So they want to make her President when a year ago they wanted to axe her

She has a great track record of supporting women so dismiss her at your own peril

Nah. The women vote is wrapped up.

- Trump pivoted on abortion.
- Mom's are tired of getting pillaged by inflation at the grocery store. Democratic polices are crushing their pocketbook. They aren't leaving for Kacklin Kamala. She has no idea what she is doing and inflation will be just the same because she reads from the same teleprompter as Joe.
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I agree. It means about as much as the polls you are citing. Made my point.

If you want accurate information, look at the futures markets.
Just wait 😅

So you are telling yourself that she is the opposite of a terrible candidate or a great candidate.

How come last election she polled at 1% before dropping out?

How was she appointed the border csar, which was one of the biggest failures of this administration? How come Joe Biden relented and backtracked on their immigration policy? She was a total failure in that regard.

Kamala is just a continuation of the democrat policies which lead to Joe Bidens unpopularity. She will also do what the teleprompter tells her to do and this will lead to an open border, high inflation and DEI policies.
Tell me more about this 1% figure I'm just now seeing for the first time.
Kamala a huge turn off to blacks (and everyone else)

It’s going to be fun watching this over the course of the next couple weeks. Going to be a train wreck

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Standby for all the CNN, MSNBC and other leftist outlets to try and spread sunshine and rainbows on Kamala's turd of a resume. The reality is the democratic party has been looking for a way to get rid of her for a couple of years now. She's long been seen as a hurting Biden's reelection prospects. She has the lowest approval ratings of any Vice President in modern history. Against Trump, she polls the same as Biden: and you got rid of Biden because his polling sucked. She's an embarrassment in front of a camera or microphone. Her achievements as Vice President are...........???????

Seriously, all politics aside, how can anyone consider her "presidential."

The Democratic Party certainly doesn't.

It laughable to think of her as anything but a sacrificial lamb on the democratic ticket. But now we will be told that someone who dem leadership considered "political deadweight" less than a year ago is now somehow a shining ray of hope for America.
It’s a clown show bro! All these morons ITT that lover her now just show the ignorance in this Country.

And before you clowns come in here with the “MAGA” bullcrap save your breath…you are what is wrong with this Country!!
there is nothing that has happened in reality since Sunday that supports your assertion that she's a terrible candidate. In fact, all evidence points to the exact contrary.

You just personally think she's a terrible candidate because you don't like her policies, and you're mistakenly assuming everyone will see her the way you do. They clearly do not. And I'll tell you who else doesn't, the Trump campaign and congressional republicans.
Since Sunday? LMFAO!!!

She's running on Joe's record dude which sucks. She only wins if they cheat heavily like last time and get away with it again.
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Since Sunday? LMFAO!!!

She's running on Joe's record dude which sucks. She only wins if they cheat heavily like last time and get away with it again.
I know that's what you think because you live in rightwingtwitterville, but that's why I said reality.
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How would she not have to stand on Joe's record? There is literally nothing she would do differently than Joe.
That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is the majority of Americans want her and her/Joe's record over Trump. It doesn't make one bit of difference how much y'all dislike her. It's over. She's winning this election.
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That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is the majority of Americans want her and her/Joe's record over Trump. It doesn't make one bit of difference how much y'all dislike her. It's over. She's winning this election.
I think you are very mistaken. The dem admin performance has been historically bad. There is not enough lipstick for this pig.
Still not sure she makes it through the DNC as the candidate. Highly unlikeable and the polls haven’t moved since her announcement.
She's got one thing going for her that Trump can't compete with - positivity. She is the only one of the two who actually seems to love this country. Trump just called our country stupid.
I dont know where trump lives, but i honestly dont think he lives in the same country as the rest of us. He must really hate America.
That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is the majority of Americans want her and her/Joe's record over Trump. It doesn't make one bit of difference how much y'all dislike her. It's over. She's winning this election.
Trump doesn't know what to do with her. He cant call her a Ho like his surrogates. And everytime they do, she picks up more money and her favorability goes up.
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Social media influencers are being paid by Kamala’s campaign to show support

ActBlue money laundering is being exposed to show her astroturfed financial support

The polls are being manipulated to make Kamala seem popular

The media is boosting her and playing down her coup on Joe Biden

We are NOT fooled by this artificial enthusiasm
The new and improved Unity candidate has destroyed all the sympathy that Americans had for him after the shooting by becoming worse than he was before. He got a great photo though.
Trump is for unity....he wants to unify everyone else's wallets into his pocket. Once a crook, always a crook.
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Trump doesn't know what to do with her. He cant call her a Ho like his surrogates. And everytime they do, she picks up more money and her favorability goes up.
It's the perfect catch 22. She's his kryptonite, and that's why she's such a good candidate.

Maybe some of these magas will realize that them not liking her doesn't make her a bad candidate. Maybe a few will understand the distinction.
That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is the majority of Americans want her and her/Joe's record over Trump. It doesn't make one bit of difference how much y'all dislike her. It's over. She's winning this election.
They wanted Joes record so bad they made him quit. Lol

Nobody wants high inflation. Nobody. Except, maybe, Bezos and Musk.
Not sure why you guys are saying that she’s the same as Biden. Kamala is significantly further left than Biden was.
The NY Times ran an article yesterday stating that her positions on many issues have changed after four years of working with Biden, so she's not as far-left as she's being painted.

