Zelensky, Trump press conference

This is stupid. Don't be stupid.

Russian aggression is bad for America, wherever it is. There is no justification for what they've done.

Absolutely ****ing wild to be arguing with you lunatics about whether RUSSIA is justified in grabbing power and land.

Would Russia have invaded if there wasnt a coup in Ukraine and the Dictator running the place after the coup didnt begin to bomb, shell, and kill Ethnic Russians like they did do? Doubt it, but we wont ever know since Ukraine gave Putin all he needed to justify going in. Biden even gave him the ok to invade after all...
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Color me highly skeptical here. Straight kickbacks are difficult with very high profile people. There are fairly simple ways around that that make it virtually impossible to track if you have the money. I need to see more than a random tweet from a nobody on this to even be willing to entertain this.
Thats why they call it money laundering
It's not about how he posts because we all know he's a foul-mouthed, juvenile attack-hound with no interest in respectfully discussing the subject of a thread, it's about a history you may not be aware of going back several years. When you take a discussion board so seriously that your desire to shut someone up by doing them personal harm is more important to you than anything else, you've gone too far.

If you've noticed, his sole interest on this board is to antagonize me to respond so that he can doxx me by dropping personal details about me that he got from someone else on this board who found my social media/LinkedIn account. I'm sorry but it just doesn't get any more contemptible than that.

You can cuss at me, call me names, vehemently disagree with me all day long but when your main objective is to expose me, you've crossed a red line that I hope we all can agree on. No matter how nasty you are to me on this board, and you've been extremely so, I'd never try to expose your personal details on a board where we'd all wish to stay anonymous.

Several years ago, a certain poster on this board posted my LinkedIn page here because he didn't like my opinion - how screwed up is that? So of course I wanted that taken down and I asked Ard to remove it, which he did and he told me to let him know if it ever happened again. Cabo has been attempting to doxx me now for 6 mos. +, even though I've asked him several times to stop and he just refuses to, so I finally got tired of it and sent Ard examples of all the times he attempted to expose me so I could put an end to it. Ard was very concerned about it and told me he spoke to him about it, so I thought that was the end, but then he did it again last night. That was the reason I highlighted the post, not because he was being a raging prick, as usual.

And lastly, before you call me condescending, rude or dumb, how about you read the room first and see how I'm spoken to by the mob, simply because they don't like my opinion. Most people that come under attack like that just quit posting but I stand my ground and don't bend to the intimidation and that seems to drive you guys crazy. It takes balls to be a left-leaning poster on this site because you know you'll come under withering attacks by the mob and that's fine, I've accepted it. But when you want to take it a step farther and cause me actual harm, you should probably step away from the keyboard because your motives are unhealthy.
You’re an idiot and I mean that with all disrespect. If I truly gave a shit about you and wanted to doxx you I would have 6 months ago instead of staying off of this board for 4 months.
Your existence is nothing more than a gnat on my nut sack so you can rest easy that your pathetic little life means nothing to me and therefore isn’t worth me exposing what a real douche bag you truly are. lol
Go ahead and tag Ard or email him or anyone else how I offended you again. 😂😂
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Russia invaded Ukraine.
Russian agents took even more control over media and political opposition to zelensky
Ukraine tried to expell those elements.
Russian agents embedded in our government claim Ukraine is hindering peace and being a dictator for... Not holding an "election" while being invaded.

We are on the side of Russia. The current admin and a lot on this board are ok with that. I'm not.

Russia invaded Ukraine.
In your eyes, was Russia invading Ukraine unprovoked?

Or do you think there may be a little more to the story?

If you still believe that Russia started this conflict in 2022, then you are either corrupt, ignorant, or brainwashed.

If you don’t know who Victoria Nuland is, or what she was doing in Ukraine in 2014, then you have no idea what’s going on.

The Deep State started this war. It was the Obama CIA/State Dept that funded Nazi militant groups to start a civil war in Ukraine, and initiated regime change to a CIA/State Dept puppet, Yatseniuk.

This was all revealed in the leaked phone call between State Dept diplomats and Deep State agents, Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt (link in next post).

