Conspiracy Theories? (GOAT Thread)

The NWO may be bad asses but they are not changing the laws of science.
You need to stay in your lane, dude.
They run the world & are in the the process of attempting to take America over. They fund Antifa & Black Lives Matters & everything I said will come to pass! Read Revelation 6, the first 5 Seals are what they do to humanity, the next 16 are what GOD does to them! They are the 4th Beast in Daniel 7! They Devour the Whole World & Stamp our the Residue!
Prove it.
Research current Committee of 300 list & you’ll see his name on it. We’ve only had two presidents since Woodrow Wilson who were not in the NWO. JFK & Trump & that’s why they’ve tried everything to get him out of office. What you are witnessing in our country is the process of a NWO Takeover. Antifa & Black Lives Matters are both funded by George Soros, a Committee of 300 Member. The black people think by defacing our monuments & wanting to change the names of institutions & so forth is for their retribution. But the NWO has their own agenda & that is Goal 2 of their 21 Goals.... “To completely & utterly destroy All National Pride & National Identity, which was a Primary Consideration if a One World Government was to Work!” Antifa & Black Lives Matters are doing their bidding for them. The Black people think it’s retribution for them. The NWO needs the black vote to oust Trump! I said it before I'll say it again! If Trump is ousted, we’re all going into Bondage. I posted a whole list of draconian laws they will impose on us. That’s whites, blacks & any other color. These people are satanists. One cannot be in the NWO without being giving one’s allegiance to Lucifer.
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Research current Committee of 300 list & you’ll see his name on it. We’ve only had two presidents since Woodrow Wilson who were not in the NWO. JFK & Trump & that’s why they’ve tried everything to get him out of office. What you are witnessing in our country is the process of a NWO Takeover. Antifa & Black Lives Matters are both funded by George Soros, a Committee of 300 Member. The black people think by defacing our monuments & wanting to change the names of institutions & so forth is for their retribution. But the NWO has their own agenda & that is Goal 2 of their 21 Goals.... “To completely & utterly destroy All National Pride & National Identity, which was a Primary Consideration if a One World Government was to Work!” Antifa & Black Lives Matters are doing their bidding for them. The Black people think it’s retribution for them. The NWO needs the black vote to oust Trump! I said it before I'll say it again! If Trump is ousted, we’re all going into Bondage. I posted a whole list of draconian laws they will impose on us. That’s whites, blacks & any other color. These people are satanists. One cannot be in the NWO without being giving one’s allegiance to Lucifer.

No. You provide proof if it's a fact.
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Research current Committee of 300 list & you’ll see his name on it. We’ve only had two presidents since Woodrow Wilson who were not in the NWO. JFK & Trump & that’s why they’ve tried everything to get him out of office. What you are witnessing in our country is the process of a NWO Takeover. Antifa & Black Lives Matters are both funded by George Soros, a Committee of 300 Member. The black people think by defacing our monuments & wanting to change the names of institutions & so forth is for their retribution. But the NWO has their own agenda & that is Goal 2 of their 21 Goals.... “To completely & utterly destroy All National Pride & National Identity, which was a Primary Consideration if a One World Government was to Work!” Antifa & Black Lives Matters are doing their bidding for them. The Black people think it’s retribution for them. The NWO needs the black vote to oust Trump! I said it before I'll say it again! If Trump is ousted, we’re all going into Bondage. I posted a whole list of draconian laws they will impose on us. That’s whites, blacks & any other color. These people are satanists. One cannot be in the NWO without being giving one’s allegiance to Lucifer.

