Debate observation

no. the CDC didnt say that at all.

My apologies, you are correct. What the CDC said was that there were far less deaths from just Covid as the underlying cause and that where there are multiple causes (dementia, heart disease, etc) all causes should be listed on the death certificate. I haven't looked to see if those numbers are split out into two separate counts.

We had two friends who lost parents here in NJ back in May, one had very late stage/severe dementia and his death certificate just had Covid on it and the other heart disease which he battled for years. His certificate also just listed Covid. Both friends said they don't recall being told their parents had Covid or were even tested.
Biden doesn't know what Biden is. He has become whatever people wanted him to be all the way through. He's not a leader. He never has been. He's also a dolt. He's just a follower and he's someone who has lied through his teeth to create a past he doesn't have. When he first ran for president back in the 80's...yes, that alone should scare everyone with how long he's been around, the media at least had the temerity to dismiss him for his lies and plagiarism. They knew then what we've forgotten now out of our disdain for Trump.

We have two lousy choices this time like we had two lousy choices last time. I find it so tragic out of 350 million people that this is the best we can do. There are well over a dozen people on this board who I am certain would do a better job as President. We need younger, more forward thinking, more energetic leaders for our future. There are some unavoidable, enormous issues on our horizon and we have idiots everywhere in charge of government at nearly every level. This sucks!

Honestly it kinda reminds me of this from Futurama:

I suspect you're right, though it might make uber-progressives stay home.

I think Biden is, at his heart, a centrist or center-left. And theortically I can live with that. But can he stand up to the far-left poundings? Take the lead of his party? Or will he wilt under pressure from Pelosi, etc?

Assuming he serves more than two years. My thought is that we are seeing a bait-and-switch with Harris.

As far as senile I'm not sure about that one either. He never was known as being very bright anyway.

I think the next president is a one term president, obviously that is the case with Trump wins.I think the same with Biden or Harris as well.
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I think the next president is a one term president, obviously that is the case with Trump wins.I think the same with Biden or Harris as well.

Let's hope so. If Biden wins he might surprise me. But I think that, if he wins, by 2022 we'll have a Harris/Pelosi (?) White house. And possibly a loaded Supreme Court.

I know "Country over party" and "vote for the candidate, not the party". And in theory I agree.

But what happens is that a candidate is beholden to their party's ideals. A Republican candidate will be beholden to conservative ideals. A democrat candidate to liberal ideals.. Once they are in, they don't listen to the people anymore. So in a way, the party is MORE important.

That is why I will likely vote Trump even though I don't personally like the dude and a lot of his antics.
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Trump just completely fails to show any leadership qualities I know or respect. He does not come across in the manner of any respectable CEO, manager or leader that I've ever known to effectively lead or manage self respecting men or women. He'd be a terrible college football coach, AD, or President.

Trump's urge to dominate and disrespect others leads him to miss all sorts of opportunities to win people over to the conservative side of politics. He seems to be his own worst enemy to me and I'm afraid of the long term damage he's doing by pushing people away from supporting conservative points of view and understanding.

FWIW, I haven't voted for a democrat for national office in 40+ years, but as many others have noted, it is a real shame that one of these two guys is going to be the next POTUS.

The best line I read on social media last night was this: "You know, I really liked both candidates."
Let's hope so. If Biden wins he might surprise me. But I think that, if he wins, by 2022 we'll have a Harris/Pelosi (?) White house. And possibly a loaded Supreme Court.

I know "Country over party" and "vote for the candidate, not the party". And in theory I agree.

But what happens is that a candidate is beholden to their party's ideals. A Republican candidate will be beholden to conservative ideals. A democrat candidate to liberal ideals.. Once they are in, they don't listen to the people anymore. So in a way, the party is MORE important.

That is why I will likely vote Trump even though I don't personally like the dude and a lot of his antics.

I very much agree. This country needs a more centrist moderate candidate, regardless of who he or she affiliates with. Biden is not an issue for me. The people behind him are.
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Frankly anything is better than Trump at this point. He has shown repeatedly to be a garbage human being. Last night was no different.

What I don't understand is how conservatives can like him? He subjugates women, is rude, abrasive, responsible for multiple failed businesses, lies constantly, and has passed relatively liberal legislation besides his tax plan. He claims to be a Christian who cant recite a single bible verse.

It seems the only reason conservatives like him is because he calls himself a republican.

