Can't Be??

I guess I am on the tough skin side of humanity.
We won't discuss the pointed questions asked to DJT.
Oh there's no doubt about this. Any reporter not with Newsmax or OAN (hell even Foxnews does it now) is asking those questions trying to get a gotcha answer from Trump. The thing is that for a "stable genius" Trump reacts like a damn fool. Instead of deflecting, not answering, or even better, actually having a coherent answer to questions that EVERYONE knows is coming... he just runs his mouth.
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Agree 100%. That's the way it was in 2016 in that Hillary won the popular vote and the election came down to a few counties in swing states. That's the way it was in 2020... popular vote went to Biden and just a few votes here and there that swung the electorial college to him. IMHO, that's what's going to be happening in 2024.

VP candidates matter this time, that's why the Vance pick was so odd to me. He doesn't help in any swing states.
i am a never-trumper unless he is running against a liberal.
i guess that makes me an almost-never-trumper.

he is so cringe. he tries to point out the hypocrisy in others by saying racist/sexist/childish things. he is petty, he is a bully, a narcissistic sociopath, and vengeful.

he is an anti-politician---i'm glad for that-- but cannot control his mouth.
i hope he wins.

can you imagine if republicans had a candidate like prime Ronald Reagan.
Reagan got 91% of electoral votes in 1980 and 97.6% in 1984. 97.6%!!!!
if you are under 50 years old i am not putting you down but i really don't think you understand how a well spoken person with conservative ideals that he can actually verbalize would look like.
the current MAGAs don't know how good it could be---they can't see past trump's rhetoric.

again, i hope the liberals do not win but i also hope for a time when smart conservatives will be popular in the future. (i'm not saying i know any today---but it would be a great thing for us to aspire to be. )
Why can't you see that the best way to ensure that "smart" Republicans will be popular in the future is to let Kamala fall on her face while Trump is out of the picture? If he wins again, Magadology will be so entrenched there will never again be the kind of Republican you romanticize about.
Why is it pointed to ask him about his statements about Race when he is speaking to the Association of Black Journalists?

They literally asked him about his own words and statements. Maybe he shouldn't say weird stuff if he doesn't want to have questions asked about it.
"MAYBE" Harris will have to answer to some of the things she has said in the past. IDK we'll see. It'll have to be from some a non-liberal source bc she will definitely not go into enemy territory like DJT will to get grilled.

Can I ask you a serious question? Did you just decide to use "weird" in every comment as of last week?
"MAYBE" Harris will have to answer to some of the things she has said in the past. IDK we'll see. It'll have to be from some a non-liberal source bc she will definitely not go into enemy territory like DJT will to get grilled.

Can I ask you a serious question? Did you just decide to use "weird" in every comment as of last week?

Once again, he wasn't grilled, he literally had questions asked that they should have prepared for. You really think he was surprised they asked about his comments around DEI? If you don't want to answer questions about your statements, maybe don't make stupid racist statements.

Yes, to the weird since it's such a perfect description of the MAGA mindset. It's just weird and different than most of America.

Speaking of getting grilled, why won't DJT debate her?
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Once again, he wasn't grilled, he literally had questions asked that they should have prepared for. You really think he was surprised they asked about his comments around DEI? If you don't want to answer questions about your statements, maybe don't make stupid racist statements.

Yes, to the weird since it's such a perfect description of the MAGA mindset. It's just weird and different than most of America.

Speaking of getting grilled, why won't DJT debate her?
Way to think for yourself. No offense!

I did not know he wouldn't, or he declined her. News to me.
i am a never-trumper unless he is running against a liberal
LoL way to thread the needle. All good but that's not what a never Trumper is. There aren't any qualifications. Never Trumpers believe that Trump is fundamentally unfit for office. Never Trumpers are voting for Kamala.
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LoL way to thread the needle. All good but that's not what a never Trumper is. There aren't any qualifications. Never Trumpers believe that Trump is fundamentally unfit for office. Never Trumpers are voting for Kamala.
Are they? I assume a never trumper is just not voting for Trump?
Are they? I assume a never trumper is just not voting for Trump?
I know plenty who are. I don't think they all will, didn't mean to imply all of them. But millions of ex Republicans are voting for Kamala, across all demographics.