"The Black people", I mean, REALLY?
No. You provide proof if it's a fact.
No when someone on the internet is saying that you need to research something, you need to stop what you’re doing and research it. I don’t care what they’re claiming. I can tell you with 100% certainty that @areeves knows what he’s talking about. I don’t know who he is or who he knows, but he has some very secret knowledge that most people don’t have access to. I have spoken to him in code several times ITT and he knew how to respond.
"The Black people", I mean, REALLY?
The folks who are defacing our nations monuments, wanting to change the names of buildings, universities, etc... think they are doing it because of inequality & retribution. The NWO, who is backing & directing them have a different agenda. Goal #2 of the NWO’s 21 Goals... “To Completely & utterly destroy all National Pride & National Identity, which was a Primary Consideration if a One World Government was to Work!”
The folks who are defacing our nations monuments, wanting to change the names of buildings, universities, etc... think they are doing it because of inequality & retribution. The NWO, who is backing & directing them have a different agenda. Goal #2 of the NWO’s 21 Goals... “To Completely & utterly destroy all National Pride & National Identity, which was a Primary Consideration if a One World Government was to Work!”
Who is their leader??? I mean someone has to be calling the shots. Do they have a mailing addy or a 900 phone number??Where are the rioters on the street getting their directives from???
Who is their leader??? I mean someone has to be calling the shots. Do they have a mailing addy or a 900 phone number??Where are the rioters on the street getting their directives from???
George Soros
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Yea it seems like Trump’s silence is costing children their lives. Wtf is he waiting for?
The Vatican is @ the top of the child trafficking ring. Read Revelation 18, “Slaves & Souls of men.” These are two “Items” the Kings of the Earth purchase from the Vatican. There’s a whole list of things they purchase from the Vatican. These Merchants are literally wailing because Papal Rome & The Vatican is being burnt to the ground & they’re in their Ships watching Rome/Vatican burn. The 10 Global Leaders who reigned with the beast/antichrist are the ones who set Rome/Vatican ablaze. Before y’all start bitching read Revelation 17,18
Soros bro. You serious?
If you email me ...
I’ll give you my cell # ... text me & I’ll send you everything, backing up everything I’ve said. I don’t want to throw it up on the board for fear they may take it down. I use it as a witnessing. I’ve been harassed by these people. I’ll show you pictures about their subtle threats & them letting me know they’re watching me & they know where I am. Give me till later this afternoon & I’ll send you information.
If you email me ...
I’ll give you my cell # ... text me & I’ll send you everything, backing up everything I’ve said. I don’t want to throw it up on the board for fear they may take it down. I use it as a witnessing. I’ve been harassed by these people. I’ll show you pictures about their subtle threats & them letting me know they’re watching me & they know where I am. Give me till later this afternoon & I’ll send you information.
Make sure you put in the NWO info in the Subject Line
I woke up this morning irritated with myself for engaging with an obviously deluded person who can't even distinguish between a fact and a crackpot theory. Some people are beyond help, let alone rational conversation.

I'm going to take a lap and try to do better in the future.
Everything I said will come to pass in front of your face. If you the the associated press is credible, they’re in bed with the NWO. Like I said, let’s reconvene in 4-5 years & you’re going to have a totally different outlook. Time will Prove me right. No sense arguing about it, you’ll witness & experience it.
If you email me ...
I’ll give you my cell # ... text me & I’ll send you everything, backing up everything I’ve said. I don’t want to throw it up on the board for fear they may take it down. I use it as a witnessing. I’ve been harassed by these people. I’ll show you pictures about their subtle threats & them letting me know they’re watching me & they know where I am. Give me till later this afternoon & I’ll send you information.
Email coming
I woke up this morning irritated with myself for engaging with an obviously deluded person who can't even distinguish between a fact and a crackpot theory. Some people are beyond help, let alone rational conversation.

I'm going to take a lap and try to do better in the future.
What part do you have an issue with? He is pretty spot on with everything. Trust me.
You wouldn’t understand.
Tigergrad, I’m a little skeptical of Q, here’s why, in both Daniel 7 & Revelation 19, it clearly shows man does not crush the Cabol/NWO, JESUS does. When you have a chance, please read Daniel 7. It even says, “not with human hands!” Revelation 19, clearly depicts JESUS destroying All armies who come Israel & Jerusalem. The Beast/Antichrist & False Prophet who lead the Cabol/NWO are thrown alive into the Lake of Fire.
Tigergrad, I’m a little skeptical of Q, here’s why, in both Daniel 7 & Revelation 19, it clearly shows man does not crush the Cabol/NWO, JESUS does. When you have a chance, please read Daniel 7. It even says, “not with human hands!” Revelation 19, clearly depicts JESUS destroying All armies who come Israel & Jerusalem. The Beast/Antichrist & False Prophet who lead the Cabol/NWO are thrown alive into the Lake of Fire.
Good morning. I wouldn’t even know who Q is if people hadn’t told me about it. I don’t listen to or read anything from whoever this is. Never have and never will. Not a resource of mine in any way.

I’ve read the above and will again today. I agree and know Jesus is the one who crushes them. I’ve stayed mid topic if you will on purpose. You might have noticed my post yesterday regarding child trafficking that was scrolled past by most very quickly. I know it’s not something anyone wants to discuss and I have limited my research on it because it is tough and dangerous.

I do however think Trump knows and may expose some of the players in it. I think that is the main thing they’re afraid of. They know he knows. What happens from there is anyone’s guess but hell is gonna be awful hot in the end.
Good morning. I wouldn’t even know who Q is if people hadn’t told me about it. I don’t listen to or read anything from whoever this is. Never have and never will. Not a resource of mine in any way.

