@areeves FEMA emergency broadcast alert

Listen pal, I can look past the New World Order, FEMA camp and 5G stuff, but if you're going to start capitalizing every word in your posts, you need to be locked up in a padded room somewhere.
Look Pal, I didn’t just start capping my posts, I’ve been doing it for years. Some of these Pyongyang here are in a Coma, I’m trying to Wake Their Asses Up!
They’re all True! The day is coming soon when you’ll realize that.

The Mass Shootings are a result of this…

4. To establish the ability to control of each and every person through means of mind control and what Zbignew Brzezinski called techonotronics, which would create human-like robots and a system of terror which would make Felix Dzerzinhski's Red Terror look like children at play.
We can just agree to disagree.

Don’t have time to click the article and you’re/this is extrapolating something very vague to fit what he believes.

Sort of similar to how you and many others interpret the Bible. Two people can read the same passage and have vastly different interpretations and take aways.
We can just agree to disagree.

Don’t have time to click the article and you’re/this is extrapolating something very vague to fit what he believes.

Sort of similar to how you and many others interpret the Bible. Two people can read the same passage and have vastly different interpretations and take aways.
Not so but like you said, we can agree to disagree!
Not so but like you said, we can agree to disagree!

I am curious about something. What denomination do you belong to? Does the church you attend believe the same as you do? If not, do you try to tell others at the church what you believe? How does that go over?

Genuinely curious, not an attack.
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I can’t say how but I can confirm all of this is true. For those who believe, the FEMA warning today is the beginning. Get in your bunkers today. Make sure you don’t have internet in your bunker because of the 5G and 6G. Yes, you won’t be able to post anymore but it’s a risk we have to take. Don’t come out until the Messiah knocks on your bunker and tells you it’s ok!

Jon Stewart Laughing GIF
I am auripus about something. What denomination do you belong to? Does the church you attend believe the same as you do? If not, do you try to tell others at the church what you believe? How does that go over?

Genuinely curious, not an attack.
No denomination, Believe in the Bible. Some do, some don’t. It takes time. People have been lied to for so long, it takes time to convince people of the truth. It doesn’t happen overnight. Let’s reconvene in a couple of years & you’ll find many of the things I’ve said are Absolute Truth. We’re heading into very tumultuous times in the next few years.
Keep in mind that most of the things @areeves uses to support his beliefs are easily explained and not at all nefarious. He absolutely believes that Chemtrails are real and are being used to sterilize us. No matter how many times this has been explained to him as completely false and pretty dumb, he doesn't give an inch.

He has stated that we will all be put in FEMA camps by 2026 and forced to take the "mark of the best" or be beheaded by guillotine.

He states that the coastline of Florida will rise and that is what FEMA will use to put us in these camps. He based that on a fictional Internet map that he absolutely believes.

