The variants are here but aren't yet the dominant strain.

The one growing the fastest in the US is the UK B117 variant that has shown to 90% more contagious than the standard variant with SOME ability to avoid neutralizing antibodies from a previous infection. Fortunately, both Pfizer and Moderna seem to lose no effectiveness to this variant.

There is a more worrisome variant B135 from South Africa that is similarly contagious but pretty much avoids all protection from previous infection. The oxford vaccine has no effect on it. Moderna and Pfizer are likely less effective, but we dont know for sure yet.

B117 will become the dominant strain in the US likely in April, however I wouldn't expect nearly the spike because of protection from both the vaccine and previous infection/herd immunity.

B135 is not as certain...its here in the US and has been detected in Texas, Florida, and New York.
Could this be why the flu shots didn’t work? Multiple strains of the virus.

so if there end up being 1000 strains of this virus, would you suggest we get 1000 vaccines?
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Lololololol. This has been predicted several times and the first time I fell for it. The virus is extremely contagious and mutating all the time. The vaccines won’t cover all strains and the lockdowns have been effectively useless. The vast majority of infections are from work or home ie indoors. Deblasio admitted last summer that most cases in NYC were from people who were sheltered at home. it won’t surprise me if we have Covid seasons every year just like influenza seasons every year.
You are the winner of this thread, common sense at its finest, Covid is here forever, just like the flu, not much different, healthy body fights the flu and it will fight Covid just fine
A lack of govt interference led to 500k deaths in the US while Australia already has basically no covid and freaks out if there are any reported cases. The US govt response has been an absolute disaster.

1.5% of the population.

Pretty much everyone knows someone who has died from COVID now, but people remain so cavalier in their lack of respect for human life. What is it that Dickens said--if they are going to die, they better do it quick and decrease the surplus population. That is how covid is treating by those who favor capitalism and greed over humanity and christlike virtue.
Ummm....1.5% of the US population is 5 million, not 500,000. It’s still horrific, but it’s 10x less.
A lack of govt interference led to 500k deaths in the US while Australia already has basically no covid and freaks out if there are any reported cases. The US govt response has been an absolute disaster.

1.5% of the population.

Pretty much everyone knows someone who has died from COVID now, but people remain so cavalier in their lack of respect for human life. What is it that Dickens said--if they are going to die, they better do it quick and decrease the surplus population. That is how covid is treating by those who favor capitalism and greed over humanity and christlike virtue.
Yeah, just want we need. More government interference in our lives. How did that work out for Cuomo's electorate?

How many of those 500k death were folks who going to die in the next year anyway. There's a good percentage that were - not the majority - but a hefty number were likely. Look at the age distribution. God Bless'm. Only He knows our time, but once you hit about 72, every day is a gift. 88% who have died are 70 and over.

It's .15% of the population. Not 1.5%

Australia is a friggin island with a small population spread out over thousands of miles. Might want to chose a better example.

Hate to break it to you, but there is a dollar value associated with life.
A lady I work with who has a very serious auto immune disease contracted Covid . She was admitted to the hospital and I thought she was likely a gonner. She got the transfusion and was back home a couple of days later. Therapeutic treatment is where it’s at. There shouldn’t even be a pandemic.
I'm sorry. Obviously basic math isn't your strong suit.
You pointed out zero math in the post I responded to. Dont apologize for being a snowflake who can't make a coherent point with quality or logic.

The government and society has rustled you beyond repair.
You pointed out zero math in the post I responded to. Dont apologize for being a snowflake who can't make a coherent point with quality or logic.

The government and society has rustled you beyond repair.
Wow trigger. Reading comprehension isn't your forte either. Perhaps you should read the entire thread. I can tell you are a little high strung about the virus. Just stay in your basement and you will be okay.
Wow trigger. Reading comprehension isn't your forte either. Perhaps you should read the entire thread. I can tell you are a little high strung about the virus. Just stay in your basement and you will be okay.
Your math is "well they are old so they were gonna die". Yikes. How did the government or anyone else not listen to your sound logic?