I’ve read the above and will again today. I agree and know Jesus is the one who crushes them. I’ve stayed mid topic if you will on purpose. You might have noticed my post yesterday regarding child trafficking that was scrolled past by most very quickly. I know it’s not something anyone wants to discuss and I have limited my research on it because it is tough and dangerous.

I do however think Trump knows and may expose some of the players in it. I think that is the main thing they’re afraid of. They know he knows. What happens from there is anyone’s guess but hell is gonna be awful hot in the end.
This is correct. Trump has been playing the long game. He is actively working behind the scenes to expose the globalist pedophile cabal. He has waited this long for reasons I can’t expose ITT. Do your research and you can connect the dots.
Good morning. I wouldn’t even know who Q is if people hadn’t told me about it. I don’t listen to or read anything from whoever this is. Never have and never will. Not a resource of mine in any way.

I’ve read the above and will again today. I agree and know Jesus is the one who crushes them. I’ve stayed mid topic if you will on purpose. You might have noticed my post yesterday regarding child trafficking that was scrolled past by most very quickly. I know it’s not something anyone wants to discuss and I have limited my research on it because it is tough and dangerous.

I do however think Trump knows and may expose some of the players in it. I think that is the main thing they’re afraid of. They know he knows. What happens from there is anyone’s guess but hell is gonna be awful hot in the end.
I totally agree. The only reason I’ve laid everything out is because the LORD put it on my heart to do so. Believe me, you’ve seen the backlash. As we both know, persecution is part of. Ring a Christian.
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This is correct. Trump has been playing the long game. He is actively working behind the scenes to expose the globalist pedophile cabal. He has waited this long for reasons I can’t expose ITT. Do your research and you can connect the dots.
Thank you sir. You’re exactly right. I think I know why he’s waiting but I’ve avoided digging to deep for obvious reasons.
I totally agree. The only reason I’ve laid everything out is because the LORD put it on my heart to do so. Believe me, you’ve seen the backlash. As we both know, persecution is part of. Ring a Christian.
Yes sir it absolutely is. I knew what you were doing and felt like it was laid on your heart to do it . Completely understand. I knew the persecution would be huge but it was necessary. Some will open their eyes as a result and find Jesus. In the end that’s all that matters. Most might think we are doing it for other reasons. That isn’t true in any way.
I totally agree. The only reason I’ve laid everything out is because the LORD put it on my heart to do so. Believe me, you’ve seen the backlash. As we both know, persecution is part of. Ring a Christian.
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Yes sir it absolutely is. I knew what you were doing and felt like it was laid on your heart to do it . Completely understand. I knew the persecution would be huge but it was necessary. Some will open their eyes as a result and find Jesus. In the end that’s all that matters. Most might think we are doing it for other reasons. That isn’t true in any way.
Thanks for the encouragement! When you have an opportunity, please email me ... .... Subject line put Tigergrad03 Thanks
Good morning. I wouldn’t even know who Q is if people hadn’t told me about it. I don’t listen to or read anything from whoever this is. Never have and never will. Not a resource of mine in any way.

I’ve read the above and will again today. I agree and know Jesus is the one who crushes them. I’ve stayed mid topic if you will on purpose. You might have noticed my post yesterday regarding child trafficking that was scrolled past by most very quickly. I know it’s not something anyone wants to discuss and I have limited my research on it because it is tough and dangerous.

I do however think Trump knows and may expose some of the players in it. I think that is the main thing they’re afraid of. They know he knows. What happens from there is anyone’s guess but hell is gonna be awful hot in the end.

Revelation 13:8 says, “Wisdom is needed here; one who understands can calculate the number of the beast, for it is a number that stands for a person. His number is six hundred and sixty-six.

”The Greek name “Nero Caesar” put into Hebrew letters is NRON QSRN, which adds up to six hundred and sixty-six. If this were all we had to go on, then Nero would not be any more likely a candidate than any other name that could add up to this number, but there is one more piece of evidence that points to Nero.

We learn from the early Church father Irenaeus of Lyons that in his day (c. AD 180) the reading “666” was “… found in all the most approved and ancient copies” (Against Heresies, 5, 30, 1), but he doesn’t tell us what number the minority manuscripts give. There is manuscript evidence that the alternative number is “616.

” But why this second number? Where did it come from?It’s possible that the second number comes from the Latin version of Nero’s name, which, when put into Hebrew letters drops the second “N” (Hebrew, Nun) so that it reads, NRO QSR instead of NRON QSR. Since “N” Nun) has the value of “50.

