COVID Christmas

congrats on the free time! It’s an amazing gift...quarantine for a virus you don’t even know you have

Amazing something that has less than 1/2% chance of killing you has ruined so many holiday gatherings

Look at Lljackson’s post. While I agree with you about the death rate, I have known several folks to have long side effects.

While I am not scared of it, I don’t want it. One year of I convince so others can not have long term side effects is OK with me.
I pray each of you do well afterwards. I had it in July, and will be seeing a cardiologist January 5th for an irregular heart beat and episodes of supra-ventricular tachycardia. My resting heart rate pre-covid was in the 50s due to being an avid runner, now it is in the upper 80s to 90s. I had a mild case of it too.

Prayers man. Sorry to hear this. I wish some people took this more seriously. I think we can strike a good balance between being careful and keeping the economy going if people would just stop being selfish.
Look at Lljackson’s post. While I agree with you about the death rate, I have known several folks to have long side effects.

While I am not scared of it, I don’t want it. One year of I convince so others can not have long term side effects is OK with me.

hell I don’t want it either! No one wants it...I think people take me the wrong way because what is written and read comes across differently than if it was an actual conversation and people typing behind a keyboard and a handle can say whatever they want...that’s fine with me...people on the internet that I do not know can judge me in anyway they want to. I’ll move on and it won’t bother me a bit

But vast majority of healthy people have very very little symptoms and many would never even know they had it if they weren’t required to test. That was my point that has been twisted into people wanting to call me a jack ass and taking my words in a way that makes them feel better about themselves

If I thought it was not real, my grandparents would be at my house right now and I would have been with my wife’s family last night. But I’m not...why? Because I don’t want to risk spreading it knowing my daughter was exposed
I’m not sensitive at all...I can handle whatever zingers you want to throw from behind your keyboard if it makes you feel better. Sensitivity isn’t something I’m good at...maybe a character flaw of mine? Who knows?

I’m no keyboard warrior and I don’t need your unsolicited advice. Maybe you should take your own advice and step back from the keyboard...

I don’t find the need to call people names that have an opinion that differs from me and I am not taunting anyone. Pretty sure I told you I was sincerely praying for your brother and I did. No need to be an ass.

But since you mentioned it, my family time has been amazing. Now they are enjoying their gifts, I’m watching football with my youngest son, and my wife is taking a well deserved nap.
"I don’t find the need to call people names..." and then two sentences later... "No need to be an ass."

Just so you know, I'm not emotionally wrecked or whining because you called me an ass. I just find it funny.

Glad you are enjoying your day and your family is safe. Appreciate the prayers.
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"I don’t find the need to call people names..." and then two sentences later... "No need to be an ass."

Just so you know, I'm not emotionally wrecked or whining because you called me an ass. I just find it funny.

Glad you are enjoying your day and your family is safe. Appreciate the prayers. Merry Christmas.

I said “no need to be an ass”

I did not call you an ass...there’s a difference. Like when I look at my oldest son and say “don’t be a dip shit.”

I don’t think he’s a dip shit, not calling him a dip shit...I’m telling him there is no reason to be.

I’m glad I have you a whining here. Just watching this sloppy ass Buffalo and Marshall game enjoying a cold beer after morning mimosas and thinkings about a Tito’s

Enjoy your family. Don’t take the internet so serious
Yeah, the “free time” is great. My fiancé tested positive yesterday in a rapid test after developing symptoms over night. The night before we were with my parents and brother and sister in law. My parents have already had it and come out okay aside from being miserable. Thanks to us being able to have more “free time” my sister in law can’t see her parents. Her parents couldn’t come visit their grandchildren on Christmas Day and see what Santa brought and enjoy a meal together. My fiancé and I are eating leftovers dropped on the porch by family.

The rest of my family was going to the beach house for New Years like we do every year with my dads family and many of his family hasn’t had it and now they can’t do it together in case my brother and sister in law contract it and expose them. Happy holidays and loving the “free time”.

We’ve affected the holidays for a lot of people besides us. But I guess we just aren’t as selfish and feel bad about it unlike some people who used to be quality posters on this site.

Also, lol at most healthy people barely knowing they have it. Everyone in my family and people I know have been knocked on their ass for 2 weeks, then tired for longer.
a lot more people will lose family members to other things today that COVID...that’s factual reality. It’s a mother fvcker of a virus with lots of cases but vast majority of those cases are mild. The hospitals are not near at the numbers people are trying to make you believe. Only around 10-12% of ICU beds utilized in SC are COVID.