Most never Trumpers are educated people who believe in old school bedrock republican values, including voting.
I know plenty who are. I don't think they all will, didn't mean to imply all of them. But millions of ex Republicans are voting for Kamala, across all demographics.

Most never Trumpers are educated people who believe in old school bedrock republican values, including voting.
I would wager that we’ll see a higher turnout for a third party this year than in recent years if someone decent enters (not RFK)
Not really. His base is his base. As he said when he was first elected. He could go out in the street and shoot someone down in cold blood and not lose a single vote. And you know what? He was right.
He took a bullet and you are worried about some words?
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Nobody has ever said she wasn't also Indian. She is biracial, she went to Howard University for God's sake which is a HBCU.

It was a really bad look from Trump, there is no justification in him ever questioning someone's race. Not surprising the MAGA world eats this shit up, his entire political career was built on the BS Birther stuff.
Nah its fair game since she never claimed to be black until she needed the black vote. Pointing that out is fair game. People on the left try to paint the picture she always embraced her blackness and never claimed she was Indian. All lies and pointing it out is fair. Just like pointing out Trump had an affair. Kamala also had an affair with a married man Willie Brown, former mayor of San Fran, and she was a regular at P-Diddy's rape party's back in the day. She also hid evidence against a black man facing death row that would have exonerated him. Only when the courts forced her to turn it over did she do so. She also kept people in jail way past their sentences so she could use them as slave labor for the state of California...
Well said. I honestly look forward to an election without DJT, but I think the left has taken us to a place we can't come back from. Hope I'm wrong!
Yep started back when Obama used the gov to go after conservatives with the IRS and has gotten worst since then. The Rubicon has been crossed by them I fear...
Nah its fair game since she never claimed to be black until she needed the black vote. Pointing that out is fair game. People on the left try to paint the picture she always embraced her blackness and never claimed she was Indian. All lies and pointing it out is fair. Just like pointing out Trump had an affair. Kamala also had an affair with a married man Willie Brown, former mayor of San Fran, and she was a regular at P-Diddy's rape party's back in the day. She also hid evidence against a black man facing death row that would have exonerated him. Only when the courts forced her to turn it over did she do so. She also kept people in jail way past their sentences so she could use them as slave labor for the state of California...

This is a stupid line of attack and it just proves once again how susceptible Trump supporters are to his never-ending attempts to distract and divide us. Do you really think this is important?

Kamala Harris takes on questions about her 'blackness'​

By Maeve Reston, CNN
Updated 10:49 AM EST, Wed March 06, 2019 👈
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(CNN)Sen. Kamala Harris directly confronted critics Monday who have questioned her black heritage, her record incarcerating minorities as a prosecutor and her decision to marry a white man.

In an interview with The Breakfast Club hosts DJ Envy and Charlamagne Tha God that aired Monday, the show's hosts asked the California Democrat to address a series of derogatory memes that have circulated on social media. One of the hosts cited a meme that said Harris is "not African-American" because her parents were immigrants born in India and Jamaica and she spent her high school years in Canada.

"So I was born in Oakland, and raised in the United States except for the years that I was in high school in Montreal, Canada," Harris responded with a laugh. "And look, this is the same thing they did to Barack (Obama). This is not new to us and so I think that we know what they are trying to do."

"They are trying to do what has been happening over the last two years, which is powerful voices trying to sow hate and division, and so we need to recognize when we're being played," Harris said.

One of the hosts followed up by asking Harris how she responds to people who question "the legitimacy of your blackness."

"I think they don't understand who black people are," Harris replied. "I'm not going to spend my time trying to educate people about who black people are. Because right now, frankly, I'm focused on, for example, an initiative that I have that is called the 'LIFT Act' that is about lifting folks out of poverty," she said, detailing her plan for a $6,000 tax credit for middle class Americans.

"I'm black, and I'm proud of being black," she said at a later point in the interview. "I was born black. I will die black, and I'm not going to make excuses for anybody because they don't understand."

Harris, a former California state attorney general, said she makes no apologies for pursuing violent criminals to keep communities safe, but added that she wished she could have done more to affect change "from the inside." Pressed by the hosts of the Breakfast Club to address some of the most searing criticism of her record as a prosecutor, she was asked what she had done as a prosecutor "to hurt black people" and whether there were decisions that she regretted.

