barry says:

Whiny bitches good lord. Liberal this conservative that bunch of panty waisted cry babies. Stfu already and lets talk about what really matters ...D Watsons rehab. If he can get and stay healthy we are in for a really good ride. Liberals, conservatives, potus, and even Isis will be pulling for our tigers.
Originally posted by JamesD7:
O.K. now I have to respond to being called an idiot!? So I F#cked and used there instead of their. Sue me Biachhe!! like that spelling? KNOW where, oohhpps, I mean no wear, dam, I mean no where did I express an opinion on US policy, foreign or otherwise. Nor did I reference Rush in my post! What I said came from someone who sounded a lot like barry. I am not saying it was him, ( You know we should not make assumptions based on what we hear, lest it make an ass out of u and me). However, it was a dam... I mean damn good impression of him! I am sorry my post scared the hell out of some of you, but if you want to call me an idiot I will gladly provide u with contact info so you can call me an idiot in person.
watch out everybody, here comes.......


This post was edited on 2/19 2:33 PM by marshmk
Originally posted by idohvac2:
I wish I could say for sure that the president was not supporting the bad guys. The fact that I wouldn't bet my life it actually scary
The POTUS is not supporting the bad guys. Don't be so friggin paranoid. Check this out.

James, just to let you know, I was not calling you an idiot. I was calling Rush Limbaugh and Al Sharpton idiots. Go back and read the post. However, I was implying that your post was somewhat paranoid and a little misinformed. I hope that does not offend you, but that's the way I see it.
Originally posted by JamesD7:
that to stop ISIS we have to address there " legitimate grievance". FACT!
As far as I can tell, the only grievance they have, is that anyone who doesn't hold their beliefs doesn't deserve to breathe. Maybe Barry hasn't told ISIS what their grievances are yet. He's already given legitimacy to the idea that "Christians" did the same to them a millennium ago. Ever notice he has no problem using the term "Christian" when describing age old atrocities, but refuses to acknowledge that ISIS and others are Islamic?