COVID Christmas


Gold Member
Jun 9, 2002
I was diagnosed with COVID on Wednesday morning. Tested before 87 year old Dad came Christmas Eve. Had a slightly runny nose since Sunday but no other symptoms. Didn't believe it so had 2 other tests all positive. Rest of family tested negative. For me nothing more than an inconvenience. Merry Christmas to all!
I was diagnosed with COVID on Wednesday morning. Tested before 87 year old Dad came Christmas Eve. Had a slightly runny nose since Sunday but no other symptoms. Didn't believe it so had 2 other tests all positive. Rest of family tested negative. For me nothing more than an inconvenience. Merry Christmas to all!
Merry Christmas and get well!!!!
Here with you. Daughter's class was quarantined Thursday last week. We all went and got tested Monday. My daughter and I got our results back yesterday the 24th... positive. Wife was negative.
Merry Christmas! I wouldn’t have gotten tested because of such mild symptoms but for loss of smell. Hope yours stays mild. Silver lining is avoiding passing it on. Get better!
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We are the in same boat. Kids got it at daycare. Wife and I tested negative three times though. Guess we aren’t getting it
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I pray each of you do well afterwards. I had it in July, and will be seeing a cardiologist January 5th for an irregular heart beat and episodes of supra-ventricular tachycardia. My resting heart rate pre-covid was in the 50s due to being an avid runner, now it is in the upper 80s to 90s. I had a mild case of it too.
Sister tested positive. Folks had to quarantine due to contact tracing. Going to do Christmas stuff at a later date TBD. Sucks but better safe than sorry I suppose.
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congrats on the free time! It’s an amazing gift...quarantine for a virus you don’t even know you have

Amazing something that has less than 1/2% chance of killing you has ruined so many holiday gatherings
Yeah, should’ve just been a normal year for holiday gatherings. Maybe we could take a group of Covid-positive carolers to sing at the nursing home. It only has 1/2 % chance of killing them. The tough ones will gut it out if they catch it. The others were going to die anyway. Merry Christmas!
Yeah, should’ve just been a normal year for holiday gatherings. Maybe we could take a group of Covid-positive carolers to sing at the nursing home. It only has 1/2 % chance of killing them. The tough ones will gut it out if they catch it. The others were going to die anyway. Merry Christmas!

sarcasm apparently doesn’t do well at holiday time due to stress levels being through the roof. My grandparents were supposed to be over today but because of exposure to my daughter we cancelled...relax...long term care and senior living is the world I live in....chill out.

But all that doesn’t change the fact you’re way more likely to die today of a heart attack or getting into a car accident driving from one family members house to the next. That’s just statistical fact
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I pray each of you do well afterwards. I had it in July, and will be seeing a cardiologist January 5th for an irregular heart beat and episodes of supra-ventricular tachycardia. My resting heart rate pre-covid was in the 50s due to being an avid runner, now it is in the upper 80s to 90s. I had a mild case of it too.
Will be praying for you brother. Merry Christmas....and Go Tigers!
I pray each of you do well afterwards. I had it in July, and will be seeing a cardiologist January 5th for an irregular heart beat and episodes of supra-ventricular tachycardia. My resting heart rate pre-covid was in the 50s due to being an avid runner, now it is in the upper 80s to 90s. I had a mild case of it too.

Best of luck in your recovery. It’s amazing to me that so many focus solely on the low mortality rate, after all these months. Yes, it’s a great thing that nearly everyone under the age of about 75 who gets it survives. Many never even have symptoms. But they don’t focus enough on the fact that “recovered” literally just means “not dead”. MANY are suffering short and long term effects that are bad...cardiac issues, diabetes, multi organ failure, lung scarring, vascular damage, etc. It’s okay to be happy that you’ll likely survive while also recognizing that this is a very serious novel virus that can wreck your body (regardless of age) unlike the flu. There’s zero way to predict how your specific body / system will handle the virus until you get it. Young and fit? Doesn’t matter. Can still get a brutal case.
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sarcasm apparently doesn’t do well at holiday time do to stress levels being through the roof. My grandparents were supposed to be over today but because of exposure to my daughter we cancelled...relax...long term care and senior living is the world I live in....chill out.

