean anything or impact the situation materially? No.
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Hysterics and stupidity are beneath you. I’ve read your posts over the years. You’re smarter/better than that.
I’m a child of the 70’s that has a very firm grasp of who and what Trump is, time will tell but this dalliance with authoritarianism and his infatuation with Putin will not end well for America.
What I struggle with is that of those who watched the video of this playing out, can have completely polar opposite views of whether the interchange between Zelensky, Trump and Vance was a positive or negative. This country is so divided. I wish each side could at least recognize why the other feels they way that they do and then be respectful.

I will say this, it doesn't matter which way you lean, if you don't recognize the historic shift in how we are perceived around the globe, then you have zero understanding of geopolitics and the vast shifts taking place and the implications.

Absolutely. This constant Cheering for "your team" is ridiculous and keeps real discussions from happening.

Also, this feels like a massive turning point in Americas role around the world. We are pulling back and leaving a massive vacuum for China to fill.

I truly fear we will look back on this money in time one day and have huge regrets.
On a meaningless resolution in the middle of peace talks…

Would abstaining have looked better, optically? Sure. Did the vote actually mean anything or impact the situation materially? No.

It would have looked better to abstain than to agree with Russia and China.

If China,Russia, and North Korea are in favor of something, we need to be on the other side. As pointed out earlier, we need to remember who is pointing bombs at us.
On a meaningless resolution in the middle of peace talks…

Would abstaining have looked better, optically? Sure. Did the vote actually mean anything or impact the situation materially? No.
No, us voting, paired with our other actions, shows that we are clearly on the side of dictators and that we are not to be trusted
So because they might/probably will lose, he is supposed to just roll over and take it?

Like him or not, Zelensky has kept his people independent against supreme odds. Nobody would have thought that this war would last anywhere near this long.

I'm just still saddened that we are siding with Russia and North Korea. I never had that on my MAGA bingo card.

We aren't. I don't particularly love some of what's going on but all evidence seems to demonstrate we are trying to get a peace agreement and end this senseless and preventable conflict which is having a tremendous impact on so many things. Peace is all that matters at this point. Ukraine will never win. I never had it on my bingo card that the left was filled with so many WWIII warmongers.

Vance is such a fake ass bitch. Dude still claims he's from Appalachia. I had no idea Ohio was considered Appalachia.

He's fake? There's a lot you have no idea about. Always good to think before you post.

Trump is a coward and so are you. How would you react if your family was attacked, murdered, and raped but then you’re told to not assign blame to the perpetrator and, better yet, told to give up more of your property (that your loved ones bled and died defending) in order to appease them? And better yet, your neighbor that contributed money to help your family fight then asks for payment >5x the amount contributed.

Trump is pushing the much smaller nation on defense to give in to a murderous tyrant’s demands - that is not what a stronger leader does. It’s disgraceful.
I get it. But we voted for America First.

We have our own problems. We have humans shitting on the streets in our greatest cities among many other problems.

Tell Democrats and Republicans to get our cities cleaned up and then we can worry about others. Take care of OUR people, then we can help others.

As it was, we felt neglected and voted Dems out to give Repubs a try.
I get it. But we voted for America First.

We have our own problems. We have humans shitting on the streets in our greatest cities among many other problems.

Tell Democrats to get our cities cleaned up and then we can worry about others.
Cutting social supports for veterans has been a good start then by this administration. Removing resources to deal with an incredibly difficult psychosocial problem would seem backwards? No?
Cutting social supports for veterans has been a good start then by this administration. Removing resources to deal with an incredibly difficult psychosocial problem would seem backwards? No?

I personally know a Chaplain with the VA who was fired. Explain that one for caring for our Veterans.
We aren't. I don't particularly love some of what's going on but all evidence seems to demonstrate we are trying to get a peace agreement and end this senseless and preventable conflict which is having a tremendous impact on so many things. Peace is all that matters at this point. Ukraine will never win. I never had it on my bingo card that the left was filled with so many WWIII warmongers.

He's fake? There's a lot you have no idea about. Always good to think before you post.

I will admit that parts of Ohio are Appalachian. JD Vance never lived in them though.

And I stand by my statement, he's a fake ass bitch. He switches beliefs depending on what helps him the most. It wasn't long ago he was calling Trump Hitler.
I will admit that parts of Ohio are Appalachian. JD Vance never lived in them though.

And I stand by my statement, he's a fake ass bitch. He switches beliefs depending on what helps him the most. It wasn't long ago he was calling Trump Hitler.

You act as though modulating views is somehow a bad thing. It's OK to change your mind about something and also, he never said Trump was Hitler. It's so ironic that folks like you love to vacillate on everything and then you can choose to be completely without any nuance or truth when it comes to trying to make an argument about something you are upset about. To use your term, it's very fake and also very revealing of how empty the principles of folks like that are.

There's nothing fake about Vance. He's as real as it gets. You can say you dislike him and that's fine. He's someone who works for a person you despise. Therefore it makes sense you don't like him. The problem is you don't run into the truth very often when you try to list the reasons why that's the case. :)

Also, the country Vance is from is borderline on being in Appalachia. Our church goes to the region on mission trips. Where he's from is on the east side of his county and the life there for many is absolutely attributable to the issues we have in Appalachia.
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Trump isn't in a good mood concerning Zelensky. Z man basically campaigned for Kamala in PA.
A foreigner trying to help a box o' rocks get elected POTUS so he could get more from America. He was trying to help a Dem, so it's ok. It would only be an issue if he tried to help the Repub candidate.
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We aren't. I don't particularly love some of what's going on but all evidence seems to demonstrate we are trying to get a peace agreement and end this senseless and preventable conflict which is having a tremendous impact on so many things. Peace is all that matters at this point. Ukraine will never win. I never had it on my bingo card that the left was filled with so many WWIII warmongers.

