Bill Maher has a point

It is bizarre. I just don’t get it. People seem to work very hard to find ways to be offended.

Because it is the only way for them to have a voice. It’s their only way to attempt to take control away from the other side.

That’s modern politics and the pathetic nature of all devout Dems and devout Reps.
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The uproar over referring to this as a China virus has been one of the dumber parts of the corona saga. Good to see that realization exists on both sides of the aisle.

Those wet markets have been a major problem for a long time. After SARS and MERS, China stepped up efforts to push them under ground for a year or two but let them come back. Those places are nasty cess pools of bacteria and disease. We should think about sanctions to enforce them shutting those places down. China deserves tremendous blame and I hope the entire world sends them a message it won’t be tolerated going forward. It is also good to see us take back some of our key manufacturing bases in the medical arena (I hope). Saving $.02 a pill is just not worth it.
Those wet markets have been a major problem for a long time. After SARS and MERS, China stepped up efforts to push them under ground for a year or two but let them come back. Those places are nasty cess pools of bacteria and disease. We should think about sanctions to enforce them shutting those places down. China deserves tremendous blame and I hope the entire world sends them a message it won’t be tolerated going forward. It is also good to see us take back some of our key manufacturing bases in the medical arena (I hope). Saving $.02 a pill is just not worth it.
Been saying this awhile.

Products yes. China can ship them.
People. No.
Very strict travel restrictions until the world is sure they have cleaned up their disgusting unsanitary culture.
No problem with the Chinese or any particular group of people. But everyone knows they’ll eat anything with a pulse and that needs to stop
Outrage and cancel culture are among the greatest enemies at-large in our country.
While I agree with this, Liberalism is ultimately the cause of that and the failures of dealing with this crisis. And I mean Classical Liberalism. I love me some freedom loving lolberts as much as anyone, but a crisis like this is when the State should by all means necessary lace up the jackboots and lock it down. China did that. Trump did nothing but signal to keep the line from dropping. Still post-truthers on the board calling it a hoax.

This stupid blame China narrative is a total whiff by Trump and 'outrage' conservatives. This is a neoliberal globalist problem and there was the potential to finally shut down immigration and reorder. It is absolutely a fault of this system. China is not the issue. We flew in hundreds of thousands of people from infected countries after this thing had already broken out here. That's on us. It shouldn't matter to us what happens with bat soup eaters on the other side of the world.
Been saying this awhile.

Products yes. China can ship them.
People. No.
Very strict travel restrictions until the world is sure they have cleaned up their disgusting unsanitary culture.

Oh wow.
Don't like that idea. Fine.

There's little to no question we DO have a global economy and moving towards more global least from the traveling and elbow rubbing.

How do you (try to) police/protect people worldwide?
Is there any doubt that MERC/SARS/Coronavirus/Covid 19 originated from bats in China. VERY likely from a 'wet market' environment.

You good with letting them do it all again in the future because they can't get their sanitation in line?

What's better tact?
The uproar over referring to this as a China virus has been one of the dumber parts of the corona saga. Good to see that realization exists on both sides of the aisle.
And here I always thought that the term "rationalization" used in conjunction with Bill Maher was an oxymoron! Who would have thought it possible? I continue to learn something new almost every day.

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This trying to be 'politically correct' on this virus is the left doing a knob job on the Chinese, mainly because of certain interests they may have, economically and politically. I never heard this an issue when the Korean Flu was an issue several years ago??? The list of flu names and naming them regionally could go on and on.

The times we are in sucks. Everyone (especially on the left) are over sensitive about everything. Words have become taboo (and removed!) from our culture because someone is sensitive because of it. Different people cannot even come together and talk things out like in the past because, heck have of the words to describe the issue cannot be said, without someone having a knee-jerk reaction and claiming racism, xenophobe, homophobe, etc. I say rather than let this path continue to worsen and the rest of the world who can't wait for our demise (apart from the leftists) anyway, let's just hit the streets and fight it out, a full scale revolution. It worked in freeing us from British tyranny. yes, I did say this in jest, but it certainly appears the path we are heading. Just look at what's going on in Washington?
Been saying this awhile.

Products yes. China can ship them.
People. No.
Very strict travel restrictions until the world is sure they have cleaned up their disgusting unsanitary culture.

