BREAKING: VoterGA Releases Explosive New Report: Fulton County Georgia Recount Included 60% Error Reporting Rate — THOUSANDS of Fraudulent Biden Votes

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Very good information.

Georgia ballots rejected by machines were later altered by election workers to count​

Records obtained by Just the News provide unprecedented glimpse into human adjudication of thousands of ballots, where marks for candidates like Trump were sometimes removed so ballots could count for Biden.

By John Solomon, Daniel Payne and Natalia Mittelstadt
Updated: August 8, 2021 - 11:21pm

Aday after the November election, as Donald Trump and other Republican candidates clung to evaporating leads in Georgia, vote counters in Atlanta were confronted by a paper ballot known only by its anonymizing number 5150-232-18.

A Dominion Voting machine had rejected the ballot on election night because the voter had filled in boxes for both Trump and his Democratic opponent Joe Biden, an error known as an "overvote." The machine determined neither candidate should get a tally, and the ballot was referred for human review.
The image of the ballot, obtained by Just the News, shows the voter messily scribbled a large blob in the box to select Trump as president while also putting a thinner check mark next to Biden's name.
At 6:10 p.m. ET on Nov. 4, 24 hours after the ballot was first scanned and rejected by Machine 5150, a panel of humans decided the vote should be awarded to Biden, with the notation "mark removed for Donald J. Trump." You can see that ballot here:
Scores of additional ballots that same day had checks manually removed next to Trump's name as well as many other candidates up and down the ticket — Libertarians, Democrats and write-ins alike — and the votes awarded instead to other candidates.
Welcome to the arcane process known as adjudication, where human judgment is substituted for machine scanning in cases where voters incorrectly filled out a paper ballot. Election officials and official observers have dealt with it for years, with everyday citizens mostly oblivious to the process.
But in 2020, adjudication played a much larger role in states like Georgia, which allowed hundreds of thousands of additional citizens to vote absentee for the first time during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In all, more than 5,000 of the 148,000 absentee ballots cast — or about 3% — in Georgia's largest county required some form of human intervention, according to logs obtained from Fulton County by Just the News under an open records act request.
The adjudication ballots alone are not enough to change a Georgia election in which Biden and Trump were separated by less than 13,000 votes. However, they reveal an imperfect system vulnerable to chaos, subjectivity, or political dirty tricks, especially in a county like Fulton where state officials documented widespread irregularities and misconduct and now want to take over election counting.
Just the News reviewed 1,604 pages of adjudication logs from Fulton County and reviewed 4820 of the 5064 ballot images where human vote counters reviewed or overrode the Dominion Voting machines. The JTN review provided an unprecedented window into the extraordinary discretion accorded adjudication judges to interpret a voter's intent on a flawed ballot.

It also raised another troubling question, at least in Georgia, where election regulations create two conflicting imperatives. One regulation, which is quoted on each absentee ballot, emphatically declares that a paper ballot should be deemed "spoiled" and uncountable if a voter makes any mistakes or unauthorized marks.
"If you make a mistake or change your mind or change your mind on a selection do not attempt to mark through the selection or attempt to erase. Write 'Spoiled' across the ballot and across the return envelope" and get a new ballot, language on each ballot reads.
Just the News reviewed hundreds of ballots that met the "spoiled" definition — ballots that voters had in some way altered, defaced, or corrected — that were still allowed to count after adjudication. The reason? Another Georgia regulation gives election officials broad discretion to try to determine the intent of a confused voter, and actually encourages them to find a way to make flawed ballots count.
The Georgia code stipulates that voting tabulators must be programmed to "reject any ballot, including absentee ballots, on which an overvote is detected," with those ballots to be "manually reviewed" by a review panel following their rejection.
If a voter "has marked his or her ballot in such a manner that he or she has indicated clearly and without question the candidate for whom he or she desires to cast his or her vote," the state code says elsewhere, then the ballot "shall be counted and such candidate shall receive his or her vote."
Yet state law also directs that a ballot should be considered "spoiled" if, in part, a voter has used it to "cast more than the permitted number of votes." A spoiled ballot "shall not be reinstated," the code states, suggesting that any ballots deemed as such should not be counted.
Instructions on the Georgia Secretary of State's website, meanwhile, suggest that voters have no choice but to declare their ballots spoiled in the event that they make a mistake on it.
"If you inadvertently make an error, spoil, or otherwise deface the ballot, IMMEDIATELY contact your local county board of registrars or the municipal absentee ballot clerk, whichever is applicable, to receive a replacement ballot," the instructions dictate.
Just the News identified hundreds of ballots that met that definition but nonetheless were counted as lawful votes after election judges intervened. Some counted ballots even had the word "spoiled" written across them and still were counted.