All he is doing is alienating anyone on the fence of conservative ideals.

Biden is no saint, but he is a human being who shows compassion and understanding. That is way better than the garbage we have.

Frankly anything is better than Trump at this point. He has shown repeatedly to be a garbage human being. Last night was no different.

What I don't understand is how conservatives can like him? He subjugates women, is rude, abrasive, responsible for multiple failed businesses, lies constantly, and has passed relatively liberal legislation besides his tax plan. He claims to be a Christian who cant recite a single bible verse.

It seems the only reason conservatives like him is because he calls himself a republican.

All he is doing is alienating anyone on the fence of conservative ideals.

Biden is no saint, but he is a human being who shows compassion and understanding. That is way better than the garbage we have.

I think it’s purely about the people who would really be running the show because I don’t think it is Biden. When you feel like you may have Pelosi, Bernie, AOC really making a lot of the decisions for me that is unacceptable.
I think it’s purely about the people who would really be running the show because I don’t think it is Biden. When you feel like you may have Pelosi, Bernie, AOC really making a lot of the decisions for me that is unacceptable.
this assumption is based on what? bernie and AOC arent running the show now, why would they once biden is elected?

and for all the bloviating on nancy, shes a pretty run of the mill democrat. shes certainly not AOC/Bernie/The Squad. she fights with the squad CONSTANTLY.
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Frankly anything is better than Trump at this point. He has shown repeatedly to be a garbage human being. Last night was no different.

What I don't understand is how conservatives can like him? He subjugates women, is rude, abrasive, responsible for multiple failed businesses, lies constantly, and has passed relatively liberal legislation besides his tax plan. He claims to be a Christian who cant recite a single bible verse.

It seems the only reason conservatives like him is because he calls himself a republican.

All he is doing is alienating anyone on the fence of conservative ideals.

Biden is no saint, but he is a human being who shows compassion and understanding. That is way better than the garbage we have.

Subjugates women? Lol. Try harder.

Calling out Trump as a Christian while supporting the late-term abortion loving Democrat ticket..led by the ultimate hypocrite, "Catholic" "Blue Collar" Joe Biden. Lol.

Trump is doing great in the job. Biden did great sticking to a script for a few hours.
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I think it’s purely about the people who would really be running the show because I don’t think it is Biden. When you feel like you may have Pelosi, Bernie, AOC really making a lot of the decisions for me that is unacceptable.

This is big for me. Biden has and is mentally slipping. He wil not have the stamina that Trump has. Also after 40yrs in Washinton... and his demonstrated lack of integrity and proclivity to be corrupt (Ukraine quid pro quo for his son). I cant imagine the number of people that have their hooks into him and can buy or BLACKMAIL him. To include foreign interests.

But regardless of all that.... I like what Trump is doing internationally with promoting US economic interests, getting us out of bad global agreements, scaling back our military adventurism in the Mid East, and Brokering Historic Mid East Peace deals. I like my 401K performance under his watch (even after COVID i'm even on the year... way up the past 3yrs), I like his law and order stance, I like his appointing of non-activist judges and justices and actually doing his job in filling those positions. I personally like and appreciate the kick in the ass that he gave the Veterans Administration. My experience getting treatment has been nothing like the horror stories older vets have relayed.

But hey I'm just an illogical "Trumper"... .not seeing the benefit in electing Pelosi, Schumer, AOC, Bernie, Kamela.... Biden.
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Mail in voting is the dems biggest attempt at fraud yet. Taking advantage of the fear that they and their supporters who control the MSM have stoked for months. So very plain to see.

There is no reason not to go vote in person. Wear your hazmat suit, stand 10ft away from the other person and then show your ID and vote.

have you noticed trump only has problems with mail in voting in blue states? He is encouraging it in red states. Weird.
I think it’s purely about the people who would really be running the show because I don’t think it is Biden. When you feel like you may have Pelosi, Bernie, AOC really making a lot of the decisions for me that is unacceptable.

this does not make sense. Biden won easy by being a centrist. The Democrats spoke loudly that they wanted that. Why would Biden all of a sudden bend over to the people he beat? And LOL at AOC. She is a favorite villain of the conservative y’all shows but she has no say in anything.
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this assumption is based on what? bernie and AOC arent running the show now, why would they once biden is elected?

and for all the bloviating on nancy, shes a pretty run of the mill democrat. shes certainly not AOC/Bernie/The Squad. she fights with the squad CONSTANTLY.

