There’s two things you don’t want to do...1. Receive the Mark of the Beast 2. Worship the Beast/Antichrist (The NWO will require you to do both) & one thing you must do if you want to be Saved.... Receive JESUS as your Savior... Romans 10:9 If You confess with your mouth the Lord JESUS & believe in your heart GOD raised HIM from the dead, you shall be saved!”
Jesus said, “I’m The Way, The Truth and The Life, No One comes to the FATHER but through ME!”
It’s ok if you want to think I’m a lunatic, I have an obligation & a responsibility to warn people of what’s coming & to share with them what to do & what NOT to do. People’s eternal souls are @ stake! In the not too distant future, when these things I’ve spoken of come to pass, I’ll know that I’ve done what GOD called me to do! You won’t be calling me a lunatic!