HERE IT IS – THE SMOKING GUN: The 20 Point Email of Classified Information from His Father that Hunter Biden Sent to Burisma Board Member in 2014


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001
SMOKING GUN!! China Joe was leaving these documents in his garage for son Hunter to scoop up and pass on to foreign collaborators. All of you libs should jump ship on Biden now. This is against our nation!

By Jim Hoft
Published January 24, 2023 at 12:46pm
Then VP Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and Devon Archer (on left) – Archer worked on the Board of Burisma.
As reported earlier by Cristina Laila – According to emails uncovered from the “Laptop from Hell,” Hunter Biden sent his business partner Devon Archer a very detailed email on Ukraine on April 13 12, 2014 – just one week before Joe Biden visited Ukraine to meet with then-Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk.
It appears that Hunter Biden was emailing Devon Archer information he received from a briefing his father and Vice President Joe Biden held earlier. Or the information may have come directly from top-secret documents.
The Gateway Pundit scoured the bowels of the Hunter Biden laptop and found the document in question.
The images come from the Marco Polo report on Hunter Biden’s laptop.
TRENDING: HERE IT IS - THE SMOKING GUN: The 20 Point Email of Classified Information from His Father that Hunter Biden Sent to Burisma Board Member in April 2014
page 143

From the Hunter Biden laptop:
Later that day, Hunter replied to Archer with a 22-point plan on how they were “not going to let a crisis go to waste. To cash in on the Western-backed chaos in the Ukraine, Hunter offered the following plan: “Our guy [Joe] needs to set himself up as the anti- Victor Pinchuk (coal and steel oligarch- pro Russian Yanukuvich [sic] supporter) .
… The [Burisma] contract should begin now- not after the upcoming visit of my guy [Joe].” To discuss further plans, Hunter told Archer to “uy a cell phone from a 7/11 or CVS tmrw and ill do the same.” Hunter’s twentieth point was another “cover your ass” (CYA) insertion for the paper trail, as the very next point (#21) laid out how “domestic policy makers” including (and especially) his father, Joe, were to be leveraged for a “[$]25k p[er]/m[onth]” deal.

From the Hunter Biden email to Devon Archer on April 12, 2014 at 9:43 PM. Here is the 20 point plan from Hunter of classified information.
To Devon Archer:
I have to go to Houston with Beau tmrw for MD Anderson check up. Some thoughts after doing some research. And some further thoughts on organization going forward.
( Poroshenko appears to be the likely next President. Determining our teams relationship with him is important. He is credible with the west and by all accounts a true reformer (by Uk standards).
2. Some sort of decentralization will likely occur in the East. If it doesn’t the Russians will continue to escalate there destabilization campaign, which could lead to a full scale take over of the eastern region most critically Donetsk. The strategic value is to create a land bridge for RU to Crimea.
3. That won’t directly affect Burisma holdings but it will limit future Uk exploration and utilization of offshore opportunities in particular.
4. It will also result in further destabilization of Uk nationally and for whatever govt is in power. And the US will respond with even stronger sanctions. Those sanctions will threaten the tenuous support of the EU which does not have the political will to incur steep energy price increases.
5. Which will result in further price increases on RU gas to the UK.
(6.) The IMF loan guarantees will allow the Uks to weather the economic impact, but the required reforms to Uk public subsidies will weaken the new President.
7. There will be enormous pressure on Burisma to lower prices for the national good. Even if the company takes a hit in profits it would seem imprudent to raise prices in convert with RU price gouging.
8. Burisma has an opportunity here to play the hero if it ignores the artificial market value of their product and plays to the national interest.
9. Kazakstan could play a pivotal role by providing gas at rates lower than what the RUs are asking but I doubt they would want to poke the Bear.
10. The pipelines across Uk are the key to all of this. But if the Uks shut down the pipeline they also shut down 60% of their energy supply and put a strangle on EU supplies from RU which the EU will never accept (b/c they are pussies)
11. There is no immediate supplier solution to replace RU. Even if Burisma increased output from their reserves by 100% it would – 1, take at least two years and 2, Uk would still be about 35% short of their needed gas supplies.
(12) Our guy needs to set himself up as the anti- Victor Pinchuk (coal and steel oligarch- pro Russian Yanukuvich supporter).
(13) The best way to weather the storm btw now an elections is to throw all in with the chocolate king. Even if he looses to Tymosheko (unlikely per polls as of today) Poroshenko is a safe ally that could help protect him from the vultures of the moment. Additionally you me and Alex should reconnect with the boxer and help gain his support of our guy.
14. And it is the moment (btw now and Elections) that he needs to weather. If he is seen as unfairly profiting from the RU induced price spike things could turn against him fast.
15. The Burisma website or press releases should talk about how Burisma as the largest independent is committed to supplying Uk industry with as much power at a fair price as possible during this crisis with an emphasis on utilizing the best technologies and world class team to ensure increased production and domestic delivery post haste.
16. We can actually be of real value here. Developing relationships, bringing US expertise to the company, supplying strategic advice on politics and geopolitical risk assesment.
(17) BS can actually have direct discussions at state, energy and NSC. They can devise a media plan and arrange for legal protections and mitigate US domestic negative press regarding the current leadership if need be.
18. The announcement of my guys upcoming travels should be characterized as part of our advice and thinking- but what he will say and do is out of our hands. In other words it could be a really good thing or it could end up creating too great an expectation. We need to temper expectations regarding that visit.
19. We need to ask for long term agreement and across the board participation. This is a huge step for us that could easily become very complicated. And if we are not protected financially regardless of the outcome we could find ourselves frozen out of a lot of current and future opportunities.
20. To that end they need to know in no uncertain terms that we will not and cannot intervene directly with domestic policy makers, and that we need to abide by FARA and an other US laws in the strictest sense across the board.
(21) The contract should begin now- not after the upcoming visit of my guy. That should include a retainer in the range of 25k p/m w/ additional fees where appropriate for more in depth work to go to BS for our protection. Complete separate from our respective deals re board participation.
(22) Buy a cell phone from a 7/11 or CVS tmw and ill do the same.
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We knew this back then. Trump and Rudy G are right. They have been all over this and its been covered up until now. The establishment getting ready to throw China Joe overboard now as his usefulness to them has worn out.

