Clemson professor gets deported

Sweet gentle Jesus this story is a microcosm of one of the major things wrong with our country. Any idiot with an Internet connection is a journalist. Now we can have a discussion about the EO in question but let's get a few facts out on the table in regards to this "news".
1. This woman was not deported. And as some one posted earlier in this thread she wasn't "effectively" deported. She left the country of her on volition and was denied reentry. This is in no way shape or form deportation.

2. She is not a Clemson professor. She was a TA while completing her PHD at Clemson. Additionally she is not currently employeed by Clemson. Per her own public information she is a data analyst for a small startup. She has no more or less affiliation with Clemson than any other alumnus. I have a theory why the Clemson connection was used but that is another discussion.

3. No one knows what the status of her visa or what particular visa she was using to be legally in the USA.

4. If her visa was expired, that alone even without the EO, is enough to deny someone entry.

5. The EO is TEMPORARY. If people would stop getting their news from baseless sources in Twitter and actually read the EO you would know this.

Now we can go on to debate the pros and cons of the EO but this thread title is a lie as well as the cited source (a tweet from some twit). If we can't start with the same set of facts then the discussion is pointless.

This second letter in this blog post seems to be about her:
The person I disagreed with shared a vision of a "European America." Unsullied by Muslims with many children who would corrupt the culture of the US. That sounds rather familiar, doesn't it? Wasn't that what the Nazis wanted for Germany? A pure race?

He didn't say anything about race. He was talking about the fact that people from certain areas of the world don't share the values we have that have allowed us to maintain our liberal democracy. Ironically, it was Angela Merkle who said that multiculturalism had "utterly failed." Some people might interpret the post you freaked out about as being about the importance of western culture, and the potential to lose many of the distinctive features we celebrate if people import non-western cultures. The Michel Houllebecq novel Submission is largely about this possibility, especially in the context of a liberalized society where people have no strong beliefs about anything.
Hmmm.... still a lot of questions to be asked. In 7 years, has she tried to become an American Citizen or did she want to stay an Iranian citizen. What does her visa allow her to do? If school has started back, why is she going back to Iran? I think there may be more to the story but I don't trust TSA or immigration to do anything right. They haven't done their job well for the last 8 years so what would change in 8 days.
I hear your issues irt TSA but are you sure you want to stand by your last sentence. OK it appears you want to say TSA was ineffective during the last administration Only, well friend there was this little Thing Called 9/11! Care to clarify?
Since 1975 citizens of the 7 countries Trump has banned in his executive order have committed terrorists acts in our country that have led to the deaths of the following number of Americans:

Libya = 0
Sudan = 0
Yemen = 0
Somalia = 0
Iran = 0
Iraq = 0
Syria = 0

None were involved in 9/11 attacks and none were involved in the Boston attacks or similar attacks counter to Earle36's reporting in this thread. Conversely, here are the number of Americans that have been killed in terrorist attacks by citizens from other countries...

UAE = 314
Saudia Arabia = 2369
Egypt =162

None of those countries above are listed in the ban. Why? Because it would cause an enormous political sh## storm. So why were the 7 other countries above banned when our existing vetting has been extremely successful in vetting citizens from those countries? It was done to placate the likes of Earle36 who voted for him because he promised a ban on Muslims.

This executive order was useless and has not made America safer. All it did was cause a sh## storm and tons of bad press to allow people around the world to look at us as a bunch of prejudiced idiots. It has provided a recruiting tool for all of the extremist who are recruiting Muslims to their jihad against America. It has made us less safe as a result. It makes our president look like a xenophobic idiot and that in turn makes all of us look like xenophobic idiots.

Listen, I am not of the opinion that all of the people in those 7 banned countries are great people and there are no bad dudes there who want to do us harm. There absolutely are. But what I have enough common sense to understand is that our current vetting processes for citizens entering the US from those countries was not putting American's at risk and this EO has done nothing to make us safer. It has made us less powerful, less respected, and endangered us while making the president and those supporting his EO look like fools.