"I regret not having done enough," said Harris, who was elected district attorney of San Francisco before becoming California's attorney general. "If I had been there longer, if I had had more in terms of bandwidth, I would have done more around creating initiatives, for example, in the juvenile justice system. That was something that was always on my agenda to focus on, and I didn't get around to that."

But she noted her work on recidivism and re-entry initiatives as a prosecutor, as well as her work with Senate colleagues to reform the nation's bail system. She acknowledged that some voters will reject her candidacy simply because she was a prosecutor.

"There are some people who are just going to say, 'we don't want prosecutors.' And I don't know that I'm going to be able to convince them," she said.

Harris said the criminal justice system is deeply flawed but makes no apologies for pursuing violent criminals.

"Let's not buy into the myth that black folks don't want law enforcement. We do," Harris said. "We don't want excessive force. We don't want racial profiling -- but certainly if somebody robs, burglarizes my house, I'm going to call the police."

The California senator added that she believed some of the glaring problems within the system could be tackled from within.

"There is no question that this system is deeply flawed, that there is systemic racism in the system. We have a problem with mass incarceration, in particular of black and brown men," she said. "No mother or father in America should have to sit down when their son turns 12 and start having the talk with that child about how he may be stopped, arrested or killed, because of the color of his skin, there is no question."

She also highlighted her support for legalizing marijuana. She said she has smoked -- a joint, to be specific, adding with a laugh, "I did inhale."

"I think it gives a lot of people joy," she said, "And we need more joy."

The junior senator from California was also asked about criticism she has faced on social media for marrying a white man.

"Look, I love my husband, and he happened to be the one that I chose to marry, because I love him—and that was that moment in time, and that's it," Harris said. "And he loves me," she added laughing.

An earlier image of Kamala Harris was replaced because AFP, the agency that shot and edited the photo, has advised that it did not meet its quality standards.
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Just the facts.

Here is Kamala's Ancestry because I am tired of hearing about it. Harris is pretending ( Lying) to be african American, SO that is what MSM ( liars) says she is. Her mother was intentionally trying to subvert U.S. law by various means to get Kamala "legal."

Kamala Devi Harris, Born October 20th 1964 as Kamala Iyer Harris, was the Daughter of Donald Jasper Harris (Father 8/23/1938) and Shyamala Gopalan (Mother 12/7/1938)

On her maternal side, Kamala’s Mother Shamala was the daughter of Painganadu Venkataraman Gopalan (Grandfather 1911) and Rajam Rajah (Grandmother 1923)

Her Grandfather Painganadu was son of Venkataraman Iyer Gopalan (Great G.F.) and Seethalakshmi Iyer (Great G.M.).

Her Grandmother Rajam was the daughter Maruthukud V (Great G.F) and Meenakshi R Aiyar (Great G.M. 1980) All recorded Ancestors on Kamala’s maternal side are from India.

On her Paternal side, Kamala’s father’s Donald was the son of Oscar Joseph Harris (Grandfather 04/05/1914) and Beryl Christie Finegan (Grandmother 1921)

Kamala’s Paternal Grandfather’s Side:

Oscar was the Son of Joseph Alexander Harris (Great Grandfather 4/24/1871) and Christiana Brown (Great Grandmother 8/13/1888)

Joseph was the son of James Henny Harris (G.G. Grandfather) and Elizabeth (Eliza) Brown (G.G. Grandmother 1834)

James is descendant of Thomas Harris (G.G.G. Grandfather 1784) of England and Catherine Jane Watson (G.G.G. Grandmother 1792) of Scotland.

Elizabeth was the daughter of Thomas Brown (G.G.G. Grandfather 1816) of Scotland and Mary Ann Taylor (G.G.G. Grandmother 1792) of Scotland.

Christiana was the Daughter of Hamilton Brown (G.G. Grandfather 11/9/1833) and Jessian Prince (G.G. Grandmother 1844)

Hamilton Brown was to the son of Kate Williams (English Decent and Hamilton Brown Sr. (G.G.G. Grandfather 1776) from Ireland.