"In addition to changing her position on fracking, campaign officials said she now backed the Biden administration’s budget requests for increased funding for border enforcement; no longer supported a single-payer health insurance program; and echoed Mr. Biden’s call for banning assault weapons but not a requirement to sell them to the federal government."

Matt Bennett, a co-founder of Third Way, a moderate Democratic think tank, said he was not worried that Ms. Harris had once espoused left-wing ideas. She has evolved, he said, into a Biden-style Democrat with more centrist views.

“There’s a tremendous difference in changing one’s policy ideas and changing one’s principles,” Mr. Bennett said. “She has not changed her principles. She still thinks climate change is an existential threat — she just doesn’t think the Green New Deal is the way to address it.”

Since she joined Mr. Biden’s ticket in 2020, Ms. Harris has seldom put forward policies that differ much from his. She is no longer pushing for a single-payer health care system, and on Friday her campaign said she would maintain Mr. Biden’s pledge not to raise income taxes on people making less than $400,000 per year."

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The NY Times ran an article yesterday stating that her positions on many issues have changed after four years of working with Biden, so she's not as far-left as she's being painted.

"In addition to changing her position on fracking, campaign officials said she now backed the Biden administration’s budget requests for increased funding for border enforcement; no longer supported a single-payer health insurance program; and echoed Mr. Biden’s call for banning assault weapons but not a requirement to sell them to the federal government."

Matt Bennett, a co-founder of Third Way, a moderate Democratic think tank, said he was not worried that Ms. Harris had once espoused left-wing ideas. She has evolved, he said, into a Biden-style Democrat with more centrist views.

“There’s a tremendous difference in changing one’s policy ideas and changing one’s principles,” Mr. Bennett said. “She has not changed her principles. She still thinks climate change is an existential threat — she just doesn’t think the Green New Deal is the way to address it.”

Since she joined Mr. Biden’s ticket in 2020, Ms. Harris has seldom put forward policies that differ much from his. She is no longer pushing for a single-payer health care system, and on Friday her campaign said she would maintain Mr. Biden’s pledge not to raise income taxes on people making less than $400,000 per year."

Did they change because her core left-wing philosophy changed, or because she now understands that more moderate positions = better electability?
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Did they change because her core left-wing philosophy changed, or because she now understands that more moderate positions = better electability?
I don't know but the article states she has evolved into a moderate with more centrist views. Regardless of how it happened, isn't that what most of us want? Us center lefties don't want far-left policies either. And if someone like Kelly joins the ticket, I'm sure he will have some sway that would push her towards the middle as well.
I don't know but the article states she has evolved into a moderate with more centrist views. Regardless of how it happened, isn't that what most of us want? Us center lefties don't want far-left policies either. And if someone like Kelly joins the ticket, I'm sure he will have some sway that would push her towards the middle as well.

I'm hesitant to believe that a lifelong San Fransisco far-left democrat has had a revelation at 60 years old that she's all of a sudden a moderate. Her historical positions along with her core philosophy about equal outcomes over equal opportunity are of significant concern, even if she's outwardly voicing a more moderate posture.
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I'm hesitant to believe that a lifelong San Fransisco far-left democrat has had a revelation at 60 years old that she's all of a sudden a moderate. Her historical positions along with her core philosophy about equal outcomes over equal opportunity are of significant concern, even if she's outwardly voicing a more moderate posture.
I could definitely see her views moderating after working with Biden for four years - that's a lot of real life exposure to what works and what doesn't. Regardless, methinks you should be much more worried about a deranged candidate who has authoritarian plans for this country. We know you're a one issue voter but most of us care more about the macro.
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The NY Times ran an article yesterday stating that her positions on many issues have changed after four years of working with Biden, so she's not as far-left as she's being painted.

"In addition to changing her position on fracking, campaign officials said she now backed the Biden administration’s budget requests for increased funding for border enforcement; no longer supported a single-payer health insurance program; and echoed Mr. Biden’s call for banning assault weapons but not a requirement to sell them to the federal government."

Matt Bennett, a co-founder of Third Way, a moderate Democratic think tank, said he was not worried that Ms. Harris had once espoused left-wing ideas. She has evolved, he said, into a Biden-style Democrat with more centrist views.

“There’s a tremendous difference in changing one’s policy ideas and changing one’s principles,” Mr. Bennett said. “She has not changed her principles. She still thinks climate change is an existential threat — she just doesn’t think the Green New Deal is the way to address it.”

Since she joined Mr. Biden’s ticket in 2020, Ms. Harris has seldom put forward policies that differ much from his. She is no longer pushing for a single-payer health care system, and on Friday her campaign said she would maintain Mr. Biden’s pledge not to raise income taxes on people making less than $400,000 per year."

Pfft, you can't change in 4 years. It takes 8 years to change.