” The Greek version of his name when put into Hebrew letters has the value of 666, while the Latin version has the value of 616.

Nero also seems to be a likely candidate in that Revelation 13:3 speaks about the beast having one head that “… seemed to have been mortally wounded, but this mortal wound was healed. Fascinated, the whole world followed after the beast.

” Roman historians report that after Nero committed suicide in AD 68, there was a widespread belief — possibly generated through the prediction of a group of astrologers — that Nero was not dead but would return to power soon. After Nero’s death, there were three imposters who pretended to be “Nero Redivivdus” (Nero reborn).

All this being said, its value depends on how one approaches Revelation. If you believe that Revelation speaks exclusively of the future, then Nero obviously isn’t a candidate. Otherwise, everything adds up to Nero.

The term 'gematria' (/ɡəˈmeɪtriə/; Hebrew: גמטריא or Gimatria גימטריה, plural גמטראות or גמטריאות, gematriot) is an alphanumeric code of assigning a numerical value to a name, word or phrase based on its letters. A single word can yield multiple values depending on the cipher used.

Gematria originated as an Assyro-Babylonian-Greek system of alphanumeric code or cipher that was later adopted into Jewish culture. Similar systems have been used in other languages and cultures: earlier, the Greek isopsephy, and later, derived from or inspired by Hebrew gematria, Arabic abjad numerals, and English gematria. It was also used in the Greek and Latin cultures. There was an example of this that was uncovered on a wall in the city of Pompeii.

Nero in the Latin (Vulgate) Bible is written in Revelation as 616, because in Latin gematria the numerical value of Nero Caesar equals 616.

The Book of Revelation is a more exhaustive and detailed version of events found in Daniel, Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21. And, as I laid out before, the timing statements and words date those events as happening soon, certainly within their (those spoken to) generation (Greek: γενεά; Transliteration: genea).Many have assigned this to mean a generation of no specific time time, but Jesus Himself in the Matthew 24 (as well as other books and chapters) definitely is speaking of their generation, which in the Hebrew hermeneutical definition, a generation was 40 years.

Others have decided to interpret this 'generation' word in Matthew 24 as not meaning 'their' generation, but meaning of some generation at the time of whenever it happens, which is foolishness.

The thing about studying the Greek (at least from my perspective) has opened up my mind to truly view these eschatological writings in the historical context, and the literary context of the Five W's of Literature, Who, What, Why, Where, and When. Being an ancient historian who has done a lot of study in ancient history, particularly Roman history and the early church history (Fathers of the Church) has blown the lid off of what I was taught regarding eschatological passages and the Book of Revelation in general as far as understanding what it truly means.

There is no doubt that the leaders of the churches (especially the churches mentioned in Revelation) were given the coded interpretation of this coded message that we see in the Book of Revelation. It was coded so that outsiders (particularly Romans leaders) could not understand its contents. Unfortunately the coded interpretations were not passed down, likely after the evens happened were deemed unnecessary. But even if a copy of the interpretation was found as given to the churches, no one would give them much credence today as most are planted in their beliefs and understandings. It doesn't matter how much proof I offer here, for most these are beliefs passed down from their grandparents, parents, and taught from their pulpits, so they surely are true, right?

I've debated this subject (eschatology and Revelation) many times with leaders of the church (Pastors, Elders, Deacons) and have had them just stare at me unable to logically answer what I put before them, because they knew that if they rebuked what I said then they were rebuking the very words of the passages. Some have cut short our debates and said (for whatever reason) they had to go, but they would love to get back with me a further this discussion, but I never heard from them again, nor would they respond what i reached out.

So as you can see a little bit from the discussions here on this thread, their is little to no budge on this topic in their understanding regardless of the evidence that I present. they just repeat their same logic over and over again, I guess hoping if they repeated it enough maybe I will change my view. I guess the infamous statement "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it" may apply here?
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Revelation 13:8 says, “Wisdom is needed here; one who understands can calculate the number of the beast, for it is a number that stands for a person. His number is six hundred and sixty-six.

”The Greek name “Nero Caesar” put into Hebrew letters is NRON QSRN, which adds up to six hundred and sixty-six. If this were all we had to go on, then Nero would not be any more likely a candidate than any other name that could add up to this number, but there is one more piece of evidence that points to Nero.

We learn from the early Church father Irenaeus of Lyons that in his day (c. AD 180) the reading “666” was “… found in all the most approved and ancient copies” (Against Heresies, 5, 30, 1), but he doesn’t tell us what number the minority manuscripts give. There is manuscript evidence that the alternative number is “616.

