“I’m Over COVID, What the F**k Is the Use of Boosters?” – Bill Maher Goes Off on Medical Establishment, Experimental Vaccines in Latest Interview


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Dec 21, 2001
Hey....hes one yalls guys so this is notable. Indians off the reservation....LOL!!

By Jim Hoft
Published January 22, 2022 at 8:00am

Bill Maher sat down with Deadline Magazine this week before the start of his 20th season on HBO. The leftist icon told Deadline he is through with COVID, the vaccines don’t prevent you from transmitting or from catching the disease, and “What the f**k is the use of boosters?”
Obviously, Bill has broken through the mass formation psychosis that consumes many Americans today.
Excerpts via Deadline.
“I feel like Covid is still the dominant issue of our lives right now and it should not be anymore,” the Real Time with Bill Maher host says as the HBO series prepares to kick off its 20th season tonight. “And I think the big discussion on our show Friday night when we go on, is should we continue with the Covid policies we’ve had in the past?…”
TRENDING: Wisconsin Speaker Vos Is Secretly Pushing Legislation to Increase Number of Drop Boxes After Judge Ruled Them Illegal in State
“I’m over Covid.” He continued, “I mean, 78%, this is just the CDC fact, 78% of the people who died or went to the hospital were obese. Now, I’m not saying they deserved to die. Don’t twist my words, please. I’m just saying that is a lifestyle, you know? So, the fact that America, the medical establishment, never even attempted to get people to live a healthier lifestyle as a response to this pandemic is a giant scandal to me… It’s not a rarefied or weird point of view to say that if people would up their vitamin D levels, up their zinc levels, stop eating sugar, get a proper amount of sleep, stop overeating and day drinking, which is what went on during this pandemic, they would have a much better chance. The people who didn’t do that have blood on their hands. There’s no other way to put it.”
Maher continued, “I understand that the Western medical establishment is rather cozy with the pharmaceutical industry, so I understand that their only idea about solving this is a pharmaceutical response. And I’m glad there is a vaccine because many people need a vaccine. It does stop you from dying. But shouldn’t we also have at least mentioned this other way to deal with it?”
On taking a booster shot, “I mean, we’re in a very different place with Covid than we were just when I was on the air last time, and that is the vaccines, we know, do not prevent you from either transmitting it or getting the disease. We know that. That’s a fact now. They just prevent you from dying, which is a great part of it, let’s not undercount that. But if they don’t prevent you from transmitting it and they don’t prevent you from getting it why are we still treating this disease the way we always have? And what the f*ck is the use of a booster shot? Because I will never get a booster shot.”
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“I’M DONE” Former NYT Journalist Bari Weiss Slams Tyrannical US Public Health Response to COVID-19 – This Period Will Be “Remembered as a Catastrophic MORAL CRIME” – (VIDEO)​

By Julian Conradson
Published January 22, 2022 at 10:40am

Day by day, the left’s narrative keeps crumbling.
On Friday, Bill Maher hosted Journalist and author Bari Weiss on his show “Real Time with Bill Maher” to have a discussion about COVID-19 and the unwavering hysteria surrounding it.
During the interview, the former New York Times writer, who is now on Substack, slammed school closures and the crippling restrictions that have been forced through by way of public health measures as a ‘catastrophic moral crime.’
Weiss began her rant by defiantly declaring that she is ‘done with covid!’ Apparently she has taken part in all of the recommended rituals throughout, but, as she points out, nothing has worked the way people have been told
TRENDING: Wisconsin Speaker Vos Is Secretly Pushing Legislation to Increase Number of Drop Boxes After Judge Ruled Them Illegal in State
The hysterics surrounding this virus are “ridiculous at this point,” she concludes.
“We were told you get the vaccine, you get the vaccine and you get back to normal. And we haven’t gotten back to normal. And it’s ridiculous at this point.
‘I know that so many of my liberal and progressive friends are with me on this and they do not want to say it out loud because they are scared to be called anti-vaxxed or to be called science deniers or to be smeared as a Trumper.”
Somewhat surprisingly, the traditionally left-leaning crowd burst out into raucous applause after she made her point.

Are enough people finally waking up for this shamdemic to finally end?
Bari Weiss and Bill Maher have come a long way from even just a year ago.
Weiss, though, is seemingly on the fast track right now. She recently even turned in her resignation to the New York Times because, as she put it, “a new consensus has emerged in the press, but perhaps especially at this paper: that truth isn’t a process of collective discovery, but an orthodoxy already known to an enlightened few whose job is to inform everyone else.”
Glad some one the left are coming to their senses on this. As we emerge from the covid haze, we will look back and realize some of the lunacy from the last 2 years.

I am just happy we now have a president who is not dumb enough to shut down the national economy again.