But all that doesn’t change the fact you’re way more likely to die today of a heart attack or getting into a car accident driving from one family members house to the next. That’s just statistical fact
I am probably quick on the draw about this subject because of family circumstances. I guess I would just say that statistics are built from a lot of data points. For an average, there are going to be people below the average and people above. Not everyone can be as cavalier as to compare it to a car accident. Many can, and that is great. But some families who end up on the wrong side of this thing view it as more than a nuisance or a statistical improbability. Their family gatherings are ruined by people not being there who otherwise would have been, not because of travel restrictions, but because they are no longer with us or are hospitalized. That said, I apologize for my aggressive response.
sarcasm apparently doesn’t do well at holiday time do to stress levels being through the roof. My grandparents were supposed to be over today but because of exposure to my daughter we cancelled...relax...long term care and senior living is the world I live in....chill out.

But all that doesn’t change the fact you’re way more likely to die today of a heart attack or getting into a car accident driving from one family members house to the next. That’s just statistical fact
As of mid November, 10 TIMES more people died from Covid than typically die from car crashes in a year.
I am probably quick on the draw about this subject because of family circumstances. I guess I would just say that statistics are built from a lot of data points. For an average, there are going to be people below the average and people above. Not everyone can be as cavalier as to compare it to a car accident. Many can, and that is great. But some families who end up on the wrong side of this thing view it as more than a nuisance or a statistical improbability. Their family gatherings are ruined by people not being there who otherwise would have been, not because of travel restrictions, but because they are no longer with us or are hospitalized. That said, I apologize for my aggressive response.

a lot more people will lose family members to other things today that COVID...that’s factual reality. It’s a mother fvcker of a virus with lots of cases but vast majority of those cases are mild. The hospitals are not near at the numbers people are trying to make you believe. Only around 10-12% of ICU beds utilized in SC are COVID.

I do not downplay it...but I also look at it realistically and also know for a fact that you can be 89 and dying of terminal cancer, test positive for Covid and you’ll be listed as a Covid casualty.

I may be a little insensitive but being around it all day everyday and seeing the true facts behind it, it’s a little annoying that it has gotten this out of control and everything has been shit down.

I wouldn’t go see my grandparents with anything I have that’s contagious. Not would I get in their face if I had been around someone contagious. But hey...Merry Christmas from my family to yours as we hunker down even though all the rest are currently negative we aren’t at the number of “days” CDC states is safe to be around people yet...I’ll test the fam again this weekend or Monday just to be “safe”
Day 1-7 of mine was like a severe sinus infection. I had about a day and a half of using an inhaler (asthma that I conveniently developed early last year). Day 8-10 was/is a horrible headache. I am on day 10 now and if the INSANE headache would go away I would be a whole lot better off. Four kids just got out of quarantine already, wife has until Tuesday. Two children still negative. Don’t know how that happened. Oh yeah fatigued.
Day 1-7 of mine was like a severe sinus infection. I had about a day and a half of using an inhaler (asthma that I conveniently developed early last year). Day 8-10 was/is a horrible headache. I am on day 10 now and if the INSANE headache would go away I would be a whole lot better off. Four kids just got out of quarantine already, wife has until Tuesday. Two children still negative. Don’t know how that happened. Oh yeah fatigued.

fatigue has been the worse for everyone I’ve known. That is where it beats people up the worse
Here with you. Daughter's class was quarantined Thursday last week. We all went and got tested Monday. My daughter and I got our results back yesterday the 24th... positive. Wife was negative.
Good luck on a speedy recovery. Have had several friends/acquaintances that have situations like you described where one spouse tests positive and the other spouse tests negative. There has been speculation that certain blood types are less susceptible to contracting COVID - specifically, type O blood. Curious if your wife’s blood type differs from yours and your daughter’s? Thx and Merry Christmas.
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a lot more people will lose family members to other things today that COVID...that’s factual reality. It’s a mother fvcker of a virus with lots of cases but vast majority of those cases are mild. The hospitals are not near at the numbers people are trying to make you believe. Only around 10-12% of ICU beds utilized in SC are COVID.

I do not downplay it...but I also look at it realistically and also know for a fact that you can be 89 and dying of terminal cancer, test positive for Covid and you’ll be listed as a Covid casualty.

I may be a little insensitive but being around it all day everyday and seeing the true facts behind it, it’s a little annoying that it has gotten this out of control and everything has been shit down.