Next time dont scream and yell when someone asks you to put a mask on. It embarrasses your family, Karen.
Someine may have already said this but from what i understand, Covid will never go away. Its not like Smallpox where we get a vaccine that just effectively eradicates it, we will have new strands every year just like the flew. Maybe our bodies will get more used to fighting it so the results wont always be so severe but we will always be dealing with it
Wow trigger. Reading comprehension isn't your forte either. Perhaps you should read the entire thread. I can tell you are a little high strung about the virus. Just stay in your basement and you will be okay.
@TheValley91 gets triggered easily, is a known attacker of 1 sentence or misspelling in your post, obviously was breast fed until age 6 or 7, yet still worries about his immune system. Not known for taking a full post in context 😂😂
Please READ the article! The big point being made was Natural Immunity! I know more than a dozen people that have had Covid. Those people ALL fall into the category of Natural Immunity. Beyond them are asymptomatic and people with immune systems that fight off the virus and it doesn't infect them at all.
The argument being made is the contribution to "herd immunity" by natural is much greater than what is being presented to us in the general press. Get the people over 65 (70 seems to the the age at which the majority of people have a significant drop off in their immune systems) immunized (given the shot). Take care of that group and those with co-morbidity, and the death rate goes below the common flu.
A word on the vaccines: There are two numbers: how effective is a given vaccine in preventing infection and MORE IMPORTANTLY how much does the vaccine prevent death. The second number becomes important in regards to the mutations. Stop the spread, but continue to get everyone willing to be vaccinated. If you are fat or smoke heavily and choose to not take a vaccine, then you enter the genetic lottery of natural selection.
Ummm....1.5% of the US population is 5 million, not 500,000. It’s still horrific, but it’s 10x less.
No not 500,000. A large portion of those listed were people who died with the virus not from the virus. Also roughly half the people who died were in nursing homes- median length If stay in a nursing home is about six months. They don’t go home they die. Avg age of death in the US is 78 and avg of 2.6 deadly illnesses (comorbidity factors)
why is it people still can’t see the truth?
95% of infected have mild to zero symptoms. The other five percent are mostly older/very unhealthy people.
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@TheValley91 gets triggered easily, is a known attacker of 1 sentence or misspelling in your post, obviously was breast fed until age 6 or 7, yet still worries about his immune system. Not known for taking a full post in context 😂😂
I'm living rent free in your head I see. Add another one to the list.
This thread...
The virus is a political virus, the spike will occur if they need to change a narrative in the media.
The rest of your posts provided plenty enough evidence but this basically seals it that you're out of your f*cking mind, at least when it comes to this virus, but I suspect in general as well.
Yeah, just want we need. More government interference in our lives. How did that work out for Cuomo's electorate?

How many of those 500k death were folks who going to die in the next year anyway. There's a good percentage that were - not the majority - but a hefty number were likely. Look at the age distribution. God Bless'm. Only He knows our time, but once you hit about 72, every day is a gift. 88% who have died are 70 and over.

It's .15% of the population. Not 1.5%

Australia is a friggin island with a small population spread out over thousands of miles. Might want to chose a better example.

Hate to break it to you, but there is a dollar value associated with life.

It is .15%--sorry wrote that wrong.

1 in every 600 americans has died from COVID.

Yeah Australia is a giant island--lol. NZ--yeah, you can make that argument, not Australia.

How many deaths from Covid in Australia since Nov.? Guess...


Two. Just two.

So much winning in the USofA.
It is .15%--sorry wrote that wrong.

1 in every 600 americans has died from COVID.

Yeah Australia is a giant island--lol. NZ--yeah, you can make that argument, not Australia.

How many deaths from Covid in Australia since Nov.? Guess...


Two. Just two.

So much winning in the USofA.
Perhaps look at all nations that are islands or peninsulas that don’t have a cross able land border,you’ll notice that most have very few cases and deaths. Australia has done a good job, no doubt, but it also has unique conditions that the US doesn’t have. Not following root causes on the positive end makes you equivalent to those who don’t follow them on the negative end.
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Could this be why the flu shots didn’t work? Multiple strains of the virus.

so if there end up being 1000 strains of this virus, would you suggest we get 1000 vaccines?
People get flu shots every year, yes, because they update the vaccinations based on what strains they expect to be prevalent. And flu vaccines do work, just not as well as these COVID vaccines. This is a novel virus, and there aren't nearly as many strains. The vaccines that have been developed are still pretty effective against some of the new strains, though. Sure, I would get a booster every year if it turns out we need to.
People get flu shots every year, yes, because they update the vaccinations based on what strains they expect to be prevalent. And flu vaccines do work, just not as well as these COVID vaccines. This is a novel virus, and there aren't nearly as many strains. The vaccines that have been developed are still pretty effective against some of the new strains, though. Sure, I would get a booster every year if it turns out we need to.

It's impossible to argue with people who say stupid things like "That's why flu vaccines don't work." That guy, like a lot of people on this board, simply don't know shit about vaccines.
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It's impossible to argue with people who say stupid things like "That's why flu vaccines don't work." That guy, like a lot of people on this board, simply don't know shit about vaccines.
It seems like they live in a more exciting world, where nearly everybody except internet prophets of corruption and malice is trying to fool us, than the rest of us.

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