He has conflated and shoehorned many very questionable events into a 2000 year old biblical profecy,just as many,many people have done for the last 2000+ years. He seems to ignore the fact that Jesus literally said in Matthew that we won't know the hour of day of his return.
Again, I don’t know anything about FEMA,so I’m not gonna get into that debate, but I think we would all be wise to prepare for Christ’s return. The Old Testament gave numerous and specific prophecies about His first coming, ministry,crucifixion,and resurrection. All of them were precisely fulfilled. You’re correct that Jesus said no one knows the day and the hour of His return, but in the very same context He said there would be a generation that would see all these things ( prophecies about His return) fulfilled ( Matt. 24:33-34). I suppose every generation has been able to point to some signs ( hence all the speculation down through the ages),but that’s not what He said. He said all these things. There’s never been a generation that checks all the prophetic boxes like our present generation. Imagine trying to make sense of the book of Revelation before 1948, you would read about a future time when Israel was a key nation in her own land. That would seemed preposterous, because she had not been a nation in her own land for 1878 years ( from 70-1948). But sure enough on May 14th 1948 Israel became a nation again and millions of Jews have since migrated back to Israel. In the book of Revelation we see a global society. That would have seemed impossible for most of world history, but not anymore. Consider all the global entities that have been formed since or around the time of the rebirth of Israel : The U.N. 1945, The World Healthcare Organization 1948, The World Economic Forum 1971. Since Covid, leaders all over the world have been clamoring for more global control on practically everything. In the book of Revelation it foretells of a one world religion. There’s never been a time in human history when the push for ecumenicalism has been higher. Google the “ House of Abraham’s Family “ , being built right now on the Isle Abu Dhabi, featuring an Islamic Mosque, a Jewish Synagogue, and a so called Christian Church on the same complex. The book of Revelation describes a time when technology would be so advanced that all the world could view the death of two men in Jerusalem ( Rev. 11:7-9). Only recently has there been such advanced technology. It also describes technology about a mark of some kind, distributed globally, that somehow will allow for the control of buying, selling, and trading. Until recently such would have seemed impossible, but not anymore. The system described in the book of Revelation requires a global economy, there’s never been more frequent universal economic trading as is present. The book of Daniel ( another prophetic book in the Bible) describes the time of the end as a time when people would run to and fro and knowledge would increase (Dan. 12:4). Throughout practically all of human history, people used primitive means to travel. My mother used to tell me stories about walking to town and riding in horse drawn buggies, but in her lifetime she saw advancements in transportation occurr. Look where we are now. There are plenty of people alive on this earth right now who have seen this happen. Daniel also said knowledge would increase in the time of the end. For centuries the volume of human knowledge would double about every one hundred years, but now the volume of human knowledge is doubling exponentially. I’ve read where some say even daily. Paul described the moral decline of the last days (2 Tim. 3:1-5, Rom. 1:18-32). The description fits our time to a tee. Peter said in the last days many would scoff about the Lord’s return (2 Peter3:3-4). I could on and on…. Yes, no one knows the day nor the hour. That’s true, but Jesus said there’d be signs and told us to watch and be ready ( Matt. 24:42-44). Hebrews 10:25 said we’re to encourage one another as we see the day approaching. One thing’s for sure… the day of the Lord’s return is approaching. He wants everyone to be ready. The only way to be ready is to repent of our sins and place our faith in Jesus and His death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead. It’s a free gift that will grant eternal life to anyone who will accept it. Please think about it.
No denomination, Believe in the Bible. Some do, some don’t. It takes time. People have been lied to for so long, it takes time to convince people of the truth. It doesn’t happen overnight. Let’s reconvene in a couple of years & you’ll find many of the things I’ve said are Absolute Truth. We’re heading into very tumultuous times in the next few years.

Do you attend a Church? Might be a good idea to have some interactions with some opposing beliefs from educated and learned biblical scholars and experts.

I genuinely worry for you when 2026 comes and none of what you have said is going to happen actually occurs. My gut feeling is that you will just kick it further down the road and say something like," God opened eyes, but it's still coming,just not as fast praise the Lord blah,blah,blah". My fear is that it could be pretty devastating for you personally since you have obviously put a lot of time and effort in spreading your Apocolyptic Message. That type of let down can be really hard to take.
Do you attend a Church? Might be a good idea to have some interactions with some opposing beliefs from educated and learned biblical scholars and experts.

