Covid infusion treatment? Ivermectin?


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Jun 19, 2002
Tampa, FL
Anyone had this? Tested positive Tuesday and feeling pretty rough. 100.5 Fever unless taking Tylenol/ibuprofen. Only other symptoms is major fatigue and chest congestion. But a lot different than my normal bronchitis.

Also our doctor prescribed us Ivermectin. But haven’t been able to fill it yet due to 1 pharmacy refusal and another ordered for us.

anyone have luck w Ivermectin or Infusion?

go tigers! Beat them dirty 1980 dawgs!
Lot of clinical data that supports the use of ivermectin. The problem is that it doesn’t fit the political narrative. Joe Rogan says he took it along with several different vitamins and he was back to 100% in 3 days after really struggling for 24 hours.
DO NOT TAKE Ivermectin. This is a very unsafe and unproven drug to treat Covid and is used to deworm horses. There may be some human uses for it but the FDA and CDC has explicitly warned against it for use against Covid
Stick to banking the dewormer is paste and that’s not what he was given
DO NOT TAKE Ivermectin. This is a very unsafe and unproven drug to treat Covid and is used to deworm horses. There may be some human uses for it but the FDA and CDC has explicitly warned against it for use against Covid
It has been used for years on humans to treat a multitude of different viruses with great success
DO NOT TAKE Ivermectin. This is a very unsafe and unproven drug to treat Covid and is used to deworm horses. There may be some human uses for it but the FDA and CDC has explicitly warned against it for use against Covid
So his doctor prescribed it, but you are telling him not to take it. Follow the science indeed.
DO NOT TAKE Ivermectin. This is a very unsafe and unproven drug to treat Covid and is used to deworm horses. There may be some human uses for it but the FDA and CDC has explicitly warned against it for use against Covid
Against using it in horse form and dose not human form. Also, while I am vaccinated, the vaccine it’s self is experimental
DO NOT TAKE Ivermectin. This is a very unsafe and unproven drug to treat Covid and is used to deworm horses. There may be some human uses for it but the FDA and CDC has explicitly warned against it for use against Covid

You have no clue. Ivermectin is sitting on the shelf of every CVS. The human version is very safe and as it has been stated before, 100’s of millions of people have taken it safely.
DO NOT TAKE Ivermectin. This is a very unsafe and unproven drug to treat Covid and is used to deworm horses. There may be some human uses for it but the FDA and CDC has explicitly warned against it for use against Covid
Whether it really works for Covid is up for debate, however it is not just a dewormer. It won the Nobel Prize for use in humans. Key is dosage. The safety profile is along the lines of ibuprofen. I-MASK has been in use for months. Doctors are clinicians, not technicians. Information should flow from doctors to the CDC, not the other way around. If you trust your doctor then take what they suggest.
Stick to banking the dewormer is paste and that’s not what he was given
Dewormer is also injectable I believe. Banker you responded to is a perfect example of being duped by information put out. The tablet is perfectly safe for humans and is commonly used in treatment of certain disorders in humans. common treatment for scabies.
Have friend who is overweight and in mid 50’s with a pulmonary issue. Claimed his pulmonologist told him not to get the vax. He got covid 4 weeks ago. Was very alarmed and afraid as symptoms got worse. He went and got the monoclonal antibody treatment early into his symptoms and immediately started getting better and was never hospitalized. I would go that route.
Whether it really works for Covid is up for debate, however it is not just a dewormer. It won the Nobel Prize for use in humans. Key is dosage. The safety profile is along the lines of ibuprofen. I-MASK has been in use for months. Doctors are clinicians, not technicians. Information should flow from doctors to the CDC, not the other way around. If you trust your doctor then take what they suggest.
Na, doctors need to follow CDC recommendations in most cases. But CDC obviously considers data that comes from clinical trials, which haven’t shown much effect from ivermectin. Hopefully it works for OP.
I would suggest trusting your family doctor, not message boards or social media.