For instance, "spoiled" was clearly written on ballot number 729-98-76, which had boxes for both Trump and Biden selected. Election judges awarded the vote to Biden and removed the mark for Trump. You can see that here:
But another ballot, 5162-207-61, had the word spoiled written on it and a vote solely for Trump. But it was rejected by the same process, showing just how uneven the system was. You can see that here:
Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger's office said it did not have an immediate response on whether such spoiled ballots should have been allowed to go to adjudication, saying it was studying the matter. Raffensperger has said, however, Fulton County's election processes are so flawed he believes the state of Georgia should take it into receivership.
State officials said Fulton County should have adjudicated ballots using a panel of two Democrat judges, two Republican judges and one independent judge, but they did not know for sure whether each ballot went through that process.
Raffensperger's handpicked election monitor for Fulton County compiled a 29-page report identifying voting irregularities that occurred in the Atlanta vote counting center, including documented problems with spoiled and adjudicated ballots.
Fulton County refused to answer any questions about the records they provided to Just the News.
But Bridget Thorne, who has worked for years in various election jobs in Fulton County, said officials there did not have clear instructions for handling spoiled or adjudicated ballots last fall.
"According to a Fulton County Board member, there were no written adjudication processes given to adjudicators," Thorne told Just the News. "Processes were given verbally. In the event the Democrat and the Republican adjudicators could not agree, [county executive] Ralph Jones would decide.
"Based on my experience, it is not surprising that they did not have a standard written process for adjudicators," she added. "An internal audit financial report that came out on Wednesday also states that they are missing Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)."
The Just the News review shows adjudication judges have the power to "remove marks" and or "add marks" to reflect a voter's assumed intention and did so hundreds of times in Fulton County alone. They also can reject them. And at least in Georgia last November, they made such decisions one to four days after Election Day had ended, when preliminary vote counts showed who was leading or losing in close races. The entire scenario makes some extremely squeamish.

Scores of adjudicated ballots ultimately were resolved with the notation "removed mark" next to Trump's name, in most cases allowing a second mark next to Biden's name to count. But at times it happened in reverse too, or to the detriment of third-party candidates.
Ballot number 729-4-39, for instance, included blob marks for the Libertarian candidates for president (Jo Jorgensen) and U.S. Senate (Shane Hazel) as well as Democrats Biden and Senate winner Jon Ossoff. The adjudication team awarded the ballot to Biden and Ossof, the logs and ballot images showed. To do so, they had to remove the marks for the Libertarian candidates.
On another ballot, a voter messily scribbled in the bubble to select Donald Trump as president; the voter also gave a small check mark next to Joe Biden. The adjudication log shows the choice being flagged as an "over-vote," after which an adjudication review awarded the ballot to Biden.
In one particularly striking example, a ballot clearly marked "spoiled" was apparently adjudicated and counted by an election staff worker, raising the question of whether or not that voter or other voters managed to vote twice in the election. In that case, Trump would have been the beneficary.
In all, 1,341 marks were removed from the names of candidates on the 5,000 ballots, a computer analysis of the logs showed.
The alteration and counting of flawed ballots were spread across all races, including state constitutional amendments and local legislative campaigns.
One of the clearest patterns involved the highly watched special U.S. Senate election that pitted Republican incumbent Sen. Kelly Loeffler against Democratic activist Raphael Warnock. The Just the News review showed the design of the ballot by Raffensperger's office clearly confused many in the race because it offered 20 candidates, most of them Democrats. Voters often selected two or more of a party's candidates, causing their votes ultimately to be rejected even after adjudication. Democrats were more likely to be negatively affected in that instance.
Just the News is fighting for adjudication logs in other states like Arizona, where its largest election metropolis, Maricopa County, recently told the news organization there were about 27,000 adjudicated ballots in November but so far has refused to provide the logs or images.

The release of the ballot images comes after a bombshell Just the News report that revealed an election watchdog's searing criticism of Fulton County's handling of the absentee ballot counting process at Atlanta's State Farm Arena. The watchdog, Carter Jones — who had been assigned by Raffensperger's office to monitor the State Farm Arena operations — highlighted what he said were several key security problems with the absentee ballot operation there.