Not addressed to me but... to reach across the aisle...

Re: Nancy. You know, I do agree with you. Sincerely.

Corrupt, lying, career politician like exist on both sides of the aisle. I agree. Not a "true believer" like AOC/Squad. Motivated by good old, normal personal greed and lust for power. Personally, I understand all that and it's not confined to any political party. It's simply human nature.

My problem with her is that I believe she crossed a line with the really phony, orchestrated for political theater impeachment. I think that she tied herself to what I believe to be an anti-American and borderline treasonous 3 year attempt to remove a duely elected POTUS so, in my mind that makes it worse (in the same vein as why punishments for conspiracies are worse than the crime alone). I also fault her (and Schumer) for not thinking of America over politics when COVID first hit. They were still focused on impeachment and not working with Trump to protect the American people.

Re: Biden / Bernie / AOC etc.

My issue is that I don't know who will be the shot caller. In my mind Biden is mentally slipping. Biden is a long time swamp dwelling politician so there are many people that have dirt on him or are greasing his pockets. Who knows? I know emphatically what I get with Trump . Not so sure about Biden. I'm being completely honest here.

However all this is almost a mute point because I like the job Trump is doing. I believe that my life is better an that America is better with him in office and I don't want to "hope" on a change of administration. I didn't like what happened the last time the country voted on hope and change.
have you noticed trump only has problems with mail in voting in blue states? He is encouraging it in red states. Weird.

No. Not weird. Logical. Mail in balloting is the Democrats best chance at election fraud. He will not be able to stop it. So if it helps him in Red states to get a few more votes, then he should encourage it.

Voting should be in person. With valid ID . Citizens only.
No. Not weird. Logical. Mail in balloting is the Democrats best chance at election fraud. He will not be able to stop it. So if it helps him in Red states to get a few more votes, then he should encourage it.

Voting should be in person. With valid ID . Citizens only.

Seeing as how Biden is WAY up in the polls, why do you think it is the dems who are needing to cheat? Trump is the one filing lawsuits all over the country (that he keeps losing) trying to suppress the vote.

p.s. it is “moot point” not “mute point”.
No. Not weird. Logical. Mail in balloting is the Democrats best chance at election fraud. He will not be able to stop it. So if it helps him in Red states to get a few more votes, then he should encourage it.

Voting should be in person. With valid ID . Citizens only.

There is simply no evidence of any widespread fraud associated with mail-in voting. Even Trump's FBI director said so recently. And yet another federal judge said it today.

There are only the ramblings of a candidate who is likely to lose the upcoming election, and therefore has a motive for sowing doubt about the process. It's transparent and sad.
Let's hope so. If Biden wins he might surprise me. But I think that, if he wins, by 2022 we'll have a Harris/Pelosi (?) White house. And possibly a loaded Supreme Court.

I know "Country over party" and "vote for the candidate, not the party". And in theory I agree.

But what happens is that a candidate is beholden to their party's ideals. A Republican candidate will be beholden to conservative ideals. A democrat candidate to liberal ideals.. Once they are in, they don't listen to the people anymore. So in a way, the party is MORE important.

That is why I will likely vote Trump even though I don't personally like the dude and a lot of his antics.
Y’all are suggesting that Biden - a man who has run for president more than once - will gladly turn the office over to a VP candidate who he really didn’t have close connections to until he selected her as his running mate. That makes no sense. When in history has a president voluntarily given up his job (don’t say Nixon because he was about to be impeached and convicted)?

And, supposing you are correct and Harris becomes president due to death or resignation (lunacy), why would she choose an octogenarian for her vice president? That makes absolutely no sense. Wouldn’t she be smarter to choose someone like Pete Buttigieg? Someone vigorous and young? No, Pelosi would not automatically become VP any more than the Democratic Speaker of the House became VP when Spiro Agnew resigned or Gerald Ford ascended to the presidency.

You can confidently vote for Biden knowing he will finish his term, god willing, and end the tyranny (and embarrassment) we have in the White House today. For the record, Donald Trump is not beholden to conservative ideals. Conservatives don’t blow up the deficit. Conservatives welcome immigrants to become American citizens. Conservatives encourage people to vote. Trump is a leader of a cult.
Seeing as how Biden is WAY up in the polls, why do you think it is the dems who are needing to cheat? Trump is the one filing lawsuits all over the country (that he keeps losing) trying to suppress the vote.

p.s. it is “moot point” not “mute point”.