Jessian was the daughter of William Prince (G.G.G Grandfather of English Decent) and Sahra Forbes (G.G.G. Grandmother)

Kamala’s Paternal Grandmother’s Side:

Beryl Was the daughter of Patrick Alhanasous Finnegan (Great Grandfather 1882) and Orah Iris Allen (Great Grandmother 8/13/1888)

Patrick was the Son of Patrick Finnegan (G.G. Grandfather 1843) From Ireland and Mary Watson (G.G. Grandmother 1836) from Ireland.

Orah was the daughter of John Allen (G.G. Grandfather 1858) and Joanna Elizabeth Moses (G.G. Grandmother 1868)

John Allen and Joanna relationship is where it gets more difficult to track

Joanna is the Daughter of Peter Moses (G.G.G. Grandfather 1920) the Son of Charles A. Moses (G.G.G.G Grandfather 1798)

Joanna Married Alfred Augustus McCook (1864) on May 2nd 1894 after the birth of Orah, McCook’s lineage is traced back through John McCook who’s family Linage is from Ireland.

However, I could find no ancestry before 1858 for John Allen.

This leaves Kamala’s Ancestry as follows:

Mom's Side:

Great GF Indian

Great GM Indian

Great GF Indian

Great GM Indian

GF/FM 100% Indian -> Mother Indian -> Kamala 50% Indian

Dad's Side

GGGG GF English

GGGG GM Scottish

GGGG GF Scottish

GGGG GM Scottish


GGGG GM English

GGGG GF English

GGGG GM Unknown





GGGG GF Unknown

GGGG GM Unknown

GGGG GF Unknown

GGGG GM Unknown

Out of the 16 Paternal Ancestor, 11 are from United Kingdom (34.375%) and (5) are not confirmed (15.625%)

Looking at Photos it appears Christiana Brown (Kamala’s Great Grand Mother, Miss Chrishy, as referred to by Donald J. Harris) is of of mixed decent.

Looking at Photos it appears Orah Irish Allen (Kamala’s other Great Grand Mother, Miss Iris, as referred to by Donald J. Harris) is also of mixed decent.

This would mean Kamala is 50% Indian, & 37.5% European, & 12.5% Jamaican.

There you now know.
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He took a bullet and you are worried about some words?
I'm not worried about his words at all. And neither are you. Again, that's my whole point. Hell, Trump just just come right out and call Harris a <insert N word here> and he wouldn't lose a single vote from the folks on here. NOTHING he says or does will cause him to lose votes.
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I'm not worried about his words at all. And neither are you. Again, that's my whole point. Hell, Trump just just come right out and call Harris a <insert N word here> and he wouldn't lose a single vote from the folks on here. NOTHING he says or does will cause him to lose votes.
Rich coming from people who supported a guy who was so demented he had to drop out of the race.
I'm not worried about his words at all. And neither are you. Again, that's my whole point. Hell, Trump just just come right out and call Harris a <insert N word here> and he wouldn't lose a single vote from the folks on here. NOTHING he says or does will cause him to lose votes.
How about trying this:
Run out a candidate against DJT that has superior qualities and policies and then you might have DJT lose some votes. Until then quit the whining!
How about trying this:
Run out a candidate against DJT that has superior qualities and policies and then you might have DJT lose some votes. Until then quit the whining!
Well, being an independent, I can't run out a candidate. IMHO there was AT LEAST one candidate that was superior to Trump in every way... Haley. I'd vote for her over Biden any day and I'd PROBABLY vote for her over Harris. The Republicans rejected her. That's fine.

But I disagree completely on costing DJT some votes although Haley apparently did. As I've pointed out NOTHING DJT does or says will cost him any votes. The Republican party is no more... It's DJT's party. The party of "Law and Order" voting for a dude that's had 5 kids with 3 different women, and affair and payoff to a porn star, and a convicted felon? What happened?

But who's whining about it? I'm just pointing out that DJT owns the Republicans and he tells you all what to think and the party adjusts to him. Hell, the co-chair of the Republican convention is Laura Trump for God's sake. How exactly is she in that position? Trump put her there to be his mouth piece.
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Rich coming from people who supported a guy who was so demented he had to drop out of the race.
I don't like Biden. Never have. As I've pointed out on here MANY times, I'd vote for a lot of Republican before I voted for Trump. I'd vote for a lot of Republicans before I voted for Harris. But the only person I'd vote for Trump over would be Ted Cruz. Trump is a bad man, and frankly I'd rather a cognatively challenged person as President than him.
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Well, being an independent, I can't run out a candidate. IMHO there was AT LEAST one candidate that was superior to Trump in every way... Haley. I'd vote for her over Biden any day and I'd PROBABLY vote for her over Harris. The Republicans rejected her. That's fine.