If he prescribed Ivermectin tablets, take invermectin tablets. If he recommends getting the vaccine after X amount of months, get the vaccine.
Our hospital system has had incredible success with Regeneron when given within 7 days of symptom onset. I would find a facility in your area that gives Regeneron. We have essentially turned a couple of our urgent cares into temporary Regeneron clinics

As of last Friday, only 21 people who received Regeneron through our large system went on to be hospitalized and 17 of those 21 were dosed 8 days or more after symptom onset
Anyone had this? Tested positive Tuesday and feeling pretty rough. 100.5 Fever unless taking Tylenol/ibuprofen. Only other symptoms is major fatigue and chest congestion. But a lot different than my normal bronchitis.

Also our doctor prescribed us Ivermectin. But haven’t been able to fill it yet due to 1 pharmacy refusal and another ordered for us.

anyone have luck w Ivermectin or Infusion?

go tigers! Beat them dirty 1980 dawgs!
If you are questioning what your doctor has recommended, reach out to another medical professional for a second and third opinion. Hope symptoms stay mild for you! God speed
Na, doctors need to follow CDC recommendations in most cases. But CDC obviously considers data that comes from clinical trials, which haven’t shown much effect from ivermectin. Hopefully it works for OP.
During emergencies where there’s a lot of experimentation going on, especially in initial stages, there is no time for double blind clinical studies. If the CDC had waited on a double blind clinical study for use of steroids for covid treatment we’d have a helluva lot more dead people. That was developed in the early stages and was discouraged initially by the CDC. Im not saying they take everything they receive. They should take all information and analyze. Instead it’s all top down. There needs to be a balance.
Lot of clinical data that supports the use of ivermectin. The problem is that it doesn’t fit the political narrative. Joe Rogan says he took it along with several different vitamins and he was back to 100% in 3 days after really struggling for 24 hours.
He also got the monoclonal antibody treatment and a Z pack.
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I’m amazed at the lack of critical thinking of ivermectin users. And I love the JR podcast and vote conservative. But anyone who listened to The podcast with Weinstein and Dr. Kory should have heard them say it’s been used for decades IN AFRICA AND SOUTH AMERICA.

These are not places where any kind of governing local authority regulates drugs. These are places where the WHO tests drugs without the repercussions that they would face in the developed world. These places have very weak clinical studies, no decades long datasets, and no regulated way to measure and record deaths in these countries. Scientists are literally throwing treatments out and seeing if they work, bc it’s often better than the alternative.

Fauci has demonstrated himself to not be trustworthy, sure. But if you take ivermectin bc “millions of people have used it safely over the past 40 yrs”, then you need to think more critically about the nature and setting of these “safe” uses.

JR is a smart guy and interesting host, but I trust the medical community over my neighborhood doctors who never took a single infectious disease class in medical school, much less studies the microbiological and chemical interactions between a parasitic drug and a virus. These same doctors who are prescribing ivermectin have likely been seeing fat patients in outpatient clinics for their whole careers and have little to no knowledge of the safety of ivermectin.

The hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin debates are so silly.

Of course the CDC and FDA are going to discourage the use of drugs that they haven't studied and tested FOR COVID. That's their job. It's also our personal doctor's job to give us medicines and/or treatments that will improve our health. They know us more intimately that the CDC or FDA. If your doctor has studied and feels confident that one of these drugs will help you and prescribes it, then by all means give it a shot. That's putting faith in someone that should care about your well-being and knows your body. If you are getting Ivermectin at the Tractor Supply or taking either one because of an internet blogger or because "big brother" tells you not to, then you have just become your own doctor and the result could be disastrous.
During emergencies where there’s a lot of experimentation going on, especially in initial stages, there is no time for double blind clinical studies. If the CDC had waited on a double blind clinical study for use of steroids for covid treatment we’d have a helluva lot more dead people. That was developed in the early stages and was discouraged initially by the CDC. Im not saying they take everything they receive. They should take all information and analyze. Instead it’s all top down. There needs to be a balance.
Oh, totally. CDC definitely needs a better way of collecting real time data. But we also have quite a bit of data now.
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I’m amazed at the lack of critical thinking of ivermectin users. And I love the JR podcast and vote conservative. But anyone who listened to The podcast with Weinstein and Dr. Kory should have heard them say it’s been used for decades IN AFRICA AND SOUTH AMERICA.