Hilary was also WAY up in the polls back in 2016. Most of America is afraid to admit they might vote for Trump openly and publicly for fear of the left attacking them. He's got just as good of a shot at winning this one as he did the last one.
I think it’s purely about the people who would really be running the show because I don’t think it is Biden. When you feel like you may have Pelosi, Bernie, AOC really making a lot of the decisions for me that is unacceptable.
That is simply rationalizing your vote for Trump. There is not a single Democrat you would vote for for president from all you have posted here over the years. You no longer want to say you love Trump (but you do) so you will try to say Biden isn’t his own man. He is. He rejected the Green New Deal. He supports continued fracking in Pa. He is against defunding police. He chose a former Atty General from California - a prosecutor - as his running mate. She was criticized by the left for being too hard on criminals.
Not addressed to me but... to reach across the aisle...

Re: Nancy. You know, I do agree with you. Sincerely.

Corrupt, lying, career politician like exist on both sides of the aisle. I agree. Not a "true believer" like AOC/Squad. Motivated by good old, normal personal greed and lust for power. Personally, I understand all that and it's not confined to any political party. It's simply human nature.

My problem with her is that I believe she crossed a line with the really phony, orchestrated for political theater impeachment. I think that she tied herself to what I believe to be an anti-American and borderline treasonous 3 year attempt to remove a duely elected POTUS so, in my mind that makes it worse (in the same vein as why punishments for conspiracies are worse than the crime alone). I also fault her (and Schumer) for not thinking of America over politics when COVID first hit. They were still focused on impeachment and not working with Trump to protect the American people.

Re: Biden / Bernie / AOC etc.

My issue is that I don't know who will be the shot caller. In my mind Biden is mentally slipping. Biden is a long time swamp dwelling politician so there are many people that have dirt on him or are greasing his pockets. Who knows? I know emphatically what I get with Trump . Not so sure about Biden. I'm being completely honest here.

However all this is almost a mute point because I like the job Trump is doing. I believe that my life is better an that America is better with him in office and I don't want to "hope" on a change of administration. I didn't like what happened the last time the country voted on hope and change.
I wish it were a “mute” point. Wish Chris Wallace could have hit the ’mute’ button on Trump last night. Here is what is the real “moot” point: Trump will get decimated on Nov. 3. In fact, I don’t think we will need to count many mail-in votes because Biden will win with the voters who go to the polls on Election Day. Then, what will Trump say?
No. Not weird. Logical. Mail in balloting is the Democrats best chance at election fraud. He will not be able to stop it. So if it helps him in Red states to get a few more votes, then he should encourage it.

Voting should be in person. With valid ID . Citizens only.
Utah votes by mail. That is not a blue state. Haven’t seen too many stories about stolen elections in Utah. Or Oregon. Or Colorado. Why would they suddenly be stolen elsewhere? In 10 years, most everyone will vote from home and we won’t think twice about it. As Biden noted, the military overseas have voted by mail for decades. No problem. When you vote absentee these days, you can verify that your ballot arrived at the elections office and is being counted.
Hilary was also WAY up in the polls back in 2016. Most of America is afraid to admit they might vote for Trump openly and publicly for fear of the left attacking them. He's got just as good of a shot at winning this one as he did the last one.
No, actually, before the first debate in Oct. 2016, Clinton led Trump nationally by 1.4 percent. And she did finish with 3 million more votes than Trump so the national polls were not wrong. Certainly, there is a lot more attention this year on state polls and, well, Trump isn’t doing well in Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Florida. How does he pull out a victory this time?
Uh, the voters disagree. Every legitimate poll taken after the debate showed Trump lost.

What's the definition of legitimate? I saw the left leaning publications say Biden won, the right said Trump won.......both sides have been arguing that way all day.

The most honest statement I've seen from media is that both of them lost........simply put, we all lost.
Hilary was also WAY up in the polls back in 2016. Most of America is afraid to admit they might vote for Trump openly and publicly for fear of the left attacking them. He's got just as good of a shot at winning this one as he did the last one.

she wasnt. and if you look at polls in the last week after the comey revelation, they tightened to within the margin of error.

and its different this cycle. objectively. people are sick of him, and last night only cemented their view that hes not mature enought to be president. Trump won 53% of white women last election, that will be below (if not well below) 50% this election, and thats the ball-game.

