trump leading new NBC poll


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Dec 10, 2004
But what is really interesting is looking at who he is leading with based on how they get their news.

trump leading bigly with people who don't follow political news.
trump leading bigly with people who get their news from youtube.
trump leading bigly with people who get their news from cable news opinion channels.
trump leading bigly with people who get their news from social media.

trump losing by a large margin with people who get their news from online news websites.
trump losing by a large margin with people who get their news from network news.
trump losing by a large margin with people who get their news from newspapers.

In other words, for people who don't (or can't) read, trump is winning big!

Idiocracy, here we come.


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But what is really interesting is looking at who he is leading with based on how they get their news.

trump leading bigly with people who don't follow political news.
trump leading bigly with people who get their news from youtube.
trump leading bigly with people who get their news from cable news opinion channels.
trump leading bigly with people who get their news from social media.

trump losing by a large margin with people who get their news from online news websites.
trump losing by a large margin with people who get their news from network news.
trump losing by a large margin with people who get their news from newspapers.

In other words, for people who don't (or can't) read, trump is winning big!

Idiocracy, here we come.


People in general want an echo chamber. They are looking for news that agrees with their already formed opinions. This applies to most people including me.
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People in general want an echo chamber. They are looking for news that agrees with their already formed opinions. This applies to most people including me.
We know - the dumber the news, the more it echoes to your chamber.
Is anyone shocked people who get their news from primarily left biased sources vote that way?

My two main sources of news are the AP and the Economist. But let me guess, you think those are left wing propaganda.
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My two main sources of news are the AP and the Economist. But let me guess, you think those are left wing propaganda.
I tend to agree with the assessment below. It indicates your source is left leaning. I didn't say left wing propaganda, but certainly biased. To be fair there are very few center media outlets. This should not be a surprise given journalism schools are typically on the left even within entrenched in liberal higher ed institutions that are left leaning in general.

I tend to agree with the assessment below. It indicates your source is left leaning. I didn't say left wing propaganda, but certainly biased. To be fair there are very few center media outlets. This should not be a surprise given journalism schools are typically on the left even within entrenched in liberal higher ed institutions that are left leaning in general.

man. i dont know what that website is, but claiming that the wall street journal and the Christian science monitor are centrist is some crazy moving of the overton window. yikes.
People in general want an echo chamber. They are looking for news that agrees with their already formed opinions. This applies to most people including me.
Lol oh mothers and fathers how you have failed your children. Most people should want objectionable facts to form their opinions. Alex Huxley would agree with you about what people want though and I agree as well. But a serious person should be able to set ego aside and accept facts. Otherwise you know you are part of a disillusionment campaign.
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man. i dont know what that website is, but claiming that the wall street journal and the Christian science monitor are centrist is some crazy moving of the overton window. yikes.
I honestly have no idea what the christian science monitor is, but I think the wsj if fairly straightforward - sans the opinion section- which is biased in every paper I know that has one.
But what is really interesting is looking at who he is leading with based on how they get their news.

trump leading bigly with people who don't follow political news.
trump leading bigly with people who get their news from youtube.
trump leading bigly with people who get their news from cable news opinion channels.
trump leading bigly with people who get their news from social media.

trump losing by a large margin with people who get their news from online news websites.
trump losing by a large margin with people who get their news from network news.
trump losing by a large margin with people who get their news from newspapers.

In other words, for people who don't (or can't) read, trump is winning big!

Idiocracy, here we come.

4p74bt.jpg bites dog.
It notes that WSJ news is centrist and the opinion section is right, which is accurate imo.

A publication focused on Wall Street or money is inherently conservative. Even in America.

Same argument about the economist.
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A publication focused on Wall Street or money is inherently conservative. Even in America.

Same argument about the economist.

I read it often and other than the opinion sections, which they clearly denote, I don’t know how you call it anything other than centrist. It’s right of you, perhaps, but that isn’t right of center.
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I read it often and other than the opinion sections, which they clearly denote, I don’t know how you call it anything other than centrist. It’s right of you, perhaps, but that isn’t right of center.
It depends on what you're comparing it to. The US is inherently a rightwing country; at least when compared to the rest of our peer countries across the globe. As such, the liberal, or more accurately Democrat, wing in the US is typically considered center-right when compared to other first world powers. This isn't intended to be a slight on the WSJ, as I enjoy their publications (minus opinion pieces which i stay away from), but rather an explanation of where iceheart may be coming from.
People in general want an echo chamber. They are looking for news that agrees with their already formed opinions. This applies to most people including me.
I agree with this. I make it a point to check out FoxNews every day along with CNN. Both are biased for sure, but their news is usually accurate at least on facts. When you get to the political commentators, not so much. OAN, Newsmax, MSNBC, Huffington post? I don't really get news from these sites. Reuters, APNews, BBC are all good (although the BBC always has struck me as a bit left leaning).