Sorry about you brother...I truly am but the name calling is uncalled for. I don’t need your shit...everyone deals with bad situation and . I lost my grandfather on Christmas night a few years ago and it sucked. I have my family quarantined currently until we make sure no one has Covid. Call me an ass on the internet all you want if it makes you feel better but my kids aren’t seeing any family this year either. My prayers are with everyone who is sick, everyone who can’t see family on the holidays, and pretty much for everyone going through this pandemic.
By the way... I temp check daily, practice all the CDC requirements, and respect everyone’s space and am not running around wild Wild West like you claim. I love my life but I love it safe and practice infectious disease control measures daily. More than most...I wonder how many people screaming to wear a mask actually take it out of their car and sanitize it? Clean it? Wash it...change it? Know how to put it on and take it off? Use sanitizer after engagements or pumping gas...wash their hands regularly...doubt very many. I do...
Just because I have an attitude that I am sick of this shit don’t pretend to know how I go about my days. I love keyboard warriors that name call on the internet.
Merry Christmas and a sincere hope that your brother gets better. I’ll chalk your comments directed at me out of emotion which I understand. Anything you wanna say further you can gladly DM me. Or hell me an ass on the board again I don’t care