TRUMP WAS RIGHT: Latest Smoking Gun Email CONFIRMS Trump’s Concerns Regarding Biden Crime Family’s Acts in Ukraine – And FBI Lies to American Public​

By Jim Hoft
Published January 24, 2023 at 9:30pm
In May 2019 Rudy Giuliani announced that he would travel to Ukraine to question leaders on the pay-for-play on the Biden Crime family.

After leaving office in 2017, Vice President Joe Biden Bragged about strong-arming the government of Ukraine to fire its top prosecutor.
Joe Biden made the remarks during a meeting of foreign policy specialists. Biden said he, “Threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.” Biden suggested during his talk that Barack Obama was also in on the threat.
In April 2019 John Solomon revealed what Biden did not tell his audience. Joe Biden had Shokin fired because he was investigating bribes to Joe Biden’s son Hunter.
HERE IT IS - THE SMOKING GUN: The 20 Point Email of Classified Information from His Father that Hunter Biden Sent to Burisma Board Member in April 2014
Shokin was investigating $3 million in funds that were being transferred out of Ukraine and into accounts in the United States at that time.
Joe Biden had him fired.
Then IN MAY 2019 Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani announced he was traveling to Ukraine to push the current leadership on several investigations including the probe on the Biden corruption case.

Then in July President Trump spoke with the new Ukrainian leader Zelensky after Rudy Giuliani announced he was traveling to Ukraine to investigate the Biden Crime family.
In the transcript released President Zelensky brought up Rudy Giuliani and his investigations with President Trump.
President Trump did not bring up the topic with Zelensky. The fake news hid this from the American public – once again.
Here is the significant segment:

It was Zelensky who brought up the Biden investigation and NOT PRESIDENT TRUMP!

Here again is the full transcript.
Democrats later attempted to impeach President Trump for this call.
We now know that Hunter and Joe Biden were leaking classified information to the Ukrainians back in 2014.
And we also know that the FBI had Hunter Biden’s laptop back in December 2019 and knew that the Bidens leaked classified information to Ukraine.
And the FBI under Chris Wray did nothing. They were silent during Trump’s impeachment despite the fact that they were holding exculpatory information that would exonerate him.
And then the FBI was silent during the 2020 election and said nothing when Joe Biden, who criminally leaked classified information to at least one foreign regime, was running for US President.

It appears the only honest players here are Rudy Giuliani and President Trump.
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I think this apparent takedown of Biden is also a tool for the establishment as they can say they went after Biden too when they make the big move on Trump.
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Mike Davis: President Biden would have to resign. If they can prove this, if you can link the stolen classified documents to this document, and lining Biden’s pockets, making millions of dollars off of their stolen classified intel on Ukraine, he’d have to resign…
…Much less than this gets sent people gets people sent to prison. There was a woman who was just sent to prison – working for the military in Hawaii, and she took classified documents from her office to her home. There was no evidence that she misused the documents, that she just transported them. The Biden Justice Department had her put in prison. So if you’re going to put someone in prison for just transporting documents from your office to your home, with no evidence of misuse, what’s the espionage crime?
If you’re stealing classified documents and using it to make millions of dollars for your family, Biden would have to resign. There would be criminal charges.
Bye-Bye, Crazy Uncle Joe.
I think this apparent takedown of Biden is also a tool for the establishment as they can say they went after Biden too when they make the big move on Trump.

yea they always take a few scalps to pretend everyone faces justice. they just do it when the individual is no longer useful/have taken care of anything that person might expose/at a time they view minimizes any collateral damage politically.

see andrew cuomo. they held the line for that arsehole until just after the 2020 election so it could have no impact on it. as soon as that was over the harassment allegations went from laughable to fireable and doing so on those grounds protected any more investigation/publicity of his covid mgmt, especially his massacre of old people.