Jones at one point wrote of witnessing absentee ballots arriving at the arena "in rolling bins 2k at a time."
"It is my understanding is that the ballots are supposed to be moved in numbered, sealed boxes to protect them," he wrote, also noting "too many ballots coming in for secure black ballot boxes."
Unabridged Notes.pdf
Jones also made numerous citations raising concerns about how absentee ballots and spoiled ballots were handled. Here are some direct excerpts from his notes:
  • "My math is still not zeroing out, so I get a staffer to explain it to me and they realize (after I talk to three and no one listens) that their math doesn't add up, which prompts a search for more spoiled ballots to make up for the missing seven."
  • "We missed one ballot! — Found during cleanupI pointed it out to Ralph, otherwise he would've missed it or left it unsecured. Turns out that it was spoiled but written in small print on the back."
  • "Big problem! Rick just called me to explain that Fulton did not verify their numbers on the backend after adjudication last night, so their provisional number is off by 484 from what it should be. Their current plan is to re-scan all of yesterday's batch to make sure that everything is done properly."
  • "Press release yesterday said that there were 3,604 accepted provisionals. My count shows that last night they scanned 3,420. Rick says that they're 484 short, but my math says it's only 184."
With such chaos and mismanagement observed by the state, some wonder whether any of the adjudicated ballots were counted correctly and consistently in Georgia's biggest metropolis, or other major urban areas for that matter.
"Similar actions took place in Detroit, Philadelphia, Green Bay and other major urban centers in swing states where tens of thousands of ballots were interpreted and counted by review panels," said Phill Kline, the former Kansas attorney general and head of the Amistad Project, which has filed lawsuits to gain transparency in elections nationwide. "This happens every year. But in 2020 laws requiring both parties to review this process weren’t followed.

"With COVID as an excuse, election observers were kicked out of the counting room and private billionaires invited in," Kline added, citing Mark Zuckerberg's donations to election judges. "Americans deserve to know how this shadow government managed the election, and state election officials, rather than fighting efforts to understand what happened, should open the doors and support the effort to get at the truth!"

WE CAUGHT THEM: Fulton County GA Caught In Another Lie – Claim Only 5,000 Absentee Ballots Were Adjudicated in the 2020 Election – Previously Claimed Over 100,000 Absentee Ballots Were Adjudicated​

By Joe Hoft
Published August 9, 2021 at 6:45pm

Yesterday John Solomon at Just the News reported that Fulton County claims they only processed 5,000 adjudicated absentee ballots after the 2020 Election. Curiously, this doesn’t agree with the numbers reported by the County after the Election.

Just the News reported yesterday that 5,000 absentee ballots were adjudicated after the 2020 Election in Fulton County.
Welcome to the arcane process known as adjudication, where human judgment is substituted for machine scanning in cases where voters incorrectly filled out a paper ballot. Election officials and official observers have dealt with it for years, with everyday citizens mostly oblivious to the process.
But in 2020, adjudication played a much larger role in states like Georgia, which allowed hundreds of thousands of additional citizens to vote absentee for the first time during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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In all, more than 5,000 of the 148,000 absentee ballots cast — or about 3% — in Georgia’s largest county required some form of human intervention, according to logs obtained from Fulton County by Just the News under an open records act request.
In addition, Solomon claims ballots adjudicated were altered by election workers.
The problem with Fulton County’s reporting to John Solomon is that the County claimed over 100,000 absentee ballots were adjudicated on Election Day.

This was pointed out by Jovan Pulitzer in his presentation to the Georgia Senate who ultimately refused to allow Pulitzer to audit the corruption in the 2020 Election in their state.
A video of Fulton County’s Barron shows him explaining the adjudication process for absentee ballots and noting over 100,000 absentee ballots had been adjudicated in the County at that time on Election Day.

There is no way that Fulton County could adjudicate over 100,000 absentee ballots in the county on Election Day and then accurately state months later to John Solomon that they adjudicated only 5,000 absentee ballots in their county in the 2020 Election. This is not correct. It is a lie.

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WE CAUGHT THEM: Fulton County GA Caught In Another Lie – Claim Only 5,000 Absentee Ballots Were Adjudicated in the 2020 Election – Previously Claimed Over 100,000 Absentee Ballots Were Adjudicated​

By Joe Hoft
Published August 9, 2021 at 6:45pm

Yesterday John Solomon at Just the News reported that Fulton County claims they only processed 5,000 adjudicated absentee ballots after the 2020 Election. Curiously, this doesn’t agree with the numbers reported by the County after the Election.

Just the News reported yesterday that 5,000 absentee ballots were adjudicated after the 2020 Election in Fulton County.

In addition, Solomon claims ballots adjudicated were altered by election workers.
The problem with Fulton County’s reporting to John Solomon is that the County claimed over 100,000 absentee ballots were adjudicated on Election Day.