I think its fair to be skeptical of polling, but there is no evidence that people wont tell pollsters on their phones privately that they support trump. his support has simply waned among key constituencies, and that's reflected in the polling.

these are not good numbers for trump.

No, actually, before the first debate in Oct. 2016, Clinton led Trump nationally by 1.4 percent. And she did finish with 3 million more votes than Trump so the national polls were not wrong. Certainly, there is a lot more attention this year on state polls and, well, Trump isn’t doing well in Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Florida. How does he pull out a victory this time?

Clinton lead by 14 percentage points in October, 51% to Trump's 37% .......that's a wider margin than Biden has now if I'm not mistaken?

How does he win this time? Same way he won last time, the nation underestimates how many people are over the last 10+ years of left rhetoric and how many closet Trump voters there are. He may not win this year but I bet it's a great deal closer than people think.
Clinton lead by 14 percentage points in October, 51% to Trump's 37% .......that's a wider margin than Biden has now if I'm not mistaken?

How does he win this time? Same way he won last time, the nation underestimates how many people are over the last 10+ years of left rhetoric and how many closet Trump voters there are. He may not win this year but I bet it's a great deal closer than people think.

a 14 point lead for hillary would have been an outlier (there are some in there though). lots of polls in the 7-10 point lead area. But, as you can see, when we got into the final week, the polls were almost all within the margin of error.

and you are wrong in what folks underestimated in 2016. we underestimated how many people just wanted to blow the system up. Those same people no longer believe Trump is the person to get the job done though, and many of them have been horrified to watch his rhetoric and actions over the last 4 years. Trump is losing those people, including many many educated suburban white voters.

lastly, who thinks this isnt going to be close?
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Just get the supreme court seat filled. that is more important than the next 4 years.

If Harris wins the election, I just hope the Republicans keep the senate.
That is simply rationalizing your vote for Trump. There is not a single Democrat you would vote for for president from all you have posted here over the years. You no longer want to say you love Trump (but you do) so you will try to say Biden isn’t his own man. He is. He rejected the Green New Deal. He supports continued fracking in Pa. He is against defunding police. He chose a former Atty General from California - a prosecutor - as his running mate. She was criticized by the left for being too hard on criminals.

I’m not here to argue. These threads turn into a shit show every single time. I don’t “love” Trump, but if it makes you feel good to think I do please go ahead. I love America.
a 14 point lead for hillary would have been an outlier (there are some in there though). lots of polls in the 7-10 point lead area. But, as you can see, when we got into the final week, the polls were almost all within the margin of error.

and you are wrong in what folks underestimated in 2016. we underestimated how many people just wanted to blow the system up. Those same people no longer believe Trump is the person to get the job done though, and many of them have been horrified to watch his rhetoric and actions over the last 4 years. Trump is losing those people, including many many educated suburban white voters.

lastly, who thinks this isnt going to be close?
I think, horribly it is going to be close, and that the POTUS will employ the SCOTUS to rule in his favor before the ballots are all counted. He basically outlined that plan last night.
a 14 point lead for hillary would have been an outlier (there are some in there though). lots of polls in the 7-10 point lead area. But, as you can see, when we got into the final week, the polls were almost all within the margin of error.

and you are wrong in what folks underestimated in 2016. we underestimated how many people just wanted to blow the system up. Those same people no longer believe Trump is the person to get the job done though, and many of them have been horrified to watch his rhetoric and actions over the last 4 years. Trump is losing those people, including many many educated suburban white voters.

lastly, who thinks this isnt going to be close?

Interesting stats, hadn't seen that site before, thanks for sending. Huge huge fan of data!

He may lose a few of those votes but he's also picking up blue votes. My wife and I have come across several life long democrats who have admitted they are swinging their vote. One family donated almost $100k to Hilary's campaign in 2016 and even more to Obama. They are in their 60's and cited loss of control in cities as a major factor. They own a business in Manhattan that was destroyed and looted

Another example, my wife's go to salon is owned by a lady who is black and Colombian mixed and second generation American, she said she is voting for him because she's made more money in the 3.8 years he's been in office than in any year prior, also said all of her friends were voting for him as was her family and said almost all of that group were life long democrats. (worth mentioning that my wife contributes quite heavily to her making more money in the last 3 years......)