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden Was Receiving Classified State Department Briefings on Regular Basis – Used to Promote Biden Family Business​

By Joe Hoft
Published January 26, 2023 at 7:21pm

Earlier today we reported on a Kash Patel op-ed on Daily Caller where he suggested that the recent revelations on Joe Biden’s crimes with classified information all began with the Hunter Biden laptop.
After an interview on the Joe Hoft Show on TNT radio with John Paul Mac Isaac, this is beginning to make sense.
John Paul Mac Isaac is the heroic computer store owner whose life changed the day Hunter Biden walked into his store in Delaware requesting help with some laptops he had in tow. Mac Isaac offered to help Hunter but when Hunter never came back for the one laptop left with Mac Isaac, the laptop became Mac Isaac’s. Soon after this, Joe Biden decided to run for President and Mac Isaac knew he was in possession of a hornet’s nest.
TRENDING: BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden Was Receiving Classified State Department Briefings on Regular Basis - Used to Promote Biden Family Business
After Hunter refused to come back and take possession of his laptop the ownership of the laptop became Mac Isaac’s. At this point, Mac Isaac decided to see all that was on it. What a revelation he found.
Documents of all sorts were on the laptop as well as seedy pictures and videos and text messages downloaded from Hunter’s phone.
Eventually, Mac Isaac handed the laptop over to the FBI after numerous attempts to have them come and get it. But Mac Isaac still had the backups from the laptop. They were his.
Mac Isaac was asked in the interview today if he had any thoughts after the recent revelations of the Bidens being in possession of top-secret classified documents. Mac Isaac noted that one item from the laptop struck him in particular. This is when Mac Isaac dropped a bomb.
Mac Isaac recently released his book on the story behind the Hunter Biden laptop. The book can be purchased here.

Mac Isaac said that one email, in particular, came to mind. He discusses this email in his book. The email was sent from Hunter Biden to his friend and fellow Board member at Burisma, Devon Archer. This is discussed in Mac Isaac’s chapter on Burisma.
This document was shared by Miranda Devine in a recent New York Post article. She shared this document online.

This is the document noted by John Paul Mac Isaac.
We have determined that the information in this email sent from Hunter to Devon Archer is based on at least one classified US State Department briefing coming out of Eurasia. This is the same State Department group that oversees Ukraine.
Based on an XRVision review of the original Hunter Biden laptop, Hunter was receiving classified State Department briefings on a regular basis and was using this information to promote the Biden family business worldwide.

Mac Isaac was concerned with the end of the email where Hunter recommends getting phones that can’t be easily traced. This implies that Hunter didn’t want his and Archer’s communications from being traced.
Mac Isaac was also concerned about the last few sentences in the email noted below:
We should also find a highly credible and discreet firm to provide due diligence and deep information for us on an ongoing basis. The kind of people that can get us information that’s not available through a google search and some phone calls. We can use our own funds to pay for it and I’m sure your buddies down in Little Creek have some trusted independent contacts that do that kind of work.

Mac Isaac believes that when Hunter noted “highly credible and discreet firm to provide due diligence and deep information for us on an ongoing basis”, he was referring to the CIA. When he refers to “Little Creek” he was referring to US Navy’s Little Creek Amphibious Base located in or near Norfolk, Virginia.
Hunter appears to be saying to Devon Archer in this April 2014 email, to reach out to his friends who might know some contacts with the CIA to help us with Burisma.
It appears Hunter’s hints were understood.
According to the Illustrated Primer, we see that Hunter and Devon Archer did find a CIA official to put on the Burisma Board – Joseph Cofer Black.
Black was a former CIA official who joined Burisma’s Board in 2019. Black is also connected to Senator Mitt Romney having served as his advisor for national security on Romney’s 2008 campaign as well as a special advisor for national security and foreign policy on Romney’s 2012 failed Presidential campaign.


Listen to the John Paul Mac Isaac interview on the Joe Hoft Show below starting at the 18:15 minute mark.
No wonder the Bidens and Mitt Romney hated President Trump – he was getting too close to their crimes. They had to get rid of him to keep the money flowing.
Mmmmm... Just wondering out loud. I wonder how many times has OP used the term "smoking gun", "silver bullet", "game changer" compared to the number of people actually found guilty with this "iron clad evidence"? Anyone remember the "crime of the century" where folks were going to jail for investigating Trump? Yeah... me neither except that Durham went 0-2 at trial with one guilty plea on altering an email.

