Keep in mind that most of the things
@areeves uses to support his beliefs are easily explained and not at all nefarious. He absolutely believes that Chemtrails are real and are being used to sterilize us. No matter how many times this has been explained to him as completely false and pretty dumb, he doesn't give an inch.
He has stated that we will all be put in FEMA camps by 2026 and forced to take the "mark of the best" or be beheaded by guillotine.
He states that the coastline of Florida will rise and that is what FEMA will use to put us in these camps. He based that on a fictional Internet map that he absolutely believes.
He has conflated and shoehorned many very questionable events into a 2000 year old biblical profecy,just as many,many people have done for the last 2000+ years. He seems to ignore the fact that Jesus literally said in Matthew that we won't know the hour of day of his return.