Hybrids didn’t take off for several reasons but I’d say the fact that most are perfectly happy with their old ice engine cars is the biggest reason. Also you’re limited to what you can buy if you want a hybrid. I think a lot of people like feeling like they’re helping the environment but don’t really want to sacrifice something as sacred as their vehicle of choice. Electrics are a big scam from alll the engineers studies I’ve looked at. It takes about 500,000 lbs of ore to make one battery. Kobalt, Nickel and Lithium are all toxic and Lithium is highly flammable. The places where these are mined are pretty much environmental disaster areas. You have to drive an EV about 60,000 miles before it’s using less carbon than an ice engined car. If you drive an EV far enough and let it get old enough it’s basically worth less than it costs to replace the battery making it basically a throw away car. We’d have to double the grid in the US to charge EV’s for only half the country owning one. About the only thing they’re useful for is someone with a short commute to work. You can’t take trips in these as it takes many hours to charge them completely.
This is all presupposed on the belief in man made climate change and many aren’t buying that or don’t believe a few countries sacrificing their economies and way of life will do much when most of the world is not going along. The vast majority of pollution comes from China, India and Africa. We’re already the best in the world environmentally and produce our energy using the cleanest methods.
Go to: Watts up with That, to read some very informative reads by scientists and energy experts before you take the plunge. I doubt you save all that much with a hybrid anyway unless you drive a lot and plan on keeping it. Depends on what car and how you use it.