These are not places where any kind of governing local authority regulates drugs. These are places where the WHO tests drugs without the repercussions that they would face in the developed world. These places have very weak clinical studies, no decades long datasets, and no regulated way to measure and record deaths in these countries. Scientists are literally throwing treatments out and seeing if they work, bc it’s often better than the alternative.

Fauci has demonstrated himself to not be trustworthy, sure. But if you take ivermectin bc “millions of people have used it safely over the past 40 yrs”, then you need to think more critically about the nature and setting of these “safe” uses.

JR is a smart guy and interesting host, but I trust the medical community over my neighborhood doctors who never took a single infectious disease class in medical school, much less studies the microbiological and chemical interactions between a parasitic drug and a virus. These same doctors who are prescribing ivermectin have likely been seeing fat patients in outpatient clinics for their whole careers and have little to no knowledge of the safety of ivermectin.

Read the FDA article and agree with a lot of it. Most EVERY vet dosage for horses would be disastrous for humans...Just think if your doctor gave you a "horse dose" of Test cyp/prop ...or even a horse dose of tylenol.
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I’m amazed at the lack of critical thinking of ivermectin users. And I love the JR podcast and vote conservative. But anyone who listened to The podcast with Weinstein and Dr. Kory should have heard them say it’s been used for decades IN AFRICA AND SOUTH AMERICA.

These are not places where any kind of governing local authority regulates drugs. These are places where the WHO tests drugs without the repercussions that they would face in the developed world. These places have very weak clinical studies, no decades long datasets, and no regulated way to measure and record deaths in these countries. Scientists are literally throwing treatments out and seeing if they work, bc it’s often better than the alternative.

Fauci has demonstrated himself to not be trustworthy, sure. But if you take ivermectin bc “millions of people have used it safely over the past 40 yrs”, then you need to think more critically about the nature and setting of these “safe” uses.

JR is a smart guy and interesting host, but I trust the medical community over my neighborhood doctors who never took a single infectious disease class in medical school, much less studies the microbiological and chemical interactions between a parasitic drug and a virus. These same doctors who are prescribing ivermectin have likely been seeing fat patients in outpatient clinics for their whole careers and have little to no knowledge of the safety of ivermectin.

Seems like maybe you have a lack of critical thinking. It is one thing to test thoroughly before you give it to the masses to make sure that first, it doesn’t cause damage / make things worse and then secondly actually has a benefit.

The fact is, it has been given to 100’s of millions of people over 40 years. There are none to negligible side affects. Wouldn’t that seem to indicate that number 1 has been settled?

We can debate if it has any benefit for Covid, i am not suggesting it does or doesn’t, but to claim it isn’t safe at this juncture is just stupid.
Na, doctors need to follow CDC recommendations in most cases. But CDC obviously considers data that comes from clinical trials, which haven’t shown much effect from ivermectin. Hopefully it works for OP.
Dude you act like an absolute authority on Covid. You’re full of shit. The CDC Protocol is to wait u til someone is so sick they need to be hospitalized and then we will treat it. HUNDREDS of doctors are now prescribing ivermectin with great success. There is even a doctor on this board that stated he saw good results with it. The studies are out there and the evidence is overwhelming. They are not hard to find . Anyone who can think knows there is no money to be made on Ivermectin but they’ve gone ALL IN on the vaccine .Between Ivermectin, infusions, etc if they treated Covid at its onset in every patient then the hospitals wouldn’t be overwhelmed. The CDC and Faucci have flip flopped and moved the goal post countless times. LOL @ following CDC protocol.
That is the best treatment there is IMO.......government tries to stop use of Ivermectin and has from the beginning. Another one of the great mystery of boneheaded crap that has been been done the last 18 months.
AGREE. There are posters and friends on here who have been prescribed Ivermectin and it worked beautifully.

