Clarence Thomas needs to go

Federal govt applying federal mandates about corruption to local/state govt officials is not some gross overreach of power. You have a myopic view about the federal govt bc you don’t seem to ever recognize any benefits it provides.

lol I make posts almost daily wrt all the draconian laws being passed in conservative states. I don’t make any posts whining about democratic policies bc they’re not trying to take away anyone’s freedoms bc of their interpretation of a 2000 year old book. Also, comparing people in a city not being able to do anything about their corrupt mayor to MAGAs across the US upset about Biden forgiving student loan are hardly comparable. Unless, of course, you view any of the things this administration has done as equivalent to open bribery schemes.

And with that, you reveal yourself. It's OK as long as it's your way of thinking and your idea of what corruption is. And it has to be nationally implemented so the right people can control folks. And of course, freedom is people doing anything they want because we can't have any boundaries there... except when it goes against that which you deem wrong. The most humorous thing is you think you're a freedom loving guy when what you really are is an authoritarian. It's sad too because you didn't use to be this way. :(
probably because what you are saying makes zero sense. It’s astounding how you have zero ability to apply logic to situations.

Logic as defined by who? You? You refuse to make a coherent argument about much of anything. You're a troll and a bad one at that. As a result, you'll be filed in the proper category.
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God doesn't promise us a life where we don't suffer unfortunately. It is a fallen world. John 16:33 makes it very clear. "I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

I know you reject God and I am sorry you feel that way. Perhaps more understanding would help you with things. You are errant in a lot of the things you say. Just like @okclem.

He does promise eternity in hellfire if you don’t believe in him. “Love.”

I reject your god in the same way you reject Ra, Thor, Quetzalcoatl, and the idea that there are river nymphs. All superstitious nonsense that appeals to fear and our inability to comprehend our own non-existence.

You’ll find a more substantial notion of ethics in the works of Plato than the New “Testament.”
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And with that, you reveal yourself. It's OK as long as it's your way of thinking and your idea of what corruption is. And it has to be nationally implemented so the right people can control folks. And of course, freedom is people doing anything they want because we can't have any boundaries there... except when it goes against that which you deem wrong. The most humorous thing is you think you're a freedom loving guy when what you really are is an authoritarian. It's sad too because you didn't use to be this way. :(
Funneling contracts to a lone contractor in return for money = corruption.
Passing laws and issuing EOs that some don't agree with != corruption.

They should adhere to the current federal mandate so there's a uniform standard across all 50 states. It being less harsh, or more harsh, in one area is pointless - it should be nationally mandated so no matter where you are the penalty is the same. Explain to me what is "authoritarian" about that, or my previous statement which you seem to have a problem with.

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