I genuinely worry for you when 2026 comes and none of what you have said is going to happen actually occurs. My gut feeling is that you will just kick it further down the road and say something like," God opened eyes, but it's still coming,just not as fast praise the Lord blah,blah,blah". My fear is that it could be pretty devastating for you personally since you have obviously put a lot of time and effort in spreading your Apocolyptic Message. That type of let down can be really hard to take.
Look Brother, I Appreciate your concern but unfortunately, it’s you, who is going to say, “how could I not have seen this.” I don’t mean that disrespectfully.
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Again, I don’t know anything about FEMA,so I’m not gonna get into that debate, but I think we would all be wise to prepare for Christ’s return. The Old Testament gave numerous and specific prophecies about His first coming, ministry,crucifixion,and resurrection. All of them were precisely fulfilled. You’re correct that Jesus said no one knows the day and the hour of His return, but in the very same context He said there would be a generation that would see all these things ( prophecies about His return) fulfilled ( Matt. 24:33-34). I suppose every generation has been able to point to some signs ( hence all the speculation down through the ages),but that’s not what He said. He said all these things. There’s never been a generation that checks all the prophetic boxes like our present generation. Imagine trying to make sense of the book of Revelation before 1948, you would read about a future time when Israel was a key nation in her own land. That would seemed preposterous, because she had not been a nation in her own land for 1878 years ( from 70-1948). But sure enough on May 14th 1948 Israel became a nation again and millions of Jews have since migrated back to Israel. In the book of Revelation we see a global society. That would have seemed impossible for most of world history, but not anymore. Consider all the global entities that have been formed since or around the time of the rebirth of Israel : The U.N. 1945, The World Healthcare Organization 1948, The World Economic Forum 1971. Since Covid, leaders all over the world have been clamoring for more global control on practically everything. In the book of Revelation it foretells of a one world religion. There’s never been a time in human history when the push for ecumenicalism has been higher. Google the “ House of Abraham’s Family “ , being built right now on the Isle Abu Dhabi, featuring an Islamic Mosque, a Jewish Synagogue, and a so called Christian Church on the same complex. The book of Revelation describes a time when technology would be so advanced that all the world could view the death of two men in Jerusalem ( Rev. 11:7-9). Only recently has there been such advanced technology. It also describes technology about a mark of some kind, distributed globally, that somehow will allow for the control of buying, selling, and trading. Until recently such would have seemed impossible, but not anymore. The system described in the book of Revelation requires a global economy, there’s never been more frequent universal economic trading as is present. The book of Daniel ( another prophetic book in the Bible) describes the time of the end as a time when people would run to and fro and knowledge would increase (Dan. 12:4). Throughout practically all of human history, people used primitive means to travel. My mother used to tell me stories about walking to town and riding in horse drawn buggies, but in her lifetime she saw advancements in transportation occurr. Look where we are now. There are plenty of people alive on this earth right now who have seen this happen. Daniel also said knowledge would increase in the time of the end. For centuries the volume of human knowledge would double about every one hundred years, but now the volume of human knowledge is doubling exponentially. I’ve read where some say even daily. Paul described the moral decline of the last days (2 Tim. 3:1-5, Rom. 1:18-32). The description fits our time to a tee. Peter said in the last days many would scoff about the Lord’s return (2 Peter3:3-4). I could on and on…. Yes, no one knows the day nor the hour. That’s true, but Jesus said there’d be signs and told us to watch and be ready ( Matt. 24:42-44). Hebrews 10:25 said we’re to encourage one another as we see the day approaching. One thing’s for sure… the day of the Lord’s return is approaching. He wants everyone to be ready. The only way to be ready is to repent of our sins and place our faith in Jesus and His death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead. It’s a free gift that will grant eternal life to anyone who will accept it. Please think about it.

Every single generation has had similar thoughts and feelings. The power and danger in trying to decipher biblical profecy is that they are typically heavily symbolic. When discussing Revelations we are literally trying to decipher one mans dreams/visions.

As to fulfillment of previous prophecy through Jesus, there was intentional moves and writing that was done to fulfill prophecy. The Apostles had every reason and intention to fulfill the prophecies to give credence and support to their new Church.

I have stated many times on this board that I am a professing Christian. I am on staff at a Church, I attended a Baptist School, I'm a 3rd Generation preachers kid. I am not some Anti-Christian nut. I also understand that the Bible is collected writings that were put together by men, they accepted and rejected writings based on their feelings of legitimacy. There is a lot of reasons why we should not be literal with the Bible. Not to mention the multitude of translations, many of which(KJV) have a lot of really important mis-translations.
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Every single generation has had similar thoughts and feelings. The power and danger in trying to decipher biblical profecy is that they are typically heavily symbolic. When discussing Revelations we are literally trying to decipher one mans dreams/visions.

As to fulfillment of previous prophecy through Jesus, there was intentional moves and writing that was done to fulfill prophecy. The Apostles had every reason and intention to fulfill the prophecies to give credence and support to their new Church.