Again, I am not a liberal or a "snowflake" and I am for anything that makes us safer. But I am not ignorant and I recognize the damage that these types of amateur hour actions by our president are causing and I also recognize what they are going to lead to in the elections 2 and 4 years from now. As someone who is not a liberal, I dread what these next couple of elections hold. Trump is going to empower liberal politicians and their values unlike any single person in our history.
Since 1975 citizens of the 7 countries Trump has banned in his executive order have committed terrorists acts in our country that have led to the deaths of the following number of Americans:

Libya = 0
Sudan = 0
Yemen = 0
Somalia = 0
Iran = 0
Iraq = 0
Syria = 0

None were involved in 9/11 attacks and none were involved in the Boston attacks or similar attacks counter to Earle36's reporting in this thread. Conversely, here are the number of Americans that have been killed in terrorist attacks by citizens from other countries...

UAE = 314
Saudia Arabia = 2369
Egypt =162

None of those countries above are listed in the ban. Why? Because it would cause an enormous political sh## storm. So why were the 7 other countries above banned when our existing vetting has been extremely successful in vetting citizens from those countries? It was done to placate the likes of Earle36 who voted for him because he promised a ban on Muslims.

This executive order was useless and has not made America safer. All it did was cause a sh## storm and tons of bad press to allow people around the world to look at us as a bunch of prejudiced idiots. It has provided a recruiting tool for all of the extremist who are recruiting Muslims to their jihad against America. It has made us less safe as a result. It makes our president look like a xenophobic idiot and that in turn makes all of us look like xenophobic idiots.

Listen, I am not of the opinion that all of the people in those 7 banned countries are great people and there are no bad dudes there who want to do us harm. There absolutely are. But what I have enough common sense to understand is that our current vetting processes for citizens entering the US from those countries was not putting American's at risk and this EO has done nothing to make us safer. It has made us less powerful, less respected, and endangered us while making the president and those supporting his EO look like fools.

Again, I am not a liberal or a "snowflake" and I am for anything that makes us safer. But I am not ignorant and I recognize the damage that these types of amateur hour actions by our president are causing and I also recognize what they are going to lead to in the elections 2 and 4 years from now. As someone who is not a liberal, I dread what these next couple of elections hold. Trump is going to empower liberal politicians and their values unlike any single person in our history.

Y'all do realize the countries in this EO originated from the Obama administration correct?
I doubt she was deported as a resident alien from Iran. She likely just couldn't re-enter the country. I'm generally in support of Trump's executive order, but stuff like this is why they should go back and make sure they aren't applying it against people with green cards. I'm not sure that was the intent of the executive order, just from the language.

Here's a different, more sober perspective:
Dude even I know you should not provide a Right Wing link without a Left Wing link!!
Since 1975 citizens of the 7 countries Trump has banned in his executive order have committed terrorists acts in our country that have led to the deaths of the following number of Americans:

Libya = 0
Sudan = 0
Yemen = 0
Somalia = 0
Iran = 0
Iraq = 0
Syria = 0

None were involved in 9/11 attacks and none were involved in the Boston attacks or similar attacks counter to Earle36's reporting in this thread. Conversely, here are the number of Americans that have been killed in terrorist attacks by citizens from other countries...

UAE = 314
Saudia Arabia = 2369
Egypt =162

None of those countries above are listed in the ban. Why? Because it would cause an enormous political sh## storm. So why were the 7 other countries above banned when our existing vetting has been extremely successful in vetting citizens from those countries? It was done to placate the likes of Earle36 who voted for him because he promised a ban on Muslims.

This executive order was useless and has not made America safer. All it did was cause a sh## storm and tons of bad press to allow people around the world to look at us as a bunch of prejudiced idiots. It has provided a recruiting tool for all of the extremist who are recruiting Muslims to their jihad against America. It has made us less safe as a result. It makes our president look like a xenophobic idiot and that in turn makes all of us look like xenophobic idiots.

Listen, I am not of the opinion that all of the people in those 7 banned countries are great people and there are no bad dudes there who want to do us harm. There absolutely are. But what I have enough common sense to understand is that our current vetting processes for citizens entering the US from those countries was not putting American's at risk and this EO has done nothing to make us safer. It has made us less powerful, less respected, and endangered us while making the president and those supporting his EO look like fools.

