Again, I don’t know anything about FEMA,so I’m not gonna get into that debate, but I think we would all be wise to prepare for Christ’s return. The Old Testament gave numerous and specific prophecies about His first coming, ministry,crucifixion,and resurrection. All of them were precisely fulfilled. You’re correct that Jesus said no one knows the day and the hour of His return, but in the very same context He said there would be a generation that would see all these things ( prophecies about His return) fulfilled ( Matt. 24:33-34). I suppose every generation has been able to point to some signs ( hence all the speculation down through the ages),but that’s not what He said. He said all these things. There’s never been a generation that checks all the prophetic boxes like our present generation. Imagine trying to make sense of the book of Revelation before 1948, you would read about a future time when Israel was a key nation in her own land. That would seemed preposterous, because she had not been a nation in her own land for 1878 years ( from 70-1948). But sure enough on May 14th 1948 Israel became a nation again and millions of Jews have since migrated back to Israel. In the book of Revelation we see a global society. That would have seemed impossible for most of world history, but not anymore. Consider all the global entities that have been formed since or around the time of the rebirth of Israel : The U.N. 1945, The World Healthcare Organization 1948, The World Economic Forum 1971. Since Covid, leaders all over the world have been clamoring for more global control on practically everything. In the book of Revelation it foretells of a one world religion. There’s never been a time in human history when the push for ecumenicalism has been higher. Google the “ House of Abraham’s Family “ , being built right now on the Isle Abu Dhabi, featuring an Islamic Mosque, a Jewish Synagogue, and a so called Christian Church on the same complex. The book of Revelation describes a time when technology would be so advanced that all the world could view the death of two men in Jerusalem ( Rev. 11:7-9). Only recently has there been such advanced technology. It also describes technology about a mark of some kind, distributed globally, that somehow will allow for the control of buying, selling, and trading. Until recently such would have seemed impossible, but not anymore. The system described in the book of Revelation requires a global economy, there’s never been more frequent universal economic trading as is present. The book of Daniel ( another prophetic book in the Bible) describes the time of the end as a time when people would run to and fro and knowledge would increase (Dan. 12:4). Throughout practically all of human history, people used primitive means to travel. My mother used to tell me stories about walking to town and riding in horse drawn buggies, but in her lifetime she saw advancements in transportation occurr. Look where we are now. There are plenty of people alive on this earth right now who have seen this happen. Daniel also said knowledge would increase in the time of the end. For centuries the volume of human knowledge would double about every one hundred years, but now the volume of human knowledge is doubling exponentially. I’ve read where some say even daily. Paul described the moral decline of the last days (2 Tim. 3:1-5, Rom. 1:18-32). The description fits our time to a tee. Peter said in the last days many would scoff about the Lord’s return (2 Peter3:3-4). I could on and on…. Yes, no one knows the day nor the hour. That’s true, but Jesus said there’d be signs and told us to watch and be ready ( Matt. 24:42-44). Hebrews 10:25 said we’re to encourage one another as we see the day approaching. One thing’s for sure… the day of the Lord’s return is approaching. He wants everyone to be ready. The only way to be ready is to repent of our sins and place our faith in Jesus and His death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead. It’s a free gift that will grant eternal life to anyone who will accept it. Please think about it.