Chris Hairston

That Affirmative Action Bake Sale story was cringe worthy. My daughter (who is planning on going to Clemson) saw the story and said a lot of her friends were talking about whether or not Clemson was a racist school. However you feel about Affirmative Action it was not a good look for Clemson.

And I don’t even know what to say about that post from @areeves
Your daughter has some dumb friends if they think a school can be racist, lol.
So, divest all securities and use proceeds to buy prepper paraphernalia?
Gold is a good investment! They are going to fleece our funds out of our banking & investment accounts @ some point in the not too distant future.
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Your daughter has some dumb friends if they think a school can be racist, lol.
A school could be racist because of official policies, but I'm sure they were talking about students at the school overall. Having that reaction to one of these bake sale protests is pretty goofy, too, but also pretty standard for adolescent liberal politics.
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A school could be racist, but I'm sure they were talking about students at the school overall. Having that reaction to one of these bake sale protests is pretty goofy, too, but also pretty standard for adolescent liberal politics.
News flash. There are a bunch of idiots everywhere unfortunately.

But universities are so worried about any little legal battle or bad press, they’re about the most “non racist” segments of our society. Even if they wanted to be racist, they’re not due to fear of backlash.
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Eh, the media is just a reflexion of us. And lol at “liberal media creates so much freaking drama.” Not disputing that, but nobody creates drama as well as Fox new channel.

I don’t watch any of them but the racist Shit has been created. The world was less racist when I was in high school and the media…social and TV fuel it. Plain and simple it’s created and not real

Social media is the worst but the actual liberal media fires that up. It’s ridiculous. And if you don’t go with the agenda a social media platform wants you to theyll silence you.
Lol at the media creating this type of stuff. Clemson is not a racist school. Liberal media creates so much freaking drama

It’s getting to the point that the media creates way more racism and drama than society ever could
How did the media create this? They report on things that happen or is said. If you don't like it reported, then don't say it or do it. That's different then TV opinion jerks who just try to drive ratings and $$. The "media" bullshit is so tiring....come on're better then this.
How did the media create this? They report on things that happen or is said. If you don't like it reported, then don't say it or do it. That's different then TV opinion jerks who just try to drive ratings and $$. The "media" bullshit is so tiring....come on're better then this.
They report what they want to report for ratings. It’s laughable to say they report what happens. If they reported the truth we’d see a lot different view. We’d have to have a separate news channel for each big city where the crime problems are real and the KKK isn’t the reason for it
I don’t watch any of them but the racist Shit has been created. The world was less racist when I was in high school and the media…social and TV fuel it. Plain and simple it’s created and not real

Social media is the worst but the actual liberal media fires that up. It’s ridiculous. And if you don’t go with the agenda a social media platform wants you to theyll silence you.
🤦. From your sports posts, I thought you were smarter. Apparently not.
That Affirmative Action Bake Sale story was cringe worthy. My daughter (who is planning on going to Clemson) saw the story and said a lot of her friends were talking about whether or not Clemson was a racist school. However you feel about Affirmative Action it was not a good look for Clemson.

And I don’t even know what to say about that post from @areeves
I question people who think an entire school is racist because of a single questionable decision by 3 students...
They report what they want to report for ratings. It’s laughable to say they report what happens. If they reported the truth we’d see a lot different view. We’d have to have a separate news channel for each big city where the crime problems are real and the KKK isn’t the reason for it
I'm not going to say bias doesn't happen in reporting, but for the most part you're completely wrong. Don't confuse reporting with op-ed.
I don’t watch any of them but the racist Shit has been created. The world was less racist when I was in high school and the media…social and TV fuel it. Plain and simple it’s created and not real

Social media is the worst but the actual liberal media fires that up. It’s ridiculous. And if you don’t go with the agenda a social media platform wants you to theyll silence you.

Such a gross oversimplification of reality. You are seeking to pin blame on a boogeyman who doesn't exist.
"Media" "Media" Media" is the Devil!

Get a grip, bro. The world is SO much more complex than that. "Media" is so much more complex than that.
How did the media create this? They report on things that happen or is said. If you don't like it reported, then don't say it or do it. That's different then TV opinion jerks who just try to drive ratings and $$. The "media" bullshit is so tiring....come on're better then this.
The bake sale isn't really 'news'. At least not worthy of TV or newspaper.
Gold is a good investment! They are going to fleece our funds out of our banking & investment accounts @ some point in the not too distant future.

