Anybody notice what's going down at Mizzou? Black players

I dont post much on this board and don"t have "too" much in
From what I read four main issues occurred involving race.

-The first was a group of students were rehearsing a play, outside I believe, and a drunk person (do not know it they were a student or not) started yelling racist remarks.

-The second involved students being upset that a statue of Thomas Jefferson is on campus. They got a petition signed by like 2000 people wanting it removed but it is not removed.

-The third is a claim by a black student that someone called her the N word.

-The fourth was someone smearing a swastika image with feces in a dorm hallway.

All of these are unacceptable and students began having some protests about race relations. They then sent a list of demands to the President and told him he had eight days to meet the demands:

. We demand that the University of Missouri System President, Tim Wolfe, writes a handwritten apology to the Concerned Student 1-9-5-0 demonstrators and holds a press conference in the Mizzou Student Center reading the letter. In the letter and at the press conference, Tim Wolfe must acknowledge his white male privilege, recognize that systems of oppression exist, and provide a verbal commitment to fulfilling Concerned Student 1-9-5-0 demands. We want Tim Wolfe to admit to his gross negligence, allowing his driver to hit one of the demonstrators, consenting to the physical violence of bystanders, and lastly refusing to intervene when Columbia Police Department used excessive force with demonstrators.

II. We demand the immediate removal of Tim Wolfe as UM system president. After his removal a new amendment to UM system policies must be established to have all future UM system president and Chancellor positions be selected by a collective of students, staff, and faculty of diverse backgrounds.

III. We demand that the University of Missouri meets the Legion of Black Collegians' demands that were presented in 1969 for the betterment of the black community.

IV. We demand that the University of Missouri creates and enforces comprehensive racial awareness and inclusion curriculum throughout all campus departments and units, mandatory for all students, faculty, staff, and administration. This curriculum must be vetted, maintained, and overseen by a board comprised of students, staff, and faculty of color.

V. We demand that by the academic year 2017-2018, the University of Missouri increases the percentage of black faculty and staff campus-wide to 10%.

VI. We demand that the University of Missouri composes a strategic 10 year plan by May 1, 2016 that will increase retention rates for marginalized students, sustain diversity curriculum and training, and promote a more safe and inclusive campus.

VII. We demand that the University of Missouri increases funding and resources for the University of Missouri Counseling Center for the purpose of hiring additional mental health professionals — particularly those of color, boosting mental health outreach and programming across campus, increasing campus-wide awareness and visibility of the counseling center, and reducing lengthy wait times for prospective clients.

VIII. We demand that the University of Missouri increases funding, resources, and personnel for the social justices centers on campus for the purpose of hiring additional professionals, particularly those of color, boosting outreach and programming across campus, and increasing campus-wide awareness and visibility.

Now if this sounds reasonable to you for what has transpired we will just have to disagree. Quite honestly it's ridiculous. Also not mentioned anywhere by the media is the fact that the President had been drafting a diversity plan since the early summer to implement by January. This was done in response to the Ferguson riots.

This entire thing has escalated to a level it never should have and is being flamed by irrational people. If people keep throwing gas on a small fire we will have another Ferguson on our hands and I don't think anybody wants that as it does nothing to improve respect and race relations.

Interesting reading! I have not expressed or taken sides with this issue one way or another because I do not have all the facts. However, I will continue to fight for any American to have non violent protest. I also do not agree that because a group protest, even Demanded, their concerns are not respected! This is a country founded on unreasonable & "how dare you" type demands, i.e. Right to vote, right to live consistent with those of a majority group.
Again, I do not know all the details (What you sent is the most I read on this situation) but refuse to believe MU alum Sen. McCaskill, The Team of Blacks & White student athletes - coaches & other non Black students on the campus who are standing with the protesters & voicing concerns for the current environment, do not have legitimate concerns to demand changes.
What I did find disturbing was the school president taking a student concern as lackadaisical as he did weeks prior to the athletes protest, saw this on Fox News Channel yesterday. He basically laugh in her face & rode away.
Finally, I do not, as an outsider have problems with most of those demands. & shouldn't the diversity plan you said was drafted after Ferguson, by the President, have addressed most if not all of these demands. If this plan has been drafted, why the delay to implementing & what exactly does this plan details. My friend if this Plan is drafted by a diverse group & the students are still protesting, where is the disconnect! The devil is in the detail!
I've read a lot about those days. I just can't make sense of it. I cannot understand why people don't make a better effort to get along. We're all human beings. We're all Americans.
If you and Bart Wright can find a way to get along, anyone can.
Interesting reading! I have not expressed or taken sides with this issue one way or another because I do not have all the facts. However, I will continue to fight for any American to have non violent protest. I also do not agree that because a group protest, even Demanded, their concerns are not respected! This is a country founded on unreasonable & "how dare you" type demands, i.e. Right to vote, right to live consistent with those of a majority group.
Again, I do not know all the details (What you sent is the most I read on this situation) but refuse to believe MU alum Sen. McCaskill, The Team of Blacks & White student athletes - coaches & other non Black students on the campus who are standing with the protesters & voicing concerns for the current environment, do not have legitimate concerns to demand changes.
What I did find disturbing was the school president taking a student concern as lackadaisical as he did weeks prior to the athletes protest, saw this on Fox News Channel yesterday. He basically laugh in her face & rode away.
Finally, I do not, as an outsider have problems with most of those demands. & shouldn't the diversity plan you said was drafted after Ferguson, by the President, have addressed most if not all of these demands. If this plan has been drafted, why the delay to implementing & what exactly does this plan details. My friend if this Plan is drafted by a diverse group & the students are still protesting, where is the disconnect! The devil is in the detail!

I think a vast majority of people are fed up with racism and being ugly to each other based on skin color. We have come a long way since the Jim Crow days but we still have work to do. I don't think this latest issue has been handled well by either side. One side thinks they are not being taken seriously and one side thinks they are being bombarded with unreasonable demands and being held accountable for many things they cannot possibly control. The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle.

The draft is not finalized yet because according to the President he wanted input from faculty and students before implementation. Hopefully both sides can work together to make meaningful change. But demanding someone be fired and read a statement that acknowledges his "white male privilege" is not a good way to get things done.
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