This was pointed out by Jovan Pulitzer in his presentation to the Georgia Senate who ultimately refused to allow Pulitzer to audit the corruption in the 2020 Election in their state.
A video of Fulton County’s Barron shows him explaining the adjudication process for absentee ballots and noting over 100,000 absentee ballots had been adjudicated in the County at that time on Election Day.

There is no way that Fulton County could adjudicate over 100,000 absentee ballots in the county on Election Day and then accurately state months later to John Solomon that they adjudicated only 5,000 absentee ballots in their county in the 2020 Election. This is not correct. It is a lie.

LOL. The dude was in his big moment and used the word adjudicated instead of counted and then used adjudicated correctly in the next sentence. This is weak.

No--they didn't have panels for 100k ballots. There isn't any evidence of that beyond this one clip bc gateway pundit is garbage.

The above article before the last one is interesting and actually posts the images of the three ballots in question. If those are the fishiest ballots then it is slim pickings. The first one is clearly voting for Biden--no question (the entire rest of the ballot has checks, come on...). The one that says spoiled would have been a potential double vote for Trump, like the article says. The other one looks like it should have been spoiled bc it voted for multiple candidates--but the article isn't exactly clear on what actually happened with the adjudication.

But again--THIS IS FEDERALISM. Something you conservatives used to defend to the death. You are the people who before this election never wanted any standardized system for state and local administration of elections. It will all be done better bc local people will be doing it you ALWAYS said. lol. Welcome to wanting BIG GOVT tigergrowls.
LOL. The dude was in his big moment and used the word adjudicated instead of counted and then used adjudicated correctly in the next sentence. This is weak.

No--they didn't have panels for 100k ballots. There isn't any evidence of that beyond this one clip bc gateway pundit is garbage.

The above article before the last one is interesting and actually posts the images of the three ballots in question. If those are the fishiest ballots then it is slim pickings. The first one is clearly voting for Biden--no question (the entire rest of the ballot has checks, come on...). The one that says spoiled would have been a potential double vote for Trump, like the article says. The other one looks like it should have been spoiled bc it voted for multiple candidates--but the article isn't exactly clear on what actually happened with the adjudication.

But again--THIS IS FEDERALISM. Something you conservatives used to defend to the death. You are the people who before this election never wanted any standardized system for state and local administration of elections. It will all be done better bc local people will be doing it you ALWAYS said. lol. Welcome to wanting BIG GOVT tigergrowls.
Nice point, but this was a razor tight election and there is a lot of potential under multiple paths that it could have been stolen. There is a hell of lot of smoke and we will end up seeing if there is fire at some point.

BREAKING: 43,000 Dekalb County, Georgia Absentee Ballots Violated Chain of Custody Rule​

By Joe Hoft
Published August 30, 2021 at 4:30pm

Dekalb County in Georgia is again at the center of issues in the 2020 Election results.

They previously had to recount or scan ballots in the county after the election. A satisfactory explanation was not provided.
Dekalb’s Elections Manager was fired due to a series of issues with the election.
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Now today, the Georgia Star is reporting that tens of thousands of absentee ballots were missing chain of custody documentation in the county. The Georgia Star reports:
43,907 of the 61,731 absentee ballots deposited in drop boxes in the November 2020 presidential election in DeKalb County, Georgia–72 percent–were counted in official tallies certified by the county and the state, despite violating chain of custody requirements set forward in Georgia Emergency Rule 183-1-14-1.8-.14 promulgated by the Georgia State Election Board at its July 1, 2020, meeting.
That rule states absentee ballots placed in drop boxes, “shall be immediately transported to the county registrar” by the two person collection team, which is required to sign a ballot transfer form indicating the number of ballots picked up, the time the ballots were picked up, and the location of the drop box, and that, “The county registrar or a designee thereof shall sign the ballot transfer form upon receipt of the ballots from the collection team.”
The Georgia Star News obtained 725 absentee ballot drop box transfer forms used in the November 2020 election in DeKalb County to document the chain of custody of the 61,731 absentee ballots deposited in drop boxes from the DeKalb County law department in response to an open records request.
Those 725 absentee ballot drop box transfer forms can be viewed here.
Of the 61,731 absentee ballots DeKalb County recorded as being deposited into drop boxes during the November 2020 election, 46 percent – or 28,194 of the absentee ballots – were not documented as being received by the elections registrar or the director’s designee until the day after they were collected from the drop box.

Why has the Republican legislature in Georgia ignored the massive rampant fraud from the 2020 Election that allowed Biden to steal the 2020 Election in their state?