Everything you say is going to happen in the not too distant future. Been hearing it for years. I'm sure I still will be when I'm old and gray and your long gone(I assume you are older than me, not insinuating you will die early or anything nefarious).
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Doesn’t he know the klan was created by the NWO FBI for the purpose of duping people into believing “The Great Reset” will train whites how to treat blacks. There are white people who need to be trained on how to treat black people. Unfortunately, “The coming Great Reset” is part of the 4th Seal in Revelation 6. “The Great Reset” that’s coming is to Re-Educate people on the fact the NWO is in Complete Control & if Citizens are to survive & be able to buy & sell, They Must Receive The RFID Chip (Mark Of The Beast” in their hand or forehead (Revelation 13) And to live, Citizens Must Worship The Beast/Antichrist. Those Who Refuse Will Be Terminated (Revelation 13… Revelation 20:4)
Hang on and let me put my tinfoil hat on before reading all of this.
Your daughter has some dumb friends if they think a school can be racist, lol.
The main point is it was a bad look and got people who normally wouldn’t be talking about something as racist but were.

And whoever blamed this on the media is full of it. I know it wasn’t the school but just a small group of instigators but it still reflects on the whole school.
The main point is it was a bad look and got people who normally wouldn’t be talking about something as racist but were.

And whoever blamed this on the media is full of it. I know it wasn’t the school but just a small group of instigators but it still reflects on the whole school.
It's not 'news' though. It's 3 college kids being dumb.
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I question people who think an entire school is racist because of a single questionable decision by 3 students...
Do you people even freaking read posts before you start calling people stupid? I said they were talking about it, like a bunch of seniors in high schools would be talking about something at any school they were looking at.

It’s bad publicity, period, regardless of how many people were involved.
The Chinese Communist Party recently purchased 200 thousand acres of our farmland. Our processing plants are being burned down, food shortages are coming. The NWO is not just buying up farmland in America but worldwide. The Ebola Virus is the next Plandemic. These are part of the Fourth Seal, which is next up. After China invaded Taiwan, this will set off a chain of events that will bring the 3rd Seal, The Rider On The Black Horse, which is The Third Horseman of The Apocalypse to its Pinnacle. The Rider on the Black Horse is Hyper-Inflation. The Fourth Horseman is The Rider On The Pale Horse, Which Represents DEATH. In Fact, The Rider’s Name Is Death & HELL Follows With Him. He’s given authority over 1/4 Of The Earth to Kill With The Sword, Pestilence, Famine & Wild Beast Of The Earth (This is a result of people fleeing into the country to avoid being placed in a FEMA Camp. Depending on what geographic location one lives in, fleeing into the wilderness, people will encounter Bears, Mountain Lions, Wolves, & in Asia, Tigers…. ETC…

Lol. It’s too bad people who regurgitate this kind of information didn’t end up in a puddle on their mothers back.
It's not 'news' though. It's 3 college kids being dumb.
They did it for publicity, you can guarantee that. Otherwise what was the point. Then it gets coverage and we blame the media.

If it would have been 3 black kids talking about reparations for slavery, or 3 gay kids talking about LGBTQ rights you can guarantee that conservative media would be all over it and many on this board would be up in arms. Just the way things are these days. All I ask is don’t be a hypocrite.
Chris probably didn't see that today the Board of Trustees announced a new Vice President for Diversity and Inclusive Excellence. Dr. Felicia Benton-Johnson earned her Educational Doctorate (Ed D) from Argosy University.
They did it for publicity, you can guarantee that. Otherwise what was the point. Then it gets coverage and we blame the media.

If it would have been 3 black kids talking about reparations for slavery, or 3 gay kids talking about LGBTQ rights you can guarantee that conservative media would be all over it and many on this board would be up in arms. Just the way things are these days. All I ask is don’t be a hypocrite.
I don't think either of those scenarios would make the local news.
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“Still ran by…”…obviously not an English Major.
I understand that a few of us have a hard time with the spelling and grammer on hear,
Misteaks happen to all of us.

Laziness, or ignorance, really affects the way what you say (believe me, I know from moving west years ago) and what you write are taken.
Worthy or not.

Doesn't take that long to proof read you're work.
He should take the school out of his bio if he feels that way. Id like to see the list of schools that don’t have some potential connection to slavery.
I don't have any problem with the link to slavery. Just about anything from the South in the 1700s & 1800 will have some link to slavery. His statement about being run by the Klan is just absolute BS.

Jeff Davis or somebody needs to have a talk to him. If he truly feels that way then he is no longer a tiger.

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