You know the answer to this. It would make a lot of members extremely angry and a bunch of people would quit tithing/attending.Originally posted by The89Tiger:
The percent quoted for missions can be misleading. I mean all churches are accomplishing ministry and mission with their staff and facilities. Those numbers don't bother me in and of themselves. The problem is no one can say what really makes them up.Originally posted by TillKnows:
EXACTLY. Has anyone been able to tell us why they require 17. MILLION. PER. YEAR. in salaries?Originally posted by tiger-gal2:
I understand the concept of tithing and it is biblical. But also in the bible we are admonished to be wise stewards of our money. Do you think the thousands of people that gave Jim and Tammy Faye Baker 10% of their income were wise stewards? That is why it is absolutely ESSENTIAL that there is complete transparency as regards finances within the church. Not some percentage chart but a honest dollar by dollar accounting of what comes in and precisely where it goes.
This is especially disturbing when you take into account only 9% (4.6 Million) went to outreach and 21% (10.9 Million) went to facilities upgrades.
Still waiting.
I have yet to see a New Spring owner be able to give a good reason that their budget is not transparent. I would not be a member of any church that kept information like that secret.
I understand Tithing and why it is not designated giving. However, many here connect tithing with budgets. That is the mistake. You don't wash your hands of where the church spends its money because you tithe. As an active member, you are called to help discern the God's will for His church. God tasks us with being good stewards of His resources and working together to spread the Gospel.
The idea that a church isn't willing to share its plan for mission and ministry (ie, the budget) with the members that support it is totally opposite of how we are called to serve Christ in my opinion. One of the purposes of corporate worship and fellowship is to hold each other accountable and support each other when someone struggles.
As others have pointed out, we are all sinners. That includes the leaders of the church. Secrecy is not a good thing for our leaders. It allows them to fall into sin and not be held accountable. Just because NewSpring or Elevation purports to bring thousands to Christ, they are not above operating in a responsible manner that is above reproach. The issues with most church scandals can be traced back to secrecy and cover-ups. When a scandal happens it can cause huge issues for members as well as those that have yet to find Christ. This is how roadblocks to finding Christ are built. Transparency can help prevent scandals and sin.
So, again, I am waiting to hear why it is necessary to keep a Church budget secret.
Originally posted by haymond1977:
Miller got it right. I used to be very concerned when I heard of a "movement" or a creative speaker luring people in to the tent! I watched a traveling tent guy, dude named Jay Stract or something, save a bunch of my friends and got them on such an emotional high. When they came off the high, they were back to the good ole drunks that were me and my friends.
When I first attended NewSpring some 7 years ago, I was very skeptical of the whole thing. That first day, Perry preached on false idols and stated that if you worship me, and do no know Jesus Christ, you will surely go to hell. He also went on to talk about how he was so flawed and really had to battle to keep away from a porn addiction. At that time I was rubbing out 3 a day and thought people who didn't do that were gay! lol.
Which brings me to today. I am a very flawed Christian and a proud to be a NewSpring member. I try not to get defensive of legalists and non believers saying bad things about NewSpring but they say the things, that through my experiences, I would have said years ago but now I know better. I have a dude I work with who asked where I went to church and I told him NewSpring. He responded with a shitty "Ugh!" and said "If I wanted to go to a rock concert I would go there but I want to go to church!". This dude has a wife that only wears dresses and no makeup, doesn't believe in wearing wedding rings because they are too flashy and has pressed the issue at work over our boss telling him he needs to read his Bible at home instead of at work. Never once in all his blabbering all this bull crap did I judge dude or say anything to him. The one time he asks me about my church, the only thing that comes out of his cocksucker is "Ugh". That's why I get a little ill with people saying crap about NewSpring. Just shut your stupid mouths.
Originally posted by HFBTiger:
Trading Tiger - You completely misunderstood my point, and maybe that's my fault so I'll try to be more clear. You stated that NS/Perry doesn't care about making people uncomfortable, and presented as evidence the willingness to talk early and often about tithing and money (I have no problem with someone preaching about tithing or stewardship).
As I understand it (correct me if I'm wrong) NS doesn't have crosses but instead focuses on the empty tomb. Many seeker churches eliminate the cross because it makes seekers feel "uncomfortable." I'm just curious if NS reasoning is the same, since they don't care about making people uncomfortable?