Fulton County Georgia Ballot Inspection Hearing – Monday at 9 AM – Video Link Below​

By Jim Hoft
Published September 19, 2021 at 8:05pm

A court hearing is taking place Monday morning at the Henry County Courthouse in Georgia regarding the audit of the Fulton County absentee ballots.
The Henry County Court will hear motions submitted after granting approval to inspect the 2020 election ballots.
Court to Hear Motions Submitted after Granting Approval to Inspect Ballots [Docket]
Why: VoterGA petitioners filed a lawsuit to inspect Fulton County mail-in ballots after four senior poll managers signed sworn affidavits indicating they handled counterfeit ballots during the Fulton County hand count audit. [Playlist]
TRENDING: What's Going On? Arizona Recently Processed 673,000 Voter Identities with the Social Security Administration - 58% Had NO MATCH FOUND
When: Monday, September 20, 9:00 a.m.
Henry County Courthouse
Courtroom A, 2nd Floor
One Courthouse Square
McDonough, GA 30253
Web Ex Live Stream [Active at 8:45 a.m. for 9:00 a.m. hearing]
Who: VoterGA is a non-partisan, 501(c)3 registered non-profit organization created by a coalition of citizens working to restore election integrity in Georgia. We advocate for independently verifiable, auditable, recount capable and transparent elections.
Media Contact: Sheryl Sellaway
Garland Favorito is the man that will bring down the corrupt house of cards in GA.


Georgia opens probe into drop box ballots, chain of custody in large Democrat county​

Probe comes after newspaper report of improper chain of custody documentation, DeKalb County election chief taking leave.

By John Solomon

The Georgia Secretary of State's office has opened an investigation into the handling of drop box ballots last November in one of the state's Democratic strongholds following a media report that there were problems with chain of custody documentation in DeKalb County.
The probe, confirmed in a statement to Just the News, comes at a tumultuous time for DeKalb County, whose elections director was placed on an extended leave of absence two weeks ago. Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger's office said the probe is ongoing and the county is cooperating.
"The Secretary of State's office has opened an investigation into the drop box chain of custody documentation for Dekalb County," Raffensperger's office told Just the News. "The investigation includes not only whether Dekalb County properly complied with the documentation required by the State Election Board but also whether the actual procedures used by Dekalb adequately protected chain of custody for ballots returned to drop boxes."
A spokesman for DeKalb County did not immediately return calls or respond to emails from Just the News last week or Monday seeking comment.
The announcement of the probe comes less than a month after the Georgia Star news site reported that 43,907 of the 61,731 absentee ballots deposited in drop boxes in the November 2020 presidential election in DeKalb County — 72% —were counted in official tallies certified by the county and the state though they had not met the chain of custody requirements set by the Georgia State Election Board on July 1, 2020.
Raffensperger's office said it did not receive most counties' chain of custody forms for drop box ballots until January and February of this year, well after the election. Since that time, the office has found problems with a handful of counties, mostly small, rural and Republican strongholds.
"As we announced earlier this year, Coffee, Grady, and Taylor counties all failed to complete any ballot transfer documents," the office told Just the News. "They were referred for investigation. In Stephens County, the elections director emptied an absentee ballot drop box on her own instead of with the two people that the State Election Board rule required. Stephen County was referred to the Attorney General's office by the State Election Board."
DeKalb County is the largest county in the state to face questions so far about the chain of custody documents governing drop boxes. Situated just outside the Atlanta metro area, it is one of the largest and most reliable Democrat strongholds in the state outside of Fulton County, which is home to Atlanta. Heavily minority, 83% of DeKalb residents voted for Joe Biden over Donald Trump.
The county, however, has faced some internal struggles over election management, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Earlier this month, the county's elections director Erica Hamilton was placed on an extended leave of absence, though no explanation was given for the move, the newspaper reported.
Last year, a consultant raised concerns about DeKalb's elections strategy and preparedness, suggesting a new management structure after concluding that Hamilton "was significantly involved in many day-to-day tasks," which it called noble. However, the consultant wrote, "there are simply too many moving parts to ask [Hamilton] to be the sole operations taskmaster for the organization while also managing policy and executive functions."
Raffensperger's office said despite the new investigation and earlier revelations by Just the News of significant mismanagement and irregularities in Fulton County, he remains confident in the validity of the November 2020 election results in which Biden narrowly defeated Trump, a verdict that the former president has refused to accept.
"We have heard about 'smoking gun' after 'smoking gun' from President Trump and others since Nov. 3 allegedly demonstrating fraud but there's been nothing yet that would put in doubt the results of the 2020 presidential election," Raffensperger's office said. "A monitor appointed by the Secretary of State's office monitored the work by Fulton County during the November 2020 election, for example, and found sloppiness but no fraud. Election workers aren't perfect and do make mistakes but that is a far cry from evidence of fraudulent ballots. Under both state and federal laws, a procedural error by an election worker would not invalidate an otherwise legitimate and proper ballot."
The State Elections Board recently took the first step toward taking control of Fulton County's voter counting operation in time for the 2022 election, a new power the board was granted earlier this year under election integrity reforms passed by the state Legislature.
Raffensperger has long been critical of Fulton County's election operations, including on election night last November. A state monitor sent to observe the vote counting operations in Atlanta later wrote a report identifying 29 pages of problems ranging from double scanning of ballots to potential violations of ballot privacy, Just the News previously has reported.
Keep that narrative alive, losers.