I wouldn’t go see my grandparents with anything I have that’s contagious. Not would I get in their face if I had been around someone contagious. But hey...Merry Christmas from my family to yours as we hunker down even though all the rest are currently negative we aren’t at the number of “days” CDC states is safe to be around people yet...I’ll test the fam again this weekend or Monday just to be “safe”
Great, thanks for understanding, doc. I feel better now knowing those statistical facts and the great news from the front lines.
LOL!!! Is this one of “facts” too ?? Do u have an insulated tinfoil cap for winter ?

It’s 10 TIMES more likely. Try again.

no need to try again...I am good. I’ll keep loving my life the way I always have. I’ll wash my hands, use sanitizer, and give people their personal space.
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Great, thanks for understanding, doc. I feel better now knowing those statistical facts and the great news from the front lines.

Not a doc...never claimed to be but the docs and clinicians I meet with weekly rarely mask up and do the same thing they should do in infectious disease season...take necessary precautions and practice infectious disease control.

I’m not some insensitive asshole that doesnt think COVID is real but at the same time I’m not going to let it dictate my life. It’s bad enough that I have no idea how many more Christmas’ I’ll have with my grandparents and I had to tell them they couldn’t come over today to be safe...but the numbers are skewed and anyone that deals with it daily will agree
I pray each of you do well afterwards. I had it in July, and will be seeing a cardiologist January 5th for an irregular heart beat and episodes of supra-ventricular tachycardia. My resting heart rate pre-covid was in the 50s due to being an avid runner, now it is in the upper 80s to 90s. I had a mild case of it too.
But it’s ok because you didn’t die (sarcasm)
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Not a good look

Sorry...wasn’t going for a good look. Just giving my opinion. The virus is a bitch, it’s ruining business’, families, and causing depression. Most people that are testing positive currently have no clue they even have it because no symptoms but they are made to test for work, school, sports, or contact tracing

Again...I take it serious...I canceled my Christmas plans to not put anyone in jeopardy. It’s OK to know it’s real, be safe, but also be annoyed by it
COVID is killing almost twice as many people right now per day than cancer does and it’s still getting worse. But carry on with this nonsense it’s no big deal. Had a pretty good friend just get released from the hospital last weekend and his family was terrified he wasn’t going to make it. He actually called his wife and asked if they needed to update his will. 48 years old and in pretty good health. Pretty scary for “a little cold and sniffles”
sarcasm apparently doesn’t do well at holiday time do to stress levels being through the roof. My grandparents were supposed to be over today but because of exposure to my daughter we cancelled...relax...long term care and senior living is the world I live in....chill out.

But all that doesn’t change the fact you’re way more likely to die today of a heart attack or getting into a car accident driving from one family members house to the next. That’s just statistical fact
It’s also a statistical fact that you’re going to make these exact same points in every COVID thread started on the board. Your redundant comments are almost as tiresome as the virus itself.
congrats on the free time! It’s an amazing gift...quarantine for a virus you don’t even know you have

Amazing something that has less than 1/2% chance of killing you has ruined so many holiday gatherings
Yes, it has ruined my brother's Christmas. Let me tell you about his "free time". He is in a hospital bed in the COVID unit. His 4 kids, all under 9, have had to spend Christmas morning with their mom opening gifts without their dad. Its been an extremely difficult time for him and his family and mine as we watch a healthy 42 year old man with no pre-existing conditions fight for his life over the last 2 weeks. Hopefully he is on the mend and will be back with his family after New Years.

So, it may not have killed him, God willing, but it sure did a number on his Christmas. Thanks to his co-worker who had the flippant attitude you do about the virus and refused to wear a mask to protect those around them at work.

So, let me give you some advice. Stop butting into these threads making a bigger jackass of yourself than you already have.
Yes, it has ruined my brother's Christmas. He is in a hospital bed in the COVID unit. His 4 kids, all under 9, have had to spend Christmas morning with their mom opening gifts without their dad. Its been an extremely difficult time for him and his family and mine as we watch a healthy 42 year old man with no pre-existing conditions fight for his life over the last 2 weeks. Hopefully he is on the mend and will be back with his family after New Years.

So, it may not have killed him, God willing, but it sure did a number on his Christmas. Thanks to his co-worker who had the flippant attitude you do about the virus and refused to wear a mask to protect those around them at work.

So, let me give you some advice. Stop butting into these threads making a bigger jackass of yourself than you already have.