I realize that's not indicative of millions of votes but I didn't hear of a single flipped blue voter in 2016.

For what it's worth, my wife and I voted differently in 2016. I don't expect that to change in 2020 but I know she's leaning. She's not a fan of Trump but she has concerns over the Biden/Harris ticket. I don't know if that is more about Biden or Harris to be honest. We have enough to disagree me golfing today and tomorrow so don't need to add politics :)

To your point on his rhetoric, I agree. He isn't presidential and certainly not polished and I do cringe sometimes when he speaks but I do think he has been productive while in office. I think the vote comes down to two major points, how much of the American public believes the left and their stance that far right extremists are the ones tearing down cities and harassing residents and how many think Biden makes it 4 years. If the first point maintains that it's Antifa and BLM, I think Trump wins in a landslide. The second point is how many dems think Kamala can carry the torch when Biden has to step down for medical reasons.........whether that actually happens or not, it's in the back of minds.

What I do know for certain though is no matter who wins, I won't be showing up in a city somewhere to protest claim fraud, loot and burn anything down. :)
Y’all are suggesting that Biden - a man who has run for president more than once - will gladly turn the office over to a VP candidate who he really didn’t have close connections to until he selected her as his running mate. That makes no sense. When in history has a president voluntarily given up his job (don’t say Nixon because he was about to be impeached and convicted)?

And, supposing you are correct and Harris becomes president due to death or resignation (lunacy), why would she choose an octogenarian for her vice president? That makes absolutely no sense. Wouldn’t she be smarter to choose someone like Pete Buttigieg? Someone vigorous and young? No, Pelosi would not automatically become VP any more than the Democratic Speaker of the House became VP when Spiro Agnew resigned or Gerald Ford ascended to the presidency.

You can confidently vote for Biden knowing he will finish his term, god willing, and end the tyranny (and embarrassment) we have in the White House today. For the record, Donald Trump is not beholden to conservative ideals. Conservatives don’t blow up the deficit. Conservatives welcome immigrants to become American citizens. Conservatives encourage people to vote. Trump is a leader of a cult.

It may not be "gladly." Certainly we don't know that it will happen I agree.

But Biden - who was never the sharpest knife in the drawer anyway - is having issues. It's been evident and will only get worse. We have also seen calls for the 25th Amendment to be invoked (may not be technically the correct term but you know what I mean) against Trump for far less than we have seen from Biden.

I would not put it past Kamala Harris to pull something like that. It just seems like an odd pick considering how poorly she did in the primary.

Best case for Biden is that what people think is his being 'diminished' is actually stupidity. He certainly has some of that. I'm also not sure he has the stones to stand up to the more radical elements of his own party. I did like that he declared that HE is in charge of the Democratic party now. He needs to do that more. Don't completely isolate the far-left elements but make sure Joe Sixpack and Jane LowerBackTattoo knows that they do not represent the Democratic party as a whole. Because a lot of people think of AOC, Feinstein, etc when thinking of the Democratic party. Enviro-nazi socialists who want everyone on the government teet. Maybe right, maybe wrong. But that is what many think.

As to Pelosi - I suspect you would be right (though why in the fvck would anyone want Buttigeg in office is beyond me). I'm not 100% sure how the order of succession works when the Prez steps down and the VP steps up. I know if both were eliminated the Speaker then ascends to Pres, and President Pro Tempore after that. But that is based off of a catastrophic event i.e. Designated Survivor.
Interesting article here. 9 women: all from swing-states, all 2016 Trump voters. Read how they reacted to Trump's performance on Tuesday night. Spoiler alert, it wasn't positive. This is a super small sample-size, but it correlates with national poll numbers that show Trump losing voters, especially suburban women.

His 2016 victory was a perfect storm. Consider this: elections have a tendency to swing to the opposition party after 8 years of a sitting president, plus he was running as an outsider (he now has a political record), plus there were multiple third party candidates siphoning votes, plus he was running against someone who is/was historically unpopular. NONE OF THAT comes into play this time. Zilch.

Trump is continuing to play to his base, which is not strong enough to win him this election on its own. But it will be "close" due to the ridiculous partisan split that divides our nation. That's why he has been working for months and months (years?) to create doubt in the electoral process so that he can claim victory and cling to power without actually earning it.

Scum. Bag.

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