Again, I am not a liberal or a "snowflake" and I am for anything that makes us safer. But I am not ignorant and I recognize the damage that these types of amateur hour actions by our president are causing and I also recognize what they are going to lead to in the elections 2 and 4 years from now. As someone who is not a liberal, I dread what these next couple of elections hold. Trump is going to empower liberal politicians and their values unlike any single person in our history.
As An Independent, retired Military Man...Sir I applause you & your unbiased Factual information! I would have written such but wanted to make sure there are others in Our Country with Common Sense not swayed by Party Affiliation! Well done!
Since 1975 citizens of the 7 countries Trump has banned in his executive order have committed terrorists acts in our country that have led to the deaths of the following number of Americans:

Libya = 0
Sudan = 0
Yemen = 0
Somalia = 0
Iran = 0
Iraq = 0
Syria = 0

None were involved in 9/11 attacks and none were involved in the Boston attacks or similar attacks counter to Earle36's reporting in this thread. Conversely, here are the number of Americans that have been killed in terrorist attacks by citizens from other countries...

UAE = 314
Saudia Arabia = 2369
Egypt =162

None of those countries above are listed in the ban. Why? Because it would cause an enormous political sh## storm. So why were the 7 other countries above banned when our existing vetting has been extremely successful in vetting citizens from those countries? It was done to placate the likes of Earle36 who voted for him because he promised a ban on Muslims.

This executive order was useless and has not made America safer. All it did was cause a sh## storm and tons of bad press to allow people around the world to look at us as a bunch of prejudiced idiots. It has provided a recruiting tool for all of the extremist who are recruiting Muslims to their jihad against America. It has made us less safe as a result. It makes our president look like a xenophobic idiot and that in turn makes all of us look like xenophobic idiots.

Listen, I am not of the opinion that all of the people in those 7 banned countries are great people and there are no bad dudes there who want to do us harm. There absolutely are. But what I have enough common sense to understand is that our current vetting processes for citizens entering the US from those countries was not putting American's at risk and this EO has done nothing to make us safer. It has made us less powerful, less respected, and endangered us while making the president and those supporting his EO look like fools.

Again, I am not a liberal or a "snowflake" and I am for anything that makes us safer. But I am not ignorant and I recognize the damage that these types of amateur hour actions by our president are causing and I also recognize what they are going to lead to in the elections 2 and 4 years from now. As someone who is not a liberal, I dread what these next couple of elections hold. Trump is going to empower liberal politicians and their values unlike any single person in our history.
You do realize that these 7 countries were identified by Congress and Obama as having questionable verifiable records concerning their citizens? That part of the criteria for that original designation also included the destabilized central governments that can't keep accurate records to provide the US with credible info about their citizens that wish to travel here? We don't know who they are because their own government doesn't know who they are!

Furthermore, you mean to tell us the opposite is true: ISSIS would be less inclined to kill us had we NOT issued this EO? America would be more safe had The EO not been issued? Seriously?
I doubt that liberal fairy, @kgwillison, even cares.

I'm going to make an educated guess and say that I bet I have worked on more conservative, Republican campaigns than you ever have. But if it makes you feel better to call me a gay liberal, flame away.

But you would show that you are a real grown up if you avoid ad hominem attacks and argued the merits of the case.

Doesn't seem to be your nature from past interaction with you. Easier just to attack the person rather than crafting an argument.
You do realize that these 7 countries were identified by Congress and Obama as having questionable verifiable records concerning their citizens? That part of the criteria for that original designation also included the destabilized central governments that can't keep accurate records to provide the US with credible info about their citizens that wish to travel here?

Furthermore, you mean to tell us the opposite is true: ISSIS would be less inclined to kill us had we NOT issued this EO? If so... you can fill in the rest I'm sure.

Exactly...And information provided by the Homeland Security Department.

Everyone keeps calling this "Trumps Ban List" and that's not accurate. You can argue the list all you want to but don't point the finger at Trump for the countries included. He is only as good as the information provided
Of course Obamas policy had nothing to do with Syrian refugees...because his administration created those problems. If his administration didn't intervene (and yes, I know McCain and Lindsey Graham and other republicans backed obama on it) Syria wouldn't have likely had those problems.