” But why this second number? Where did it come from?It’s possible that the second number comes from the Latin version of Nero’s name, which, when put into Hebrew letters drops the second “N” (Hebrew, Nun) so that it reads, NRO QSR instead of NRON QSR. Since “N” Nun) has the value of “50.

” The Greek version of his name when put into Hebrew letters has the value of 666, while the Latin version has the value of 616.

Nero also seems to be a likely candidate in that Revelation 13:3 speaks about the beast having one head that “… seemed to have been mortally wounded, but this mortal wound was healed. Fascinated, the whole world followed after the beast.

” Roman historians report that after Nero committed suicide in AD 68, there was a widespread belief — possibly generated through the prediction of a group of astrologers — that Nero was not dead but would return to power soon. After Nero’s death, there were three imposters who pretended to be “Nero Redivivdus” (Nero reborn).

All this being said, its value depends on how one approaches Revelation. If you believe that Revelation speaks exclusively of the future, then Nero obviously isn’t a candidate. Otherwise, everything adds up to Nero.

The term 'gematria' (/ɡəˈmeɪtriə/; Hebrew: גמטריא or Gimatria גימטריה, plural גמטראות or גמטריאות, gematriot) is an alphanumeric code of assigning a numerical value to a name, word or phrase based on its letters. A single word can yield multiple values depending on the cipher used.

Gematria originated as an Assyro-Babylonian-Greek system of alphanumeric code or cipher that was later adopted into Jewish culture. Similar systems have been used in other languages and cultures: earlier, the Greek isopsephy, and later, derived from or inspired by Hebrew gematria, Arabic abjad numerals, and English gematria. It was also used in the Greek and Latin cultures. There was an example of this that was uncovered on a wall in the city of Pompeii.

Nero in the Latin (Vulgate) Bible is written in Revelation as 616, because in Latin gematria the numerical value of Nero Caesar equals 616.

The Book of Revelation is a more exhaustive and detailed version of events found in Daniel, Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21. And, as I laid out before, the timing statements and words date those events as happening soon, certainly within their (those spoken to) generation (Greek: γενεά; Transliteration: genea).Many have assigned this to mean a generation of no specific time time, but Jesus Himself in the Matthew 24 (as well as other books and chapters) definitely is speaking of their generation, which in the Hebrew hermeneutical definition, a generation was 40 years.

Others have decided to interpret this 'generation' word in Matthew 24 as not meaning 'their' generation, but meaning of some generation at the time of whenever it happens, which is foolishness.

The thing about studying the Greek (at least from my perspective) has opened up my mind to truly view these eschatological writings in the historical context, and the literary context of the Five W's of Literature, Who, What, Why, Where, and When. Being an ancient historian who has done a lot of study in ancient history, particularly Roman history and the early church history (Fathers of the Church) has blown the lid off of what I was taught regarding eschatological passages and the Book of Revelation in general as far as understanding what it truly means.

There is no doubt that the leaders of the churches (especially the churches mentioned in Revelation) were given the coded interpretation of this coded message that we see in the Book of Revelation. It was coded so that outsiders (particularly Romans leaders) could not understand its contents. Unfortunately the coded interpretations were not passed down, likely after the evens happened were deemed unnecessary. But even if a copy of the interpretation was found as given to the churches, no one would give them much credence today as most are planted in their beliefs and understandings. It doesn't matter how much proof I offer here, for most these are beliefs passed down from their grandparents, parents, and taught from their pulpits, so they surely are true, right?

I've debated this subject (eschatology and Revelation) many times with leaders of the church (Pastors, Elders, Deacons) and have had them just stare at me unable to logically answer what I put before them, because they knew that if they rebuked what I said then they were rebuking the very words of the passages. Some have cut short our debates and said (for whatever reason) they had to go, but they would love to get back with me a further this discussion, but I never heard from them again, nor would they respond what i reached out.

So as you can see a little bit from the discussions here on this thread, their is little to no budge on this topic in their understanding regardless of the evidence that I present. they just repeat their same logic over and over again, I guess hoping if they repeated it enough maybe I will change my view. I guess the infamous statement "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it" may apply here?
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Hey, I guess we know that you are 'Antichrist'? Definitely rude and ignorant at least. And when are you going to remove that rude, racist, white privileged, white working class avatar??? (LOL!!! :rolleyes:) It certainly doesn't fit your name (handle) of 'DaBadass'. It looks like a weak, sarcastic, milk-toast dweeb. :eek: