Were the polls not skewed, or was that just coincidence?
Were the polls not skewed, or was that just coincidence?
Yep, I know......not CNN, FOX, etc.
McConnell: We’ll ‘Have No Lectures’ From Those Who Spent 4 Years ‘Refusing To Accept’ 2016 Election
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell slammed Democrats and the media during a speech from the Senate floor on Monday over their complaining that President Trump has not conceded the 2020 election, even though some states are still counting votes and the Trump campaign has filed numerous legal...www.dailywire.com
“In late August, Secretary Hillary Clinton said, quote, ‘Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances… I think this is going to drag out, and… he will win if we don’t give an inch,’” McConnell continued. “That same month, Speaker Pelosi and the Democratic Leader both stated, quote, ‘[President Trump] needs to cheat to win.’ In October, when Speaker Pelosi was shopping some conspiracy theory about the Postal Service, she recklessly said, quote, ‘I have no doubt that the president… will lie, cheat, and steal, to win this election.’”
Were the polls not skewed, or was that just coincidence?
Pelusi wasn’t wrong. Trump is lying, cheating and stealing right now as we speak.
Polls can't be illegal.
Didn't say they were. Just a fun fact.
Your idiot president did.
And you, in an attempt to be clever I suppose, suggested they are a "coincidence" that you can't overlook.
Have you seen us call Biden names?
Have you seen us call Biden names? He can hardly speak at times... and yet, we don’t. Why are you so threatened by a fair/transparent vetting of this election process?
Here's a thread you started where you referred to him as "old, senile Joe Biden".
You also have numerous references to "Sleepy Joe".
Seriously? How.many times have you see republicans say he couldn't complete a sentence, he was senile/having dementia, dying soon etc?
I honestly wonder if that messaging didn't backfire on the president? He lowered the bar so far for Biden, that he vastly outperformed expectations.
Pointing out the obvious, and calling someone an insulting name are two separate things.
You’re reaching.
So you support a president who was trounced in debates and elections by someone who is senile,could barely complete a sentence etc? Seems logical to me.
Maybe you missed it, but your neighborly lib created that thread.
Fair enough. My mistake.
And Sleepy Joe?
I'm assuming we are only talking about this election? Or do we mean elections in general?
Yes, Trump is causing a stir but don't forget Pelosi and HC accused him of cheating before the election even started. Yes, I know HC isn't in the party......but let's not fail to ignore her access to followers that are in the party and the press.
I'd say there is cheating in every election and on both sides, to what scale I don't know but there is both evidence and accusations in just about every election I can remember (including all public races here, not just presidential). I'd also say that while some of the alterations to voting methods/requirements might fall within the legal boundaries of being "Fair", they don't help bring faith to the process. Our tax dollars pay for these lawsuits to change voting practices every year. We should all be angry about that
Personally, I don't think he is going to overturn the result but the whistleblower testimony (the ones on official record) need to be heard out, at the very least to ensure we introduce prevention methods for the next election if found to be both fraudulent and of course true.
Anyone who watched - and I imagine that excludes @Cocks are Number 1 - Joe Biden's speech to the nation on Saturday night could not come away with the impression that he is sleepy or senile. Not compared to the word salad president we now have: "tremendous," "beautiful," "fake." Biden may not be as eloquent as Reagan, Clinton or Obama, but he will darn sure be better than Trump. Talk about someone who can't string two coherent sentences together!
trump says he has the evidence of widespread voter fraud, but he cant share it yet because it is under audit by the election commission. We should give him four more years for the audit to run its course and then he promises he will share the evidence.
seriously though, I am just curious... do you believe trump can’t show his returns because they are under audit? Not even trying to argue about it, just curious of your thoughts.
I’ll put it this way... if I was under IRS audit, I wouldn’t have my personal finances on display until the audit was complete. You’d be crazy to do so.
But here is what I don't get. The IRS obviously has his tax returns. Why would relaeaing them to the public change anything with an audit?
trump says he has the evidence of widespread voter fraud, but he cant share it yet because it is under audit by the election commission. We should give him four more years for the audit to run its course and then he promises he will share the evidence.
seriously though, I am just curious... do you believe trump can’t show his returns because they are under audit? Not even trying to argue about it, just curious of your thoughts.
Georgia just agreed to do a hand recount if the news flash I saw was accurate so I don't reckon it will take 4 years.
Actually, I don't believe Trump should have to show his returns outside of corporate specific ones. Why would anyone be obligated to show their tax returns? That's personal and private and I don't want to see Biden's or anyones for that matter. Whatever Trump does to avoid taxes, that's between him and the IRS.
What's next for public opinion, health records? Bank account statements?
My question, to those that believe there is some kind of fraud and Trump was cheated, where is the evidence? Or "coincidence"?
Think about it, there would have to be thousands upon thousands of people who are in on a scam this size. And yet no one has spoken up with hard evidence?
Humans love to gossip but this time everyone in the know is hush hush? Cmon.
Lastly, the voting process is already transparent and vetted. Why do people think that isn't enough?
thanks but you didn’t answer the question. Do you believe him when he says he cannot show the last 15 years of tax returns because they are under audit?
I did answer it as truthfully as I can.......he shouldn't have to. Is he asking America/the world to approve a mortgage? And do you think the US government didn't look into his tax matters before they put him in office? Do you know how incredibly probing Q level clearances are? 4 years after the probes and I bet he's still not walking right.
Sorry, let me also add that I don't care if he's lying. What he should have said to everyone who asked is "go fck yourself, that's private information"
If we go down this road, there won't be any private data if we aren't careful.
Every election has a few hundred votes that are deemed unreliable but you have people thinking that there are 10s of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of votes that are completely fraudulent. Lawsuits have been filed and yet there hasn't been a smoking gun even presented.Everyone saying there is no evidence is just being willfully ignorant. There is absolutely evidence of fraud at a small scale. I have not decided whether or not I believe there is fraud on a scale large enough to influence the election.
However, we have seen that the government is willing to outright deceive the public (Russian collusion). So, to suggest that its impossible for the government to pull this off when they have the resources they do is very small minded. It is absolutely within the realm of possibility. Shame on the government for losing the trust of the American people.
It will be interesting to see the hand recount in Georgia. If it comes back similar to the previous count that will add confidence to the results in other states with the same software. If the hand counts come back much different, that will show that machines in others states could produce similar results and chaos will ensue.
This is a good video. I watched the whole thing.
fair enough, I am going to make a note about this just in case Biden decides not to share his tax returns in 4 years.
Every election has a few hundred votes that are deemed unreliable but you have people thinking that there are 10s of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of votes that are completely fraudulent. Lawsuits have been filed and yet there hasn't been a smoking gun even presented.
You talk about the government like it is all completely for Trump being voted out. It lacks logic because alot of the politicians are where they are because of Trump. To think one side could deceive the other without leaving major evidence is laughable. It doesn't make sense.
What does make sense is that more people didn't want to elect Trump for a second term. Its really nothing more complex than that.
Georgia will have a similar result that they originally had. You will not see chaos. But I will be looking forward to you admitting that you were wrong about your assumptions.
It is out of the realm of possibility because there is nothing in this situation that points to widespread fraud.I didn't assume anything. I went as far as to say I don't know what I believe yet.
What we do know is that Russian Collusion was made up by our own government and sold to the American public. We know that government officials, i.e. Clapper i think, lied to congress about the programs that Snowden exposed. Our government is not this squeaky clean apparatus that some think it is.
It is no secret that democrats voted to impeach Trump without one vote of support from Republicans. It is clear who wanted Trump out. Its the same people who suggested using the 25th amendment and wearing a wire to take him out.