I have stated many times on this board that I am a professing Christian. I am on staff at a Church, I attended a Baptist School, I'm a 3rd Generation preachers kid. I am not so e Anti-Christian nut. I also understand that the Bible is collected writings that were out together by men, they accepted and rejected writings based on their feelings of legitimacy. There is a lot of reasons why we should not be literal with the Bible. Not to mention the multitude of translations, many of which(KJV) have a lot of really important mis-translations.
That’s absolutely not true. We should be literal with the Bible.

I’m cool with agreeing to disagree! Let’s check back in a couple of years. I’ll think your stance will drastically change.
I don’t know anything about FEMA, but what I do know is that the book of Revelation is a book of Bible prophecy ( Rev. 1:3; Rev. 22:7,10,18,19). Bible prophecy is always fulfilled literally. Every prophecy in the Bible about Jesus’ first coming was fulfilled literally. Therefore, you can be sure that the prophecies about His second coming will be fulfilled literally as well.
All that matters is Revelations 19:11 son - I saw Heaven open and behold a white horse! And He who sits upon it is called Faithful and True and in Righteousness He doth judge and make war.
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One thing about conspiracy theorists/end of the world people is they always claim they are right and everyone else is wrong. They complain people won't listen to them but the same is true as they are not open to any sort of discussion. It's why it's always worthless to get into a conversation with them as they know they are right and will let you know it. When they end up being wrong (all the people who have been wrong about the world ending for the last 2000 years just change the date and fire it all back up) they just move the goalposts.
Do you attend a Church? Might be a good idea to have some interactions with some opposing beliefs from educated and learned biblical scholars and experts.

I genuinely worry for you when 2026 comes and none of what you have said is going to happen actually occurs. My gut feeling is that you will just kick it further down the road and say something like," God opened eyes, but it's still coming,just not as fast praise the Lord blah,blah,blah". My fear is that it could be pretty devastating for you personally since you have obviously put a lot of time and effort in spreading your Apocolyptic Message. That type of let down can be really hard to take.
This is why i take up for areeves...he mite be wrong..but you mite be wrong..he retaliates with condescending attacks...only after you guys tell him he needs help..hes crazy..ect..

You guys who say these things are think you are smarter than everyone else...why not agree to disagree...respectfully if you are so wise

HE is convinced goverment or elites are behind these events like climate change it not CONCEIVABLE that governments can be tyrannical toward their constituents?? Have we never seen this?

At least respect the mans research..whether we agree or not...and tbh...he probably researches wayyyyy more than us...AND i would not be so quick to trust SNOPES as the leading authority on news either

Usually the attacks stem from either narcissism or insecurity...if we are confident in what we believe..theres no need for foolishness.. attacks ect
This is why i take up for areeves...he mite be wrong..but you mite be wrong..he retaliates with condescending attacks...only after you guys tell him he needs help..hes crazy..ect..

You guys who say these things are think you are smarter than everyone else...why not agree to disagree...respectfully if you are so wise

HE is convinced goverment or elites are behind these events like climate change it not CONCEIVABLE that governments can be tyrannical toward their constituents?? Have we never seen this?

At least respect the mans research..whether we agree or not...and tbh...he probably researches wayyyyy more than us...AND i would not be so quick to trust SNOPES as the leading authority on news either

Usually the attacks stem from either narcissism or insecurity...if we are confident in what we believe..theres no need for foolishness.. attacks ect

But shouldn't we call out things that are patently false?

I am truly not trying to insult @areeves, he and I have had many back and forths over this and I admire his conviction and frankly his concern for the spiritual well being of his fellow man.

You and Noah have a lot in common. Follow and express God's word and the masses laugh, mock, & ridicule you. Christians typically do not take the Word of God serious and will attack you without mercy if you do. At least you are not a coward to speak the truth and your convictions.
Thanks Brother! By the way, I couldn’t hold Noah’s jock strap. But Thanks for the kind words. Unfortunately, what we’re going to experience is as bad or worse than in Noah’s day.
So, this thread has spiraled out of control somewhat…
As it relates to the FEMA test today, this isn’t actually new…there have actually been 6 of these nationwide tests since 2011. They shoot for every 3 years now but skipped 2020 due to Covid…so the last one ran in April 2021…I actually remember it now…
I could be wrong, but I don’t think all the vaxxed people will turn into zombies today at 2:20…but if they do, I have my leather jacket & barbwire-wrapped baseball bat ready…
But shouldn't we call out things that are patently false?

