Lololol. You guys are debating whether
@areeves is a lunatic or not? Lololol.
He believes that many of us are, literally (I asked him), going to spend the rest of eternity drowning in a sea of fire. Like, actually physically present in a sea of fire.
Thats lunatic shit y'all. And if you don't think that's lunatic shit, you are also, almost certainly, a lunatic (pointing at you
@Trading Tiger )
What’s up Brother😎And what did I tell you? I NEVER said you were going to end up in the Lake of Fire! What I did say is, “If me, you or anyone else doesn’t have a relationship with JESUS, then yes, those who don’t will end up in the lake of Fire (Revelation 20:15) I also said that if me, you or anyone else receives the “Mark of the Beast & or Worships the Beast/Antichrist, would be the recipient of one or more of 16 Judgements from GOD starting in Revelation 6, the 6th Seal & once one who has received “The Mark of the Beast” & or Worships the Antichrist perishes, they end up in the Lake of Fire! Time is short, we’re now in the 2nd Seal of Revelation 6! We will be forced to make a decision to Worship the Beast/Antichrist during the 4th Seal, which will take place in the near future! The Release of the EMP & Tactical Nuke Attack will be the sign that Martial Law will ensue. Authorities will blame it on China, Russia, Iran or N. Korea or a combination of the four. The Citizens in this country will be transported to FEMA Camps under the guise we will be given Food, Water, Shelter & Provisions. Once @ the FEMA Camps, Citizens will be given two choices, agree to be re-educated & worship the Beast/Antichrist or be Terminated.
Before this happens, they’ll come for our guns!
Like I’ve said many times before, Climate Change Crisis will be a common buzz word. Yes, there is a Climate Change Crisis but the NWO caused it by their Chemtrail Program. This was done so they can roll out Agenda 21, which was signed into law by Committee of 300 member, George Bush SR. Under the guise of Climate Change Crisis, our NWO government will tell us where we can & can’t live & visit.
By the way, we do have a border crisis but our NWO government caused it..... their goal... to turn our country into a third world country.
Hyper Inflation is coming, if you haven’t already, purchase gold & or silver, it’s the only thing to keep up with hyper-inflammation. This is the Third Seal in Revelation 6
According to US Navy Maps, BY 2026, Florida, The states along the East & West Coasts will be partially under water as Will the states along the Mississippi & Hoover Damm due to over eighty years of Chemtrails! If you’ve ever seen the movie Day After Tomorrow, this is a depiction of that.
Again, Time Will Prove the information I’ve shared with y’all is Accurate & Truthful!