All that said, I don't know what I believe as far as widespread voter fraud. What i am saying is that it is well within the realms of possibility. What I am also saying is that it is the upper echeclon of the government that has lost the trust of the American people. At least half of us anyways. You know, the ones that the IRS targeted. The ones who had the full force of the NSA spying on them.
But we should just unite and trust you guys now, amirite?
I didn't assume anything. I went as far as to say I don't know what I believe yet.
What we do know is that Russian Collusion was made up by our own government and sold to the American public. We know that government officials, i.e. Clapper i think, lied to congress about the programs that Snowden exposed saying they did not exist when in fact they did. Our government is not this squeaky clean apparatus that some think it is.
It is no secret that democrats voted to impeach Trump without one vote of support from Republicans. It is clear who wanted Trump out. Its the same people who suggested using the 25th amendment and wearing a wire to take him out.
All that said, I don't know what I believe as far as widespread voter fraud. What i am saying is that it is well within the realms of possibility. What I am also saying is that it is the upper echeclon of the government that has lost the trust of the American people. At least half of us anyways. You know, the ones that the IRS targeted. The ones who had the full force of the NSA spying on them.
But we should just unite and trust you guys now, amirite?
I didn't assume anything. I went as far as to say I don't know what I believe yet.
What we do know is that Russian Collusion was made up by our own government and sold to the American public. We know that government officials, i.e. Clapper i think, lied to congress about the programs that Snowden exposed saying they did not exist when in fact they did. Our government is not this squeaky clean apparatus that some think it is.
It is no secret that democrats voted to impeach Trump without one vote of support from Republicans. It is clear who wanted Trump out. Its the same people who suggested using the 25th amendment and wearing a wire to take him out.
All that said, I don't know what I believe as far as widespread voter fraud. What i am saying is that it is well within the realms of possibility. What I am also saying is that it is the upper echeclon of the government that has lost the trust of the American people. At least half of us anyways. You know, the ones that the IRS targeted. The ones who had the full force of the NSA spying on them.
But we should just unite and trust you guys now, amirite?
I didn't assume anything. I went as far as to say I don't know what I believe yet.
What we do know is that Russian Collusion was made up by our own government and sold to the American public. We know that government officials, i.e. Clapper i think, lied to congress about the programs that Snowden exposed saying they did not exist when in fact they did. Our government is not this squeaky clean apparatus that some think it is.
It is no secret that democrats voted to impeach Trump without one vote of support from Republicans. It is clear who wanted Trump out. Its the same people who suggested using the 25th amendment and wearing a wire to take him out.
All that said, I don't know what I believe as far as widespread voter fraud. What i am saying is that it is well within the realms of possibility. What I am also saying is that it is the upper echeclon of the government that has lost the trust of the American people. At least half of us anyways. You know, the ones that the IRS targeted. The ones who had the full force of the NSA spying on them.
But we should just unite and trust you guys now, amirite?
It is out of the realm of possibility because there is nothing in this situation that points to widespread fraud.
Again, to think the government is one sided but also able to hide such a massive scam is foolish.
The only guy who is causing the public to lose trust in the voting system is the guy who lost and doesn't have proof.
You do know that republicans were in charge of the voting process in some of these states right? For example Georgia.Russian Collusion, Ukraine impeachment, IRS targeting, Spygate are all documented with absolute proof. All put on by the same people who benefited from statistical anomalies in the voting process.
Its not like there are going to be a lot of democrats that come running out of a precinct saying "we rigged the election process!" It takes time to get proof. The Mueller report took 2.5 years and came back with no proof whatsoever.
The jury is still out on widespread voter fraud on a scale large enough to affect the outcome of this election. Its going to take a little more than "trust us" to convince me though.
You do know that republicans were in charge of the voting process in some of these states right? For example Georgia.
Or were they just secretly democrats? Yeah lets go with that instead of a clear outcome.
Also please share these statistical anomalies that you can't wrap your brain around.