I am truly not trying to insult @areeves, he and I have had many back and forths over this and I admire his conviction and frankly his concern for the spiritual well being of his fellow man.
They’re Not False! Specify what’s false. Be specific
I am a government employee (State level, not Fed) and I am considered "essential personnel". There is an evacuation plan in place in case of certain disasters (nuclear attack, extreme natural, terrorist) with the circumstances being that I would be evacuated but no family members would be allowed. All you guys are screwed!!! PS. Could one of you guys check on my wife and kid? TIA.
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This is why i take up for areeves...he mite be wrong..but you mite be wrong..he retaliates with condescending attacks...only after you guys tell him he needs help..hes crazy..ect..

You guys who say these things are think you are smarter than everyone else...why not agree to disagree...respectfully if you are so wise

HE is convinced goverment or elites are behind these events like climate change it not CONCEIVABLE that governments can be tyrannical toward their constituents?? Have we never seen this?

At least respect the mans research..whether we agree or not...and tbh...he probably researches wayyyyy more than us...AND i would not be so quick to trust SNOPES as the leading authority on news either

Usually the attacks stem from either narcissism or insecurity...if we are confident in what we believe..theres no need for foolishness.. attacks ect

I got your mite.....
I am a government employee (State level, not Fed) and I am considered "essential personnel". There is an evacuation plan in place in case of certain disasters (nuclear attack, extreme natural, terrorist) with the circumstances being that I would be evacuated but no family members would be allowed. All you guys are screwed!!! PS. Could one of you guys check on my wife and kid? TIA.
What good is that if you can’t bring your family! No, we’re not. If you don’t know JESUS, you’re screwed.
But shouldn't we call out things that are patently false?

I am truly not trying to insult @areeves, he and I have had many back and forths over this and I admire his conviction and frankly his concern for the spiritual well being of his fellow man.
Sure you should
This does not surprise me one bit. Cant
Confirm it’s true, can’t confirm it’s not. I know 5 & 6 G Technology is dangerous as are cell towers, if the frequency is raised.

I’ve told y’all on many occasions, FEMA is part of the NWO & they are nefarious & dangerous. I’ve also told ya’ll, “We’re in the Tribulation.” JESUS said about the Tribulation, “If those days weren’t cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the Elect, those days would be shortened.” This speaks of HIS return @ the end of the Tribulation. This is to save Jerusalem & Israel & The Jewish Remnant
From being obliterated.

The NWO has many ways to depopulate the earth & this is very likely one of those ways!
No idea if what you say is true but I find it interesting some people find it funny. What a time to be alive.

I told someone the other day... They could expose all of what they know and be completely transparent about everything and some still wouldn't believe it. That part fascinates me. Some could know the truth and still not believe it. Wild, but certainly not funny.

Imagine getting everyone to agree that the messiah has returned. They won't believe it's him. Even believers won't believe its him. If he came today, 99% wouldn't believe it was him. That's very very fascinating to me.
No idea if what you say is true but I find it interesting some people find it funny. What a time to be alive.

I told someone the other day... They could expose all of what they know and be completely transparent about everything and some still wouldn't believe it. That part fascinates me. Some could know the truth and still not believe it. Wild, but certainly not funny.

Imagine getting everyone to agree that the messiah has returned. They won't believe it's him. Even believers won't believe its him. If he came today, 99% wouldn't believe it was him. That's very very fascinating to me.
Trust me, Everything I’ve said is true. It just hasn’t come to pass yet. Yes, it’s baffling! The Truth can smack em across the face & the won’t believe! Amazing
No idea if what you say is true but I find it interesting some people find it funny. What a time to be alive.

I told someone the other day... They could expose all of what they know and be completely transparent about everything and some still wouldn't believe it. That part fascinates me. Some could know the truth and still not believe it. Wild, but certainly not funny.

