Blockbuster US jobs report surpasses all expectations


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Dec 10, 2004
Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! All real Americans should be celebrating this.

trump lost jobs. biden adds jobs.

Friday’s report from the Labor Department also showed that the unemployment rate dipped from 3.9% to 3.8%. The jobless rate has now come in below 4% for 26 straight months, the longest such streak since the 1960s. The government also revised up its estimate of job growth in January and February by a combined 22,000.

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All jokes aside, Biden should talk about this every minute of every day and nothing else.
He's talked about it a lot but nobody hears him, which is a shame because with a roaring economy like this, where everyone has a job and ample opportunities to switch to better paying jobs, you'd think that would outweigh the concern over the price of a carton of eggs. Prices would go down if people stopped buying but the concerns over inflation hasn't slowed consumer spending, which implies things aren't as bad as people "feel" they are. Things are pretty great right now if we're honest.
He's talked about it a lot but nobody hears him, which is a shame because with a roaring economy like this, where everyone has a job and ample opportunities to switch to better paying jobs, you'd think that would outweigh the concern over the price of a carton of eggs. Prices would go down if people stopped buying but the concerns over inflation hasn't slowed consumer spending, which implies things aren't as bad as people "feel" they are. Things are pretty great right now if we're honest.
I feel fortunate that I can go to the grocery store, and buy what I want without regard, but for many folks, this isn’t reality. This far outweighs a monthly job report.
I feel fortunate that I can go to the grocery store, and buy what I want without regard, but for many folks, this isn’t reality. This far outweighs a monthly job report.
I'm not ignoring that things are harder for people in lower income classes but I think if most people had a choice, they'd prefer a full-time job over lower prices and that seems to be where we are. If you're unhappy with your income, there is an endless supply of opportunities to improve your situation - in fact this is one of the best times in a half century to find better employment. I heard a talking head this morning saying her teenage son had a job making hoagies for $17 an hour right now and saving up to buy his own dj equipment, which is his dream and he'll realize that soon. Just sayin...
LOL. This will be 'revised down' next month to about 30% of this number just like every other farce of a jobs report they publish.
You mean revised up?

"The change in total nonfarm payroll employment for November was revised up by 9,000, from +173,000 to +182,000, and the change for December was revised up by 117,000, from +216,000 to +333,000. With these revisions, employment in November and December combined is 126,000 higher than previously reported."
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I feel fortunate that I can go to the grocery store, and buy what I want without regard, but for many folks, this isn’t reality. This far outweighs a monthly job report.
And a chunk of the blame for increased prices falls on the businesses using inflation as a built in excuse for bumping their margins beyond simply passing on their own increased cost.
Inflation is still above 3%.

CPI report Wednesday, will let us know if we can lower rates without causing a recession. They have been trying desperately to keep inflation down but the last two reports have shown slight upticks.

Market got real shaky yesterday and still hasn’t found d its legs. Next weeks report will be interesting and I reserve all judgment on the economy until we see a 2% inflation rate. Inflation is theft.
And a chunk of the blame for increased prices falls on the businesses using inflation as a built in excuse for bumping their margins beyond simply passing on their own increased cost.
Unless a certain segment is close to a monopoly, the market will naturally cure this.
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You’re doing your best, but there’s no sugar coating the cost of everything right now.
You don't have to tell me, I went to Vegas at the beginning of March and you couldn't get a sandwich or a couple slices of pizza for less than $30; $99 to get into a nightclub, $33 dollars for a vodka collins...I could go on but the city was slam-packed and thriving because people have so much money to spend. if you'd stop buying sh*t, maybe it will come down. 🤔
I wonder how many of these jobs are going to illegals? It's more than a little guaranteed.

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Jobs! Jobs! Jobs! All real Americans should be celebrating this.

trump lost jobs. biden adds jobs.

Friday’s report from the Labor Department also showed that the unemployment rate dipped from 3.9% to 3.8%. The jobless rate has now come in below 4% for 26 straight months, the longest such streak since the 1960s. The government also revised up its estimate of job growth in January and February by a combined 22,000.

Thanks for posting this stuff from the politburo. This fake news is easy to swat.

Some people in this thread really need to pay attention to CNBC when these reports are released. Your parties colors are shining through.

The huge number was based off immigrants. Wednesday's CPI number is very big.

The market was shaky as Fvck Thursday and Friday. Not sure if it was geopolitical risk or if it was in anticipation of CPI on Wednesday. Either way CPI is a huge number.

There is about a 55% chance of a rate cut in Jun.
If CPI prints high, that immediately goes towards zero and we may not get any rate cuts this year at all.

It’s such a catch 22 though. If CPI is bad (high) then it would seem to be a bad thing for the economy because the consumer can’t afford products. But the catch is that the only place to hide from inflation is in the stock market.

The cycle is crushing the middle class with inflation and rewarding the investors or high net worth individuals.
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Biden has added 800K manufacturing jobs since 2021. Unprecedented growth. In march we added many construction jobs, always a a positive sign. This is good news.

Of course you will find anything negative that you can. That is because you are all miserable and pathetic losers. Just like your lord and savior trump wants the stock market to crash to aid his reelection bid, you want the economy to fail for the same reason. You are not real Americans.