Obama had no choice but to accept refugees from a crisis he created.....just like Bush did in Iraq.
Dude please do some homework i.e. Speak to veteran groups, read something outside of what your reading because I can only tell you, Your 100% Wrong! You don't have to address me because I will not respond, just trying to help you out...Oh yea, Google helps also!
Really? Nope wrong. Go look back in the day in New York where most of the immigrants came into back then. You had Italian neighborhoods, Irish neighborhoods, Polish neighborhoods but they all assimilated into being Americans with "their" own heritage and traditions. They wanted to be Americans first not Italian Americans or Irish Americans or so forth. First and foremost they wanted to be Americans with a better opportunity than they had at home. That's not what these people today do. They do not assimilate and want to keep their own culture and want us to change to suit them but they don't want to accept our culture. Wrong!!! If they don't want to accept ours here then don't come here!!!

What are these Muslims not doing that makes you say they are not assimilating? Do they need to give up their religion and convert to Christianity? Are you saying that Irish and Italians don't hang on to their culture and heritage?
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You do realize that these 7 countries were identified by Congress and Obama as having questionable verifiable records concerning their citizens? That part of the criteria for that original designation also included the destabilized central governments that can't keep accurate records to provide the US with credible info about their citizens that wish to travel here? We don't know who they are because their own government doesn't know who they are!

Furthermore, you mean to tell us the opposite is true: ISSIS would be less inclined to kill us had we NOT issued this EO? America would be more safe had The EO not been issued? Seriously?
Please Listen if you do not agree fine But Please Listen...It's Called Recruiting Propoganda! Yes, Our President Actions Are/Is Providing Such! How do I know, 22 years retired military & other information is disseminated on a Need To Know Basis Only! I don't think you have the security clearance!
You should stop posting while you're behind bc the guy you're calling a nazi sympathizer has done more for this country in your pathetic existence than you could ever imagine. There are sheep (you obviously), wolves (very bad people) and the sheepdogs (that protect you from these very bad people). Guess which one he is...

So let me get this straight. Because someone serves in the military, they can't have xenophobic or racist views?
I actually feel sorry for you.
Please don't, I am a Son Of The Most High God & In Him I Rest! Thus will keep you & your family in my prayers! The Holy Ghost directed me to respond & I noticed you did not go do any homework!
Proverbs 3:5-6
I hear your issues irt TSA but are you sure you want to stand by your last sentence. OK it appears you want to say TSA was ineffective during the last administration Only, well friend there was this little Thing Called 9/11! Care to clarify?

Oh, I wholeheartedly stand by my last sentence and as a veteran that works in the highest levels of the Military that reviews readiness, the previous administration has put us in a dire position in the name of political correctness. Also has vetoed many raises for the military but yet will take refugees when he can't even support the benefits retired and medically discharged veterans should receive such as VA healthcare. You are truly blinded by your bias. You can search my post where I have called out many Republicans such as Lindsay Graham, Paul ryan and Mitch mcConnell as well as Bush for his handling of Iraq. I just chose to call a spade a spade no matter who it is.
As a veteran, it saddens me that you would align yourself with those that has handicapped our men and women in uniform. But if you want to continue down this road, we certainly can and I think you know as well as me, your not going to look to good.

I hope you were at church today because your hypocrisy of following a false idol, you will need it
Please Listen if you do not agree fine But Please Listen...It's Called Recruiting Propoganda! Yes, Our President Actions Are/Is Providing Such! How do I know, 22 years retired military & other information is disseminated on a Need To Know Basis Only! I don't think you have the security clearance!
Ok I listened... So ISSIS wanted to destroy us before. Now they REALLY want to kill us. They want kill us more dead?

I don't get it. These countries and ISSIS already hate us. They can hate us more? Over a TEMPORARY pause in the vetting process for their country? I just don't understand how thy can hate us more than they already do. Sorry if that doesn't make sense to you.
She is a Clemson doctoral student who is employed by a firm in Greenville. She was visiting her parents in Iran.
I thought she had already graduated in Aug '16? If that is so, she is no longer a student and has no affiliation with Clemson except as an alum.