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I am just happy we now have a president who is not dumb enough to shut down the national economy again.


Didn't that guy also want to print even more money?

Doesn't mean he's right.

But is he wrong?

Your resident keeper of logic and reason has been beating this drum for awhile now:

So, the fact that America, the medical establishment, never even attempted to get people to live a healthier lifestyle as a response to this pandemic is a giant scandal to me… It’s not a rarefied or weird point of view to say that if people would up their vitamin D levels, up their zinc levels, stop eating sugar, get a proper amount of sleep, stop overeating and day drinking, which is what went on during this pandemic, they would have a much better chance. The people who didn’t do that have blood on their hands. There’s no other way to put it.”
Maher continued, “I understand that the Western medical establishment is rather cozy with the pharmaceutical industry, so I understand that their only idea about solving this is a pharmaceutical response. And I’m glad there is a vaccine because many people need a vaccine. It does stop you from dying. But shouldn’t we also have at least mentioned this other way to deal with it?

I may have contributed to the day drinking part.
But is he wrong?

Your resident keeper of logic and reason has been beating this drum for awhile now:

So, the fact that America, the medical establishment, never even attempted to get people to live a healthier lifestyle as a response to this pandemic is a giant scandal to me… It’s not a rarefied or weird point of view to say that if people would up their vitamin D levels, up their zinc levels, stop eating sugar, get a proper amount of sleep, stop overeating and day drinking, which is what went on during this pandemic, they would have a much better chance. The people who didn’t do that have blood on their hands. There’s no other way to put it.”
Maher continued, “I understand that the Western medical establishment is rather cozy with the pharmaceutical industry, so I understand that their only idea about solving this is a pharmaceutical response. And I’m glad there is a vaccine because many people need a vaccine. It does stop you from dying. But shouldn’t we also have at least mentioned this other way to deal with it?

I may have contributed to the day drinking part.

You don't day drink? Yikes.

How the **** can you live on the ocean and own a boat and not enjoy day drinking?

I have even less respect for you now.
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But is he wrong?

Your resident keeper of logic and reason has been beating this drum for awhile now:

So, the fact that America, the medical establishment, never even attempted to get people to live a healthier lifestyle as a response to this pandemic is a giant scandal to me… It’s not a rarefied or weird point of view to say that if people would up their vitamin D levels, up their zinc levels, stop eating sugar, get a proper amount of sleep, stop overeating and day drinking, which is what went on during this pandemic, they would have a much better chance. The people who didn’t do that have blood on their hands. There’s no other way to put it.”
Maher continued, “I understand that the Western medical establishment is rather cozy with the pharmaceutical industry, so I understand that their only idea about solving this is a pharmaceutical response. And I’m glad there is a vaccine because many people need a vaccine. It does stop you from dying. But shouldn’t we also have at least mentioned this other way to deal with it?

I may have contributed to the day drinking part.
Maher at one time was considered to be a far left liberal but with each passing year he seems to be trying to hone his conservative bonafides, or should I say he tries to be controversial or 'politically incorrect', which by the way was the name of his old ABC show. I don't know what the fvck his deal is but I don't agree with all liberals and he was irresponsible to downplay the need for boosters. The overwhelming majority of the scientific community disagrees with that notion. But hey, he's getting talked about and I'm sure that's what he really wanted anyway.
Maher at one time was considered to be a far left liberal but with each passing year he seems to be trying to hone his conservative bonafides, or should I say he tries to be controversial or 'politically incorrect', which by the way was the name of his old ABC show. I don't know what the fvck his deal is but I don't agree with all liberals and he was irresponsible to downplay the need for boosters. The overwhelming majority of the scientific community disagrees with that notion. But hey, he's getting talked about and I'm sure that's what he really wanted anyway.

Is he no longer considered a far left liberal because that definition has changed so dramatically as of late? Perhaps he’s the same, and the party is different.

If you believe his comments on the booster are irresponsible, do you also agree with his point that the medical eatablisment’s (and the government’s IMO) complete lack of focus on living a healthier lifestyle was irresponsible?
Is he no longer considered a far left liberal because that definition has changed so dramatically as of late? Perhaps he’s the same, and the party is different.

If you believe his comments on the booster are irresponsible, do you also agree with his point that the medical eatablisment’s (and the government’s IMO) complete lack of focus on living a healthier lifestyle was irresponsible?

Umm, for real? The "libs" as you call us have long championed healthier eating and lifestyles for quite a while. It's you guys that are always fighting it. What else can we do?

Edit: it also didnt help to have a morbidly obese president. Talk about a bad example. Sad!

