You think what he posted was worthy of snitching to Ard. What a little bitch.
@DW4_2016 literally posted he hoped my entire family died in a fire and I didn’t go cry to Ard. You guys are the biggest babies alive. You antagonize and purposely rile people up with your nonsense. Then go cry to daddy of someone hurts your little feelings. Pathetic. Be a man.
You’re condescending. You think you’re really clever and smart when in reality - any dumb hillbilly would destroy you in a confrontation. Hide little boy. Hide behind the screen.
It's not about how he posts because we all know he's a foul-mouthed, juvenile attack-hound with no interest in respectfully discussing the subject of a thread, it's about a history you may not be aware of going back several years. When you take a discussion board so seriously that your desire to shut someone up by doing them
personal harm is more important to you than anything else, you've gone too far.
If you've noticed, his sole interest on this board is to antagonize me to respond so that he can doxx me by dropping personal details about me that he got from someone else on this board who found my social media/LinkedIn account. I'm sorry but it just doesn't get any more contemptible than that.
You can cuss at me, call me names, vehemently disagree with me all day long but when your main objective is to expose me, you've crossed a red line that I hope we all can agree on. No matter how nasty you are to me on this board, and you've been extremely so, I'd never try to expose your personal details on a board where we'd all wish to stay anonymous.
Several years ago, a certain poster on this board posted my LinkedIn page here because he didn't like my opinion - how screwed up is that? So of course I wanted that taken down and I asked Ard to remove it, which he did and he told me to let him know if it ever happened again. Cabo has been attempting to doxx me now
for 6 mos. +, even though I've asked him several times to stop and he just refuses to, so I finally got tired of it and sent Ard examples of all the times he attempted to expose me so I could put an end to it. Ard was very concerned about it and told me he spoke to him about it, so I thought that was the end, but then he did it again last night. That was the reason I highlighted the post, not because he was being a raging prick, as usual.
And lastly, before you call me condescending, rude or dumb, how about you read the room first and see how I'm spoken to by the mob, simply because they don't like my opinion. Most people that come under attack like that just quit posting but I stand my ground and don't bend to the intimidation and that seems to drive you guys crazy. It takes balls to be a left-leaning poster on this site because you know you'll come under withering attacks by the mob and that's fine, I've accepted it. But when you want to take it a step farther and cause me actual harm, you should probably step away from the keyboard because your motives are unhealthy.