I don't know if where she worked sponsored her green card (if she has one) or if an employer can sponsor a visa.
Since 1975 citizens of the 7 countries Trump has banned in his executive order have committed terrorists acts in our country that have led to the deaths of the following number of Americans:

Libya = 0
Sudan = 0
Yemen = 0
Somalia = 0
Iran = 0
Iraq = 0
Syria = 0

None were involved in 9/11 attacks and none were involved in the Boston attacks or similar attacks counter to Earle36's reporting in this thread. Conversely, here are the number of Americans that have been killed in terrorist attacks by citizens from other countries...

UAE = 314
Saudia Arabia = 2369
Egypt =162

None of those countries above are listed in the ban. Why? Because it would cause an enormous political sh## storm. So why were the 7 other countries above banned when our existing vetting has been extremely successful in vetting citizens from those countries? It was done to placate the likes of Earle36 who voted for him because he promised a ban on Muslims.

This executive order was useless and has not made America safer. All it did was cause a sh## storm and tons of bad press to allow people around the world to look at us as a bunch of prejudiced idiots. It has provided a recruiting tool for all of the extremist who are recruiting Muslims to their jihad against America. It has made us less safe as a result. It makes our president look like a xenophobic idiot and that in turn makes all of us look like xenophobic idiots.

Listen, I am not of the opinion that all of the people in those 7 banned countries are great people and there are no bad dudes there who want to do us harm. There absolutely are. But what I have enough common sense to understand is that our current vetting processes for citizens entering the US from those countries was not putting American's at risk and this EO has done nothing to make us safer. It has made us less powerful, less respected, and endangered us while making the president and those supporting his EO look like fools.

Again, I am not a liberal or a "snowflake" and I am for anything that makes us safer. But I am not ignorant and I recognize the damage that these types of amateur hour actions by our president are causing and I also recognize what they are going to lead to in the elections 2 and 4 years from now. As someone who is not a liberal, I dread what these next couple of elections hold. Trump is going to empower liberal politicians and their values unlike any single person in our history.
Helllllooo??? Ever heard of ISIS?
I'm going to make an educated guess and say that I bet I have worked on more conservative, Republican campaigns than you ever have. But if it makes you feel better to call me a gay liberal, flame away.

But you would show that you are a real grown up if you avoid ad hominem attacks and argued the merits of the case.

Doesn't seem to be your nature from past interaction with you. Easier just to attack the person rather than crafting an argument.

Where you have worked has nothing to do with your orientation. You've been claiming to be a conservative for years while spewing your liberal rubbish. After reading your silly posts for a long time, I know what you are.

I have zero respect for you and and your perspective on Clemson, the South, politics, and life in general. Zero. Oh, and you're a liberal fairy.
Please don't, I am a Son Of The Most High God & In Him I Rest! Thus will keep you & your family in my prayers! The Holy Ghost directed me to respond & I noticed you did not go do any homework!
Proverbs 3:5-6
Maybe 5% of people displaying hysterical reactions know that these countries were selected by Obama and congress due the illegitimacy of their documents and record keeping processes!!! That is THE KEY to the reasoning behind the EO.

If we can't even ensure that passport names and pictures are accurate from a country we sure as hell can't adequately vet the incoming citizens seeking refuge from said country.

This has been discussed repeatedly over the past year as huge hurdle with Syrian refugees. Yet somehow all of these self-appointed immigration experts whining on Facebook and twitter had no idea of this documentation problem.
Since 1975 citizens of the 7 countries Trump has banned in his executive order have committed terrorists acts in our country that have led to the deaths of the following number of Americans:

Libya = 0
Sudan = 0
Yemen = 0
Somalia = 0
Iran = 0
Iraq = 0
Syria = 0

None were involved in 9/11 attacks and none were involved in the Boston attacks or similar attacks counter to Earle36's reporting in this thread. Conversely, here are the number of Americans that have been killed in terrorist attacks by citizens from other countries...

UAE = 314
Saudia Arabia = 2369
Egypt =162

None of those countries above are listed in the ban. Why? Because it would cause an enormous political sh## storm. So why were the 7 other countries above banned when our existing vetting has been extremely successful in vetting citizens from those countries? It was done to placate the likes of Earle36 who voted for him because he promised a ban on Muslims.

This executive order was useless and has not made America safer. All it did was cause a sh## storm and tons of bad press to allow people around the world to look at us as a bunch of prejudiced idiots. It has provided a recruiting tool for all of the extremist who are recruiting Muslims to their jihad against America. It has made us less safe as a result. It makes our president look like a xenophobic idiot and that in turn makes all of us look like xenophobic idiots.