He's fake? There's a lot you have no idea about. Always good to think before you post.

It's hardly warmongering. You don't spend 80 years preaching about America being the "city on a hill" and then tuck your tail between your legs and cozy up with an aggressor after he invades another nation and commits war crimes in the process. Everyone would prefer this war to end immediately, but you don't do it by punishing the victim. We've abandoned our allies because of idiotic isolationist policy.
You act as though modulating views is somehow a bad thing. It's OK to change your mind about something and also, he never said Trump was Hitler. It's so ironic that folks like you love to vacillate on everything and then you can choose to be completely without any nuance or truth when it comes to trying to make an argument about something you are upset about. To use your term, it's very fake and also very revealing of how empty the principles of folks like that are.

There's nothing fake about Vance. He's as real as it gets. You can say you dislike him and that's fine. He's someone who works for a person you despise. Therefore it makes sense you don't like him. The problem is you don't run into the truth very often when you try to list the reasons why that's the case. :)

Also, the country Vance is from is borderline on being in Appalachia. Our church goes to the region on mission trips. Where he's from is on the east side of his county and the life there for many is absolutely attributable to the issues we have in Appalachia.

It has nothing to do with Trump on this instance, plenty of people have worked for Trump who I respect.

JD Vance works for Trump to get a leg up.

And yeah... He compared him to Hitler..

We aren't. I don't particularly love some of what's going on but all evidence seems to demonstrate we are trying to get a peace agreement and end this senseless and preventable conflict which is having a tremendous impact on so many things. Peace is all that matters at this point. Ukraine will never win. I never had it on my bingo card that the left was filled with so many WWIII warmongers.

He's fake? There's a lot you have no idea about. Always good to think before you post.

Russia will invade Ukraine again, even if there is a peace treaty. They will not stop until they take over the full country. There are no guarantees for Ukrainian safety in there. If Russia is victorious they will not stop with Ukraine. They will go after the Baltic states, Finland, and others. If peace is all that matters should Britain have surrendered to Nazi Germany? Should we have sued for peace against Imperial Japan?
Just because you don't want it to be true doesn't mean it isn't true
No more so than you wanting it be true make it true. The fact is, nothing done to this point validates what you’re saying. Doesn’t necessarily invalidate it either. Point is, patience is warranted. These things don’t play out in minutes. There is no point in hand wringing and hysterics right now. Let it play out. I’ll get angry or tip my cap when it does - depending on how it plays out. Right now, you’re all getting red faced over hypos.
No more so than you wanting it be true make it true. The fact is, nothing done to this point validates what you’re saying. Doesn’t necessarily invalidate it either. Point is, patience is warranted. These things don’t play out in minutes. There is no point in hand wringing and hysterics right now. Let it play out. I’ll get angry or tip my cap when it does - depending on how it plays out. Right now, you’re all getting red faced over hypos.
-Embarrassed Zelensky in front of the press
-Trying to force a deal to get Ukrainian mineral rights
-Voted against Ukraine at the UN
-Hegseth telling CyberCom to back off from Russia
-Saying we will withdraw troops from the Baltic
-Saying NATO isn't forever or something to that effect
-Trying to force a pro-Russia peace treaty on Ukraine

What else am I missing? How else are European leaders supposed to take this?
I get it. But we voted for America First.

We have our own problems. We have humans shitting on the streets in our greatest cities among many other problems.

Tell Democrats and Republicans to get our cities cleaned up and then we can worry about others. Take care of OUR people, then we can help others.

As it was, we felt neglected and voted Dems out to give Repubs a try.
I agree with many tenets of the America first position. However, we can't ignore that the importance of global alliances. I have spent considerable time in East and Southern Africa over the last 20 years and the Chinese have run circles around us in building partnerships. In Zambia, one of if not the largest copper rich regions on the global, their are billboards in Chinese. In exchange for infrastructure and health care assistance, they have massive mineral rights now. The same is true in Tanzania. We need to forge similar partnerships to support our manufacturing needs. However, I don't see any efforts past or especially present to keep up. China and Russia are the only ones toasty and prospering from events like today.
I agree with many tenets of the America first position. However, we can't ignore that the importance of global alliances. I have spent considerable time in East and Southern Africa over the last 20 years and the Chinese have run circles around us in building partnerships. In Zambia, one of if not the largest copper rich regions on the global, their are billboards in Chinese. In exchange for infrastructure and health care assistance, they have massive mineral rights now. The same is true in Tanzania. We need to forge similar partnerships to support our manufacturing needs. However, I don't see any efforts past or especially present to keep up. China and Russia are the only ones toasty and prospering from events like today.

We are just saying take care of our own problems first. Can we do that? You point out all the problems all over the world, but it wasn’t that long ago that the democratic position was that we aren’t th world police.

Pass bills to help our citizens. Solve our problems of which we have many.

Once we do that we will be stronger and then can go work on foreign relations.

As it is, we should not ever get drawn into a war with Ukraine. I would never send my kid to fight that war.
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Anyone else watching this? This is one of the most embarassing news conferences I've ever seen in my life. My god, the hatred directed at Zelensky was disgusting while at the same time openly siding with Putin with Z sitting two feet away. I can't believe what I just saw.
Shameful look for an American president, and I say that as someone who agrees with him on the need to secure a peace deal there.

You’ll get more done by treating people decently than humiliating them at a “press conference” with your lapdog VP chirping in as if he has anything to offer
They’re in a war they can’t win. Against an enemy they can’t defeat. All with our tax dollars and weapons. Because someone decided they should be in NATO. We don’t need allies like that.
I agree, and the POTUS not making an ass of himself in front of the world should be free.

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