Daily Word Salad Special -Cackling Kammy🙄 - Interview Disaster

Typo isn't stupid, but since you can't apparently have a discussion without insults.

I live in an America that offers freedoms that other countries don't have. We have freedoms to go to any Church we want. We have an amazing Infrastructure that is the envy of most the world. We have clean water, clean and abundant food. We have great education available for every citizen. I can live and marry whoever I want, and so can my friends, no matter their sexuality.

There are things we can do better, but there is no doubt in my mind that America is the greatest country in the World.

Why don't you feel like America is the greatest country on Earth?
I've said MANY times this country is the greatest on the face of the earth. The difference is, You/your democrat colleges say this country was never great unless a democrat runs it.

"I live in an America that offers freedoms that other countries don't have. We have freedoms to go to any Church we want. We have an amazing Infrastructure that is the envy of most the world. We have clean water, clean and abundant food. We have great education available for every citizen. I can live and marry whoever I want, and so can my friends, no matter their sexuality".

You just rebutted everything your party stands for in this day and age. You say this country is great, but you tear it down every single chance you get.

"We have freedoms to go to any Church we want. We have an amazing Infrastructure that is the envy of most the world. We have clean water, clean and abundant food. We have great education available for every citizen. I can live and marry whoever I want, and so can my friends, no matter their sexuality"."

So you can go to any church you want, we have an amazing "infrastructure", clean water, abudant food. We have great education for every citizen.

"I can live and marry whoever I want, and so can my friends, no matter their sexuality"." It's absolutely crazy that you even bring this up. NO ONE CARES WHO YOU SLEEP WITH. It matters when you think everyone else should agree with you. Then you are bringing it into my home.

You won't be happy until everyone agrees with your perverted ways. It's never gonna happen.
No she did not call for price controls. That's the untrustworthy right-wing media's interpretation. And if she did, it wouldn't pass Congress anyway so you have nothing to fear. What she actually said was "My plan will include new penalties for opportunistic companies that exploit crises and break the rules,"

Last I remember they forced everyone to get the "Clot Shot".
No she did not call for price controls. That's the untrustworthy right-wing media's interpretation. And if she did, it wouldn't pass Congress anyway so you have nothing to fear. What she actually said was "My plan will include new penalties for opportunistic companies that exploit crises and break the rules,"

Why don't you tell us all why you trust her.
So I'm brainwashed, but you are supposed to be totally normal? Share with all of us your beliefs. Your fearless leader won't. She runs from them. She won't say what she believes.
No she didn't, but don't let truth get in the way of good fake news...
Oh yes she absolutely 100% did call for price controls.

It was the headline on CNBC the day she announced it. Among many, many, other outlets
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No she did not call for price controls. That's the untrustworthy right-wing media's interpretation. And if she did, it wouldn't pass Congress anyway so you have nothing to fear. What she actually said was "My plan will include new penalties for opportunistic companies that exploit crises and break the rules,"

So even though it wouldn't pass congress we should be good with it?
Oh yes she absolutely 100% did call for price controls.

It was the headline on CNBC the day she announced it. Among many, many, other outlets
I'm sorry, but she is a whore/slut/kumdumster. The fact that she is even being considered for the office of the POTUS should scare the fvck out of all of us.

What has this person done to get to this stage?

Yeah, we all know, she's never done anything!
So even though it wouldn't pass congress we should be good with it?
I'm telling you that she isn't a Communist and she didn't propose "price controls." That was the right-wing media's interpretation of a ban on price-gouging that is already in place in many states now.
I applaud you trying to have a meaningful discussion with someone who very clearly isn’t playing with a full deck.
I've tried and tried to make sense out of his delusions, and falsehoods. But all you'll get is more propaganda. He's too far gone. He looks around and sees nothing of reality, it's apparently horrible where he lives and works. And eventually he'll just be profane, and call you a homophobic slur and a Communist. Then he'll top it off by telling you how much more of patriot he is. It's pretty sad.
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I'm telling you that she isn't a Communist and she didn't propose "price controls." That was the right-wing media's interpretation of a ban on price-gouging that is already in place in many states now.
She 100% proposed price controls. It was the headline on CNBC the day she said it. Along with Bloomberg too. Among many others.
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Her voice is worse than nails on a chalk board. She is just beyond stupid.