I do not downplay it...but I also look at it realistically and also know for a fact that you can be 89 and dying of terminal cancer, test positive for Covid and you’ll be listed as a Covid casualty.

I may be a little insensitive but being around it all day everyday and seeing the true facts behind it, it’s a little annoying that it has gotten this out of control and everything has been shit down.

I wouldn’t go see my grandparents with anything I have that’s contagious. Not would I get in their face if I had been around someone contagious. But hey...Merry Christmas from my family to yours as we hunker down even though all the rest are currently negative we aren’t at the number of “days” CDC states is safe to be around people yet...I’ll test the fam again this weekend or Monday just to be “safe”
Oh no. So you’ve had it?
no need to try again...I am good. I’ll keep loving my life the way I always have. I’ll wash my hands, use sanitizer, and give people their personal space.

Just the “facts” ma’am.

You be you of course but your post tried to minimize the potential danger of the disease based upon the death rate and stating misinformation about it being more deadly to drive in a car. That is factually incorrect. It took me 45 seconds to confirm it was incorrect. This kind of misinformation furthers narrative that this pandemic is not serious. This narrative causes some people to behave in a riskier manner increasing spread and making us have to deal with this shit longer.

It is irresponsible.
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Wife tested positive yesterday after a negative test Monday. She is a pretty tough 39 year old but as hard as she has tried to make Christmas great for my 2 daughters, she has been worn out all day. Lost most taste and smell Wed night.
Wife tested positive yesterday after a negative test Monday. She is a pretty tough 39 year old but as hard as she has tried to make Christmas great for my 2 daughters, she has been worn out all day. Lost most taste and smell Wed night.

the fatigue is real for a few days for those who show symptoms. My neighbor who is in good shape got tired walking over to my house. He slept 16 hours a day for multiple days but after that he was good. I was worried about him because of diabetes and he has had a stroke in the past but he rallied and was fine by time quarantine was over and he was happy because he lost weight he needed to lose lol
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Just the “facts” ma’am.

You be you of course but your post tried to minimize the potential danger of the disease based upon the death rate and stating misinformation about it being more deadly to drive in a car. That is factually incorrect. It took me 45 seconds to confirm it was incorrect. This kind of misinformation furthers narrative that this pandemic is not serious. This narrative causes some people to behave in a riskier manner increasing spread and making us have to deal with this shit longer.

It is irresponsible.

whatever man...I can promise I take more precautions than most on this board. I sanitize everything, have wipes that kill
Covid in less than a minute I use in car and at home, I have sanitizer everywhere, shower as soon as I walk in daily since ive been out and about

my point is the numbers are skewed which they are. You can believe it or can believe the media isn’t trying to scare the shit out of everyone with false narratives and hospital bed info in regards to Covid and that’s fine. I look at them daily...I talk to people can have your opinion and I can have mine while I also do what I do every year...before Covid existed and during COVID now...practice proper infectious disease control measures because in long term care it’s important.

But is what it is...think whatever you want of me. People behind a handle and a keyboards opinion mean little to me. My customers know how passionate I am about passionate I am about my industry and the patients in their beds. I don’t need Mr. Orangeoveralls or anyone else on here to make me feel better about how hard I work to assure healthcare workers and their patients are safe and taken care of from everything that could be a risk
whatever man...I can promise I take more precautions than most on this board. I sanitize everything, have wipes that kill
Covid in less than a minute I use in car and at home, I have sanitizer everywhere, shower as soon as I walk in daily since ive been out and about

my point is the numbers are skewed which they are. You can believe it or can believe the media isn’t trying to scare the shit out of everyone with false narratives and hospital bed info in regards to Covid and that’s fine. I look at them daily...I talk to people can have your opinion and I can have mine while I also do what I do every year...before Covid existed and during COVID now...practice proper infectious disease control measures because in long term care it’s important.

But is what it is...think whatever you want of me. People behind a handle and a keyboards opinion mean little to me. My customers know how passionate I am about passionate I am about my industry and the patients in their beds. I don’t need Mr. Orangeoveralls or anyone else on here to make me feel better about how hard I work to assure healthcare workers and their patients are safe and taken care of from everything that could be a risk

All good but u said u were factual and you weren’t. This drivel above is a bunch of nonfactual hyperbole as well. I called u our for the bullshit about car wrecks .

The average car crash death per year is approx 24k. The stated death toll from Covid is over 300k. I am not sure if know this but that is a big difference and no amount of alleged Covid death miscounting based upon some conspiracy theory or the media or other nonsense can make those numbers materially close enough to substantiate your grossly negligent assertion of it as a fact.