Sorry about you brother...I truly am but the name calling is uncalled for. I don’t need your shit...everyone deals with bad situation and . I lost my grandfather on Christmas night a few years ago and it sucked. I have my family quarantined currently until we make sure no one has Covid. Call me an ass on the internet all you want if it makes you feel better but my kids aren’t seeing any family this year either. My prayers are with everyone who is sick, everyone who can’t see family on the holidays, and pretty much for everyone going through this pandemic.

By the way... I temp check daily, practice all the CDC requirements, and respect everyone’s space and am not running around wild Wild West like you claim. I love my life but I love it safe and practice infectious disease control measures daily. More than most...I wonder how many people screaming to wear a mask actually take it out of their car and sanitize it? Clean it? Wash it...change it? Know how to put it on and take it off? Use sanitizer after engagements or pumping gas...wash their hands regularly...doubt very many. I do...

Just because I have an attitude that I am sick of this shit don’t pretend to know how I go about my days. I love keyboard warriors that name call on the internet.

Merry Christmas and a sincere hope that your brother gets better. I’ll chalk your comments directed at me out of emotion which I understand. Anything you wanna say further you can gladly DM me. Or hell me an ass on the board again I don’t care
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I was diagnosed with COVID on Wednesday morning. Tested before 87 year old Dad came Christmas Eve. Had a slightly runny nose since Sunday but no other symptoms. Didn't believe it so had 2 other tests all positive. Rest of family tested negative. For me nothing more than an inconvenience. Merry Christmas to all!
Merry Christmas to all!

To keep it positive OP, I hope you turn out like 99.7% of those that have had it and recovered.

And I say that as I sit in a 14’x18’ wood shop at my in laws. We’ve not been allowed in their house since the beginning.

We’re about to leave for my parents place and they recovered two weeks ago from a 5 day Covid intrusion. They’re mid 70’s and the biggest issue they had was fatigue, nothing else.

Get well soon!
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I used to like your posts now I tend to scroll past your username because you bring your tired Covid schtick into virtually every thread. I expect more out of a moderator on this board. Good thing for you, I guess Cris doesn’t.

good thing for me? Why because he would cut my salary? I pay the same you do and there is no benefits of being a moderator. I do it because I was asked...and I love this site

If you don’t like my posts any longer...don’t quote them and don’t comment. I’m allowed to have opinions just like everyone else

I will gladly start deleting every single Covid thread if that’s what people want.
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Sorry about you brother truly am but the name calling is uncalled for. I don’t need your shit...everyone deals with shit. I lost my grandfather on Christmas night a few years ago and it sucked. I have my family quarantined currently until we make sure no one has Covid. Call me an ass on the internet all you want if it makes you feel better but my kids aren’t seeing any family this year either. My prayers are with everyone who is sick, everyone who can’t see family on the holidays, and pretty much for everyone going through this pandemic.

By the way... I temp check daily, practice all the CDC requirements, and respect everyone’s space and am not running around wild Wild West like you claim.

Just because I have an attitude that I am sick of this shit don’t pretend to know how I go about my days. I love keyboard warriors that name call on the internet.

Merry Christmas and a sincere hope that your brother gets better. I’ll chalk your comments directed at me out of emotion which I understand. Anything you wanna say further you can gladly DM me. Or hell me an ass on the board again I don’t care
The only keyboard warrior is you. I'd advise you to put the keyboard down and go spend time with your family on this day and be happy that you can. Quit taunting people on the internet and displaying your ignorance as you do.

I'm sorry you are so sensitive that you can't handle being called a jackass when you were being a jackass. Pretty pathetic and embarrassing.

Merry Christmas.
The only keyboard warrior is you. I'd advise you to put the keyboard down and go spend time with your family on this day and be happy that you can. Quit taunting people on the internet and displaying your ignorance as you do.

I'm sorry you are so sensitive that you can't handle being called a jackass when you were being a jackass. Pretty pathetic and embarrassing.

Merry Christmas.

I’m not sensitive at all...I can handle whatever zingers you want to throw from behind your keyboard if it makes you feel better. Sensitivity isn’t something I’m good at...maybe a character flaw of mine? Who knows?

I’m no keyboard warrior and I don’t need your unsolicited advice. Maybe you should take your own advice and step back from the keyboard...

I don’t find the need to call people names that have an opinion that differs from me and I am not taunting anyone. Pretty sure I told you I was sincerely praying for your brother and I did. No need to be an ass.

But since you mentioned it, my family time has been amazing. Now they are enjoying their gifts, I’m watching football with my youngest son, and my wife is taking a well deserved nap.