1st Election Projection to be released today.

I have a really good father. And mother. They didn't
raise a racist bigot like yourself. And, I'm black. Got a problem with it? Seems like you do.

I'm happy you have a good father. I am no racist bigot. I asked you a question and you label me a racist. Just like you've assumed I'm a trump supporter.
You don't know me but you're the only one that has made personal attacks but somehow you're the tolerant one right?

You have been a perfect shining example of the problem in this country. If I disagree with you and ask the color of your skin I must be a racist biggot. This is why secession should happen. Let's do it peacefully this time though ok, no need for a nasty war like last time.

Let people who believe in limited government, working for what you have, spending less than you make, and treating others with respect all form one nation. Let people that believe in free healthcare/college/welfare, huge government to cover all that free stuff and spending more than you make while attacking anyone that thinks different from you form a separate nation.

See I don't want to control you, I just don't want you to control me. Your actions in this thread prove to me I don't want you to control me!
@poates6 your earlier post which was deleted said "I bet you're black aren't you" and "I would've been lucky to have a father like you" . All I said was you can't make a level headed decision. Your posting history shows racist tendencies. Weird considering your two boys pictured are already holding hands at a young age. I'd expect more tolerance out of someone like you. Did you dress those two poor souls? No hope for them. It's a shame, really.
@poates6 your earlier post which was deleted said "I bet you're black aren't you". Your posting history shows racist tendencies. Weird considering your two boys pictured are already holding hands at a young age. I'd expect more tolerance out of someone like you.

Yes, I asked you a question. Apparently it was too tough a question for you to handle.

You had to go back to little playground days and hurl insults. I Apologize for hurting your feelings.
I wanted to make the point that I made. Thank you for playing your part and cooperating.
I don't mind the heat, I love the kitchen, and not just in message board bravado world.

What else you got? Anything interesting or just insults?
@poates6 your earlier post which was deleted said "I bet you're black aren't you" and "I would've been lucky to have a father like you" . All I said was you can't make a level headed decision. Your posting history shows racist tendencies. Weird considering your two boys pictured are already holding hands at a young age. I'd expect more tolerance out of someone like you. Did you dress those two poor souls? No hope for them. It's a shame, really.

Nice edit! My earlier post actually said your and you corrected it to you're. Thanks again for that.

Anyone would be lucky to have a father like me. I love my kids. I work hard to provide for them. I teach them good honest values and to love others. When I get home from work I throw the baseball or football, shoot hoops, walk around the neighborhood, help with homework and coach their sports teams. Anyone would be lucky to have a dad that is engaged and plugged into their life.

Why are you so sensitive about that? Sounds like you had the same type of dad.

See you attacked my parenting and my kids, On a message board, about Clemson sports. Then you way overreact and scream racist when I refute you.
It's actually pretty accurate at this point. You'll see Florida move to weak dem at some point. And Texas to moderate GOP, but it's pretty accurate at this point as the majority of people have already made up their mind. In today's world, it's really about voter turnout anyhow. 30% are Dems and 25% are repubs. The remainder claim they are independent, but when it's time to vote, America is about 52-53% Democratic when over 55% of the eligible population votes. I expect a weak turnout this year. That should actually help Trump somewhat, but make no mistake. This will be a landslide victory for HRC.
I expect a huge turnout. It's going to be unbelievable!
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Anyhow, nate silver is good to follow as well. I've just followed this guy longer. He's averaged 48 or 49 out of 50 since 2008. Really good at predicting the house and Senate too.
Really surprised SC is a weak GOP. I assumed SC would be one of the most obvious GOP state.
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It's actually pretty accurate at this point. You'll see Florida move to weak dem at some point. And Texas to moderate GOP, but it's pretty accurate at this point as the majority of people have already made up their mind. In today's world, it's really about voter turnout anyhow. 30% are Dems and 25% are repubs. The remainder claim they are independent, but when it's time to vote, America is about 52-53% Democratic when over 55% of the eligible population votes. I expect a weak turnout this year. That should actually help Trump somewhat, but make no mistake. This will be a landslide victory for HRC.

Voter turnout will be huge in this election. Obama won twice in large part because people that don't vote came out in masses. At the risk of sounding socially insensitive, those people won't vote this time. Women that are passionate about having a female president are already voting. HC doesn't have a special appeal to any particular group. Trump quite possibly does, which is what will make the next 6 months so interesting
As much as I despise the left, if you follow electoral math, this thing won't be close.

If the states vote the way they have for the last 6 general elections, then Republicans won't have much of a chance.

To win, Trump must win Florida and then turn a handful of state that are historically blue in to red states. That is just not going to happen.