Not worrying about offending anyone by preaching about tithing every week but worried about offending someone by displaying the cross in His house of worship? Maybe I have the wrong impression. Or maybe "I love my Church" t-shirts are a better idea than the symbol of Christianity since the advent of Christendom.
Also, if only 10% of church members (i'm not sure how "Christians" are defined in your survey that you made up for this post) are tithing, then the Lord is multiplying those dollars as he did the loaves and fishes based on the church buildings, budgets, and outreach that I see.
Ya think?! LOLOriginally posted by NottingHillTiger:
Thread has jumped the shark
I don't know if these are your own words or not but I specifically bold these 2 sentences for a reason. Perry Noble CAN'T show transparency because he has abused his position and has taken advantage of the weak, ignorant and complacent people that have blindly given him money. The only way that you could alleviate any suspicion is to open your books to the general public.Originally posted by Tigris Maximus:
Since the Church has existed, the biggest enemy and largest obstacle to winning souls has been Christians.
I once believed all the same garbage spewed about NewSpring without going for myself. I have been a Christian for 31 years and I had to repent of that once I saw for myself. I am telling you, don't trash people who are worshiping the same God you claim to and are growing his kingdom like nothing I've ever witnessed in person.
Perry will be held to a higher standard in God's eyes and he knows that. I have been going there for 9 years now and I have seen him evolve over that time. The man LOVES Jesus and wants to see others do the same, but at the same time, he is a sinner like all of us. He has shown extreme humility and transparency. He isn't perfect and he will tell you that. I have 3 children that were saved there. I have grown spiritually more there than I had in my previous 22 years.
I think some of these people sound EXACTLY like the Pharisees did, and I would examine my motives if that were me. That has been the biggest thorn in the church's side for hundreds of years.
The questions being asked don't have any possible answer that would satisfy your presuppositions. I think every church has a place and none of them are for everyone. If you don't like it, don't go. If you haven't been, why are you talking? Back it up. Go to a service and then come back with your opinion. If you keep speaking out of ignorance, you look foolish. Remember, I have been on both sides of this argument. I never bashed them in a public forum, but I believed the lies. If you say you are a Christian, we are on the same team. Why sabotage the great commission?
Originally posted by SWUtigers:
I don't know if these are your own words or not but I specifically bold these 2 sentences for a reason. Perry Noble CAN'T show transparency because he has abused his position and has taken advantage of the weak, ignorant and complacent people that have blindly given him money. The only way that you could alleviate any suspicion is to open your books to the general public.Originally posted by Tigris Maximus:
Since the Church has existed, the biggest enemy and largest obstacle to winning souls has been Christians.
I once believed all the same garbage spewed about NewSpring without going for myself. I have been a Christian for 31 years and I had to repent of that once I saw for myself. I am telling you, don't trash people who are worshiping the same God you claim to and are growing his kingdom like nothing I've ever witnessed in person.
Perry will be held to a higher standard in God's eyes and he knows that. I have been going there for 9 years now and I have seen him evolve over that time. The man LOVES Jesus and wants to see others do the same, but at the same time, he is a sinner like all of us. He has shown extreme humility and transparency. He isn't perfect and he will tell you that. I have 3 children that were saved there. I have grown spiritually more there than I had in my previous 22 years.
I think some of these people sound EXACTLY like the Pharisees did, and I would examine my motives if that were me. That has been the biggest thorn in the church's side for hundreds of years.
The questions being asked don't have any possible answer that would satisfy your presuppositions. I think every church has a place and none of them are for everyone. If you don't like it, don't go. If you haven't been, why are you talking? Back it up. Go to a service and then come back with your opinion. If you keep speaking out of ignorance, you look foolish. Remember, I have been on both sides of this argument. I never bashed them in a public forum, but I believed the lies. If you say you are a Christian, we are on the same team. Why sabotage the great commission?
I will ask you the same thing I"ve asked countless other sheeple in this thread. How can you be certain that your money is being spent in a responsible manner? And please refrain from any blind faith references and/or lives "saved" quotas.
Originally posted by JP09191978:
dude you should give it a rest...calling people ignorant that give money to Newspring....Dabo is an owner and tithes there...guess he is ignorant too? Jeff Scott goes to NS....tons of good Clemson people do....give it a rest already...gezz
Originally posted by SWUtigers:
I don't know if these are your own words or not but I specifically bold these 2 sentences for a reason. Perry Noble CAN'T show transparency because he has abused his position and has taken advantage of the weak, ignorant and complacent people that have blindly given him money. The only way that you could alleviate any suspicion is to open your books to the general public.Originally posted by Tigris Maximus:
Since the Church has existed, the biggest enemy and largest obstacle to winning souls has been Christians.