Personally, I've no problem with locking up Biden and Biden if they sold classified info. BUT while I'm no lawyer, I suspect a guilty verdict is going to be tough to get. There's a laptop that has to be proved to be Hunter Biden's... Let's assume that's true and that he did drop it off by a pawn shop to be repaired and forgot about it. Hey Hunter is a drug addled idiot... it could happen.

So the owner apparently couldn't get in touch with Hunter (see the drug addled idiot reason above) and starts looking through the laptop. He sees bad things and instead of turning it over to the police, he gives it to that globe trotting justice warrior Rudy. Rudy keeps it for a couple of days before turning it it. Given that Rudy is on track to be disbarred for lying about the 2020 election, and his well known dislike of Biden and company. I'm having trouble seeing a jury not giving reasonable doubt that that laptop was not tampered with.

So again, I'm not going to be holding my breath on charges incoming.
Mmmmm... Just wondering out loud. I wonder how many times has OP used the term "smoking gun", "silver bullet", "game changer" compared to the number of people actually found guilty with this "iron clad evidence"? Anyone remember the "crime of the century" where folks were going to jail for investigating Trump? Yeah... me neither except that Durham went 0-2 at trial with one guilty plea on altering an email.

Personally, I've no problem with locking up Biden and Biden if they sold classified info. BUT while I'm no lawyer, I suspect a guilty verdict is going to be tough to get. There's a laptop that has to be proved to be Hunter Biden's... Let's assume that's true and that he did drop it off by a pawn shop to be repaired and forgot about it. Hey Hunter is a drug addled idiot... it could happen.

So the owner apparently couldn't get in touch with Hunter (see the drug addled idiot reason above) and starts looking through the laptop. He sees bad things and instead of turning it over to the police, he gives it to that globe trotting justice warrior Rudy. Rudy keeps it for a couple of days before turning it it. Given that Rudy is on track to be disbarred for lying about the 2020 election, and his well known dislike of Biden and company. I'm having trouble seeing a jury not giving reasonable doubt that that laptop was not tampered with.

So again, I'm not going to be holding my breath on charges incoming.

Here is what I don't understand. We have no idea what classified documents Biden had, or which ones trumpty or pence had, for that matter. That information is not public.

Yet somehow tucker and gwp have access to this information? They know which ones biden had, and know that information was included in hunter's emails?
SMOKING GUN!! China Joe was leaving these documents in his garage for son Hunter to scoop up and pass on to foreign collaborators. All of you libs should jump ship on Biden now. This is against our nation!

By Jim Hoft
Published January 24, 2023 at 12:46pm
Then VP Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and Devon Archer (on left) – Archer worked on the Board of Burisma.
As reported earlier by Cristina Laila – According to emails uncovered from the “Laptop from Hell,” Hunter Biden sent his business partner Devon Archer a very detailed email on Ukraine on April 13 12, 2014 – just one week before Joe Biden visited Ukraine to meet with then-Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk.
It appears that Hunter Biden was emailing Devon Archer information he received from a briefing his father and Vice President Joe Biden held earlier. Or the information may have come directly from top-secret documents.
The Gateway Pundit scoured the bowels of the Hunter Biden laptop and found the document in question.
The images come from the Marco Polo report on Hunter Biden’s laptop.
TRENDING: HERE IT IS - THE SMOKING GUN: The 20 Point Email of Classified Information from His Father that Hunter Biden Sent to Burisma Board Member in April 2014
page 143

From the Hunter Biden laptop:

From the Hunter Biden email to Devon Archer on April 12, 2014 at 9:43 PM. Here is the 20 point plan from Hunter of classified information.


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I’m still blown away and how much the government was involved in Twitter and suppressing info.

The Twitter files are scary.

I remember when I was called a Bigfoot believer because I believed info was being suppressed during Covid. Turns out….

I thought it would be major news and really big deal that Twitter was doing that. Turns out most don’t care…
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I’m still blown away and how much the government was involved in Twitter and suppressing info.

The Twitter files are scary.

I remember when I was called a Bigfoot believer because I believed info was being suppressed during Covid. Turns out….

I thought it would be major news and really big deal that Twitter was doing that. Turns out most don’t care…
Normal people don't care because they see a right-wing owner who handed off the investigations to a couple of right-wing hacks who are selectively and improperly twisting innocuous information into fake bombshells, while ignoring the information that would give a broader picture.

Oh and your mind is going to be blown when I tell you who was in charge of the government at that time.
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