I have made my point. I am done.
All good but u said u were factual and you weren’t. This drivel above is a bunch of nonfactual hyperbole as well. I called u our for the bullshit about car wrecks .

The average car crash death per year is approx 24k. The stated death toll from Covid is over 300k. I am not sure if know this but that is a big difference and no amount of alleged Covid death miscounting based upon some conspiracy theory or the media or other nonsense can make those numbers materially close enough to substantiate your grossly negligent assertion of it as a fact.

I have made my point. I am done.

All good Merry Christmas
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whatever man...I can promise I take more precautions than most on this board. I sanitize everything, have wipes that kill
Covid in less than a minute I use in car and at home, I have sanitizer everywhere, shower as soon as I walk in daily since ive been out and about

my point is the numbers are skewed which they are. You can believe it or can believe the media isn’t trying to scare the shit out of everyone with false narratives and hospital bed info in regards to Covid and that’s fine. I look at them daily...I talk to people can have your opinion and I can have mine while I also do what I do every year...before Covid existed and during COVID now...practice proper infectious disease control measures because in long term care it’s important.

But is what it is...think whatever you want of me. People behind a handle and a keyboards opinion mean little to me. My customers know how passionate I am about passionate I am about my industry and the patients in their beds. I don’t need Mr. Orangeoveralls or anyone else on here to make me feel better about how hard I work to assure healthcare workers and their patients are safe and taken care of from everything that could be a risk

you’re having another meltdown. Maybe your wife needs to plan a vacation for y’all!
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you’re having another meltdown. Maybe you’re wife needs to plan a vacation for y’all!

meltdown....nah man...not meltdown here. I don’t have meltdowns over the internet. But I will take a vacation. This cold weather is bull shit. I could sue some tropics and a few dives

appreciate your concern though
You’ve written enough to publish a book in this thread alone.

that’s a meltdown

If you say so there hero! You keep doing you...I’m about to go eat these steaks I just smoked and seared and drink some Tito’s! You keep saving the internet
Yeah, the “free time” is great. My fiancé tested positive yesterday in a rapid test after developing symptoms over night. The night before we were with my parents and brother and sister in law. My parents have already had it and come out okay aside from being miserable. Thanks to us being able to have more “free time” my sister in law can’t see her parents. Her parents couldn’t come visit their grandchildren on Christmas Day and see what Santa brought and enjoy a meal together. My fiancé and I are eating leftovers dropped on the porch by family.

The rest of my family was going to the beach house for New Years like we do every year with my dads family and many of his family hasn’t had it and now they can’t do it together in case my brother and sister in law contract it and expose them. Happy holidays and loving the “free time”.

We’ve affected the holidays for a lot of people besides us. But I guess we just aren’t as selfish and feel bad about it unlike some people who used to be quality posters on this site.

Also, lol at most healthy people barely knowing they have it. Everyone in my family and people I know have been knocked on their ass for 2 weeks, then tired for longer.

Yeah, I know a lot of people right around my age who are definitely in very good shape and it knocked them on their ass for a couple weeks. One family member of mine who is 38 and in pretty good shape told me it felt like a Mack truck ran over him for 2 weeks. Breathing issues are what scared him.
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Mod v mod battle ITT. Nice. @nmerritt11 is obviously one of those whose mental health has been affected by quarantine

not at all...I don’t quarantine. I have actually never been better. Mental health all good but your concern is also noted ....

I keep having fun while everyone else keeps living under rocks and hiding under their mattress
not at all...I don’t quarantine. I have actually never been better. Mental health all good but your concern is also noted ....

I keep having fun while everyone else keeps living under rocks and hiding under their mattress
Keeping your ear to the ground eh??
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whatever man...I can promise I take more precautions than most on this board. I sanitize everything, have wipes that kill
Covid in less than a minute I use in car and at home, I have sanitizer everywhere, shower as soon as I walk in daily since ive been out and about

my point is the numbers are skewed which they are. You can believe it or can believe the media isn’t trying to scare the shit out of everyone with false narratives and hospital bed info in regards to Covid and that’s fine. I look at them daily...I talk to people can have your opinion and I can have mine while I also do what I do every year...before Covid existed and during COVID now...practice proper infectious disease control measures because in long term care it’s important.

But is what it is...think whatever you want of me. People behind a handle and a keyboards opinion mean little to me. My customers know how passionate I am about passionate I am about my industry and the patients in their beds. I don’t need Mr. Orangeoveralls or anyone else on here to make me feel better about how hard I work to assure healthcare workers and their patients are safe and taken care of from everything that could be a risk
What is your industry? Clearly something in or related to healthcare but what specifically do you do?