Polls really are meaningless when it comes to the general election. It is all about electoral math. There is only one path for Trump, and that is to keep all historical red states, and turn more than a few (with Florida being the key). Ain't gonna happen. No matter how much any of us on this board want it to happen.
As much as I despise the left, if you follow electoral math, this thing won't be close.

If the states vote the way they have for the last 6 general elections, then Republicans won't have much of a chance.

To win, Trump must win Florida and then turn a handful of state that are historically blue in to red states. That is just not going to happen.

Polls really are meaningless when it comes to the general election. It is all about electoral math. There is only one path for Trump, and that is to keep all historical red states, and turn more than a few (with Florida being the key). Ain't gonna happen. No matter how much any of us on this board want it to happen.

Another poll from today shows clinton with the slightest margin of victory in Florida and Pennsylvania (always a dem state).
Voter turnout will be huge in this election. Obama won twice in large part because people that don't vote came out in masses. At the risk of sounding socially insensitive, those people won't vote this time. Women that are passionate about having a female president are already voting. HC doesn't have a special appeal to any particular group. Trump quite possibly does, which is what will make the next 6 months so interesting
I could see 52 to 53 percent at best. Which is above average, but people tend to vote FOR rather than AGAINST candidates if that makes sense.
In the last 6 presidential elections, the following states have voted Democrat each and every time: Calif, Conn, Del, DC, Haw, Ill, Maine, Md, Mass, Mich, Minn, NJ, NY, Oreg, Penn, RI, Vt, Wash, Wisc. Those states equal 242 electoral votes.

One needs 270 to win. Florida is worth 29 itself. If Hillary just keeps the historical blue states blue, and wins Florida......she wins. And she will win Florida. Hispanic vote will turn out in record numbers and hurt Trump there.

There are 19 states that have voted blue/red in some ratio historically. Even if Trump wins every one of those states......and loses Fla.....he mathmatically can't win.

He is not turning any on that list of 19 that are always blue. So he has to pull an historical upset in Florida, and turn every remaining state. Not gonna happen.

So how does he win? It is close to impossible mathmatically. I don't care what anyone's opinion or wishes are. It is math.

Even if she loses Fla, she can win Ohio and just 2 smaller states and still win.
Nate Silver is far and away the best political predictor. Even predicting One of Obama's wins exactly for electoral votes. He has been off on Trump though, but literally everyone has.

This is the thing with Polls. I don't think any of them know. All of these professionals and people "in the know" didn't even think Trump would make it this far. They had him out a long time ago. Not sure how they all of a sudden know so much now. I don't trust any of them, honestly. One things for sure, we will see.
In the last 6 presidential elections, the following states have voted Democrat each and every time: Calif, Conn, Del, DC, Haw, Ill, Maine, Md, Mass, Mich, Minn, NJ, NY, Oreg, Penn, RI, Vt, Wash, Wisc. Those states equal 242 electoral votes.

One needs 270 to win. Florida is worth 29 itself. If Hillary just keeps the historical blue states blue, and wins Florida......she wins. And she will win Florida. Hispanic vote will turn out in record numbers and hurt Trump there.

There are 19 states that have voted blue/red in some ratio historically. Even if Trump wins every one of those states......and loses Fla.....he mathmatically can't win.

He is not turning any on that list of 19 that are always blue. So he has to pull an historical upset in Florida, and turn every remaining state. Not gonna happen.

So how does he win? It is close to impossible mathmatically. I don't care what anyone's opinion or wishes are. It is math.

Even if she loses Fla, she can win Ohio and just 2 smaller states and still win.

He can win florida or pennsylvania, it's basically a tie in both of those states right now.
Election projection this far out is about as accurate as preseason football polls. Any candidates from the SEC running?
Exactly. They don't know anything man. I often wonder if it's what they believe, or what they want you to believe. I seriously think it's the latter. I think they try to convince you what's going to happen or make you think they know so much.
He can win florida or pennsylvania, it's basically a tie in both of those states right now.

most recent poll I saw of Pa taken on 4-24 had Hillary with a 54-39 lead, and Pa has voted Democrat 6 elections in a row, most of them not even close.

He is not winning Pa.

Last poll in Fla had her up 49-36. He is not winning there either. That poll was May 2nd.

And yes, I did say that polls are meaningless. But they do give a general idea of how things stand. Fla has also gone blue last 2. I have a hard time seeing how that is going to change. Fla isn't exactly full of Bernie supporters, it is more likely Hillary supporters, so they will show up to vote for her.
Hillary will crush Trump. This is not new news. Those who voted for Trump are at fault for this. Hopefully China or Russia take over our country sooner rather than later and put an end to all the nonsense our country has been delving into.
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Ohio (18) is in play, as is Mizz (10), Virginia (18).

