Artificial Intelligence 3rd political party?


The Mariana Trench
Gold Member
Dec 21, 2003
Looking at our fractured political system. If artificial intelligence could give recommendations for a 3rd political choice derived independent of party bias, could this go a long way to heal our country?

We could then have 3 choices. If one does not get a clear majority, it goes to a run off for the 2 highest vote getters. Artificial intelligence with todays technology offers promise.
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Looking at our fractured political system. If artificial intelligence could give recommendations for a 3rd political choice derived independent of party bias, could this go a long way to heal our country?

We could then have 3 choices. If one does not get a clear majority, it goes to a run off for the 2 highest vote getters. Artificial intelligence with todays technology offers promise.
AI is nowhere near ready for that use case. Nor do we have the security infrastructure and data cleanliness to apply it.

It’s going to be a shit show until citizens United is overturned. And if Trump is elected, then we will have shitty candidates for the rest of our lives.
AI is nowhere near ready for that use case. Nor do we have the security infrastructure and data cleanliness to apply it.

It’s going to be a shit show until citizens United is overturned. And if Trump is elected, then we will have shitty candidates for the rest of our lives.
We need a viable 3rd choice
Looking at our fractured political system. If artificial intelligence could give recommendations for a 3rd political choice derived independent of party bias, could this go a long way to heal our country?

We could then have 3 choices. If one does not get a clear majority, it goes to a run off for the 2 highest vote getters. Artificial intelligence with todays technology offers promise.

How about voters just educate themselves, understand what advanced citizenship is and take the time to develop a firm grasp on the role of government and why we've ventured so far outside what's intended.
Looking at our fractured political system. If artificial intelligence could give recommendations for a 3rd political choice derived independent of party bias, could this go a long way to heal our country?

We could then have 3 choices. If one does not get a clear majority, it goes to a run off for the 2 highest vote getters. Artificial intelligence with todays technology offers promise.
I do think this is a possibility one day, along with AI being used in our judicial system. However, until trust can be earned we are a long way's off from this solution. Who would you let program the AI, Musk or Gates?
How about voters just educate themselves, understand what advanced citizenship is and take the time to develop a firm grasp on the role of government and why we've ventured so far outside what's intended.
You're living in the 1800's. People are fvcking retards.... The 6' rule adherence is proof enough (especially when they get into a booked flight right after staying 6' apart in line.)
Looking at our fractured political system. If artificial intelligence could give recommendations for a 3rd political choice derived independent of party bias, could this go a long way to heal our country?

We could then have 3 choices. If one does not get a clear majority, it goes to a run off for the 2 highest vote getters. Artificial intelligence with todays technology offers promise.
Well, last month, McDonald's just gave up on having AI do the order receiving part of their drive through windows b/c the AI just wasn't ready yet. I'm going to say that this probably isn't a good idea for now.

Your points on the fractured political system and some sort of choice free of party bias are well make though.
Well, last month, McDonald's just gave up on having AI do the order receiving part of their drive through windows b/c the AI just wasn't ready yet. I'm going to say that this probably isn't a good idea for now.

Your points on the fractured political system and some sort of choice free of party bias are well make though.

How, at this point, with both teams entrenched so deeply in their ideologies could we possibly vote in a 3rd party candidate?

I just don't see enough Americans unlatching themselves from the MSM nipple and choosing to think for themselves and actually selecting a candidate who isn't in AIPAC's pocket.
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How, at this point, with both teams entrenched so deeply in their ideologies could we possibly vote in a 3rd party candidate?

I just don't see enough Americans unlatching themselves from the MSM nipple and choosing to think for themselves and actually selecting a candidate who isn't in AIPAC's pocket.
Well, I don't get my opinions only from the MSM. Nor do I get them from random people tweeting stuff, which seems to be the flavor on this board. Personally, I like to hear what the person in question SAID, then draw my own conclusions. Take Trump for instance. He says some crazy stuff for sure, but he also gets taken out of context all the freaking time by the left biased crowd. It's not HARD to avoid this crap on either side, you can almost ALWAYS find an entire part of a speech or quote if you bother to look.

The first thing I'd LOVE to see is for us all to get away from the 24 hour news cycle. There isn't enough newsworthy stuff for even a single channel to run news 24/7, much less what we have now. So what happens is that we have couple of minutes of sound bites of what ACTUALLY happened, followed talking heads telling us what we just heard for the rest of the segment. That's a BIG part of the problem b/c a lot of us don't see the difference between those two things.
"if my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

This is the ONLY way to heal our land. Please understand this before it's too late.


I disagree entirely and think it's an insane level of hubris to believe you are right and we arent.