But I disagree completely on costing DJT some votes although Haley apparently did. As I've pointed out NOTHING DJT does or says will cost him any votes. The Republican party is no more... It's DJT's party. The party of "Law and Order" voting for a dude that's had 5 kids with 3 different women, and affair and payoff to a porn star, and a convicted felon? What happened?

But who's whining about it? I'm just pointing out that DJT owns the Republicans and he tells you all what to think and the party adjusts to him. Hell, the co-chair of the Republican convention is Laura Trump for God's sake. How exactly is she in that position? Trump put her there to be his mouth piece.
You disagree about it costing DJT votes, but you say it cost him with Haley. Which is it?
Haley has thrown your support for DJT. Don't give this BS that she had to.

You're whining about it! DJT aint perfect. We've had presidents before who weren't exactly the best male models you'd want your kids following, but you jacklegs can't get over your DJT hatred. It's really weird! (Whoops!)
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You disagree about it costing DJT votes, but you say it cost him with Haley. Which is it?
Haley has thrown your support for DJT. Don't give this BS that she had to.

You're whining about it! DJT aint perfect. We've had presidents before who weren't exactly the best male models you'd want your kids following, but you jacklegs can't get over your DJT hatred. It's really weird! (Whoops!)
Have we ever had one remotely close to the moral bankruptsy we've seen from this President? He stands alone and it aint close.

Run out a candidate against DJT that has superior qualities and policies and then you might have DJT lose some votes.
Sounds like you haven't been paying attention to the polls...
You disagree about it costing DJT votes, but you say it cost him with Haley. Which is it?
Haley has thrown your support for DJT. Don't give this BS that she had to.

You're whining about it! DJT aint perfect. We've had presidents before who weren't exactly the best male models you'd want your kids following, but you jacklegs can't get over your DJT hatred. It's really weird! (Whoops!)
Personally, I don't think Haley cost Trump any votes. She bent the knee to Trump and NO she didn't have to... just like Biden didn't have to stop running. She chose to... just like Biden did. I said "apparently" b/c there's a group of her supporters that formed a Haley voters for Harris group... As I've been saying... 95%+ of Republican are going to vote Trump and the same for Dems. Until I see convincing evidence of the contrary at the polls, that's my opinion.

I'm not whining about it... just pointing out the support Trump has and that nothing he says or does will cost him votes. I've been saying that for years. It's baffling to me, but there you go. Show me I'm wrong.

And no Trump IS NOT perfect. He's a bad, bad man. Again, as I've pointed out many times. I don't think Trump works for the Russians, I don't think he's a racist, or particularly cares about overthrowing Democracy as a policy. Trump works for Trump. Period. He always has and always will. Now to be fair, when Trump's interests are the same as US interests, he can be very effective. BUT as with everything and everybody around him... When Trump's interests diverge, he's going to throw whoever and whatever right under the bus to look out for number one. And that includes the US. That makes him a bad person, and a terrible candidate for President.
Personally, I don't think Haley cost Trump any votes. She bent the knee to Trump and NO she didn't have to... just like Biden didn't have to stop running. She chose to... just like Biden did. I said "apparently" b/c there's a group of her supporters that formed a Haley voters for Harris group... As I've been saying... 95%+ of Republican are going to vote Trump and the same for Dems. Until I see convincing evidence of the contrary at the polls, that's my opinion.

I'm not whining about it... just pointing out the support Trump has and that nothing he says or does will cost him votes. I've been saying that for years. It's baffling to me, but there you go. Show me I'm wrong.