Raffensperger's office said despite the new investigation and earlier revelations by Just the News of significant mismanagement and irregularities in Fulton County, he remains confident in the validity of the November 2020 election results in which Biden narrowly defeated Trump, a verdict that the former president has refused to accept.

"We have heard about 'smoking gun' after 'smoking gun' from President Trump and others since Nov. 3 allegedly demonstrating fraud but there's been nothing yet that would put in doubt the results of the 2020 presidential election," Raffensperger's office said. "A monitor appointed by the Secretary of State's office monitored the work by Fulton County during the November 2020 election, for example, and found sloppiness but no fraud. Election workers aren't perfect and do make mistakes but that is a far cry from evidence of fraudulent ballots. Under both state and federal laws, a procedural error by an election worker would not invalidate an otherwise legitimate and proper ballot."

Looks like GA might be lost for good as all of this stuff is being allowed to stand with no legit audit allowed. I wonder what kind of back room deal among thieves is being worked out between Kemp and Abrams? They both know the scam so I am guessing that will be a fair election since they cannot afford to have it go public with reporting on how it works.

Looks like GA might be lost for good as all of this stuff is being allowed to stand with no legit audit allowed. I wonder what kind of back room deal among thieves is being worked out between Kemp and Abrams? They both know the scam so I am guessing that will be a fair election since they cannot afford to have it go public with reporting on how it works.

Dude... How many audits do you want? There was a recount, THEN there was a hand recount. THEN President Trump sent a HAND PICKED Federal Prosecutor from southern Ga to investigate the Fulton county elections. This prosecutor came back and said everything was good. Again, lifelong Republicans who campaigned for Trump, supported Trump, and voted for Trump were in charge of these elections. They were conservative Republicans when Trump LITERALLY self identified as a Liberal NY Democrat. Anyone got ANY evidence that these guys cheated... You know got paid a large amount of money or anything? Nope... nothing. And the courts are corrupt too right ... not because of any evidence, but b/c Trump lost. BUT they MUST be cheating right... because Trump says so and that's all the evidence anyone should need.

So AGAIN let us know when SOMETHING... ANYTHING actually DOES NOT get thrown out of court.
Dude... How many audits do you want? There was a recount, THEN there was a hand recount. THEN President Trump sent a HAND PICKED Federal Prosecutor from southern Ga to investigate the Fulton county elections. This prosecutor came back and said everything was good. Again, lifelong Republicans who campaigned for Trump, supported Trump, and voted for Trump were in charge of these elections. They were conservative Republicans when Trump LITERALLY self identified as a Liberal NY Democrat. Anyone got ANY evidence that these guys cheated... You know got paid a large amount of money or anything? Nope... nothing. And the courts are corrupt too right ... not because of any evidence, but b/c Trump lost. BUT they MUST be cheating right... because Trump says so and that's all the evidence anyone should need.

So AGAIN let us know when SOMETHING... ANYTHING actually DOES NOT get thrown out of court.
Lifelong establishment republicans that is and they are all banded together to take Trump out with any means possible. No legit full statewide or even a Fulton audit was completed.
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Lifelong establishment republicans that is and they are all banded together to take Trump out with any means possible. No legit full statewide or even a Fulton audit was completed.
Please. Any proof of that? Nope. And the keyword there for you is LEGIT. And for you Trumpians, the only legit audit is one that makes Trump the winner, even if they simply added enough votes in themselves to do it. As I've said a hundred times... you'll never accept the results of the election no matter the massive amounts of evidence that show Trump was full of crap.
Lifelong establishment republicans that is and they are all banded together to take Trump out with any means possible. No legit full statewide or even a Fulton audit was completed.

So real Republicans with a long history of voting for Republican bills and conservative values versus a guy who has been a republican for 12 years and they are the problem?