I once believed all the same garbage spewed about NewSpring without going for myself. I have been a Christian for 31 years and I had to repent of that once I saw for myself. I am telling you, don't trash people who are worshiping the same God you claim to and are growing his kingdom like nothing I've ever witnessed in person.
Perry will be held to a higher standard in God's eyes and he knows that. I have been going there for 9 years now and I have seen him evolve over that time. The man LOVES Jesus and wants to see others do the same, but at the same time, he is a sinner like all of us. He has shown extreme humility and transparency. He isn't perfect and he will tell you that. I have 3 children that were saved there. I have grown spiritually more there than I had in my previous 22 years.
I think some of these people sound EXACTLY like the Pharisees did, and I would examine my motives if that were me. That has been the biggest thorn in the church's side for hundreds of years.
The questions being asked don't have any possible answer that would satisfy your presuppositions. I think every church has a place and none of them are for everyone. If you don't like it, don't go. If you haven't been, why are you talking? Back it up. Go to a service and then come back with your opinion. If you keep speaking out of ignorance, you look foolish. Remember, I have been on both sides of this argument. I never bashed them in a public forum, but I believed the lies. If you say you are a Christian, we are on the same team. Why sabotage the great commission?
I will ask you the same thing I"ve asked countless other sheeple in this thread. How can you be certain that your money is being spent in a responsible manner? And please refrain from any blind faith references and/or lives "saved" quotas.
Jesus sent the disciples out to found his Church. He said "Go and be one amongst the people. Comfort the sick, console the hurt and advise the sinner. Who's sins you forgive they are forgiven, whos sins you retain they are retained."Originally posted by Tigris Maximus:
We get it. You hate NewSpring and Perry. Everyone that goes there is ignorant and blind. You are much smarter.
We have a financial report every year. I have seen FIRST HAND what is done with the money. They don't need to advertise to skeptics like yourself how they help the community. What good would it do? Any answer to any of your questions wouldn't change your hate.
I know this. I have been a Christian for 31 years and I was skeptical about the NS as well. Why? Because I believed the lies spewed mostly by other "Christians". It's sad really. You, me, Perry and everyone will all have to answer to GOD for how we lived our lives for him. I'll take his judgement over anyone else's. I understand non believers bashing the church, but when I see others who claim to know Christ spewing hatred towards a group of believers, all I can think of is the Pharisees. It's almost identical. If you have never been to a service, you really have NO basis for what you are saying. If you have and it's not for you, then fine. I know you won't hear New Spring members bashing other churches. In fact, we partner with several churches, large and small, in an effort to bring as many to Christ as we can.
I have 3 children, and they were all saved at New Spring. I take offense to anyone who belittles their salvation because you don't like the Pastor. Jesus saves people, not the pastor. Thousands of people have accepted Christ due to New Spring and their members. Remember, I once believed the lies as well. I repented for that after actually seeing for myself. What if you found out you were completely wrong about your attitude? Even if I felt that way, I sure wouldn't say anything publicly.
Sir,Originally posted by Tigris Maximus:
That was easy. You aren't interested in seeing for yourself, but you'll gladly regurgitate the same things about it over and over on a sports message board. All I can say is that we are both strong on our convictions. The only difference is mine is based on actual experience. Watch online if you like. Easter service was great!
Posted from Rivals Mobile
This is a good point. I had not thought about it from this perspective. The problem I have with New Spring is their theology which turns God into a Holy Santa Claus, rewarding the worthy.I understand what you are saying about the "hero worship" culture. However, most of the time it's not the leaders who create this, but it's immature followers who do. This has always been a problem. Paul wrote 1 Corinthians to address "hero worship" in that congregation and he was one of the heroes the people there were worshipping. In church history we have "camps" and theological positions that are stated around the names of "Christian heroes" : Calvinist, Lutheran, Wesleyan, Arminian, Zwingliest. This is not a Newspring problem it is a people problem that has been a thorn in the side of the Body of Christ since the first century church. It is also a mark of spiritual immaturity. Some leaders do promote it, most don't. Also, just because someone says they love their pastor and want to honor the leaders God has given to them to add value to their lives, there is nothing wrong with that. When we value leadership, we are valuing what God values. However, it can go overboard. Just my 2 cents.