This has what's always baffled me about the vaccine talk. Sure, the kids are pretty resilient to COVID, but the parents/grandparents/family members/teachers/administrators who they live with and deal with daily are the ones most susceptible to a bad reaction to COVID.They were still able to spread it to teachers admin,and others. It's basically the same as other vaccines that they are required to have for school.
The question becomes, does the benefit of social distancing and remote learning in schools outweigh the negative childhood development/depression/etc from these same policies? Furthermore, if it doesn't outweigh that, then what would the increased death toll look like had we not implemented remote learning and social distancing amongst those populations? Does child services have the bandwidth to support a massive influx of parentless/guardian-less children, and what are the impacts of a generation of kids being raised in foster/state sponsored homes?
Idk that took a bit of a spiral, but it's something i hope was weighed when deciding what to do during COVID.