When will you ever admit Trump is the original RINO? He's also a whiny bitch
81 million votes! Anyone with a brain knows this did not happen.

Biden beat EVERY other metric while campaigning from his basement. He could not garner 20 people to a rally, while DJT had 20,000.

Not to mention what he has done to this country over the past 18 months. Let me give you a few examples:

First an foremost, is the withdrawl from Afghanistan (unless you've ever spent any time over there, you don't have the right to speak)....did I get that right libs? 13 people died.

Record high gas prices (he could fix this tomorrow, but nobody is gonna invest billions of dollars when it come to an end tomorrow). Let's let Kerry/Biden depend on solar/wind to power their planes to fly around the world. You aren't nothing but plebes to these people. Think about that for a second...Kerry/Biden are seen as some great people. LOL. Pure trash.

Record high inflation

Every policy this admin makes, makes this country weaker. Could this be because of Hunter? Joe is compromised. The whole family is. They all have more money than I have. It doesn't make them less "trash". Trash father, trash son.

It might take 20 years, but we'll eventually find out that the election was stolen, the media helped, and Joe is still an ignorant, demented POS (oh, and his son is a crackhead).
81 million votes! Anyone with a brain knows this did not happen.

Biden beat EVERY other metric while campaigning from his basement. He could not garner 20 people to a rally, while DJT had 20,000.

It might take 20 years, but we'll eventually find out that the election was stolen, the media helped, and Joe is still an ignorant, demented POS (oh, and his son is a crackhead).

For many of Trump’s voters, the belief that the election was stolen is not a fully formed thought. It’s more of an attitude, or a tribal pose. They know something nefarious occurred but can’t easily explain how or why.

Whatever dude!

Quoting the "Atlantic". Good luck.

That's the problem. You read the Atlantic, I read stuff with a conserative slant.
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I'm not shocked either. I'm proud of it. I have been proven right time and time again.

Every single thing I believe in gets proven right, every single day.

How many times do you have to be proven WRONG, until you wake up?
the irony here is thick and palpable
I'm not shocked either. I'm proud of it. I have been proven right time and time again.

Every single thing I believe in gets proven right, every single day.

How many times do you have to be proven WRONG, until you wake up?
You must be one of those door control guys. The only thing that stops a school shooter is a good door.

Prove me where I'm wrong Wap.

2nd Amendment....Check.
Russia, Russia, Russia.....Check.
Hunter Laptop.....Check.
EPA can't make rules up on their own......Check.

81 million votes! Anyone with a brain knows this did not happen.

Biden beat EVERY other metric while campaigning from his basement. He could not garner 20 people to a rally, while DJT had 20,000.

Not to mention what he has done to this country over the past 18 months. Let me give you a few examples:

First an foremost, is the withdrawl from Afghanistan (unless you've ever spent any time over there, you don't have the right to speak)....did I get that right libs? 13 people died.

Record high gas prices (he could fix this tomorrow, but nobody is gonna invest billions of dollars when it come to an end tomorrow). Let's let Kerry/Biden depend on solar/wind to power their planes to fly around the world. You aren't nothing but plebes to these people. Think about that for a second...Kerry/Biden are seen as some great people. LOL. Pure trash.

Record high inflation

Every policy this admin makes, makes this country weaker. Could this be because of Hunter? Joe is compromised. The whole family is. They all have more money than I have. It doesn't make them less "trash". Trash father, trash son.

It might take 20 years, but we'll eventually find out that the election was stolen, the media helped, and Joe is still an ignorant, demented POS (oh, and his son is a crackhead).
1. there has been no proof showing the election was stolen.
2. using rally size as a metric for popularity is idiotic, especially considering the entire dem platform during 2020 was "AVOID LARGE CROWDS AND SOCIAL DISTANCE."
3. afghanistan withdrawal was a **** up, but it had been in the works for years. obama should've done it a decade ago.
4. he can't fix high gas prices and you don't know what you're talking about.
5. inflation was going to skyrocket no matter who was in office considering the economic woes of 2020 and the fact we didn't increase rates back during trump's booming economy.
6. this is subjective and there's no information here to dispute beyond just your feelings. what exactly is making this country weaker?
7. the election wasn't stolen, you were just convinced it was because you have room temperature iQ and are only reading information that reinforces your beliefs. imagine being stupid enough to think the election was stolen for biden, but not for the senate/house to get a super majority installed.
You must be one of those door control guys. The only thing that stops a school shooter is a good door.

In that particular case, a good door, or a responsible supervisor, would have done the trick (report out yesterday said the gunman could have been taken out, but the officer was waiting on his supervisor to give him the green light to end the siege).