Listen, I am not of the opinion that all of the people in those 7 banned countries are great people and there are no bad dudes there who want to do us harm. There absolutely are. But what I have enough common sense to understand is that our current vetting processes for citizens entering the US from those countries was not putting American's at risk and this EO has done nothing to make us safer. It has made us less powerful, less respected, and endangered us while making the president and those supporting his EO look like fools.

Again, I am not a liberal or a "snowflake" and I am for anything that makes us safer. But I am not ignorant and I recognize the damage that these types of amateur hour actions by our president are causing and I also recognize what they are going to lead to in the elections 2 and 4 years from now. As someone who is not a liberal, I dread what these next couple of elections hold. Trump is going to empower liberal politicians and their values unlike any single person in our history.

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Dude even I know you should not provide a Right Wing link without a Left Wing link!!

The left wing links have already been shared. Please actually read what was written, though, and tell me whether what was said is biased or wrong in some way. All these people wrote was analysis of the actual order, plus some context that seems to have been ignored in many of the breathless pieces about this.
You don't know what you are talking about. The order specifically exempts religious minorities from those 7 countries from the order. So, Jews and Christians from those countries are good to go, Muslims, not so much. Read it yourself.

I'm not quite sure how that works but supposedly the EO (or at least Trump's intent - I don't know whether all of this is in the EO or not) was built on letting in more Christians and fewer Muslims in countries where Christians are persecuted.

People will find one error in the story and will then invalidate the entire thing. That's where we are these days.

It speaks to the credibility of the story.

In this case we have a lot of third-hand info. We don't know what is accurate and what isn't. Did the person who said she was a Prof just mis-speak? NBD in that case. But if they are trying to generate more outrage because she is associated with Clemson then that is an issue.

In any case we'll see how it shakes out. I see what Trump is trying to do and I see that he is trying to do things very fast, but he may have gone a little far in this case.

Part of this is that people just aren't used to a President who just does stuff. Most of them talk about doing stuff but very few just do it.

I am a reluctant Trump supporter. That means I did vote for him because he was the best of three bad options. It was like wanting Tennessee to beat South Carolina.

No shit man - officer Herd right? Big black dude.

Don't remember his name. IIRC the bullet went into the top of his calf, kinda on the side where most normal-sized people don't have calf muscle.

The dude may have been a football player somewhere before he came to Clemson as an LEO. He was enormous. His calves actually stuck out on either side. Had he not been so damn big the bullet would probably have hit the floor.

The story was someone tried to take his weapon out of the holster. The scuttlebutt was that he was showing his gun off.

I hope those of you going to church tomorrow will hear sermons against this outrageous executive order. Thank God so many Americans are willing to stand up against the president.

Most churches won't speak on the EO one way or the other. That gets into talking about politics, which is a no-no in a church (and honestly has no place there). Mine asked us to pray for everyone affected - the refugees, Trump, the country - everyone.

Betcha if DW4 was from Iran and you needed him to score TDs for the football team your ass would be crying for him to get back here so he could play.

DW4 with ISIS would be a horrifying thought.

Is it true that her student visa expired? If so, why are we debating this? The law must be enforced for once in our nation's history.

Lots of facts still have not come out yet apparently. Supposedly Graham and Jeff Duncan are looking into it as well.
Last edited:
What are these Muslims not doing that makes you say they are not assimilating? Do they need to give up their religion and convert to Christianity? Are you saying that Irish and Italians don't hang on to their culture and heritage?

Supposedly there are problems in Norway, Sweden, and Germany where they have taken in a high number of refugees.

I cannot speak to the validity of these reports.
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Read of 325,000 travelers from foreign countries only 109 were initially detained for questioning and most released. So if she has not been released then there has to be something they are trying to clear up with her visa, documentation, identification, or something
I hear your issues irt TSA but are you sure you want to stand by your last sentence. OK it appears you want to say TSA was ineffective during the last administration Only, well friend there was this little Thing Called 9/11! Care to clarify?

JFC and SMFH. The TSA was established 11/19/01. What's your point again?