So you still can't provide a quote. Noted.
Claude AI

Yes, Kamala Harris has called for what can be interpreted as price controls, specifically targeting what she refers to as "price gouging" in the food and grocery industries. This proposal was part of her economic policy speech where she aimed to address high grocery prices and inflation. Here's a summary based on the information available up to August 28, 2024:

  • Proposal for Ban on Price Gouging: Kamala Harris proposed a federal ban on "corporate price gouging" in the food and grocery sectors. This move is intended to prevent what she and her campaign describe as excessive pricing not justified by the costs of doing business.
  • Economic Policy Context: This proposal was part of a broader economic policy platform unveiled during her campaign, focusing on reducing costs for everyday Americans. The initiative includes increasing scrutiny on mergers that could lead to higher grocery prices and supporting small businesses to foster competition.
  • Public and Expert Reaction: The proposal has stirred debate. Critics, including some economists and political commentators, argue that price controls historically lead to shortages and do not effectively address inflation or high prices. They suggest that other factors like supply chain issues, labor costs, and market competition play more significant roles in price increases than corporate greed alone.
  • Political Strategy: The move can be seen as both an economic policy and a political strategy, aiming to appeal to voters concerned about the cost of living by positioning her campaign against corporate profiteering during times of economic stress.
  • Implementation Details: While the term "price controls" was used in discussions around her policy, the specifics of how this ban would be implemented or enforced, or how it would differ from existing state laws on price gouging, were less detailed in the initial announcements. This has led to speculation and criticism about the feasibility and effectiveness of such controls.

Therefore, while Kamala Harris did not explicitly use the term "price controls" in her initial proposal, her call to ban price gouging in the grocery sector effectively advocates for a form of price control mechanism aimed at regulating what prices can be charged by food suppliers and grocery stores, especially in response to perceived unfair pricing practices.
Claude AI

Yes, Kamala Harris has called for what can be interpreted as price controls, specifically targeting what she refers to as "price gouging" in the food and grocery industries. This proposal was part of her economic policy speech where she aimed to address high grocery prices and inflation. Here's a summary based on the information available up to August 28, 2024:

  • Proposal for Ban on Price Gouging: Kamala Harris proposed a federal ban on "corporate price gouging" in the food and grocery sectors. This move is intended to prevent what she and her campaign describe as excessive pricing not justified by the costs of doing business.
  • Economic Policy Context: This proposal was part of a broader economic policy platform unveiled during her campaign, focusing on reducing costs for everyday Americans. The initiative includes increasing scrutiny on mergers that could lead to higher grocery prices and supporting small businesses to foster competition.
  • Public and Expert Reaction: The proposal has stirred debate. Critics, including some economists and political commentators, argue that price controls historically lead to shortages and do not effectively address inflation or high prices. They suggest that other factors like supply chain issues, labor costs, and market competition play more significant roles in price increases than corporate greed alone.
  • Political Strategy: The move can be seen as both an economic policy and a political strategy, aiming to appeal to voters concerned about the cost of living by positioning her campaign against corporate profiteering during times of economic stress.
  • Implementation Details: While the term "price controls" was used in discussions around her policy, the specifics of how this ban would be implemented or enforced, or how it would differ from existing state laws on price gouging, were less detailed in the initial announcements. This has led to speculation and criticism about the feasibility and effectiveness of such controls.

Therefore, while Kamala Harris did not explicitly use the term "price controls" in her initial proposal, her call to ban price gouging in the grocery sector effectively advocates for a form of price control mechanism aimed at regulating what prices can be charged by food suppliers and grocery stores, especially in response to perceived unfair pricing practices.

So you were wrong. She did not say she supported Price Controls. Again, noted.
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I read an AI generated post that said you could assume, but she didn't say Price Controls. So you were wrong
Its a furry animal, has four leg, whiskers, many people keep them as domesticated pets, they often use litter boxes. They are extremely quick. They make noises like MEOW.

But I can't figure out what it is. Can you help me out? LOL
Its a furry animal, has four leg, whiskers, many people keep them as domesticated pets, they often use litter boxes. They are extremely quick. They make noises like MEOW.

But I can't figure out what it is. Can you help me out? LOL
Will you admit you're a "pussy" ☝️if tomorrow night she clarifies that she isn't suggesting she wants price controls?
Will you admit you're a "pussy" ☝️if tomorrow night she clarifies that she isn't suggesting she wants price controls?
She can explain why she originally thought price controls were a good idea and what changed her mind in the matter of a day or two.
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Will you admit you're a "pussy" ☝️if tomorrow night she clarifies that she isn't suggesting she wants price controls?
Oh, and just let me know what Wachovia parking lot you want me to meet you at. Im old, overweight, out of shape, but i bet you drink soy lattes so i like my chances. 😂
Will you admit you're a "pussy" ☝️if tomorrow night she clarifies that she isn't suggesting she wants price controls?
And I don't know what kind of pussy you are getting that uses litter boxes and makes meow noises. But congrats on the sex i guess?
She can explain why she originally thought price controls were a good idea and what changed her mind in the matter of a day or two.

You keep saying that but also admit that you were wrong. I don't understand you.