Trump administration to roll back school lunch rules and allow more pizza​

The Trump administration took further steps on Friday towards rolling back healthier standards for school lunches in America championed by Michelle Obama, proposing rules to allow more pizza, meat and potatoes over fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains.

The new proposals would allow schools more flexibility, the Department of Agriculture (USDA) said in a statement, adding: “Because they know their children best.”
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Is he no longer considered a far left liberal because that definition has changed so dramatically as of late? Perhaps he’s the same, and the party is different.

If you believe his comments on the booster are irresponsible, do you also agree with his point that the medical eatablisment’s (and the government’s IMO) complete lack of focus on living a healthier lifestyle was irresponsible?
I don't have a problem with him pointing that out but he should point out the other side of the coin. When Democrats have tried to address the issue, the GOP fought back. He should have at least given some credit where credit was due.

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You’re back to the you guys thing. You can engage with me without constantly referring to Trump or old party positions that I don’t necessarily hold.

Specific to COVID, from the beginning, the medical community and the government should have been saying that the absolute best thing you can do is to improve the health of your lifestyle, eat healthier, maintain a healthy weight, take vitamins, get good sleep, etc.

They should be explicit in stating that if you are overweight or obese, you have a higher likelihood to get hospitalized and die from covid. It’s statistics. Do your part to lessen the burden on the health system and lose weight. It’s your obligation to your fellow countrymen.

We hear nothing about this stuff though. Just to get all 3 shots. And there are no qualms at all about shaming those who haven’t received them, while the fats drag us all down by crowding hospitals and jacking insurance premiums.

Since you are the party of science and facts, you know this to be true.
Nothing the left could’ve said would have changed a thing about how the right reacted. We have two parties whose sole purpose nowadays is to obstruct and fight the other side.

I honestly wish the dems were these mastermind villains the right paint them as bc it would at least be better than the spineless pushovers who cater to their donors that they actually are.
You’re back to the you guys thing. You can engage with me without constantly referring to Trump or old party positions that I don’t necessarily hold.

Specific to COVID, from the beginning, the medical community and the government should have been saying that the absolute best thing you can do is to improve the health of your lifestyle, eat healthier, maintain a healthy weight, take vitamins, get good sleep, etc.

They should be explicit in stating that if you are overweight or obese, you have a higher likelihood to get hospitalized and die from covid. It’s statistics. Do your part to lessen the burden on the health system and lose weight. It’s your obligation to your fellow countrymen.

We hear nothing about this stuff though. Just to get all 3 shots. And there are no qualms at all about shaming those who haven’t received them, while the fats drag us all down by crowding hospitals and jacking insurance premiums.

Since you are the party of science and facts, you know this to be true.
Aren't the fatties the same folks who won't get vaccinated? 😅 It's hard to get through to those people.

I don't have a problem with him pointing that out but he should point out the other side of the coin. When Democrats have tried to address the issue, the GOP fought back. He should have have at least given some credit where credit was due.

Sarah Palin is a f'n idiot. The biggest mistake of John McCain's political career was having her as a running mate.
You’re back to the you guys thing. You can engage with me without constantly referring to Trump or old party positions that I don’t necessarily hold.

Specific to COVID, from the beginning, the medical community and the government should have been saying that the absolute best thing you can do is to improve the health of your lifestyle, eat healthier, maintain a healthy weight, take vitamins, get good sleep, etc.

They should be explicit in stating that if you are overweight or obese, you have a higher likelihood to get hospitalized and die from covid. It’s statistics. Do your part to lessen the burden on the health system and lose weight. It’s your obligation to your fellow countrymen.

We hear nothing about this stuff though. Just to get all 3 shots. And there are no qualms at all about shaming those who haven’t received them, while the fats drag us all down by crowding hospitals and jacking insurance premiums.

Since you are the party of science and facts, you know this to be true.
trump owns your party. you believe what he believes or you're voting independent.
trump owns your party. you believe what he believes or you're voting independent.

Like you believed Joe Biden was going to be an amazing president? Nah, you voted for the lesser of two evils. Which is probably what I’ll do in the next election. Because the vast majority of our politicians are awful.
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Like you believed Joe Biden was going to be an amazing president? Nah, you voted for the lesser of two evils. Which is probably what I’ll do in the next election. Because the vast majority of our politicians are awful.
i did not vote for china joe. try again
Maher on fire in a good way.

He’s exactly right. It’s all theater at this point. I went to a conference like 10 days ago filled with left leaning people and traveled with a left leaning employee. Nobody gave a shit about masks, but they didn’t want to offend anyone or “appear to do the wrong thing” with their mask etiquette.

Meanwhile my 5 year old is still learning to read while masked and watching his teacher sound words through a mask thanks to a bunch of libs on his school’s medical advisory board.

It’s so stupid.
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