The open border, minimal vetting in the past administration could come back to haunt us. What Trump is doing is one of the MAJOR points he was elected. I, for one, don't wish any jihadists bombing Memorial Stadium. Do you? Ask European countries how they feel about these scumbags.
Since 1975 citizens of the 7 countries Trump has banned in his executive order have committed terrorists acts in our country that have led to the deaths of the following number of Americans:

Libya = 0
Sudan = 0
Yemen = 0
Somalia = 0
Iran = 0
Iraq = 0
Syria = 0

None were involved in 9/11 attacks and none were involved in the Boston attacks or similar attacks counter to Earle36's reporting in this thread. Conversely, here are the number of Americans that have been killed in terrorist attacks by citizens from other countries...

UAE = 314
Saudia Arabia = 2369
Egypt =162

None of those countries above are listed in the ban. Why? Because it would cause an enormous political sh## storm. So why were the 7 other countries above banned when our existing vetting has been extremely successful in vetting citizens from those countries? It was done to placate the likes of Earle36 who voted for him because he promised a ban on Muslims.

This executive order was useless and has not made America safer. All it did was cause a sh## storm and tons of bad press to allow people around the world to look at us as a bunch of prejudiced idiots. It has provided a recruiting tool for all of the extremist who are recruiting Muslims to their jihad against America. It has made us less safe as a result. It makes our president look like a xenophobic idiot and that in turn makes all of us look like xenophobic idiots.

Listen, I am not of the opinion that all of the people in those 7 banned countries are great people and there are no bad dudes there who want to do us harm. There absolutely are. But what I have enough common sense to understand is that our current vetting processes for citizens entering the US from those countries was not putting American's at risk and this EO has done nothing to make us safer. It has made us less powerful, less respected, and endangered us while making the president and those supporting his EO look like fools.

Again, I am not a liberal or a "snowflake" and I am for anything that makes us safer. But I am not ignorant and I recognize the damage that these types of amateur hour actions by our president are causing and I also recognize what they are going to lead to in the elections 2 and 4 years from now. As someone who is not a liberal, I dread what these next couple of elections hold. Trump is going to empower liberal politicians and their values unlike any single person in our history.
Thank you. Thank you.
I'm not quite sure how that works but supposedly the EO (or at least Trump's intent - I don't know whether all of this is in the EO or not) was built on letting in more Christians and fewer Muslims in countries where Christians are persecuted.

It speaks to the credibility of the story.

In this case we have a lot of third-hand info. We don't know what is accurate and what isn't. Did the person who said she was a Prof just mis-speak? NBD in that case. But if they are trying to generate more outrage because she is associated with Clemson then that is an issue.

In any case we'll see how it shakes out. I see what Trump is trying to do and I see that he is trying to do things very fast, but he may have gone a little far in this case.

Part of this is that people just aren't used to a President who just does stuff. Most of them talk about doing stuff but very few just do it.

I am a reluctant Trump supporter. That means I did vote for him because he was the best of three bad options. It was like wanting Tennessee to beat South Carolina.

Don't remember his name. IIRC the bullet went into the top of his calf, kinda on the side where most normal-sized people don't have calf muscle.

The dude may have been a football player somewhere before he came to Clemson as an LEO. He was enormous. His calves actually stuck out on either side. Had he not been so damn big the bullet would probably have hit the floor.

The story was someone tried to take his weapon out of the holster. The scuttlebutt was that he was showing his gun off.

Most churches won't speak on the EO one way or the other. That gets into talking about politics, which is a no-no in a church (and honestly has no place there). Mine asked us to pray for everyone affected - the refugees, Trump, the country - everyone.

DW4 with ISIS would be a horrifying thought.

Lots of facts still have not come out yet apparently. Supposedly Graham and Tim Duncan are looking into it as well.
Tim Scott is also.
Europe was very welcoming and atheist and liberal, the terrorist animals, considered them gullible chumps and have turned family festivals in Europe into blood baths. We've had a few taste of the same, the Boston Marathon etc etc.

The Boston Marathon bombings were by Russians not from one of the countries listed.
Read of 325,000 travelers from foreign countries only 109 were initially detained for questioning and most released. So if she has not been released then there has to be something they are trying to clear up with her visa, documentation, identification, or something
Not per her.