Btw it is so odd that many pro Trump folks are against cleaning up those wet markets. Glad you are not one of them. When I have asked about the reluctance to hold china accountable for the wet markets the reply is usually “Well the environmental ppl don’t like the wet markets and I can’t agree with them in anything. “ I find that crazy. If they are horrible and are bad for the world does it matter if a pro environmental person feels the same or even someone that likes lemon flavor jello or is a SCAR fan? If they are bad they are bad.
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Don't agree with a lot of his takes, but this one is pretty spot on-. Hard to imagine anyone would be offended by this take but I'm sure there's lots of hand-wringing going on out there somewhere
Don't agree with a lot of his takes, but this one is pretty spot on-. Hard to imagine anyone would be offended by this take but I'm sure there's lots of hand-wringing going on out there somewhere

Oh yeah, the thread on Twitter was peppered with woke comments. The irony is that the woke people are just as naive, if not more so, than the people who put blind faith in all things 'merica.
Been saying this awhile.

Products yes. China can ship them.
People. No.
Very strict travel restrictions until the world is sure they have cleaned up their disgusting unsanitary culture.

Having spent a lot of time in China beginning back in 1991, I can promise you it is one of the most unhealthy countries in the world and definitely the worst I have witnessed (I have travelled to several other third world countries for comparison). 99 percent of the Chinese men smoke, air and water pollution are abominable, and don't even get me started on the animals they eat, how they market them and prepare them for meals. On top of it all, I have found many of them to be very untrustworthy in business. Even if they sign a contract with you there is a very good likelihood they will cheat or even completely ignore their agreements when they feel it may be more advantageous to them to do otherwise. If I never return to China, or do business with those people again, well, let's just say I won't and I hope our government, regardless of party, takes advantage of this unusual opportunity to wean ourselves off the tit of those nasty, lying, cheating sons of guns!
That's what happens when a country rarely has any real problems. Maher is 100% spot on with those comments. PC culture run amok is very dangerous because it values politeness over truth.

Bill Maher is a lety hack. He just picked the dumbest thing he could find to shock the sheeple, and generate a little buzz and ratings boost from all the permanently offended. Makes him "edgy" and seem like a guy who is really pricipled and not afraid to "go way out on a limb" and shoot straight.

A clown show for the clowns.
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Bill Maher is a lety hack. He just picked the dumbest thing he could find to shock the sheeple, and generate a little buzz and ratings boost from all the permanently offended. Makes him "edgy" and seem like a guy who is really pricipled and not afraid to "go way out on a limb" and shoot straight.

A clown show for the clowns.
Whether you agree with him or not, whether you think he's an asshole or not, he is no hack. Everything he said in that video is true, and if someone on fox news said it you'd be praising their honesty. Listen to the message, not the speaker.
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Having spent a lot of time in China beginning back in 1991, I can promise you it is one of the most unhealthy countries in the world and definitely the worst I have witnessed (I have travelled to several other third world countries for comparison). 99 percent of the Chinese men smoke, air and water pollution are abominable, and don't even get me started on the animals they eat, how they market them and prepare them for meals. On top of it all, I have found many of them to be very untrustworthy in business. Even if they sign a contract with you there is a very good likelihood they will cheat or even completely ignore their agreements when they feel it may be more advantageous to them to do otherwise. If I never return to China, or do business with those people again, well, let's just say I won't and I hope our government, regardless of party, takes advantage of this unusual opportunity to wean ourselves off the tit of those nasty, lying, cheating sons of guns!

A lot of this is absolutely true. Especially on the contract stuff. You have to realize that the Chinese consider themselves to be the master race more than the Germans EVER did. As far as they are concerned, a contract with you is about the same as a contract with a monkey... Not worth the paper it's written on.
Just look at it like this. Let's say I have 1 woke friend and 1 reasonable friend, and I invite them both over to dinner. I make italian food and it just flat out sucks because I don't know what i'm doing. At the end of the meal I ask each of them what if they liked it

Whether you agree with him or not, whether you think he's an asshole or not, he is no hack. Everything he said in that video is true, and if someone on fox news said it you'd be praising their honesty. Listen to the message, not the speaker.

He is totally right. No doubt about that. And he does get other things right occasionally as well. But he will always play to his left leaning base in the end. But that is ok. He is an entertainer.

My broken watch is also right a couple times each day. I depend on it like i depend on Bill Maher's take on things.
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He is totally right. No doubt about that. And he does get other things right occasionally as well. But he will always play to his left leaning base in the end. But that is ok. He is an entertainer.

My broken watch is also right a couple times each day. I depend on it like i depend on Bill Maher's take on things.

Fair enough. I'm not a Bill Maher fan myself, I think he's far too condescending. But on this matter he is correct.
While I agree with this, Liberalism is ultimately the cause of that and the failures of dealing with this crisis. And I mean Classical Liberalism. I love me some freedom loving lolberts as much as anyone, but a crisis like this is when the State should by all means necessary lace up the jackboots and lock it down. China did that. Trump did nothing but signal to keep the line from dropping. Still post-truthers on the board calling it a hoax.

