Biden Lawfare against Trump


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001
Accurate chronology. Anyone with more than a 2 digit IQ can see this reality.

Lawfare against Trump all started on November 9, 2022, with these words from Biden.

Who cares? Biden gets Presidential immunity, right? Hell with that in mind I’d say Biden has been impressively restrained.
Does this change your tune on anything related to Trump then?
Trump is not in office anymore. Do you understand the difference? Serious question.

Hopefully the Supreme Court will rule that Presidents have blanket immunity soon, and then King Biden can have Trump and all the conservative Supreme Court Justices shot.
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Accurate chronology. Anyone with more than a 2 digit IQ can see this reality.

Lawfare against Trump all started on November 9, 2022, with these words from Biden.

Assume all non-policy actions, behaviors exhibited by Biden and Trump were swapped. Biden was still a D, but f'd a porn star, lost the election and claimed it was stolen, etc. Trump was still an R but had a son prosecuted by his the DOJ under his administration, was POTUS and these various legal actions were taking place against Biden, had shady dealings with his family, etc. Would you feel the same?
Hmm no thats why they get impeached...
He’s making a snarky comment considering that’s what trump’s legal team is arguing in court currently. Trump and his team is saying a president should be immune from all prosecution for actions conducted while in office.
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Trump is not in office anymore. Do you understand the difference? Serious question.

Hopefully the Supreme Court will rule that Presidents have blanket immunity soon, and then King Biden can have Trump and all the conservative Supreme Court Justices shot.
That really wouldn't be a bad idea. Good for the country, anyway.
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Accurate chronology. Anyone with more than a 2 digit IQ can see this reality.

Lawfare against Trump all started on November 9, 2022, with these words from Biden.

Well, I suppose I shouldn't complain as at least you actually used news media instead of random tweets... Nah, I'll complain anyway:

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The coolest part of your post though is that Biden (who you regularly tell us can hardly string two words together) is BULLYING poor little Trump. Truly, Trump could be the biggest snowflake EVER.
Assume all non-policy actions, behaviors exhibited by Biden and Trump were swapped. Biden was still a D, but f'd a porn star, lost the election and claimed it was stolen, etc. Trump was still an R but had a son prosecuted by his the DOJ under his administration, was POTUS and these various legal actions were taking place against Biden, had shady dealings with his family, etc. Would you feel the same?
I don't care who Trump had sex with at all. I am not a republican anymore. I am an America First Conservative. The election was stolen imo. Trump didn't go after anyone with the DOJ. Am I missing anything? I love Trump policies and hate Biden policies. If Biden governed like Trump I would hold my nose and be quiet.
I don't care who Trump had sex with at all. I am not a republican anymore. I am an America First Conservative. The election was stolen imo. Trump didn't go after anyone with the DOJ. Am I missing anything? I love Trump policies and hate Biden policies. If Biden governed like Trump I would hold my nose and be quiet.
You never were a republican. And you're now a nazi.