Con mander in Chief


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Aug 20, 2008
Pocatello, ID
So remember when Donald Trump was defending Trump University and said a federal judge who ruled against him couldn't be unbiased b/c his parents were Mexican? Remember when he said how great Trump U was and how he would never settle?
He just settled out of court for $25 million, essentially admitting it was a big ole scam... Crooked Hillary needs to take notes b/c she's got NOTHING on our President when it comes to being crooked. He figuratively wrote the book.
So remember when Donald Trump was defending Trump University and said a federal judge who ruled against him couldn't be unbiased b/c his parents were Mexican? Remember when he said how great Trump U was and how he would never settle?
He just settled out of court for $25 million, essentially admitting it was a big ole scam... Crooked Hillary needs to take notes b/c she's got NOTHING on our President when it comes to being crooked. He figuratively wrote the book.
Delete your account then kindly KYS
Settling out of court does not admit anything. Any one with a functioning brain should know that.

anyone with a functioning brain should also know that places like Trump University, Phoenix, Strater, Virginia College, etc are just stealing your money.
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Settling allowed for this to be a nonissue

This was announced just after he won in an attempt to have clear sailing for his agenda

Of course he can't get of his own way

Use of Twitter is just so presidential

Delete your account then kindly KYS

Why? This is YOUR guy. This is the guy YOU selected to represent the US. The "straight shooter" the guy that's going to "drain the swamp". As a moderate, I HATED Hillary with a passion. But anyone who has a functioning brain, could see that Trump was every bit as bad.
Why? This is YOUR guy. This is the guy YOU selected to represent the US. The "straight shooter" the guy that's going to "drain the swamp". As a moderate, I HATED Hillary with a passion. But anyone who has a functioning brain, could see that Trump was every bit as bad.
You don't seem as hopeful as your handle would indicate.
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So remember when Donald Trump was defending Trump University and said a federal judge who ruled against him couldn't be unbiased b/c his parents were Mexican? Remember when he said how great Trump U was and how he would never settle?
He just settled out of court for $25 million, essentially admitting it was a big ole scam... Crooked Hillary needs to take notes b/c she's got NOTHING on our President when it comes to being crooked. He figuratively wrote the book.
Here is a good piece of advice, never take anything Trump says at face value. He blows a lot of smoke and waits to see where it settles. He has never let truth get in the way of saying whatever he wants to say. If he would truly think before he speaks, oh how much better it would be. The media would have to look to other people and places to find discussion points.
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So remember when Donald Trump was defending Trump University and said a federal judge who ruled against him couldn't be unbiased b/c his parents were Mexican? Remember when he said how great Trump U was and how he would never settle?
He just settled out of court for $25 million, essentially admitting it was a big ole scam... Crooked Hillary needs to take notes b/c she's got NOTHING on our President when it comes to being crooked. He figuratively wrote the book.

You may be completely right, but settling a case out of court has ZERO to do w/ "admitting it was a big ole scam."
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You don't seem as hopeful as your handle would indicate.

Man, honestly I came to terms with him being elected. A bunch of people voted for him and I can accept that. Like I said above, I got NO PROBLEM with Hillary NOT being in office. But damn. Just Damn. Trump has looked like a deer in headlights from day one. He and his staff just seem to lie about everything... even the stupid stuff and can't get out of their own way.

I'm not talking about policy... I didn't agree with a lot of Bush's policies, but I never thought him crazy.

I honestly don't know if Trump is capable of being President. He's smart, we all know that. But I'm not sure that he has the capacity to be President.
You may be completely right, but settling a case out of court has ZERO to do w/ "admitting it was a big ole scam."

I feel you. My point is, remember how Trump was defending Trump U and blasting a sitting federal judge? Remember how he claimed how great the program was and how he'd never settle the lawsuit? Because I do...

I'm glad these folks got most of their money back, but we all know that $25 million is a drop in the bucket to our President. Why settle when you have done nothing wrong? The answer is to make it go away... and I'll be the first to admit that innocent companies and people do this. But Trump's not most people. He doesn't need the money or brand recognition, nor is his living threatened by this lawsuit in any way.

And he SAID he wouldn't settle. But he did... That looks bad.

Just like getting immunity for testifying looks bad a la Flint...
Here is a good piece of advice, never take anything Trump says at face value. He blows a lot of smoke and waits to see where it settles. He has never let truth get in the way of saying whatever he wants to say. If he would truly think before he speaks, oh how much better it would be. The media would have to look to other people and places to find discussion points.

I understand. And in business, this apparently works. Get it in writing or it means nothing.

He's not a business man anymore. He's the President of the United States. When he says something it matters. The president needs to be able to speak to a leader of another country and be believed. IE: Tell Israel that the US has your back. There's no contract that's enforceable between countries... Your leader's word is all the bond there is... If you were a world leader and Donald Trump told you that the US military would come to your aid, would you believe him? Would you risk your country on his word alone? At this point, I wouldn't.

I assume that you are a supporter and you are saying straight up that you can't trust the man when he speaks. Is that the kind of President you think we should have? Does this MAGA? Because I'm down with MAGA, just not seeing how this guy is getting us there.
I feel you. My point is, remember how Trump was defending Trump U and blasting a sitting federal judge? Remember how he claimed how great the program was and how he'd never settle the lawsuit? Because I do...