Just freaking admit that you are extrapolating based on what you've read.
You keep saying that but also admit that you were wrong. I don't understand you.

Just freaking admit that you are extrapolating based on what you've read.
Just walk away. He will never admit to even the smallest detail. One of the biggest ways to lose respect from me. Disagree with me on everything policy wise, fine, but not being able to admit when you were wrong to something as simple as remembering wrong, or a misunderstanding (which costs you absolutely nothing btw), I'm done.
You keep saying that but also admit that you were wrong. I don't understand you.

Just freaking admit that you are extrapolating based on what you've read.
Its quite embarrasing that you can't extrapolate that she was talking about price controls, when she was talking about price controls.

Washington Post

All had lead headlines calling her policies price controls. It walks like a duck, talks like a duck, its a duck whether you want to call it a duck or not.
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But if you want to admit that you have no idea what price controls are and show everyone your lack of knowledge go right ahead. You are the perfect voter for Kamala. We are all watching!
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But if you want to admit that you have no idea what price controls are and show everyone your lack of knowledge go right ahead. You are the perfect voter for Kamala. We are all watching!

You just won't admit it. That's so sad, but not shocking from a Trump Syncophant. He isn't able to admit mistakes either.
Just walk away. He will never admit to even the smallest detail. One of the biggest ways to lose respect from me. Disagree with me on everything policy wise, fine, but not being able to admit when you were wrong to something as simple as remembering wrong, or a misunderstanding (which costs you absolutely nothing btw), I'm done.

Totally true. I screw up all the time. It's human.

I told someone here at work today that America loves a redemtion story. We love someone who says, " I screwed up, it was wrong, and I learned from it and will work to do better in the future". We eat that shit up.
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Just walk away. He will never admit to even the smallest detail. One of the biggest ways to lose respect from me. Disagree with me on everything policy wise, fine, but not being able to admit when you were wrong to something as simple as remembering wrong, or a misunderstanding (which costs you absolutely nothing btw), I'm done.
Wait, so despite CNBC, Bloomberg, Washington Post among others calling it price controls in their headlines and you still don't think she called for price controls?

WTF is wrong with you people?

Those are all financial outlets. Bloomberg considered to be among the best.

Just admit she called for price controls and when her handlers told her it was the dumbest fvcking policy they had ever heard of and that she would never get elected on that platform, she changed her tune.
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Wait, so despite CNBC, Bloomberg, Washington Post among others calling it price controls in their headlines and you still don't think she called for price controls?

WTF is wrong with you people?

Those are all financial outlets. Bloomberg considered to be among the best.

Just admit she called for price controls and when her handlers told her it was the dumbest fvcking policy they had ever heard of and that she would never get elected on that platform, she changed her tune.

So provide the quote where she said that.

You keep doubling down and proving what a dumbass you are. We already knew you had no actual integrity after welching on a bet and changing your Handle. You truly have no shame. Sad.
So provide the quote where she said that.

You keep doubling down and proving what a dumbass you are. We already knew you had no actual integrity after welching on a bet and changing your Handle. You truly have no shame. Sad.
Its really embarrasing you need someone to spell out the word cat for you when you see a cat.

Joe Kernen, financial host for covering multiple decades knows price controls when he sees it.

Its really embarrasing you need someone to spell out the word cat for you when you see a cat.

Joe Kernen, financial host for covering multiple decades knows price controls when he sees it.

You can't help proving it for everyone.

Just admit that she didn't say it, but many are assuming that she means Price Controls, even though she didn't explicitly say that.

It's not that damn hard, but you just can't ever admit that you were wrong. I really hope you aren't like that in real life.
Wait, so despite CNBC, Bloomberg, Washington Post among others calling it price controls in their headlines and you still don't think she called for price controls?

WTF is wrong with you people?

Those are all financial outlets. Bloomberg considered to be among the best.

Just admit she called for price controls and when her handlers told her it was the dumbest fvcking policy they had ever heard of and that she would never get elected on that platform, she changed her tune.
Can you tell me what time of day the State of the Union address was this past February?
You can't help proving it for everyone.

Just admit that she didn't say it, but many are assuming that she means Price Controls, even though she didn't explicitly say that.

It's not that damn hard, but you just can't ever admit that you were wrong. I really hope you aren't like that in real life.
Oh you need for me to say she didn't say the word's "price" and "controls" back-to-back even though that is what she meant and thoroughly described? Sure, she didn't use the term "price control" even though that is exactly what she described and proposed.

This is really concerning. She was too stupid to realize what she was proposing were price controls? Does she not realize what happens when price controls are instituted and the results of countries who have recently tried it?

This is very concerning. No wonder inflation got up to 9% during her administration. And if it were not for Manchin, she would have passed a bill that would have amplified inflation times 10.

She is in waaaaay over her head.