and you don’t think the glorious leader has done his best to sew confusion and division? Its a play straight out of Russia. It’s pretty simple, trump can’t control the media like Putin and so many other autocratic leaders do with state media. trump has trump tv or Fox News to do his bidding. Other than that, everything is “fake.” It’s no different than China news networks or anything that the kremlin backs, they control the narrative. trump calls unflattering coverage fake because he can’t control it. Really simple. Also love how nobody(Republicans) cares about the deficit anymore (which before even thoughts of the virus was at an all time high) or how many rounds of golf trump has played at our expense. Remember how damn important that was when Obama was president?
just remember trumps rise in politics began with a lie and he hasn’t slowed down since
Solid points, bud. I felt that way for a while too until I listened to a close friend and invested some time into following through with a few suggestions he gave me. It was like having the wool removed from my eyes and made me understand part of the reason why our country is nearing a breaking point.
If you're up to it, researching Operation Mockingbird is a great start. Once you learn about operation Mockingbird, spend some time using a search engine like duckduckgo to find out how many Democrats are married to or directly related to higher ups in the news agencies across the country. Also, check out that our MSM (Hollywood included) is owned and run by six major corporations. Then, delve into the political ideologies of the men and women who own and run our social media companies.
Fox is just as guilty of misinformation, disinformation, and lies by omission too. However, I challenge you to see what MSM outlets push stories that divide us: identity politics being the major focal point here.
Then go down the WikiLeaks rabbit by yourself (don't use any MSM articles from either perspective) and see what you find. Here's a sliver of what you'll see:
There's no denying that DJT has more detestable attributes than likeable ones, but he has been going up against the most powerful entity in our country's history: the MSM. I encourage you to delve into the transcripts of the 53 testimonies released and see how badly the MSM lied to us.
Does DJT say stupid stuff that divides us? Sure, but there's also an amalgamation of things that he has said that no logical person would accept as divisive before it's filtered through the MSM machine.
The thing that screams loudest to me is how corrupt and detestable Hillary had to be for our country to pick Trump over her (see the WikiLeaks email above.)
Imagine this: what if the last three years were spent finding a viable candidate to go up against Trump and beat him? Instead, the MSM and some Dems wasted time trying to oust him with absolutely moronic schemes and one of the biggest lies ever pushed on the populace: Russian collusion. Read the transcripts of the 53 people recently released and you'll see a tale of two people: the people who said there was collusion night after night on TV and the people who couldn't produce a scintella of evidence that it occured. It's mind blowing how irresponsibly the MSM relayed this saga to us. They didn't care and don't care that they were wrong because it made every single one of them rich as hell.
Try and remove your disdain for Trump while you investigate these things and I promise you'll reach a new level of understanding of how badly our country is being manipulated by the MSM and social media companies. It's fvcking terrifying how close to George Orwell's 1984 we are getting.
I'll leave you with this:
“Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle.”
― Thomas Jefferson,
Memoirs, Correspondence And Private Papers Of Thomas Jefferson, Ed. By T.J. Randolph