But what does destroying a city accomplish? Destroying a city gets you heard. MLK said that “I think that we’ve got to see that a riot is the language of the unheard. In numerous cases when blacks have peacefully protest one of a few things happened. Their chants go unheard or pushed to the side a la 45 decides to casually have the national guard move protesters so he could do a photo op. I wish I did have to say this but that was totally his actions were totally disrespectful and in the words of Kelly Bryant it was a slap to the face of every American especially black Americans. If you don’t believe that imagine how you would feel if Obama did that to a group of white Americans peacefully protesting.
What does defunding the police accomplish? This is a newer term for me or way of thinking so I had to do some research and here is what I gathered
To explain why he supports the idea, Isaac Bryan, the director of UCLA's Black Policy Center, points to history:
Law enforcement in the South began as slave patrol, a team of vigilantes hired to recapture escaped slaves. Then, when slavery was abolished, police enforced Jim Crow laws -- even the most minor infractions.
And today, police disproportionately
use force against black people, and black people are
more likely to be arrested and sentenced. I’ll also leave a link a the the bottom
So you are punishing millions of innocent people just because you want to tear stuff up...ridiculous!
So NO they aren’t doing this just to tear stuff up. They are not a bunch of animals. They are fed up. They are acting like most people would if they where treated that same way. If not better.