Back to my original question - which historical blue state can he turn? NY or NJ. Highly doubtful, but that is what he is looking at in order to win

Cause he can win those mentioned up above, but if he can't turn any historical states, he still loses
It will be, that's why these polls are useless at this point. Trump will win the election
How many electorate will he get and which states will flip? And how will he make up this large electorate deficit?
I could see 52 to 53 percent at best. Which is above average, but people tend to vote FOR rather than AGAINST candidates if that makes sense.

I can see why you would think that now and at face value that seems right. On the other hand, this may end up being the ugliest, dirtiest election ever some of the things that are said may galvanize one party or the other
I can see why you would think that now and at face value that seems right. On the other hand, this may end up being the ugliest, dirtiest election ever some of the things that are said may galvanize one party or the other
Oh yeah. This is going to be ugly and dirty. It's gonna be an unscripted reality TV show. I can't believe this is what we're left with.
Trump better have a good ground game for the "get out the vote" if he wants to win this.
He also needs to pick a running mate who will guarantee him Ohio and/or Florida.

The Republican establishment is already trying to sabotage his campaign.
(let's see what Jeb Bush does in Florida)

They'll take their chance of 4 years of Hillary and put up one of their own for 2020.....until then, it will be business as usual.
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As much as I despise the left, if you follow electoral math, this thing won't be close.

If the states vote the way they have for the last 6 general elections, then Republicans won't have much of a chance.

To win, Trump must win Florida and then turn a handful of state that are historically blue in to red states. That is just not going to happen.

Polls really are meaningless when it comes to the general election. It is all about electoral math. There is only one path for Trump, and that is to keep all historical red states, and turn more than a few (with Florida being the key). Ain't gonna happen. No matter how much any of us on this board want it to happen.

Unfortunately, I agree. No one to blame either. Republicans had 4 yrs to get their act together and FAILED MISERABLY. Will never vote for any of the Republican Candidates who ran this time around going fwd either. They simply are not the solution for the problem but are the problem.
The irony is all i did was meet him where he wanted to be, and to quote you, seems like the message came across.

Since you want to know, i'm absolutely from the state of South Carolina and proud of it. I'm not sure why my comments have been removed. I asked a question. Made no positive or negative reference to anything and wasn't even close to being negative. Yet you took it that way and apparently the mods took it that way too. Our culture is so scared of the left and its crazies you even come close to what they might consider crossing the line and they censor you.

It was completely loaded, so don't pretend it was just a question. It was removed because it's bad for business.
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I'm happy you have a good father. I am no racist bigot. I asked you a question and you label me a racist. Just like you've assumed I'm a trump supporter.
You don't know me but you're the only one that has made personal attacks but somehow you're the tolerant one right?

You have been a perfect shining example of the problem in this country. If I disagree with you and ask the color of your skin I must be a racist biggot. This is why secession should happen. Let's do it peacefully this time though ok, no need for a nasty war like last time.

Let people who believe in limited government, working for what you have, spending less than you make, and treating others with respect all form one nation. Let people that believe in free healthcare/college/welfare, huge government to cover all that free stuff and spending more than you make while attacking anyone that thinks different from you form a separate nation.

See I don't want to control you, I just don't want you to control me. Your actions in this thread prove to me I don't want you to control me!

My Man!

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Trump better have a good ground game for the "get out the vote" if he wants to win this.
He also needs to pick a running mate who will guarantee him Ohio and/or Florida.

The Republican establishment is already trying to sabotage his campaign.
(let's see what Jeb Bush does in Florida)

They'll take their chance of 4 years of Hillary and put up one of their own for 2020.....until then, it will be business as usual.
Someone gets it.
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Hillary will crush Trump. This is not new news. Those who voted for Trump are at fault for this. Hopefully China or Russia take over our country sooner rather than later and put an end to all the nonsense our country has been delving into.

Not saying she won't, but I thought there were 16 previous people that were going to destroy him. I didn't think Trump was serious about running, and I didn't think he had a shot. That's what they told us. So now what?
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Let people who believe in limited government, working for what you have, spending less than you make, and treating others with respect all form one nation. Let people that believe in free healthcare/college/welfare, huge government to cover all that free stuff and spending more than you make while attacking anyone that thinks different from you form a separate nation.

See I don't want to control you, I just don't want you to control me. Your actions in this thread prove to me I don't want you to control me!
Man, this would be awesome. Seriously, why can't this happen?
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Really surprised SC is a weak GOP. I assumed SC would be one of the most obvious GOP state.
South Carolina it's like 25% black, and they will all vote for Hillary. If you get 1/3 of whites to vote Dem, then that's a 50/50 split. Women are the most reliable voters, and are more likely to vote Democrat. Given trumps rhetoric, I could see the state being pretty close. Still think it goes for Trump, but by five points or so.