And no Trump IS NOT perfect. He's a bad, bad man. Again, as I've pointed out many times. I don't think Trump works for the Russians, I don't think he's a racist, or particularly cares about overthrowing Democracy as a policy. Trump works for Trump. Period. He always has and always will. Now to be fair, when Trump's interests are the same as US interests, he can be very effective. BUT as with everything and everybody around him... When Trump's interests diverge, he's going to throw whoever and whatever right under the bus to look out for number one. And that includes the US. That makes him a bad person, and a terrible candidate for President.
And this is all your opinion which you are entitled to and have told us a lot of times almost verbatim. I disagree with your opinions on Trump.strongly and I would pull support from him if he gave me a reason to.
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And this is all your opinion which you are entitled to and have told us a lot of times almost verbatim. I disagree with your opinions on Trump.strongly and I would pull support from him if he gave me a reason to.
Dude please. No one believes that. If Trump told you the sky was green, you'd be here posting it immediately and telling us how the Deep State switched color names on us and how the color of the sky was actually green. Come on man. You've spent 4 years posting increasingly crappy sources supporting Trump's every action. If Jesus himself showed up and said Trump was bad, you'd be calling HIM Deep State.
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Dude please. No one believes that. If Trump told you the sky was green, you'd be here posting it immediately and telling us how the Deep State switched color names on us and how the color of the sky was actually green. Come on man. You've spent 4 years posting increasingly crappy sources supporting Trump's every action. If Jesus himself showed up and said Trump was bad, you'd be calling HIM Deep State.
Well I'm not vouching for anything you post either so here we are.
Well, being an independent, I can't run out a candidate. IMHO there was AT LEAST one candidate that was superior to Trump in every way... Haley. I'd vote for her over Biden any day and I'd PROBABLY vote for her over Harris. The Republicans rejected her. That's fine.

But I disagree completely on costing DJT some votes although Haley apparently did. As I've pointed out NOTHING DJT does or says will cost him any votes. The Republican party is no more... It's DJT's party. The party of "Law and Order" voting for a dude that's had 5 kids with 3 different women, and affair and payoff to a porn star, and a convicted felon? What happened?

But who's whining about it? I'm just pointing out that DJT owns the Republicans and he tells you all what to think and the party adjusts to him. Hell, the co-chair of the Republican convention is Laura Trump for God's sake. How exactly is she in that position? Trump put her there to be his mouth piece.
DJT tells Republicans what to think? Trump adjusted on abortion. In fact, he totally flipped the traditional republican view held on abortion.

Trump used to be anti-crypto, but now he listens to his constituents and is pro-crypto.

I don't think Trump tells us what to think. We have a back and forth with him. He says shit at his rallys and if he is wrong he will hear about it in the press over the next few days. It's a transparent process.

Trump is more open to unions than typical republicans. Trump is more opposed to war than traditional republicans.
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That's a good point. For those Trump fans, what would be the point where you wouldn't vote for him? If he said the N word on TV? If he hit a women on air?

I just don't think either of those would be enough, somehow they would have made him do those things. The lengths that some go to explain some of the things he does is shocking sometimes.
DJT tells Republicans what to think? Trump adjusted on abortion. In fact, he totally flipped the traditional republican view held on abortion.

Trump used to be anti-crypto, but now he listens to his constituents and is pro-crypto.

I don't think Trump tells us what to think. We have a back and forth with him. He says shit at his rallys and if he is wrong he will hear about it in the press over the next few days. It's a transparent process.

Trump is more open to unions than typical republicans. Trump is more opposed to war than traditional republicans.
I think Trump absolutely tells you what to think and any Republican that doesn't agree with him is automatically a RINO.

Now Trump says some stuff... no doubt about it. And then he says some other stuff that doesn't agree with the first thing. And then he'll deny saying the first thing. And the Republican party goes along with it. There's no back and forth. Trump says exactly what he wants to say and almost all the Republicans that don't agree with whatever that is get the boot.
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I think Trump absolutely tells you what to think and any Republican that doesn't agree with him is automatically a RINO.

Now Trump says some stuff... no doubt about it. And then he says some other stuff that doesn't agree with the first thing. And then he'll deny saying the first thing. And the Republican party goes along with it. There's no back and forth. Trump says exactly what he wants to say and almost all the Republicans that don't agree with whatever that is get the boot.

Nah - you are blinded by your hatred. I don't think the facts support your criticism.
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Tik Tok - Another thing where he listened to his constituents.

Once you ban Tik Tok, they come for X next.

Now he is pro tik tok.

Speaking of X, i expect Trump to rejoin X and start tweeting again during the DNC to try and steal their "thunder" if you will.
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