I'm glad these folks got most of their money back, but we all know that $25 million is a drop in the bucket to our President. Why settle when you have done nothing wrong? The answer is to make it go away... and I'll be the first to admit that innocent companies and people do this. But Trump's not most people. He doesn't need the money or brand recognition, nor is his living threatened by this lawsuit in any way.

And he SAID he wouldn't settle. But he did... That looks bad.

Just like getting immunity for testifying looks bad a la Flint...

Why settle? To stop the bleeding. The only people who make money in the lawsuit business are the attorneys. Fighting a lawsuit costs a lot. I would have a hard time personally, but could probably be convinced to settle even on something I'm not guilty of.
I understand. And in business, this apparently works. Get it in writing or it means nothing.

He's not a business man anymore. He's the President of the United States. When he says something it matters. The president needs to be able to speak to a leader of another country and be believed. IE: Tell Israel that the US has your back. There's no contract that's enforceable between countries... Your leader's word is all the bond there is... If you were a world leader and Donald Trump told you that the US military would come to your aid, would you believe him? Would you risk your country on his word alone? At this point, I wouldn't.

I assume that you are a supporter and you are saying straight up that you can't trust the man when he speaks. Is that the kind of President you think we should have? Does this MAGA? Because I'm down with MAGA, just not seeing how this guy is getting us there.

You'll never see how he is getting us there as long as the libs control the media. They will not rest until the entire world believes he's a snake.
Why settle? To stop the bleeding. The only people who make money in the lawsuit business are the attorneys. Fighting a lawsuit costs a lot. I would have a hard time personally, but could probably be convinced to settle even on something I'm not guilty of.

You are 100% correct (for most people or companies). But again, $25 million is a drop in the bucket for him. Trump is NOT bleeding over this at all. Trump U could go away right now and I doubt that Trump would even feel it.
You'll never see how he is getting us there as long as the libs control the media. They will not rest until the entire world believes he's a snake.

Is the media biased? You bet. Most of the mainstream media has a liberal bias. Fox has a conservative bias.

Dude, the media doesn't even have to work at it... Trump is doing this to himself.

Did you see his speech in KY last weekend? He went on and on about the Keystone Pipeline and how he had the idea that if anyone built in the US, they should use US steel. How no one had thought of this before and how great the idea was... Remember that?

Trump and ALREADY signed off on making an exception for the Keystone Pipeline. They are NOT using American Steel and he knew it. That's not bias, that's BULLSHIT. I don't care who you are. That's just flat out scummy, shafting the people that you got to vote for you.
Is the media biased? You bet. Most of the mainstream media has a liberal bias. Fox has a conservative bias.

Dude, the media doesn't even have to work at it... Trump is doing this to himself.

Did you see his speech in KY last weekend? He went on and on about the Keystone Pipeline and how he had the idea that if anyone built in the US, they should use US steel. How no one had thought of this before and how great the idea was... Remember that?

Trump and ALREADY signed off on making an exception for the Keystone Pipeline. They are NOT using American Steel and he knew it. That's not bias, that's BULLSHIT. I don't care who you are. That's just flat out scummy, shafting the people that you got to vote for you.

If what you say is true, he'll pay for it. Voters won't forget that one.
You are 100% correct (for most people or companies). But again, $25 million is a drop in the bucket for him. Trump is NOT bleeding over this at all. Trump U could go away right now and I doubt that Trump would even feel it.

I get the sense you dislike him for being wealthy/successful in business. Don't be that guy.
So remember when Donald Trump was defending Trump University and said a federal judge who ruled against him couldn't be unbiased b/c his parents were Mexican? Remember when he said how great Trump U was and how he would never settle?
He just settled out of court for $25 million, essentially admitting it was a big ole scam... Crooked Hillary needs to take notes b/c she's got NOTHING on our President when it comes to being crooked. He figuratively wrote the book.


Why? Am I saying something that isn't true? I'm just curious about this support for a guy who lies every time he opens his mouth and doesn't even bother to hide it. Yet these same people are chanting "lock her up" (see, another broken promise... she and Bill are "good people" now according to Trump) about Hillary for lying about Bengazi.

This unflinching loyalty to a single party (and don't get me wrong, the Liberals are just as bad) no matter WHAT baffles me.

I point some really obvious things out and I'm encouraged to kill myself and go away and never come back. This is what's wrong with America!!
Why settle? To stop the bleeding. The only people who make money in the lawsuit business are the attorneys. Fighting a lawsuit costs a lot. I would have a hard time personally, but could probably be convinced to settle even on something I'm not guilty of.

You're right. The goal of most of these suits is to obtain settlement. The lawyers know this going in. Why else would they advertise on tv for any and everyone who might think they or someone they know might have been affected by "xyz".
Make no mistake, this lawsuit was contrived by liberal lawyers who recruited a victim.
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You're right. The goal of most of these suits is to obtain settlement. The lawyers know this going in. Why else would they advertise on tv for any and everyone who might think they or someone they know might have been affected by "xyz".
Make no mistake, this lawsuit was contrived by liberal lawyers who recruited a victim.
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