I’m just curious because you speak in absolutes about numbers being inflated, supposed statistics (insert “you keep using that word...”), etc. I just wonder if this is an OPINION that is influenced in your tiny corner of the country or what.

Honest answers only, thanks.
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What is your industry? Clearly something in or related to healthcare but what specifically do you do?

I’m just curious because you speak in absolutes about numbers being inflated, supposed statistics (insert “you keep using that word...”), etc. I just wonder if this is an OPINION that is influenced in your tiny corner of the country or what.

Honest answers only, thanks.

I work in the long term care industry. I mainly deal with skilled facilities, assisted living, hospice, home health, etc. but in this world I’ve been dealing more and more with hospitals because of PPE. I deal with owners, administrators, executive directors, clinicians, doctors, CNAs, etc.

Again, I know the virus is real and I know it’s kicked peoples ass and has been the cause of death but I also know that all COVID related deaths aren’t death by COVID...that’s all I meant by that. If a hospice patient who is on their last breaths tests positive for Covid, COVID will be listed along with their hospice diagnosis as cause of death for example

I’ll also say the ICU numbers have gone up in SC over the last week with COVID patients by about 75 people I believe. I look at DHEC stats daily.
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Sorry about you brother...I truly am but the name calling is uncalled for. I don’t need your shit...everyone deals with bad situation and . I lost my grandfather on Christmas night a few years ago and it sucked. I have my family quarantined currently until we make sure no one has Covid. Call me an ass on the internet all you want if it makes you feel better but my kids aren’t seeing any family this year either. My prayers are with everyone who is sick, everyone who can’t see family on the holidays, and pretty much for everyone going through this pandemic.

By the way... I temp check daily, practice all the CDC requirements, and respect everyone’s space and am not running around wild Wild West like you claim. I love my life but I love it safe and practice infectious disease control measures daily. More than most...I wonder how many people screaming to wear a mask actually take it out of their car and sanitize it? Clean it? Wash it...change it? Know how to put it on and take it off? Use sanitizer after engagements or pumping gas...wash their hands regularly...doubt very many. I do...

Just because I have an attitude that I am sick of this shit don’t pretend to know how I go about my days. I love keyboard warriors that name call on the internet.

Merry Christmas and a sincere hope that your brother gets better. I’ll chalk your comments directed at me out of emotion which I understand. Anything you wanna say further you can gladly DM me. Or hell me an ass on the board again I don’t care
I think restraint of tongue, pen, and keyboard would suit you well.
It’s also a statistical fact that you’re going to make these exact same points in every COVID thread started on the board. Your redundant comments are almost as tiresome as the virus itself.
As tiresome as when he tells everyone on the board that he knew a recruit was special the first time he saw them only after they do something good in a college game? Guy’s never been wrong a day in his life.
This was sent to me in a message from a former student. I knew it was bad, but this opened my eyes even wider!

I will message you here & you can relay the message because I don’t want to some how get in trouble for what I am going to say It is HORRIBLE. I work the covid unit & my own personal unit is PCU. At the beginning we kept all covid pendings or covid positive patients in the ED until a bed was available on the covid unit NOW we are taking covid pending patients all over the hospital. We take precautions as if they are positive and do our best to keep it away from the cancer patient who is just next door if they come back positive they remain on our unit until a bed comes available on the covid unit. The only times the bed comes available is when the patient codes & dies, the patient has went comfort care & dies, or they are stable enough to go home or to a facility who accepts covid patients. We have a bed come available once a week IF that. Our staffing is down because they got rid of resources and travelers. We work short all the time, the charge nurses have started taking patients & that is with management on the floor taking patients as well. These patients are so sick they are miserable. I have a patient go from 2L to 15L high flow to opti flow in just ONE shift! She wasn’t confirmed covid positive but I knew she had she later tested positive. Last week, I have 2 patients code on me & die, from covid. In 2 days in September, they were dropping like flies, not even going to lie. We had 7 deaths on the covid unit & one on PCU, IN TWO DAYS!! I actually took a week off because I am so exhausted & so tired of watching people die.

This former student works at our small town hospital. She is a RN. Over worked and overwhelmed.

We have an 18 bed ICU unit, and just a few days ago a Respiratory Therapist former co-worker messaged me. She stated that 14 of the 18 beds were on ventilators. In one shift they sent one to Charlotte to be put on ECMO, and she said 2 are maxed out on nitric. She said it is sad to say, but they are "dead in the bed."
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