Imagine getting everyone to agree that the messiah has returned. They won't believe it's him. Even believers won't believe its him. If he came today, 99% wouldn't believe it was him. That's very very fascinating to me.
Cognitive dissonance
Bookmarking this for 2027 when the world is still turning
The world will certainly still be turning in 2027. It won’t stop turning when Christ returns. Whether or not He will have returned by then is something we can’t know at this time, but if he hasn’t, we’ll be four years closer. We’re to be watching and readying.
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Chemtrail conspiracy for one. I can't remember who it was, but multiple people have posted why this is frankly impossible and you ignore it and tell him he's wron
Chemtrail conspiracy for one. I can't remember who it was, but multiple people have posted why this is frankly impossible and you ignore it and tell him he's wrong
How many times have I told you to privately message me I'll give you my number. I’ll prove to you, they’re real. I told you I’d put you in touch with an Anti-Chemtrail Activist, whose brother is a Chemtrail Pilot. They hate each other! The guy I’m referring to speaks all over the world. He’s got videos & literature. The guy ran for Congress. He’s reputable.

Besides that, look up in the sky, those thinly veiled clouds are Chemtrail remnants. If you’re not willing to take me up on my offer, there’s no point in discussing it further.
How many times have I told you to privately message me I'll give you my number. I’ll prove to you, they’re real. I told you I’d put you in touch with an Anti-Chemtrail Activist, whose brother is a Chemtrail Pilot. They hate each other! The guy I’m referring to speaks all over the world. He’s got videos & literature. The guy ran for Congress. He’s reputable.

Besides that, look up in the sky, those thinly veiled clouds are Chemtrail remnants. If you’re not willing to take me up on my offer, there’s no point in discussing it further.
Is this what they call geoengineering?
The world will certainly still be turning in 2027. It won’t stop turning when Christ returns. Whether or not He will have returned by then is something we can’t know at this time, but if he hasn’t, we’ll be four years closer. We’re to be watching and readying.
It’ll happen before that
It may seem crazy but it’s Not crazy. Daniel 7 speaks of the Beast/Antichrist & The NWO. The Fourth Beast in Daniel 7 is Papal Rome, The Beast Antichrist & The NWO. Daniel says, “It’s Dreadful, Terrifying & Exceedingly Powerful. I has Iron Teeth & It Devours The Whole World. It Tramples The World & Stamps Out The Residue. They are responsible for ….,
1. All Wars
2.The Great Depression
3. The Demise Of The Coal Industry, The Steel Industry, The Citrus Industry In FL, The Textile Industry, The Carpet Industry, Farmers Losing Their Farms in the Eighties, to name a handful.
4. They’re Responsible for Climate Change (Chemtrail Program & HAARP Weather Technology
5. The Drug Epidemic in America & Around The World
6. The So Called Immigration Problem (Goal is to turn us into a third world country)
7. The Defamation of our National Monuments
8. The Transgender Insanity
9. Abortion (Keeping the world population in check)
10. JFK’s Assassination (his speech in 1961 about a “Shadow Government” led to his assassination.
11. The Oil Embargo in the 70’s
12. Vietnam
13. 9/11 (For the purpose of spying on Americans & building profiles on citizens under the guise of “Protecting Us From Terror.
14. The Housing Market Crash in 2008
15. Covid-19
16. Agenda 21 (Because of Climate Change, which they created, we’ll see Climate Change Lockdowns & as part of the “Great Reset” we’ll be told where we can &
Can’t live & visit.
17. The Implementation of The Mark Of The Beast (Revelation 13)
18. Worship of the Beast/Antichrist (Revelation 13)
19. Mass Shootings (To create gun legislation for the purpose of gun confiscation)

I’m sure I left a few out but you get the idea!

Time Will Prove Me Right & Sooner Than Later!
Conspiracy theories have always been around and followed - at times - by many. I would tell you that the folks in the french revolution could and did make the same arguments and lists. The problem is it killed a lot of good folks - MANY of which were theorists, too. I genuinely wish you well and much happiness and a long life. But that rabbit hole has been followed sooo many times and I fear - for you and possibly us - that someone will refer to this movement in 200 years as the latest folly.