After the Maidan coup in February 2014, the US CIA/State Dept owned Ukraine via proxy, and the CIA began using Ukraine as a giant offshore playground for criminal racketeering and money laundering. Ukraine became one giant CIA base, directly on Russia’s border.

Then the US/NATO began building up Ukraine’s army for the sole purpose of one day fighting Russia. The US/NATO began supplying Ukraine with weapons, equipment, missiles, training, intelligence, etc.

Covert elements within the US government, along with their European partners in NATO, used espionage to overthrow and take control of the nation of Ukraine, then built a massive standing army on Russia’s border, then tried to bring Ukraine into NATO, and thus start WW3.

If you are still buying the official MSM narrative about this conflict, you should not be engaged in conversations.

Everything the MSM told you about Ukraine/Russia has been a lie, and in many cases, the inverse of the truth.
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It's not about how he posts because we all know he's a foul-mouthed, juvenile attack-hound with no interest in respectfully discussing the subject of a thread, it's about a history you may not be aware of going back several years. When you take a discussion board so seriously that your desire to shut someone up by doing them personal harm is more important to you than anything else, you've gone too far.

If you've noticed, his sole interest on this board is to antagonize me to respond so that he can doxx me by dropping personal details about me that he got from someone else on this board who found my social media/LinkedIn account. I'm sorry but it just doesn't get any more contemptible than that.

You can cuss at me, call me names, vehemently disagree with me all day long but when your main objective is to expose me, you've crossed a red line that I hope we all can agree on. No matter how nasty you are to me on this board, and you've been extremely so, I'd never try to expose your personal details on a board where we'd all wish to stay anonymous.

Several years ago, a certain poster on this board posted my LinkedIn page here because he didn't like my opinion - how screwed up is that? So of course I wanted that taken down and I asked Ard to remove it, which he did and he told me to let him know if it ever happened again. Cabo has been attempting to doxx me now for 6 mos. +, even though I've asked him several times to stop and he just refuses to, so I finally got tired of it and sent Ard examples of all the times he attempted to expose me so I could put an end to it. Ard was very concerned about it and told me he spoke to him about it, so I thought that was the end, but then he did it again last night. That was the reason I highlighted the post, not because he was being a raging prick, as usual.

And lastly, before you call me condescending, rude or dumb, how about you read the room first and see how I'm spoken to by the mob, simply because they don't like my opinion. Most people that come under attack like that just quit posting but I stand my ground and don't bend to the intimidation and that seems to drive you guys crazy. It takes balls to be a left-leaning poster on this site because you know you'll come under withering attacks by the mob and that's fine, I've accepted it. But when you want to take it a step farther and cause me actual harm, you should probably step away from the keyboard because your motives are unhealthy.
Holy shit.
Very dishonest but thats just who you are. They need to pay us for helping them. If they want they can try and bill Russia to get some money. Then Ukraine can pay the ethnic Russians reparations for the war crimes Ukraine has committed against them...
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Why is it in our interests to have a weak Russia?

Why don’t we focus on having the best USA and that will take care of Russia. I’m not worried about Russia in the slightest.

Russia is like the democratic boogeyman.
You can be willing to deal with everyone without being naive about anyone; the Russians aren't our friends (to say the least). It doesn't make sense to throw an assload of money at every single conflict involving an American enemy, but let's not kid ourselves.
I've had guys on the Penn State board not respond to me because they lost the argument. Cowards and idiots just like Donald "don't hurt my feelings" Trump.
Wait... you think that people on the Penn State board don't respond to you because you feel they lost the argument? Lmao, this moron doesn't realize why he gets ignored.
A Cheney defending what America "stands for" and criticizing a VP's role in a war is another chapter in the excessive moralization of this conflict. There's been talk of the US pivoting away from Europe and towards the Pacific for what feels like a decade now. Trump's idiocy detracts from a legitimate point.
  • Haha
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A Cheney defending what America "stands for" and criticizing a VP's role in a war is another chapter in the excessive moralization of this conflict. There's been talk of the US pivoting away from Europe and towards the Pacific for what feels like a decade now. Trump's idiocy detracts from a legitimate point.
That first sentence says it all, especially coming from RINO Liz.
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