This stupid blame China narrative is a total whiff by Trump and 'outrage' conservatives. This is a neoliberal globalist problem and there was the potential to finally shut down immigration and reorder. It is absolutely a fault of this system. China is not the issue. We flew in hundreds of thousands of people from infected countries after this thing had already broken out here. That's on us. It shouldn't matter to us what happens with bat soup eaters on the other side of the world.

I would urge you to consider a few things. Had China been honest at the start, the world could have provided help and we could have contained this virus there. China is still dealing with this situation and they have lied, distorted and misled at every step. That you seem to think China contained this is a stunning revelation to say the least. They did no such thing.

We are a free society. We should have liberty at the expense of all other things in most cases. Locking down our nation is a serious situation and I approve of the deference taken toward this end. In fact, I think a lot of what we see is a bridge too far in many regards. Nevertheless, a situation like this needs to be taken with maximum precaution and not with aggressive action. Once a precedent like this is set, it echos into the future. Abraham Lincoln was very wary of his use of presidential powers but he went forward because he believed he had to but only after expending every other means at his disposal. The only path that would have saved the world from this economic hardships was a path the Chinese government chose to suppress and hide from view. Therefore, this calamity that has engulfed the world belongs to them and them alone. I would implore you to consider this and stop celebrating how China handled things because it allows you to criticize the president. The genesis point is China and all spread began there under a fog of deceit. Period.
I consider myself libertarian for the most part, and I think Bill Maher is great.

Why don't you like him?

He's much more of a libertarian than a liberal. His liberal positions tend to be based on just wanting to be left alone to do what the wants.

I'm a pretty basic big government guy :).
I would urge you to consider a few things. Had China been honest at the start, the world could have provided help and we could have contained this virus there. China is still dealing with this situation and they have lied, distorted and misled at every step. That you seem to think China contained this is a stunning revelation to say the least. They did no such thing.

We are a free society. We should have liberty at the expense of all other things in most cases. Locking down our nation is a serious situation and I approve of the deference taken toward this end. In fact, I think a lot of what we see is a bridge too far in many regards. Nevertheless, a situation like this needs to be taken with maximum precaution and not with aggressive action. Once a precedent like this is set, it echos into the future. Abraham Lincoln was very wary of his use of presidential powers but he went forward because he believed he had to but only after expending every other means at his disposal. The only path that would have saved the world from this economic hardships was a path the Chinese government chose to suppress and hide from view. Therefore, this calamity that has engulfed the world belongs to them and them alone. I would implore you to consider this and stop celebrating how China handled things because it allows you to criticize the president. The genesis point is China and all spread began there under a fog of deceit. Period.
China doesn't have to do anything for us. We are us, they are them. They didn't subscribe to the American Century, they outfoxed it and made it theirs. Enlightenment Liberalism has built a shopping center of the borders, free exchange, territorial zones>countries. weak leaders favor capital accumulation over public services/over the lives of our elders in a state of exception(read Carl Schmitt/see 2008). We are teetering on catastrophic collapse now explicitly due to the open society and it's time to look for a new way. There was a window to demonstrate the problem of globalism and it has been diverted to blaming China. Stop depending on the rest of the world to take care of your problems. A virus broke out in China. don't like Chinese? leave them to deal with it and stop importing 100ks of people during an outbreak to keep commerce moving. Stop getting entangled with global health and trade organizations. Get out of your hyperreality (read Baudrillard)...get real.
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China doesn't have to do anything for us. We are us, they are them. They didn't subscribe to the American Century, they outfoxed it and made it theirs. Enlightenment Liberalism has built a shopping center of the borders, free exchange, territorial zones>countries. weak leaders favor capital accumulation over public services/over the lives of our elders in a state of exception(read Carl Schmitt/see 2008). We are teetering on catastrophic collapse now explicitly due to the open society and it's time to look for a new way. There was a window to demonstrate the problem of globalism and it has been diverted to blaming China. Stop depending on the rest of the world to take care of your problems. A virus broke out in China. don't like Chinese? leave them to deal with it and stop importing 100ks of people during an outbreak to keep commerce moving. Stop getting entangled with global health and trade organizations. Get out of your hyperreality (read Baudrillard)...get real.

Soooo shut down the borders?
I particularly liked this line:

SARS came from China. And the bird flu. And the Hong Kong flu. The Asian flu. Viruses come from China just like shortstops come from the Dominican Republic.
China is absolutely to blame for not shutting down these live animal markets.
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