You don't have to tell me, I went to Vegas at the beginning of March and you couldn't get a sandwich or a couple slices of pizza for less than $30; $99 to get into a nightclub, $33 dollars for a vodka collins...I could go on but the city was slam-packed and thriving because people have so much money to spend. if you'd stop buying sh*t, maybe it will come down. 🤔
"if you'd stop buying sh*t, maybe it will come down. 🤔"

You mean like a trip to Vegas you took!!! You mean like the extra money that some college graduates now have due to Biden forgiving their agreed upon college debt? Look at the credit card debt that Americans have incurred during this time!! Look at the national debt that each American now has because of the uncontrolled spending of our elected officials on both sides of the aisle.
Hakeem Jeffries? LMFAO

You may as well post AOC quotes too.

Sad we have trolls like you on TI, ****ing idiots that don't have a clue.
Since when is Hakeem Jeffries considered non-credible except in your little infantile, dark red upside-down world? It's his words dumbass and I see you didn't have a problem with the tweet I was responding to from a Russian AI bot named "Jack Danger". LMAO
You don't have to tell me, I went to Vegas at the beginning of March and you couldn't get a sandwich or a couple slices of pizza for less than $30; $99 to get into a nightclub, $33 dollars for a vodka collins...I could go on but the city was slam-packed and thriving because people have so much money to spend. if you'd stop buying sh*t, maybe it will come down. 🤔

I was there last march with a group of friends and vowed not to go back unless it was work related bc it was so expensive. Flights and everything were ridiculous. Luckily my buddy got us a comped room. I do think they jack up the prices around march madness.

I would have loved to see U2 in the sphere though.
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I was there last march with a group of friends and vowed not to go back unless it was work related bc it was so expensive. Flights and everything were ridiculous. Luckily my buddy got us a comped room. I do think they jack up the prices around march madness.

I would have loved to see U2 in the sphere though.
Yep, the flight was also expensive and because they pretty much have you captured from the time you land, everything from the airport, the Strip and all surrounding areas have insanely jacked-up prices. One cool thing was everywhere I went I heard Australian accents so I asked a group of them why so many were there and they said it was because of the new pro rugby teams out west that are part of the same league as the Australian teams - 14,000 Aussies flew over for two matches, they apparently have money to burn as well.

I didn't see U2 but I did the Sphere Experience which I would highly recommend. Amazing space.
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Some people in this thread really need to pay attention to CNBC when these reports are released. Your parties colors are shining through.

The huge number was based off immigrants. Wednesday's CPI number is very big.
Some notes from the Jobs report for you partisan, doomsday loons

  • The unemployment rate ticked down to 3.8 percent last month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday, extending the longest stretch of unemployment below 4 percent in five decades.
  • The jobs market is charging ahead in 2024, churning out more jobs per month on average than before the pandemic. Job growth in March was notably higher than the average monthly gain over the past year, which was around 231,000, according to the agency.
  • Workers benefited in March from rising wages and more work hours. Average hourly earnings accelerated in March to $34.69 per hour, which is up 4.1 percent from the previous year. Wages have consistently beat inflation since last May after years of falling behind.
  • Health-care job growth accelerated, adding 72,000 jobs in March largely in hospitals, residential care facilities and nursing homes in a reflection of surging demand from the aging baby boomer population.
  • Leisure and hospitality grew by 49,000 jobs and, in a major milestone, finally caught up to its February 2020 pre-pandemic levels, as demand for dining out and other experiences has continued to swell.
  • Construction added 39,000 jobs in March, more than double its monthly average gain of the past 12 months, surprising experts because that industry tends to be sensitive to higher interest rates.
  • Retail added 18,000 jobs, mostly in general-merchandise employers, such as big-box stores.
  • Employers made the most hires on record in arts, entertainment and recreation in February, according to a separate report by the Labor Department released Tuesday.
  • More than 53,000 restaurants opened last year, up 10 percent from 2022 and exceeding pre-pandemic levels, according to data from the online review site Yelp. That has helped boost hiring across the board, in entry-level positions as well as managerial roles.
  • Haha
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Some notes from the Jobs report for you partisan, doomsday loons

  • The unemployment rate ticked down to 3.8 percent last month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday, extending the longest stretch of unemployment below 4 percent in five decades.
  • The jobs market is charging ahead in 2024, churning out more jobs per month on average than before the pandemic. Job growth in March was notably higher than the average monthly gain over the past year, which was around 231,000, according to the agency.
  • Workers benefited in March from rising wages and more work hours. Average hourly earnings accelerated in March to $34.69 per hour, which is up 4.1 percent from the previous year. Wages have consistently beat inflation since last May after years of falling behind.
  • Health-care job growth accelerated, adding 72,000 jobs in March largely in hospitals, residential care facilities and nursing homes in a reflection of surging demand from the aging baby boomer population.
  • Leisure and hospitality grew by 49,000 jobs and, in a major milestone, finally caught up to its February 2020 pre-pandemic levels, as demand for dining out and other experiences has continued to swell.
  • Construction added 39,000 jobs in March, more than double its monthly average gain of the past 12 months, surprising experts because that industry tends to be sensitive to higher interest rates.
  • Retail added 18,000 jobs, mostly in general-merchandise employers, such as big-box stores.
  • Employers made the most hires on record in arts, entertainment and recreation in February, according to a separate report by the Labor Department released Tuesday.
  • More than 53,000 restaurants opened last year, up 10 percent from 2022 and exceeding pre-pandemic levels, according to data from the online review site Yelp. That has helped boost hiring across the board, in entry-level positions as well as managerial roles.

it is really sad that so many “patriots” want our country to fail for the benefit of one con man.