I am pretty sure this police officer was off duty. She supposedly walked into the wrong apartment somehow by mistake and thought the person was an intruder. This is an incident between two private citizens in this case since the officer was off duty. I am not condoning it and even if she can sell the mistake story, then she needs to do time for manslaughter at minimum.
@iceheart08 in addition to your concern over this incident, I hope you take a little time to mourn our police officers that are getting gunned down daily in the routine process of doing their job. Multiple officers have been shot in the US this week on routine traffic stops. Digest that for a few minutes.
I am much more concerned for our officers getting shot in high numbers in the normal routine of work than I am when a very rare incident occurs where a police officer shoots someone wrongly. You cannot resist, not comply with instructions or do anything stupid when stopped by police and not expect to get shot. Even if you have a toothbrush in your pocket, if you reach when they are telling you not to, or run, then you deserve what you get. Law abiding people do not do any of the aforementioned. Darwins Law applies.
Furthermore, put yourself in an officers shoes in todays environment. I would be nervous at any stop at this time. I do not doubt some of these officers are on edge. Do not give them a reason to shoot. Normal law abiding citizens know what to do when interacting with police officers and everyone lives. Rare cases where there is a wrong committed, then the government has shown that they will prosecute and jail the officer.