It's NOT what the Government wants because they then won't be able to control their agenda.

Some posters itt who have no clue but then again they are blind sheep.
Dude you act like an absolute authority on Covid. You’re full of shit. The CDC Protocol is to wait u til someone is so sick they need to be hospitalized and then we will treat it. HUNDREDS of doctors are now prescribing ivermectin with great success. There is even a doctor on this board that stated he saw good results with it. The studies are out there and the evidence is overwhelming. They are not hard to find . Anyone who can think knows there is no money to be made on Ivermectin but they’ve gone ALL IN on the vaccine .Between Ivermectin, infusions, etc if they treated Covid at its onset in every patient then the hospitals wouldn’t be overwhelmed. The CDC and Faucci have flip flopped and moved the goal post countless times. LOL @ following CDC protocol.
Your problem is that your only engagement with any of this stuff involves whatever controversies you perceive around COVID. Doctors follow CDC recommendations and professional society recommendations because they’re based on science. It’s how quackery is avoided. I’m not an expert on COVID by any means, but neither are you. What I am pretty involved in is regulation of medicine, which is why I have a good idea of what’s going on with this stuff and who to listen to. I’m sorry if that upsets your agenda, which, by the way, makes no sense.
My wife took it at the point she started to nose dive around day 8 and recovered quickly, including her sense of smell after just 3 days. BUT she was also wise enough to go to the doc quickly where they diagnosed her as having early stage Covid pneumonia and gave her a ZPAC.

She swears that it was the Ivermectin, but it could just as easily have been the ZPAC that helped. In fact, she may have recovered on her own without either Ivermectin or the ZPAC. That is the problem. Unless a thorough double blind study is performed, it is hard to say that it isn't just snake oil. But taking the human version and dosage doesn't seem to hurt. The narrative is so whacked, I can see why the conspiracy theories abound.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist and simply believe there are no official recommendations because there hasn't been a proper study performed which would take many years to perform (like a vaccine normally should). I didn't take it myself and recovered fine, but this virus treats everybody differently. It doesn't seem to hurt if you take the right version and dose, but I would highly suggest that you get a ZPAC if you are headed for COVID pneumonia to try to nip it in the bud.

Also take a heavy dose of vitamin D, C, and Zinc, which I did do. I'm sure that there is plenty out there on the recommended dosages. Good luck, and hopefully you will recover like most people do, in which case your natural immunity will be 13X better than the vaccine, so there is that.
Anyone had this? Tested positive Tuesday and feeling pretty rough. 100.5 Fever unless taking Tylenol/ibuprofen. Only other symptoms is major fatigue and chest congestion. But a lot different than my normal bronchitis.

Also our doctor prescribed us Ivermectin. But haven’t been able to fill it yet due to 1 pharmacy refusal and another ordered for us.

anyone have luck w Ivermectin or Infusion?

go tigers! Beat them dirty 1980 dawgs!
Please don’t f’n do it.
(a doctor with no skin in game)
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DO NOT TAKE Ivermectin. This is a very unsafe and unproven drug to treat Covid and is used to deworm horses. There may be some human uses for it but the FDA and CDC has explicitly warned against it for use against Covid

This is exactly what the CDC and others want u to believe. I’ve had multiple Drs tell me that it won’t hurt u. The only reason u hear all the crap about ivermectin and hydroxychloroquin us because thr fear is people will choose that over vaccination. I chose both. If I get Covid again, already had it once, u better believe I’ll take the ivermectin prescribed by a Dr.