Let's blame a particular gun/s though. My guns just run all the time through the forest shooting at each other.

Silly guns. They just do what they want.
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In that particular case, a good door, or a responsible supervisor, would have done the trick (report out yesterday said the gunman could have been taken out, but the officer was waiting on his supervisor to give him the green light to end the siege).

Let's blame a particular gun/s though. My guns just run all the time through the forest shooting at each other.

Silly guns. They just do what they want.
you might want to rethink that whole 'resource officer can make a difference' deal.

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1. there has been no proof showing the election was stolen.
2. using rally size as a metric for popularity is idiotic, especially considering the entire dem platform during 2020 was "AVOID LARGE CROWDS AND SOCIAL DISTANCE."
3. afghanistan withdrawal was a **** up, but it had been in the works for years. obama should've done it a decade ago.
4. he can't fix high gas prices and you don't know what you're talking about.
5. inflation was going to skyrocket no matter who was in office considering the economic woes of 2020 and the fact we didn't increase rates back during trump's booming economy.
6. this is subjective and there's no information here to dispute beyond just your feelings. what exactly is making this country weaker?
7. the election wasn't stolen, you were just convinced it was because you have room temperature iQ and are only reading information that reinforces your beliefs. imagine being stupid enough to think the election was stolen for biden, but not for the senate/house to get a super majority installed.
1. There has been plenty of just choose not to look at it.
2. By your own admission dems are pansies, not to mention that none of these policies did anything to decrease the virus. I'll bet you got a midget Fauci poster on your wall.
3. Why didn't Obama do it? He was getting paid like every other politician.
4. You must be the dumbest SOB on the face of the planet. He killed the Keystone Pipeline on his first day in office. NO COMPANY is going to invest billions of dollars to invest in new expansion when the current president wants everyone to go green (not to mention you didn't even give a rebutal, you just said I was stupid).
5. I can probably agree with you on this.
6. Inflation, higher gas prices, Afghanistan, his dealings with China (AND EVERY OTHER ENEMY TO THE US OF A ON THE GLOBE).
7. Anytime you want to compare IQ's I'm down with that. You don't have to be stupid to think the election was stolen. Anyone with a brain knows that. There is no way that 81 million people voted for someone so devoid of having a competent thought.

We all know you voted for him. Take the loss, and take a lap.

Due to your punctuation, and other factors, it's highly obvious, you never went to college (I'm dealing with a 12th grade education and you make me look smart).

This country will never succumb to you. NEVER GONNA HAPPEN WAP!
1. There has been plenty of just choose not to look at it.
2. By your own admission dems are pansies, not to mention that none of these policies did anything to decrease the virus. I'll bet you got a midget Fauci poster on your wall.
3. Why didn't Obama do it? He was getting paid like every other politician.
4. You must be the dumbest SOB on the face of the planet. He killed the Keystone Pipeline on his first day in office. NO COMPANY is going to invest billions of dollars to invest in new expansion when the current president wants everyone to go green (not to mention you didn't even give a rebutal, you just said I was stupid).
5. I can probably agree with you on this.
6. Inflation, higher gas prices, Afghanistan, his dealings with China (AND EVERY OTHER ENEMY TO THE US OF A ON THE GLOBE).
7. Anytime you want to compare IQ's I'm down with that. You don't have to be stupid to think the election was stolen. Anyone with a brain knows that. There is no way that 81 million people voted for someone so devoid of having a competent thought.

We all know you voted for him. Take the loss, and take a lap.

Due to your punctuation, and other factors, it's highly obvious, you never went to college (I'm dealing with a 12th grade education and you make me look smart).

This country will never succumb to you. NEVER GONNA HAPPEN WAP!
1. there's been no credible evidence shown in the court of law to prove any existence of election fraud.
2. social distancing did and does continue to help dampen the spread of covid - among other easily transmissible diseases. you failing to understand that doesn't surprise me though
3. because obama sucked?
4. keystone pipeline shutdown has zero affect on the price of oil. i've explained this ad nauseam on this forum already. canadian shale wouldn't have begun to flow for a decade, and even then canadian shale isn't even used to create gasoline/diesel/jet fuel.
5. 🤝
6. explain, in detail, how these are weakening the US on a global stage. current inflation concerns and high gas prices aren't just solely affecting the US. the entire globe is dealing with these things. explain how the afghanistan withdrawal and "his dealings with China" are weakening our global presence?
7. see point 1. show credible evidence pointing to the election being stolen.

i have 3 degrees, 2 of which are from Clemson.
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